Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

International Law and the Right to a Nationality in Sudan

International Law and the Right to a Nationality in Sudan

By Bronwen Manby

Summary A mong the many critically important choices that Sudan is facing in the context of the referendums on the status of South Sudan and Abyei are the criteria that will be established to determine citizenship of the new entities. Tis paper argues strongly that the negotiating parties should reject ethnicity as the basis for determining membership of the new polities and instead adopt the non-discriminatory norms established by international human rights law, providing for citizenship to be granted on the basis of any appropriate connection to the territory, respecting the rights of individuals to opt for the nationality they prefer, and with the default option based on habitual residence. Download the full text of the study: International Law and the Right to a Nationality in Sudan

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1 Comment

  • Mohanad

    International Law and the Right to a Nationality in Sudan
    This article misrepresents the facts and its assertions are not supported by international law.
    Sudan is not excluding nationality on the basis of ethnicity but on the basis of nationality. As of this July Southern Sudanese will no longer be citizens of Sudan of their own choosing. As citizens of another nation they have no automatic right to hold Sudanese citizenship. If and when the Sudanese state choses to nationalize foreign nationals whether from Southern Sudan or else were is at its own discretion and subject to Sudanese law.

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