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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM-DC denies links to any militia group in South Sudan

By Ngor Arol Garang

March 14, 2011 (ABYEI) – The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for Democratic Change (SPLM-DC), which became the official opposition political party in South Sudan following elections in April last year, denied on Monday that it is linked to any armed militia groups in the region.

The statement comes in response to accusations made by senior members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), the region’s governing party, that the armed militia which attacked Malakal town on Friday and Saturday was linked to the party.

SPLM-DC split from the SPLM in 2009, led by Sudan’s former foreign minister Lam Akol. The SPLM, which have governed the south since a 2005 peace deal with Khartoum, have previously accused Akol and the SPLM-DC of being backed by Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party.

The SPLM’s secretary general Pagan Amum said on Monday that the fighting, which involved the use of heavy artillery and other modern military weapons mounted to trucks, was carried out by militia belonging to the SPLM-DC.

However, on Monday Lam Akol in a press release obtained by Sudan Tribune said SPLM-DC was purely a political party and that it has no connection with any armed militia group operating in South Sudan.

“This is not the first time that leading elements in the SPLM especially the Secretary General, allege that our party owns militia around Malakal town. We have affirmed time and again that we are purely a political party that does not have any armed formations of any sort”, said Akol.

He also accused the SPLM of hoping that by repeating the accusation, which he described as a lie, often enough it would start to be believed.

“On this serious allegation which is tantamount to sedition, we deposited a law suit against the SPLM Secretary General and the national Ministry of Justice sent a letter to the President of the Government of Southern Sudan requesting the lifting of immunity of this person so that he is investigated on this serious allegation but, up to the moment of this release, the authorities in the Government of Southern Sudan did not act on that”.

“Therefore, if the Secretary General was serious in his allegations, what we simply ask him to do is to expedite the lifting of the immunity to prove his claims. Otherwise, nobody will take him seriously and his allegations shall remain nothing but cheap material for political consumption of the credulous”, explained Akol.

Both Akol and the SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum are members of the Shilluk ethnic group but have long political differences, which emerged during Sudan’s second North-South civil war (1983-2005). Akol was one of a group of generals from the southern rebels the SPLA, which acrimoniously split from the movement in 1991, before rejoining the SPLA/M before the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed in 2005.

The SPLM-DC leader accused Amum, who is also the minister of Peace and CPA implementation in the government of South Sudan, and the SPLM of trying to destroy his party. During the election of April 2010 SPLM-DC candidates claimed they experienced harassment and their campaigning was restricted.

Akol’s press release said that the SPLM was preparing legislation that would make it impossible for his party to register as a political party. He claimed that on 9 November 2009, the president of the government of South Sudan, Salva Kiir, issued a directive to all governors of the ten Southern States not to allow SPLM-DC to practice political work.

“The order did not specify the reasons for that drastic action. Our party deposited on 25/11/2009 a law suit before the Constitutional Court challenging the order. We expected the SPLM/GOSS to prove before the Court their oft-repeated allegations that SPLM-DC has armed formations. Nothing of the sort took place and the Constitutional Court ruled on 17/1/2010 that the order was null and void. This decision of the Constitutional Court did not please the SPLM which tried hard to ignore it”.

“But, the circumstances of the General Elections forced them to recognize the court’s decision although they continued placing hurdles against the party. Our members were arrested and tortured and our offices forcefully closed down and we were prevented from campaigning in the states of Bahr el Ghazal. We all still remember the SPLM’s attempt to unseat the elected members of the SPLM-DC in the SSLA”, he explained.

Akol further claimed that the SPLM intended to control the work of political parties in the South and planned to control “briefcase” parties. He said that “the first target of the SPLM for deregistration is SPLM-DC.”

“They think it is much easier to do so if they persist on linking the party to armed groups. The SPLM is intent on establishing a one-party system in the nascent Republic of South Sudan. For sure, they are swimming against the current of this century”, said Akol.

South Sudan will become independent in July following a referendum in January, which saw an overwhelming vote for secession.

Peter Adwok Nyaba, minister of higher education in the federal government of Sudan and who is a member of the Shilluk ethnic group, on Monday in an Interview with Sudan Tribune said he has sufficient evidence that Akol had supported the attack on Malakal. The minister said he has information the group planned to oust Upper Nile state governor Simon Kun Puoc.

“This is not a joke. I have sufficient evidence”, said Adwok. “One of the militia groups who attacked Malakal on Friday night and Saturday morning, approached and confided to my sister in law their plan to launch an attack so that she accumulate enough food for her survival.”

Adwok said that his sister in-law was told that the militia had been instructed to kill him and his wife. He also said that they would have attempted to shoot down Pagan Amum’s plane had he flown into Malakal.

The education minister also claimed that the militia intended to kill Upper Nile governor Simon Kun Puoch and break into the town’s bank.

He said the armed youth from his tribe led by Oliny, which he described as the Chollo or Shilluk Land Defense Forces, are indeed a militia group supported and armed by what he called enemies of the people of South Sudan. The SPLM have accused Khartoum’s NCP of backing the SPLM-DC and Southern militia against the SPLM led government.

Adwok denied that the recent fighting in Shilluk areas was a territorial dispute claiming it was part of an attempt by some militia, apparently under the umbrella of renegade SPLA general George Athor, to take power in Juba.



  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    SPLM-DC denies links to any militia group in South Sudan
    SPLA captured SPLM-DC militia with the rank of Lt general while wearing SPLM-Dc logo. He was captured with bullet which has broken his right leg.

    He confused that Major general Oliny who is their commander order them to attack Malakal because the Shilluk defense force dislike SPLM and the Goss as awhole.

    He also said that they have link with George Athor, Dr Lam Akol, and Dr Riek Machar to plant for coup attempt to Salva Kiir.

    So, we SPLM know what is going on now. We are monitoring everyone by now and if someone try it ,then the only safe heaven will be only sky and nowhere at this time.

  • onlysonmabi

    SPLM-DC denies links to any militia group in South Sudan
    Hi Dr Lam and Dr Riek how mach you went to destroug Southern Sudan God is seeing as you would like to do what you did in 1991 untill you came back to denies is not the solution what ever moreever you do what the blood of our people are watching.

  • Prophet

    SPLM-DC denies links to any militia group in South Sudan
    Dinkas listens through their anuses. they dont get things like ordinary humans. its a shame that they put a militia cowboy on the presidency. south sudan will be a night mare in the coming months under this idiots. Foolish majority. you only twist facts for your own interest. big liars in Southern sudan. no one can trust any of them God already regretted their creation. without brilliant leaders like Machar, southern Sudan should be like a cooking pot of human meat by now. they dont know anything. just loot loot and steal what doesn’t belong to them Idiots AKA shortsighted baboons.

  • Liberator

    SPLM-DC denies links to any militia group in South Sudan
    Dear Raders & Pagan Amum( a communist propagandist)

    Why give us old news, the fact that your so called intel information which i doubt you obtained through your intelligience agency which non-reliable agency todate. you might have got it through a third party intel which still is not news.

    Was the same intel that says: Salva Kiir was threatened with a coup by Omer Albashir if he didn’t drop Yasir Arman as a candidate in the last year Presidential elections?

    oh! SPLM secretary general( A known Communist propagandist) stop it You are making yourself and your party a laughing stock of the world.

    Any readers with sound mind will see this in a crystal clear lenses that it’s a propaganda by the SPLM.

    And if this is true for just sake of it; Why did you barked louder or take action against NCP last year when Albashir was threatening Salva Kiir in his face with the coup!


  • Xeno

    SPLM-DC denies links to any militia group in South Sudan
    MY Nuer friends,

    If you think you are intelligent as you always claim, please ruminate over these two things said early in this discussion:

    1) why are you supportive of any rebellion? Even if such uprises have nothing to do with your communities, you are always the first line of defense. Is this a curse or else, and for real, I should say this: if Jesus rebels against God today, you nuers would be the first to join jesus if worldly humans are allowed.

    2)In Nuer language, do you have words like PEACE OR RECONCIALITIONS. If you have such technologies, what are the meanings of such terms in your societies.

  • Madina Kebir
    Madina Kebir

    SPLM-DC denies links to any militia group in South Sudan
    Southern Sudan will be okay, but Riak Machar Teny and Lam Akol Ajawin will follow the late chairman Dr, John Garang who die innocent.

    First of all, did Southern Sudanese people hear any thing like making apology letter from Riak Machar Teny since he back to the SPLA/SPLM.? The answer is none. Riak Machar Teny have never said, any thing at all about his murdering Bor community and 100 SPLA Dinka Officials which he himself order his Nasir fection to fire sport about 100 SPLA Dinka Officials by Riak Machar Teny to declaring the Nasir fection in 1991, in Nasir. The person who push Riak Machar Teny was Lam Akol Ajawin, because he told Luo people all around in Southern Sudan that, if these Nuer and Dinka are still in large numbers like that then, anyone from Luo will not lead Southern Sudan and he said, I will make game and Riak Machar Teny will soon take my Idea so that, these larger tribes killing each other in oreder for us to get chance to lead and surely Riek accepted the Idea of Lam Akol saying, William Nyoun Bany was not educated man but the Dinka put him in the high position instead of you Mr, Riak Machar. Riek was not actual interesting for fact however, he was been push by Lam Akol to do so untill Riak Machar did it meanwhile, Lam Akol just run inside Khartoum government because he knows the Dinka are majority and will not be easy to against majority population in the South part.

    Now when you guys hear the militia who made attacked in Malakal are related to Lam Akol don’t ever ignore it and also when you guys hard Riak Machar Teny was supporting Athor Deng Dut don’t try to ignore the fact that, both men Lam Akol and Riak Machar Teny are the real diseases affecting Southern Sudanese people for years.

    The objective of Riak Machar Teny in Southern Sudan is only about getting a leadership to lead people that left from his murdered of the Nasir fection in 1991. He is also pertaining himself to be the one who knows everything base on his PhD he hadn’t even finsihing some classes yet, but when we looks to reality of his work the result came out as a disaster in Southern Sudan. Why Riak made talks secretly with Athor Deng Dut during the time his wife and Athor became a loser for governorship.?

    The objective of Lam Akol Ajawin. He doesn’t want to become a leader in Southern Sudan at all, but his goals will not surprising the Southern Sudanese people and all others Sudanese people. He has no plan to do something good for his people or the nation as a whole, but to caused serverly damage in the nation and the societies yes. He was against the ICC Judges made indictment to Omar al Bashir claiming that, there is no genocide nor killing on Darfurian people while, Omar al Bashir himself accepted 10,000 under his rule supporting militia this is the person that, have been name as a movable man and man of interest in between two governments at the same time.

    What did the ROSS and GOSS need to do.?

    1. Observing all formers fection including Riak Machar Teny and others who are not committed to help Southern Sudanese people.

    2.Elected new leader a part from Riak Machar Teny and Salva Kiir Manyardit after Southern Sudan independence. The Dinka tribes and Nuers and all others Southern Sudanese people must now looking for new leaders what I mean is the new president and VP must be elected new and not those leaders who have failed in numbers of things.

    who are those qualified the Southern Sudanese should be looking to elected them as a new leaders.?

    1. Nhial Deng Nhial is the best person who have a good records and good personality and he will be likable man by most people in Southern Sudan.

    2.Pagan Amum is in the second position, because Southern Sudanese people feels happy the way he represent his people in general and he will be a good guy to leader Southern Sudan if not Nhial Deng Nhial whom his father was been murder just because of the name of united Southern Sudanese and African unity.

    3.Piny Deng Majok is in the third position, because he had been played a good roles during the SPLA struggle and he had more skills than Salva Kiir and Riak Machar who have done nothing.

    4. James Hoth Moi is another good guy that, probably will be like by most of the Dinkas unlike to Riak Machar Teny who murdered civilian in Bor community. I think the lists of good people will go long to hundred of real good leaders and not Salva Kiir Manyardit and Riak Machar Teny, both men must not be relected if the Southern Sudanese people want things to go in right direction and that is all about.

  • Prophet

    SPLM-DC denies links to any militia group in South Sudan
    wrong analysis. wasting all your minutes for just useless and childish commentary. grow up!

  • Liberator

    SPLM-DC denies links to any militia group in South Sudan

    Intel is a fast moving events that requires those tasked of gathering data to updating it every time possible.

    Now, everyone in the whole world including the United States knows that you(SPLM) can not run a Government at any time in human history. even if we still lived in the stone age, let alone in the 21st century.

    Where is my country?…..To: readers ( This question is left to your imagination)

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