Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels

By Julius N. Uma

March 14, 2011 (JUBA) – The intelligence unit of South Sudan’s ruling party on Monday unveiled some of the documents it alleges show that the Khartoum government plans to overthrow the southern government ahead of the region’s independence in July.

Pagan Amum (AFP)
Pagan Amum (AFP)

The intercepted documents, mostly written in Arabic, were presented before journalists in Juba, the South’s capital, by Pagan Amum, Secretary General of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM). Amum said the documents had been leaked from Sudan’s defense ministry, military high command, the logistical department and the national intelligence unit of the Khartoum-based government.

The northern Sudan ruling National Congress Party (NCP) on Monday denied the accusation that there is a plot to overthrow the Juba government before secession of the South terming the SPLM’s statements as “false and unfounded”.

A 2005 peace deal established an autonomous government in Juba and a national unity government in Khartoum where the SPLM and NCP share power. The deal will end in July with the secession of the South, which voted in a referendum in January, to separate from the North.

The SPLM said the documents prove that the north was supporting, training and militarily equipping the forces loyal to Lam Akol’s SPLM-DC, a breakaway faction from the SPLM.

According to a September 22, 2010 document seen by Sudan Tribune, the overall commander of the military intelligence unit in the northern army instructed his counterpart in charge of logistics to issue arms and ammunitions to all forces loyal to the SPLM-DC leader in Blue Nile, Unity state and the Nuba mountains in South Kordofan.

“We have always told you and the entire world that Lam Akol and his SPLM-DC [Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-Democratic Change] are being used to destabilize the south. Now we have the evidence as you can witness,” Amum said.

Akol issued a statement on Monday denying that his party was aligned to any armed groups in the South.

The SPLM Secretary General also appealed to the UN Security Council (UNSC) and the international community to investigate the actions of the Khartoum regime, especially its alleged plan to overthrow the southern government.

NCP political secretary Ibrahim Gandoor strongly denied the Khartoum government was attempting to destablise the South or overthrow the SPLM government in Juba.

In a statement reported by the pro-government Sudan Media Centre on Monday Gandoor said that, confronted by a large armed opposition, the SPLM was seeking a scapegoat for what is a southern problem.

He added that monitoring committees of the 2005 peace deal have found that the NCP has nothing to do with any support to the armed groups in the South.

Gandoor described the suspension of discussions on the implementation of the remaining issues in the 2005 peace agreement as stoppage of the process of development in the south.

“We look forward to strong relations with the South, but it seems some voices within the SPLM are still trying to disturb these relations.”

Following clashes in Malakal, the capital of Upper Nile state, the SPLM had said that they would break off talks with the NCP on post-referendum and independence issues.

Over 40 people are reported to have died in the clashes, which the SPLM claim was carried out by forces loyal to the SPLM-DC and are backed by the NCP.

However, speaking in Juba on Monday, Amum said that the SPLM remains committed to the post-referendum negotiations with the NCP but urged the latter to desist from all forms of military attacks in the south.

“The SPLM and the southern government are ready to give the north a grant that will enable them manage their economy after losing their percentage of the oil revenue after independence,” Amum said.

North Sudan’s economy is expected to suffer after the South secedes as the current oil sharing deal whereby all oil revenues from South Sudan is split 50-50 between north and south.

The SPLM also claim that a letter dated November 14, 2009, shows that the NCP leadership instructed all telecommunication companies operating in the north to intercept all phone calls of some key SPLM figures. Their phones numbers were listed in the confidential letter.

Another document, dated August 27, 2009 from the north’s defense ministry called for the establishment of a “security committee” to oversee the NCP’s alleged plan to destabilize South Kordofan and Blue Nile, which are in north Sudan but are home to groups which fought with the SPLM during the civil war that ended in 2005.



  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    Dr Lam Akol, Dr Riek Machar, and George Athor must be monitor in the South. Food is the only derivative for the above people.

  • Prophet

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    Dinkas listens through their anuses. they dont get things like ordinary humans. its a shame that they put a militia cowboy on the presidency. south sudan will be a night mare in the coming months under this idiots. Foolish majority. you only twist facts for your own interest. big liars in Southern sudan. no one can trust any of them God already regretted their creation. without brilliant leaders like Machar, southern Sudan should be like a cooking pot of human meat by now. they dont know anything. just loot loot and steal what doesn’t belong to them Idiots AKA shortsighted baboons.

  • Liberator

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    Dear Raders & Pagan Amum( a communist propagandist)

    Why give us old news, the fact that your so called intel information which i doubt you obtained through your intelligience agency which non-reliable agency todate. you might have got it through a third party intel which still is not news.

    Was the same intel that says: Salva Kiir was threatened with a coup by Omer Albashir if he didn’t drop Yasir Arman as a candidate in the last year Presidential elections?

    oh! SPLM secretary general( A known Communist propagandist) stop it You are making yourself and your party a laughing stock of the world.

    Any readers with sound mind will see this in a crystal clear lenses that it’s a propaganda by the SPLM.

    And if this is true for just sake of it; Why did you barked louder or take action against NCP last year when Albashir was threatening Salva Kiir in his face with the coup!


  • Sam.Eto

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    ‘A GRANT’ !!!???

    Is this idiot drunk ? you dont have enough money to feed or educate your own people !! Stop making a fool of yourself and the new country of South Sudan. North Sudan does not need your ‘grants’ – it has more serious investors to deal with. Unless you plan to give some the millions you stole and sent to Australia !

    Pagan Amum will soon be downed in a tragic accident – mark my words – he plays with fire too much and it will soon burn him. Who knows it might be Mr. kiir himself getting rid of this drunken fool.

  • Redbull Geo
    Redbull Geo

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    Amum is right and there is no doubt about it. but it is a bit late though Khartoum will continue to deny it. nobody can be a criminal and agrees for his act when suspected unless when delt with.

  • Land-of-Cush

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    Everywhere Dinka

    Dinka is become another Maseriyai in south Sudan.

    Jobless Dinka are always barking on this website about Nuer and their leaders while they are the most worsens; who are making more trouble everywhere in South Sudan.

    Dinka never realises that Salva is a president from their tribe in which they can show good atmosphere to the people of south Sudan.

    But now I don’t understand what they are looking at.

    No, Ok they are good in swearing and crying on media about things that had happened in two decades.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    Good work Amun!This is the reward of patience.

    All details about previous allegations of Khartoum supporting Lam Akol to disestablish the south will be obtained through patience.

    All these barbaric commentators will soon be silenced.

    Continue with your reputable courage and good work.

  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    Shame on Majak Agot and Gier Chuang,

    How did this happen two years back without your knowledge. Please stop being mere pretenders, but who do not know what they are doing.

    I was laughing at Alaak from SPLM talking on TV last night that the SPLM secretariat was organizing a workshop on economy so that it could advise the government.

    When did SPLM secretariat have academicians or economists a part from the only Dr. Ann Itto?

    Are those semi-illiterates like Alaak collecting economic documents from foreign hired economists and call it their work to advise the government on?

    Oh, people, be sincere!

    Now back to Pagan Amum’s old findings. It is shamefully clear that this government is run mostly by idiots. They make me feel ashamed as a South Sudanese when reading expression of their incompetence and idiocy to the whole world.

    Oh, God, what lunatics are these!

    Look, Pagan Amum is talking of documents implemented by Khartoum since 2009. Now he shamelessly thinks he has made a fresh finding.

    Pagan, give me a break. Khartoum already collected your SPLM phone numbers since 2009 (two years ago). You have already been listened to during your conversations. So, why make noise about it now?

    Why crying over already spilled milk?

    Oh, my God. Pagan was even proud that the so-called South Sudan intelligence made the finding two years later. What a shame!

    Let me tell you this, if the government of South Sudan’s parliament were to be a real one, those leaders in charge of security organs in the South would been summoned and fired for not doing their work.

    What was Majak Agot doing in the National Security as the deputy when his boss was ordering for collection of SPLM phone numbers? Where was Gier Chuang?

    Oh, my God, we running an incompetent government!!!

    Even to talk about it two years later after deep sleep is a big shame and shows to the world that our security organs are just eating, drinking, sexing, sleeping and what else far from making sure we are safe.

    What Pagan is now doing will only harm his Shilluk kingdom. There could be a plot to finish the Shilluk visibility in the government by setting them against each other.

    And this can include Pagan and his rival Lam, without any favor. We have only Lam Akol, Pagan Amum, Oyai Deng Ajak and Peter Adwok Nyaba as the most senior leaders of Shilluk. Now they will dwindle through feasting over each other.

    I watched Simon Kun Puoch on TV last night. He was warning the Shilluk (Chollo) community in particular not to rebel. I heard that Dinka communities in Malakal were pushing Nuer communities to organize a joint attack on Shilluk communities, but the Nuer are refusing.

    Do you see how some people want to turn the war with rebels into a means to settle tribal scores?

    People in South Sudan do not know yet the difference between a rebel and the community he or she comes from.

    Well, God knows when the time for evil doers shall come to an end in South Sudan…and may be sooner than later.

    The coming Ngundeng’s storm shall determine when and how….

  • Liberator

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels

    Intel is a fast moving events that requires those tasked of gathering data to updating it every time possible.

    Now, everyone in the whole world including the United States knows that you(SPLM) can not run a Government at any time in human history. even if we still lived in the stone age, let alone in the 21st century.

    Where is my country?…..To: readers ( This question is left to your imagination)

  • Gaddfa

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    the truth will prevail, let the Khartoum government and its militia play the mouse and cat game we don’t care less. how come splm-dc and athor forces get the weapons that they’re using now on theirs own brothers and sisters? it is strange really. i don’t know actually the reason why our people are still so blind by Arab dirty game. please Dr. Akol you are educated enough to see things clearly and think things through. enough of this foolishness grow brother, those people whom are you killing now with Athor are the same people whom you guys want to lead. can’t you see please will you guys really be proud when you get chance of ruling the empty country, because it matter of time now when are going to realist that inhabitants are dying slowly by slowly day bay.

  • Clement Mabe
    Clement Mabe

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    South Sudanese… We need to respond to this article with some level of intelligence. Fact, we do not have all the information to make judgment calls on Pagan Amum’s Action. All we can do is offer possible suggestions of his motivation. I personally believe that Pagan Amum is more intelligent than we give him credit for. What he is doing is actually theatrics meant to be part of the Negotiations; this is what in the US is called “Manufactured Anger”. He is tilting the negotiations in our favor, to appease us the North will have to give up something that Pagan is Targeting. If they don’t they will suffer the wrath of the world. Of course any regular person will tell you the North has been arming the tribes around the boarders, that’s not news. So, people stop this useless tribal bashing and name-calling and let us support each other. You might be surprised that actually the fool here is YOU!

  • ebonyebony

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    Pagan needs some lessons as how to lie public..I would have blieved it had it been issued from NCP ..the bad games are brewed in NCP not the ministry of question to Mr. Amum is what is next? This is a result of wasting the money of Sotuehrn Sudan in supporting the useless opposition of the North..given the money of Sotuhern Sudan to thieves like Mubarak al Fadil! Sick of it

  • athor deng
    athor deng

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    I really love it how you guys are fighting one another in real life and on here….South sudan is going to be like Somalia in 2 years…mark my word….NCP all they way

  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    SPLM presents documents it says prove Khartoum support to southern rebels
    My people South Sudanese,

    Our security organs are sleeping if the papers are not fake ones.

    I do have difficulty trusting Pagan Amum because this man loves bad news and he is not a good negotiator. He is quick to mobilize emotions whenever he is being cornered by smart negotiators from the other side of the table.

    They usually complain of Khartoum taking arms to the South to arm militias. How do the arms get to the South under your watchful eyes and hears?

    Shame on Majak Agot and Gier Chuang,

    How did this happen two years back without your knowledge. Please stop being mere pretenders, but who do not know what they are doing.

    I was laughing at Alaak from SPLM talking on TV last night that the SPLM secretariat was organizing a workshop on economy so that it could advise the government.

    When did SPLM secretariat have academicians or economists a part from the only Dr. Ann Itto, who is already in government?

    Or does Dr. Ann Itto want to gang up support from her small island of SPLM secretariat so that she gets a lion’s share in the 2011 budget?

    Are those semi-illiterates like Alaak collecting economic documents from foreign hired economists and call it their work to advise the government on?

    Oh, people, be sincere!

    Now back to Pagan Amum’s old findings. It is shamefully clear that this government is run mostly by idiots. They make me feel ashamed as a South Sudanese when reading expression of their incompetence and idiocy to the whole world.

    Oh, God, what lunatics are these!

    Look, Pagan Amum is talking of documents implemented by Khartoum since 2009. Now he shamelessly thinks he has made a fresh finding.

    Pagan, give me a break. Khartoum already collected your SPLM phone numbers since 2009 (two years ago). You have already been listened to during your conversations. So, why make noise about it now?

    Why crying over already spilled milk?

    Oh, my God. Pagan was even proud that the so-called South Sudan intelligence made the finding two years later. What a shame!

    Let me tell you this, if the government of South Sudan’s parliament were to be a real one, those leaders in charge of security organs in the South would have been summoned and fired for not doing their work.

    What was Majak Agot doing in the National Security as the deputy when his boss was ordering for collection of SPLM phone numbers? Where was Gier Chuang?

    Oh, my God, we running an incompetent government!!!

    Even to talk about it two years later after deep sleep is a big shame and shows to the world that our security organs are just eating, drinking, sexing, sleeping and doing what else far from making sure we are safe.

    What Pagan is now doing will only harm his Shilluk kingdom. There could be a plot to finish the Shilluk visibility in the government by setting them against each other.

    And this can include Pagan and his rival Lam, without any favor. We have only Lam Akol, Pagan Amum, Oyai Deng Ajak and Peter Adwok Nyaba as the most senior leaders of Shilluk. Now they will dwindle through feasting over each other.

    I watched Simon Kun Puoch on TV last night. He was warning the Shilluk (Chollo) community in particular not to rebel.

    I also heard that Dinka communities in Malakal were pushing Nuer communities to organize a joint attack on Shilluk communities, but the Nuer are refusing.

    Do you see how some people want to turn the war with rebels into a means to settle tribal scores?

    People in South Sudan do not know yet the difference between a rebel and the community he or she comes from.

    Well, God knows when the time for evil doers shall come to an end in South Sudan…and may be sooner than later.

    The coming Ngundeng’s storm shall determine when and how….

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