Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

The Southern army must rise against security challenges

by Isaiah Abraham

March 17, 2011 — There are gun shots daily in Upper Nile states, and occasionally in Western Equatoria State against Southern Army, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (the SPLA) and the civil population. These are in the form of ambushes, raids and skirmishes. The group that attack the SPLA accused the government in Juba of stealing elections in 2010, and must be replaced by another friendly government elected ‘democratically’ by the people. We have heard names such as George Athor, David Yauyau, Gatluah Gai, Oliny Uluak, and Abdul Baggi Ayii pioneering this change. The group claims to be reformers with the backing of silenced others within the system. I have no comment but to wait and see!

But the unexpected is that there is something awry within our defense system against internal revolts. The army leaders have given away security ground on a false belief that the external focus deserves much attention than the internal ones. The Southern army today is losing its credibility to protect itself and the civil population even within its defined capabilities. The rebels kill and get away unpunished. The civil population is gradually dropping faith in the army that has liberated them. The massacre in Fangak in February this year and the infiltration of Oliny to Malakal couple of nights ago and skirmishes by Gatluah in Western Upper Nile State today, bring to mind a worry that our men in uniform are sleeping, not adhering to their national duties to protect the people and the properties for the people of South Sudan. We shouldn’t wake up and say ‘its Khartoum who did this or that’. Yes even if that is so, what did the army do in the first place to put off fire before it goes to blame anyone who stokes it.

Therefore I have a feeling that our hard won peace and stability is regressively being stolen before our watch because someone isn’t taking his job seriously. Hence there is a need to check out whether the man in charge in Bilpam for our army, Lt. Gen. James Oath Mai is indeed a man for the job or there are elements within his forces that want him to fail . Forget about his glorious past, the reality today is that the General doesn’t know who will hit him next. Others are already saying he should resign.

There is a saying that Gen. Athor has more loyalists in Gen. James camp than those following him in the bush. Of course that is a lie, but am afraid the man has people with his contacts in Bilpam. Oh, our land is slipping back to dark days. I expected our government to take the issue of security very seriously. If it means going out for an all out war to stop spoilers, so be it! We are through with referendum and our freedom is already here with us; nothing will change our decision for an independent nation, whether we have war, called tribal war, or not. Its inexplicable to have small groups going against the tide so to advance the scheme of our adversaries in Khartoum.

Negotiations that do not yield fruits are too bad a gamble. The rebels aren’t anymore interested in talking even if we talk, talk and cry. They are in to frustrate us for their own personal gratification. The short man with glib of pride filling his lung, called Athor will not listen to Dr. Machar wisdom and advice about peaceful negotiation; he’s hell bound to kill others so to intimidate Juba. I know how he could achieve that purpose (intimidating the government). Unless there is anyone supporting him in Juba the general must pay for his sins. For how long are we going to allow our men to die just like rats in the hands of losers and heartless characters like Athor and Gai? It is so painful allowing this stupid general to roam, harass and displace innocent civilians with no firm response from people defense forces. There is time for everything; our leader offer for amnesty has long been rejected by Athor and the company. I wish I was god to kill this little pig called Athor and put back his life.

Please for the sake of peace, let’s not waste time that these people will reconcile with our people. I felt empty when SPLM leaders publicly differ on what to do with the renegade who destroy his own people. Rebellion is a rebellion and nothing short of the same should be delayed. It is about time for President Kiir to reassure our people about being in charged. He’s too quiet and this has emboldens his enemies. A time like these a leader must reign and roar. Everything has its time; time to talk and time to act! We must not burry our heads in denial that nothing is actually happening when our innocent heroes in uniform die daily. The army top leadership must think again when dealing with issues touching the military. Let’s not display negative image about our army; there are tough times ahead of us. If we can not contain and arrest situations such as these, how sure are we that we can stand the test of aggression when North strikes us.

Southern Opposition Groups/Parties negative role (insecurity cause)

In fact the so-called Opposition groups that are calling for 50% share of everything are nothing but enemies of Southern Sudan. They spent force, busy bodies. They had enough time with the Southern enemy and have started to regroup to fight within us. Unfortunately, it seems as though there are people who are supporting them within the SPLM party. This is dangerous for an historical party like the SPLM to have a fifth columnist. The party must learn to stick together or splinter. Discipline is key!

I was glad that those who called themselves Southern Opposition Groups have walked out of the Constitution Review Process. That was a blessing in disguise; these people don’t represent anything and most of them aren’t actually parties but individuals and opportunities with no Southern cause at heart, saved for SANU and FORUM under Bona Malwal. The rest are bunch of brief case personalities who want to jump to power through Home & Away. Mulana John Luk should continue unperturbed; the Iscariots are gone! We started the war, finish it, arrange peace, write the interim constitution without them, we can do the same now. After ‘too many hands spoil the broth’

In fact it wasn’t in the interest of the Southern Sudan to have another “Power Sharing Agreement” done in Juba (Home & Away) behind the back of Southerners, when it should have been time to look beyond our stomachs. Traitors must stay in Khartoum not anywhere in the Southern Sudan. Give them no rest, and please no sharing of power with anyone. The opposition team must first give up practices of sabotage and treasons against the Southern people. We are tired of another internal rift year in year out because the same faces want to be presidents. The world was warming to us, but now they are giving us a pause to see whether we can govern ourselves well. I suggest that the SPLM should cut its ties with enemies cloned as Southerners (Opposition Groups) for good and work with like minded ones such as the aforesaid parties. But above all, a measure needs to b e taken to safeguard the overall national objectives. The entire opposition groups are on the enemy payroll; a fact that we can deny on earth but it is there. We can’t compromise our security; there is someone who threatens to destabilize our country and he/she must be stopped.

Isaiah Abraham lives in Juba; he’s on [email protected]


  • harry

    The Southern army must rise against security challenges
    I wonder where are those commanders who command the Army? Where is the defense Minister Niyal Deng Niyal, where is the chief of staff, James Mai, and importantly, where is C in C of SPLA? I never heard from these guys regarding the security issues such as death of soldiers and civilians.

    On the other, I heard from Athor talking to news media many times about his encounters with SPLA. They guys need to come out and assure thier citizens about this crisis.

    Hiding will complicate things further.You better come out and talk to your people. By the way, this is a good article to wake up some people(SPLA commanders)who have been sleeping for a long time. It’s time to wake up guys and face responsibilities. Thanks


  • JohnG

    The Southern army must rise against security challenges
    I wonder if anyone has reported the raid by drunk “boy soldiers” on the OLD Fangak community last Monday (I believe it was Monday).
    I know very little about it, but I was told that Dr. Jill Seaman and the small community of ex-pats working with her had to find shelter in a brick storage building for the night and then cross the river to catch an evacuation plane in the morning. The raiders were very young, drunk boys who shot wildly with automatic weapons.

    Dr. Seaman has decided to return to her clinic as the danger has passed…
    But WHERE do these young boys come from? and Where do they go? and WHO supports them??

  • Objective Southerner
    Objective Southerner

    The Southern army must rise against security challenges
    Dear Abraham thanks for sharing your views. But you need to know that SPLA has not yet being transformed into a national army that is why we have all these havoc. Most of our commanders and ministers used the southern army as personal guards. They are to protect their interests not Southern Sudan. You are in Juba go around see for yourselves how many soldiers are in houses of ministers and commanders. We have warlord situation in Southern Sudan.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    The Southern army must rise against security challenges
    Dear Abraham,

    If SPLM/A was like the way it was run,i think we would have not reached this time.

    SPLM/A must do away with these rebels for good if we need peace in the South Sudan.

    Why do we need to waste time negotiating with these rebels.
    These rebels are disturbing us while they are planning to destabilize the South before the independent.

    There are element in the SPLM/A who are working with these rebels but let the SPLM/A run out of words.

  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    The Southern army must rise against security challenges
    Professor Isaiah Abraham,

    If words or recommendations on military solution put in articles can end rebellions without facing the difficulty of implementation, I would say that you have already won the war over rebels or militias and closed the chapter.

    But no, Mr. Isaiah! You need to study your enemy first before celebrating any expected victory from the paper recommendations.

    What I mean is that neither you nor the SPLA Generals in Bilpam know the size and tactics of their enemies (call them renegades or militias).

    And let me tell you that the all out war against rebels you want to happen has already been happening, but failing to destroy them. Instead, it manufactures more of them. Are you aware of this?

    May be this is the reason why the President of GOSS, or army chief in Bilpam, are not singing it sweet in the media.

    It is engulfing them, and as you said, why do some generals have Athor’s contact numbers in Bilpam?

    Ah, or do we have poor security analyses in South Sudan?

    I do agree with those calling for negotiations with all these rebels because they understand the situation engulfing us whether we fight back or not. And why are we proud to be fighting in every state and become a declared failed state by the international community before July 9, when we have not exhausted (but sabbotaged) our efforts to end the war peacefully?

    Believe me, GOSS and SPLA were not sincere to adopt a real peaceful resolution with the rebels of George Athor and others, because sabboteurs are more influential than genuine peace makers in GOSS system. Will you deny that?

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