Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Who is the enemy of shilluks in south sudan?

by Gordon Buay

March 17, 2011 — It is time for the people of Upper Nile State to call spade a spade. The enemy of Shilluk people in South Sudan is a Shilluk politician. From 2005 to 2008, the most powerful people in the South were Shilluk politicians. The foreign Minister of Sudan was a Shilluk. The Secretary General of the SPLM was a Shilluk and the Chief-of-Staff was a Shilluk.

It was Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba who campaigned for the removal of Lam Akol. When Salva Kiir appointed Lam Akol as a minister of Cabinet Affairs in GoNU, Pagan Amum threatened to resign. Lam Akol was removed before being sworn in. Pagan has a strong dislike for Lam Akol that he wanted to eliminate him physically. It was Pagan and Adwok Nyaba who kicked Dr. Lam out of SPLM.

If Shilluks are being killed today, they should not blame Nuer and Dinka. They should blame Pagan Amum and Dr. Adwok Nyaba. This time I will defend Salva Kiir because he never thought to harm the Shilluk. But it was Pagan who orchestrated all the killings in Shilluk land. Salva Kiir even refused to do all the dirty works of Pagan for moral reasons in many occasions. The one who is killing the Shilluks is Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba.

Pagan Amum knows that Shilluks will never vote for him that is why he is using the Nuer and Dinka to kill them. It is Pagan who is now distroying the SPLM by confusing things.

The Shilluks need to call a conference where they will resolve their differences before blaming Salva Kiir and Riek Machar. Pagan is now killing the Shilluks so that he will not lose SPLM SG position after July. That is why he is now painting the entire Shilluk population as militias of NCP. He is trying to save his position by killing the Shilluks. The Nuer and Dinka do not want Pagan Amum to be SG after July that is why Pagan wants to blackmail them.

I am appealing to all Shilluks to know who is killing them. Please, don’t blame Nuer and Dinka but Pagan Amum Ukech and his mentor Adwok Nyaba.

The author is a former Secretary General of South Sudan Democratic Front and a signatory to Washington Declaration between SSDF and SPLM merge in 2008. He could be reached at [email protected]


  • Liberator

    Who is the enemy of shilluks in south sudan?
    Gordon Buay

    first of all I believed Salva Kiir has a Good heart but surrounding himself with selfish advisers who wanted to harm his leadership.(Salva Kiir welcomed Lam Akol with an open arm last year, he is innocent in this mess which is an internal Shilluk’s leadership struggle)

    you’re absolutely right on the money; As the matter of fact I was told few years ago that it was Pagan Amum( communist propagadist) who orchestrated the killing of Lokurnyany Lado( a die hard separatist) so that Late Dr. John Garang could elevated and favored Late Nyachigak Nyachilok in the leadership hierarchy instead of Lokurnyang Lado.

    For our readers benefits, the latter(Late Nyachigak Nyachilok Married to Pagan Amum’s sister)

    Fire Pagan Amum Now!! so to avoid Somalization in South Sudan just to satisfy an individual greed for power!!

  • harry

    Who is the enemy of shilluks in south sudan?
    Dear Southerners,Sudantribune.com editors

    I’m not against the freedom of press or self expression, but this kind of articles should not be allowed in this forum.

    This article is clearly inciting violence within Southerners. I hope editors of sudantribune.com takes action and deal with any article that incites or endorses violence by not publishing it.

    Look how close are we getting to somalisation of our newly born country! Again, I hope the editors of this website do something about this tribalism directed writings. It’s chaos!

    I’m defending anybody, but our country here. This kind of article should be treated as a national threat because is directed toward and against the security of certain communities in our country.

    I think this is getting out of order in both the website and in the ground. Thanks.


  • Franco

    Who is the enemy of shilluks in south sudan?
    Blaming ourselves for the past things will not solve anything.We only need to find ways to stop it from happening again.Nobody did not kill a person from our leaders and because of that we could not entertain them to keep on committing and making these mistakes.we need to be wise and not repeating the same mistakes and works to reconcile our devastated communities.

  • Machingela gai
    Machingela gai

    Who is the enemy of shilluks in south sudan?
    That is pathetic to see Gorden Buany speaking his mind out like a child being caught doing something wrong, and has been trying to prove that he or she has a reason to convince anyone why he/she is doing that thing on his own way. But, what he/she doesn’t know is that the person this child is talking to is a better mind reader above those producing lies. Southerners are way better to understand and learn on their own than to get your negative personal dwellings as theirs.

    To let you Mr. little world:
    No position these two men, Amum and Adwok want from the stooge Lam Akol.
    They have no power to arm civilians to kill themselves due to person interest you wrongly put they are vying at.
    Dinka and Nuer do not need Pagan to be removed when July declaration of independence comes alive, and he is trying to please these tribes to give him another stay. That is a mere lie. South is his own home and he will never beg anyone to stay over, but his heart will beg what is good out of him to make South a better place for him to stay.

    I am wondering whether you Buany understands Southern history in detail. Who is the enemy of Shilluk in your opinion? These manufacturing lies without shame are enemy of any tribe not Shilluk alone. Your qualm is not Shilluk qualm to trade, and let the story stands on its own without poor judgment being added.

  • Madina Kebir
    Madina Kebir

    Who is the enemy of shilluks in south sudan?
    Mr, Gordon Buay.

    I belief that, you are trying to generating the problems and this is real bad thing to do when you are stupid guy. First of all I would agree that, Lam Akol Ajawin is trying to make Shullik bad people in the eyes of Southern Sudanese there is no doubt about that and also the Shullik themselves are so foolishly to follow him rather than leaving him alone, because he would never do anything good without putting people in to a trouble history.

    On the other hand also, I am absolutely disagree with some part of your statement partly, because I can tell that, the way you want to generated thing so that whoever in Shullik will hate Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba is unacceptable and this is the time for Southern Sudanese people not to support a conflict even if not your tribe, we must leave the isolation of tribes issue and works together for the common good and rebuilding the young nation Southern Sudan.

    To be fair enough, Lam Akol Ajawin he did not make himself like someone independent from the president Omar al Bashir as he was been appointed to represent all the Sudanese people for that matter, but he left his focus as a Foreign Mininster for Sudan and went too far supporting bad policy and directing the NCP and Omar al Bashir against Southern Sudan particular the SPLM. Also Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba have nothing to do with the issue of Lam Akol at that time, but from what I know, there were a groups of people from Nuer that, were complaining about Lam was not capable to handle Foreign Minister as for the fact that, there was some weakness on Lam Akol Ajawin actual however, the Idea of trying to put fire between Shullik and another Shullik is not acceptable we all people of Southern Sudan.

    I would advise you not to generating problems, because no matter how poorly we called ourselves by tribes instead Southern Sudanese people and no matter how bad poltitics we are try to learn from bad people like Lam Akol and Riak Machar Teny, that problems it come to affect Southern Sudanese people. The Lam Akol is the really enemy of all Shullik people, because he seem to have no political will in any government and Shullik people need to rejected him as Southern Sudanese did I would agree on that.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Who is the enemy of shilluks in south sudan?

    Don’t you realize that whatever comes from Gordon Buay’s brain is always ludicrous? He claims that he quit politics but keep on writing denigrating articles that incite violence for cheap food from Khartoum. He does not even mind saying “Thank you, SPLM/SPLA” for liberating me and fellow Southerners from oppressive successive Islamic regimes in Khartoum. Enjoy your freedom in Canada that you have no idea how it came about.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan

  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    Who is the enemy of shilluks in south sudan?
    South Sudanese,

    Now it is becoming clear that people like Pagan Amum who give bad party advises to Salva Kiir are manufacturing conflicts in the South.

    Why fear inclusive political process of the technical review of the interim constitution if the SPLM is not fearing democracy?

    Now Bahr el Ghazal forces have declared war under Abdel Bagi Ayii. How many wars are the SPLM ready to fight in the South before July?

    Constituentless politicians like Pagan Amum will bring us disaster.

    Guys, some of you seem to be naive on how politicians survive and continue in politics!

    But let me lecture you, dude, so that you appreciate what Odigo said about Pagan Amum’s lack of roots.

    Well, folks, in politics a politician has to have a constituent base or foundation to build popularity from. And this foundation or constituent base is always from your native community. There is no way you can avoid it and create an artificial base from nowhere!

    But with Pagan Amum, it is unfortunate to inform you that he has no constituent base!

    Pagan currently survives on mere appointments by the President of GOSS and chairman of the SPLM. He is like a plant without a root and can wither away any time.

    I am sorry to say that but this is a fact. The Shilluk kingdom doesn’t like him and this was manifested in the April 2010 elections where Dr. Lam Akol’s contestants won all the parliamentary seats in the Shilluk community (constituency).

    Can you believe that a Secretary General of a ruling party can lose to opposition in his own constituency? In other countries if this happens, that Secretary General can automatically lose his party position. He has let down the party.

    And for his personal political survival, what if the chairman or President decides NOT to appoint him next time? That will be the end of his political life!!!

    Normally with politicians who have constituent bases or foundations whenever one is not brought back to power through appointment to ministerial post, etc., or party secretariat, he or she can go back to his or her constituency and the people will bring him or her back through elections to parliament or to any other electable bodies.

    But with Pagan, he can NEVER be elected by the Shilluk constituency.

    Do you see how dire his political survival is?

    Such people used to enjoy recognition from late John Garang because Garang wanted politicians without roots so that he could create a cult-like loyalty out of such desperate constituentless politicians. Garang knew that he could secure absolute loyalty out of politicians who could not base their political survival else where but Garang.

    This was how Pagan Amum became one of his darling boys. But politics in South Sudan is changing rapidly from cult-like formations to constituent based foundationns.

    Salva Kiir has his constituent base in Gogrial,Warrap state, Riek Machar has his constituent base in Leer, Unity state, and Wani Igga has his constituent base in Lobonok, Central Equatoria state. If they lose their current positions, they can still come back as MPs tomorrow through the support of their constituent bases.

    You cannot depend on the mercy of the president’s appointment or the people of South Sudan in general who do not see your foundation that knows you best.

    This is called a hanging political survival and such politicians are always dangerous when they lose their constituencies. They are always desperate!!!

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