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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM: Khartoum’s NCP planning genocide in South Sudan

By Julius N. Uma

March 13, 2011 (JUBA) – A senior member of South Sudan’s ruling party has accused the Khartoum-based National Congress Party (NCP) of backing militias with the intention to cause a “genocide” in the semi-autonomous region as it approaches independence.

Pagan Amum, Secretary General of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), made the accusation following clashes in South Sudan that have rocked the region since it voted to secede from the north in a referendum in January.

The National Congress Party’s Rabie Abdelati has dismissed the accusations as “ridiculous”.

The conflicts in South Sudan, and SPLM accusations, have raised fears that conflict could reignite between the two regions. North and South Sudan have fought for most of Sudan’s 55 year independence.

January’s referendum was agreed as part of the 2005 peace agreement that ended the most recent civil war. The peace deal is due to end in July with the South’s independence.

“The country is currently in a crisis. We have got information and obtained vital evidence that the NCP is creating, training, arming and financing various militia groups with intentions to destabilize South Sudan through genocide,” Amum told journalists at Juba airport.

The SPLM, he added, has already suspended all form of negotiations and contacts with its northern counterpart until the two parties come to a compromise over all matters at stake. The two parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) have yet to agree on many separation issues including, demarcating the North-South border, natural recourses (oil and water), nation debt and assets, citizenship and currency.

Amum also said the government of South Sudan is looking into the possibility of stopping the export of the region’s oil through the north in July. He said that the SPLM was considering the possibilities of alternative routes of transport other than northern pipelines.

South Sudan is landlocked. Under the CPA the north and south share the south’s oil revenues 50-50. But that deal is set to expire in July and the south was expected to continue to export oil through the north paying a fee for the pipelines and refining facilities, which are based in the north.

Amum said that his party would provide the media with documented evidence to show how the north plans to destabilize the south. Over 45 people have died in clashes in Upper Nile state between the southern army (SPLA) and forces loyal to George Athor who rebelled after he lost his bid to become governor of Jongleu state in elections last year.

The SPLM have accused the NCP of aiding Athor, an allegation that Khartoum denied.

Both parties have also been negotiating over the future of the border region of Abyei. The oil-producing region was supposed to hold a referendum as part of the 2005 peace deal but it did not go ahead due to a dispute over who should be allowed to vote.

Abyei has also seen deadly clashes in the run up to and since the South’s referendum with scores killed. The NCP has maintained that the Arab Misseriya tribe, who enter the region with their livestock for part of the year, should be allowed to vote in the referendum. But the SPLM have rejected this, claiming that the southern-aligned Dinka Ngok are the legitimate constituency in Abyei.

“The NCP have been arming Arab tribes along the border of the north and south … so they carry out genocide like they have done to the African people in Darfur. This is what they want to do again”, Amum said on Sunday.

He called on the United Nations Security Council to stop what he described as an impending genocide. The UN has a large mission in Sudan to monitor the implementation of the CPA but they are not expected to be asked to stay on in the north after July.

Amum said that the SPLM remains committed towards the creation of two independent states on July 9 and would like to return to talks with NCP but claimed “we have nobody to talk to … they are already engaged in war.”

“We want to see the north and south emerge as two independent states sharing a common border with normal relations based on mutual understanding after the July independence,” he said.

He also accused northern party of attempting to overthrow the southern government before the independence of the South is declared. Amum claimed that the NCP intended to install a puppet government before the oil-producing South’s independence.

He however urged the southern population to remain vigilant and defend their right to peace, political stability and self-determination.

The SPLM Secretary General also appealed to the UN Security Council and the international community to investigate Khartoum’s actions.



  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    SPLM: Khartoum’s NCP planning genocide in South Sudan
    Yes, whenever you have problems in your house, the best way is to always blame it on your neighbor.

  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    SPLM: Khartoum’s NCP planning genocide in South Sudan
    This is really now the SPLA/M had found that those whho attect SPLA are suporter of both Dr riek machar and Dr lam Akol. and there a very good evidence abouth Acordding to SPLA/M. the Attacter are holding their flage that Dr Riek machar teny and Dr lam Akol Will raise the Flage of south sudan rether then Kiir Mayardit.
    Now Dr Riek machar is nowere to be know now maybe he is hiding somewere so that he will join his gang tonight.
    Death to him

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    SPLM: Khartoum’s NCP planning genocide in South Sudan
    We need to monitor Lam Akol and Riek Machar for this crises because of their militia mentality.

  • lieulieu aru
    lieulieu aru

    SPLM: Khartoum’s NCP planning genocide in South Sudan
    Mr Amum,
    Open your eyes, things are tough to be hand according to your way guys. There are things that you need do as secretary general of Southern Sudan therefore you advance to informed world about concurrent solution .shouting and throwing of big words to north Sudan will not be best solution that can convened people of South and North government. North Sudan is already in war as you point it out that you will provide evidence to the international community. First, you need to solving our regional problems and leave your greed though and angry struggling of leadership. You need to use money of southern Sudan that you own as your belonging to buy weapons to protected southerners. Second, go to talk with your brother general Oliny to stopped initial violent toward and supporting general Athor rebelling government southern Sudan. Third, if you talks of words genocide, you would be definitely responsible for what happening in the region of southern Sudan because you are one who deny anticipation of southerners in the government. Despite general Athor, Oliny, yauyau and Gabriel and many another’s, belief it not, there will be much instability in the south after an independence. You have stepped in different styles to located power and resources equally to southerners otherwise there will be no what so call government of south Sudan. Now, they remaining states are only Bhar el Ghazel and equator states are rebellion against government but soon will be many rebellions, those are not representing fairly in the government of southern Sudan. Jangle and unity states are already in mess and nothing you can do to bring them in control, they will continues until you met their demanded fully otherwise integrity and worthy.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLM: Khartoum’s NCP planning genocide in South Sudan
    Pagan Amum again with the typical communist propoganda!This won’t solve your problems.

    Southerners are dying , killed and mascared in the SPLA paradise not in the north.The fight is between the SPLA and southerners and not with the Arabs, mundocorow or jalabba.There are about 2 million southerners in the north living in peace and harmoney in schools,market, streets, hospitals in peace and with dignity, things which you failed to provide them with.Why should we go to the south to kill them, while there thousands living with us here?

    Why are you negotiating and demanding that we give Southerners living in the north a North Sudan nationality or dual nationality. Why do you want them to be treated as second class citizents? or do you want them to be killed by the savage Arabs in the north?

    Why calling the UN or the security council to interviene? They are already there ; there are 10,000 un security forces in the south and they know very well what is happenining.Everday they are recording the killing of southerners by your SPLA freedom fighters!The so called international community knowes very well what is happening and what will happen. The CIA director said that they were expecting genocide worst than whaat happened in Rwanda in the next five years and it seems that we donnot need to wait that long!

    Stop the negotiation now, well and good! We have no problem.Do you have a second thought about secession? Do you want to delay the official date of secession ( 9 July)Say it clearly ans we won’t accept.We have no problem with southerners, we have a problem with YOU in particular.We donnot want to see you in Khartoum and there will never be friendly relationship with the south as long as there are thugs like you on the leadership in the south.We donnot want your oil; go and drink it.

    Go to your mansion in Australia and your fat bank account there which you looted from the money of the poor, starving and marginalized southerners.You will not be wellcomed to your prestigeous villa in Khartoum , sell it and return the money to the GOSS .Southerners will continue living with us as they have always been in peace and harmoney.

  • Redbull Geo
    Redbull Geo

    SPLM: Khartoum’s NCP planning genocide in South Sudan
    Mr. Speaker Sir,
    Why and How can you solve a problem with a lot of complains.
    Are you always telling these things so as to stop that vampire (Bashir). Yet the hope of anybody in the south depends on your struggle. Riek Machar and his president are always doubted. When one asks for which tribe is causing all that? the response sometimes is clear and simple: Dinka rebel group (Athor) VS Dinka army commanders. The president is a dinka, his vice is a Nuer and that makes the most confused, aggressive and illetrate beings who can act as if they have never seen a blackboard. Was it the only State where corruption took place during the election? In Central and Western States, even such confusions existed more, did you hear the that those who failed turned as rebels. Shame on the Dinkas who turn against their fellow Dinkas yet giving hardtime to this innocent Pagan Amum to keep talking about it.

  • Liberator

    SPLM: Khartoum’s NCP planning genocide in South Sudan
    Dear Readers:

    South Sudan will only find peace when Prophet Ngungdeng’s prophecies are full filled. now the glass is half full, until it completely full. then only there will be a lasting peace in South Sudan!!!!!!!!!

  • Liberator

    SPLM: Khartoum’s NCP planning genocide in South Sudan
    Dear readers & Achiek Jr.
    So Achiek what’s your point? do you know have been accused? and are you pointing your finger on Dr. Riek Machar like all this nuts who hates him by throwing empty allegations around?

    Please if your are accusing Dr. Riek Machar and try to harm him. South Sudan Dooms day will there within seconds of this attempted plot or conspiracy.

    Cowards like Kuol Manyang, Gier Chuang, Majak Agot and Salva Kiir always quick to fight their own brothers, but shivering when NCP threatening them with fires.

    Warning to these Mentioned Thugs: Rwanda, Somalia, will be like a kindergarden playground compare to what awaits South Sudan if you attempt to harm this Man(Dr. Riek Machar).!!!!!!!

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    SPLM: Khartoum’s NCP planning genocide in South Sudan
    Why hide my comment?

    This means reasonable comments are all hidden,leaving nonsense displayed.

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