Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Delegation from U.S. treasury visits Sudan

March 14, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – A delegation from the United States Department of Treasury arrived in the Khartoum on Monday for talks with Sudanese officials on several issues primarily the country’s external debts.

US department of Treasury
US department of Treasury
The team is lead by Andrew Baukol, the head of the Treasury’s Middle East and North Africa office, and will travel to Khartoum and Juba in its five-day visit.

The Sudanese foreign ministry spokesperson Khalid Moussa welcomed the visit saying it is the second of its kind as part of U.S. efforts to assist Sudan in debt relief in coordination with international financial institutions, European nations and the Paris club.

Moussa said that the finance minister and the central bank governor will hold talks with Baukol and his team. He also expressed hope that the visit will yield tangible results to resolve the country’s debts.

Sudan has been lobbying intensively particularly among Western nations to have its debt canceled as a reward for letting the referendum go smoothly and without issues.

Most of the country’s $37.8 billion debt dates back to the 80’s under late president Ga’afar Nimeiri. The majority of it is owed to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The latter has agreed in principle to discuss forgiving the loans it extended.

Sudan has long complained that political discord with the West has prevented it from joining the debt relief program known as the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC).

In the last few months Sudan has reached partial debt relief accords with Slovakia ($40 million), China ($6 million) and Brazil for an unspecified amount.

North and South Sudan have yet to agree on how to split up the debt as the country heads towards a breakup officially next July.



  • sunny

    Delegation from U.S. treasury visits Sudan
    Dear readers,

    During Garang’s death in Khartoum. Nuer took lead in the protest. A nuer young man who was a protestor was shot dead by a dinka police working for the northern government. He threatened the nuer man to put down his panga or he will shot him to death, the nuer man told him that he has no heart to throw away the panga. With this argument, he shot the nuer man to death. Why should you kill your brother while he is reacting because your leader is kill? This scenario proved dinka as most food lovers in southern sudan more than any other tribe.

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