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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur mediators propose four chapters to be adopted by the Sudanese parties

March 13, 2011 (DOHA) — Darfur Peace Mediation proposed to the Sudanese stakeholders involved in the Doha process to adopt four chapters they agree upon and to keep talks on the remaining disputed issues.

Darfur peace mediators chair a meeting meeting between the government and rebel LJM delegations in Doha (file/QNA)
Darfur peace mediators chair a meeting meeting between the government and rebel LJM delegations in Doha (file/QNA)

In a letter submitted this week to the Sudanese government, Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) the mediators proposed the adoption of four chapters related to the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Justice and Reconciliation, Compensation and Return of IDPs and Refugees and Wealth Sharing.

“This proposal aims to consolidate the progress achieved in the process,” said the Joint Chief Mediator Djibril Bassole. He further told Sudan Tribune the four sections will not be implemented before the signing of a comprehensive agreement including all the points agreed in the framework agreements.

The mediators excluded the disputed chapters of the power sharing and particularly the status of the region, as the parties failed to agree on the future of the administrative status of the region.

The government and LJM delegations said they had already handed their response to the mediation over the proposal.

A member of the government delegation Omer Dahab told SMC they gave their response to the mediation and included some observations on the paper filed by the rebel LJM on the chapters of Justice and Reconciliation, and Compensation and Return of IDPs and Refugees.

He point out that the government approved the two other chapters dealing with Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and Wealth Sharing.

LJM chief negotiator, Tadjadine Beshir Niam, told Sudan Tribune they have no objection to the proposal just they asked the mediation to insert the remarks they made previously.

He said they are committed to the Doha process and denied reports published in Khartoum saying they decided to quit the peace talks.

“All what we did is to ask the mediation to transport to Darfur some members of the big delegation we have in Doha, but we are committed to the Doha process and we urge international support to the talks,” he said.

LJM rejected, last February, a second compromise on the administrative future of the region. In response, the Sudanese presidential adviser Ghazi Sala Al-Deen who is entrusted with Darfur dossier said a referendum would be held to resolve the difference.

Today in Khartoum the foreign affairs ministry briefed the ambassadors of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and the envoys of the Arab League countries on the referendum that the government intends to organize to determine Darfur administrative fate.

The government will create a suitable atmosphere for Darfur referendum in order to run a free and fair vote, with the presence of international observers, said the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Rahma Mohamed Osman after the meetings.

He further pointed out that the plebiscite should be held before next May as stipulated in Abuja peace agreement. Last week, Ghazi said the referendum will be held unless another agreement comes to abrogate the 2006 agreement.

The mediators urged the Sudanese parties to observe the signed framework agreements and to avoid acts that might undermine the credibility of the Doha process. They also said they will put out soon a timetable for talks on the outstanding issues.

The pending issues are: the administrative status of Darfur; the scope of the powers of the Darfur Regional Authority and its link with other levels of Government; the participation of rebel groups in the various institutions of power, permanent ceasefire and final security arrangements; and the Mechanisms and guarantees for the implementation of the peace agreement.


1 Comment

  • sunny

    Darfur mediators propose four chapters to be adopted by the Sudanese parties
    Dear readers,

    During Garang’s death in Khartoum. Nuer took lead in the protest. A nuer young man who was a protestor was shot dead by a dinka police working for the northern government. He threatened the nuer man to put down his panga or he will shot him to death, the nuer man told him that he has no heart to throw away the panga. With this argument, he shot the nuer man to death. Why should you kill your brother while he is reacting because your leader is kill? This scenario proved dinka as most food lovers in southern sudan more than any other tribe.

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