Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser

March 24, 2011 (AGOK) – The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLA) on Thursday denied that any of its soldiers had defected to the ex- presidential advisor on traditional affairs, Abdul Bagi Ayii Akol Agany, who announced from Khartoum the launch his rebellion against the Juba based Government of South Sudan (GoSS) on 10 March 2011.

SPLA Spokesperson Philip Aguer (ST)
SPLA Spokesperson Philip Aguer (ST)
In an interview with the Khartoum-based, Sudan Media Center, last week Ayii said 3,000 SPLA soldiers had defected to join his ranks, a few days after he announced the launch of his rebellion against the regional government, accusing president Kiir of refusing to listen to him on issues he claimed pertinent to building peace and development for the government and for people of South Sudan. He also demands 30 percent representation for Muslims in the government cabinet.

However, SPLA spokesperson, Colonel Phillip Aguer Panyang, in statements to Sudan Tribune, from Juba, on Thursday categorically dismissed Abdel-Bagi’s allegations saying the latter was lying and that none of the South Sudan army’s troops had defected.

“No single SPLA soldier has gone with him. What he said was a pure lie. How can an SPLA soldier who fought against the government that killed his own people follow someone like Abdel Bagi Ayii, who has been living a militia life for all his age?” said Colonel Aguer.

“He is lying. Nobody has gone with him from the Dinka Malual. What I know is that Khartoum is recruiting for him from Murrahaleen and former child soldiers in Khartoum”, he added.

The Murrahaleen are armed bands on Rizeiqat and Misseriya from South Darfur and South Kordofan. They fought against the SPLA during the years of civil war and were accused of committing atrocities against southern civilians in South Sudan.

“He did not go with anybody. I am even told none of his sons accepted to follow him. They [his sons] even attempted persuading him to change his mind before he could announce his rebellion last week in Khartoum”, emphasized the SPLA officer.

Ayii was one of the leaders of the armed groups from the south which fought against the former rebel movement, SPLM/A, as a pro-government militia, in areas adjacent to former SPLM/A liberated areas in the south during more than two decades of North-South civil war.

Based in the border town of Merem, previously in Western Kordofan state, now part of South Kordofan in central Sudan, armed groups loyal to him were accused of collaborating with the pro-government militias “Popular Defense Forces” to attack civilians in southern villages from his home state of Northern Bahr el Ghazal during the war. His forces were also accused of participating in abducting children and women.

After the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the SPLM and the National Congress Party (NCP), Abdel-Bagi became part of GoSS, following the inking of the 2006 Juba Declaration which saw armed groups integrated into the SPLA.

He was named presidential advisor on border and traditional affairs in 2007. However, in June 2010, the president of GoSS, Salva Kiir Mayardit, excluded him from his new cabinet following reports of political differences over nomination procedures for candidates contesting various positions in the last general elections conducted in April 2010 for Northern Bahr el Ghazal.



  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser

    All Hungry officers fail to have any post in GoSS will come as a rebel to Hell with them,i do believe that all those dirty planning are from NCP plus Dr Lam Akol,but they are playing with fire.


  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    Nib his islamic rebellion in the bud.

  • Jeti

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    No one can follow a fool, stupid, greedy person like you. Mr. Ayii, go go go and don’t come back again.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    Mr. Ayii Akhol Agany;
    As your name suggest, you will quarell to yourself with your acquired muslims attitude and slavery mind. You know the reasons why Salva was not accepting your advices. If you were telling him to pay you 30% from South Sudan resources to make convert of Northern Bar El Ghazal christian and animist to become muslims- it is a white lie my devil father. If you were telling Salva to cooperate with you to loot South Sudan resources, it is also a white lie.

    Salva should not listen to those degrading advises. He is a true nationalist compare to yourself- the great slave of Arabs muslims.

    I do not know why his sons spare his life? They should assesinate him immediately before allowing him to escape to Khartuom.

    Salva should listen to us and not you. He did good to omit you from his Advisory list. Congratulations to Salva.

    Salva is a man who keeps such secrets to himself, and there was a leak of such filthy advices from you heard by the public, you could have been killed immediately by true nationalists. We are not joking man.

    Cibaipiath is closed to you mr. Ayii. You are a wrong element in Northern Bar El Ghazal.

  • Adviser

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser



  • Prophet

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    Dinka Muslim General, running riot to the bush in the name of “Allah”. food rebellion is a norm in this community. everyone want to have a fair share of the cake. how stupid? even an old dude who have nothing left but dead body wants to be a president. Shame on this foolish majority with their traitors Alier, Devil Garang and Sheik Hassan Biar.

  • Jalinga

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    This is a very serous move in south Sudan. If all officers are going to become rebel, then we better organize our selves as youth against the old for their act. It was their deed that brought us back to loss two million people.
    shame on the old mind and interest. Addis agreement of 1972 is gone.

    Lets take example from Equatoria states for their solidarity to peace.


  • dengtaath

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    Ayii Islam, demanded 30% of his Islamic religion to be presented inside South Sudan cabinet ministry, urging Kirr to accept his advice, Ladies and gentlement I accepted this fight, I will stand with kirr to fight this confused Muslim, we don’t discriminate the muslims but we will not allow them to bring their Islamic sharia law in this state, let Ayii go and return back to the South with the hell is going to bring in the north.

  • Dinkanuer

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    Hey guys!
    Don’t be worry bout so call Abdul Bagi! He is a Fucken Dead Muslim.

    For those who are still using Ngundeng ideologies, please be inform! Ngundeng had shameful things to be said about him. First,

    He was not a Prophet but a profit to his royalist in Nuer.
    He had many names according to his activities in many parts of South Sudan.
    He was a Cannibal animal according to Nuer man who doesn’t need to be mentioned
    His first name was Ngundeng-meaning that he was send by God.
    After he gone wild and ran away.
    His name changed to be Gatluakmanguel in Nuer dialect.
    He ate many Nuer men and women in Nuer Land
    Dinka. His name was Manyang e Juet.
    He ate many children, animal claviers and cows’s bulls in Dinka Land.
    Equatoria with different languages including English and Arabic
    His name was Tiger

    The Nuer man who refused to be target by Ngundeng’s salves pointed out that. Ngundeng had no father or mother but the Devil who came out in the River Nile in a form of fish, when the Nuer boys want for fishing. They fish for so many hours and they caught nothing, when the boys get tied and ready to go back home. One of them told other guys that there was a fish ate his hook lastly, the boy convinced other friends to tried one more time! Shortly after he putted on snail body on the hook, he had thrown it into Nile River. Immediately, Ngundeng was caught. The boy was attempting to pull the Fish Ngundeng out in the river but it was difficult for him to do so, then he called his associates to pull Ngundeng on the shore. They brought it out and they were smile some of them were told to go and collect firewood in order for the young men to roast their fish.

    Unfortunately! The Fish Ngundeng changed into big snake! And the boys ran away from it, the boys thought that they were dreaming and they came back for the second times. The Snake Ngundeng light it body and become bright as well as electricity light. They ran home and they spread the news to the community, when the Nuer elders came to the place where Ngundeng was pulled. It was still there as snake with it light. People gather together around it and started asking question how did this happen? The Snake Ngundeng changed into human being and told people not to run away. All of them were shocking and scary to death except Human Ngundeng who perform such witchcraft. things “Come down, come down now!” The Human Ngundeng said. Who are you? The Nuer elders asked him. I am Nyajok_ which mean woman devil! The Human Ngundeng answer! She knew her own physical appearance as she is a hermaphrodite. (A person with both the organs of a man and a woman) Wow! Brothers and sisters of Nuer I am sorry for your Profit. Nyajok Ngundeng was not a Prohet? It was your profit to cheat people for his power but It was not a Prophet? It was a Satan?

    Cie liel du dem e mac!

    By Dinkanuer!

  • mack waweru
    mack waweru

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    For this Old Militia man to declare the launch of his rebellion from Khartoum is an evident that the North is creating, arming and supporting them. Nonetheless, Southerners shall overcome and defeat all militias despite enormous backing they receive from Khartoum.

    Mr. Ayii, please, don’t dream of even half percent for your so-called Moslems share in Southern Government. You have fighting us since 1985 along side Arabs. Go back to the north and demand them for 30% representation for your Moslem militia group.
    What a pathetic and devilish is this old man, putting in to jeopardy the future of his dozen children in the South!

  • amon

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    So Khartoum has become a base for Southern rebels to lunch their rebellions? OK

    Let Abdul Bagi Ayii and all those who support him go to hell, we did not go to bush to promote Islam or Christianity in South Sudan but to liberate ourselves from the oppressive regime in the North.

    Even Mr. Yassir Saed Aramani, originally from the north and who fought with us in the bush did not ask for 30% share for Muslims. Are you better than him? eh! Ayii.

  • biarawieu

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    this old man would have come back if he is really have time to read these article and all the coments sent by his
    fellows citizens and parents including his sons.

    he didn,t think twice about these, was just coming to his mind where to get money using muslim word as the key so
    that he will be help by the NCp Government. otherwise i am appreciated all coments.

  • Jalinga

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    Its very clear that only specific people and specific tribes are fond of rebelling . This is an indication of being power hungry and don’t even know how to govern, given the current mess in the government.Disorganizing systems that are set up. If every body wants to be a leader then how many presidents would we have at a time?. We better look for other people to lead. Those who are silent watching are more capable than those who believe in force governance and surrounded by tribal militias and army.We should desist from using our children in fighting tribal conflicts in the name of crushing a rebellion.
    This serious message and we should open our eyes to reach a common goal otherwise South Sudan will disintegrate like Mogadishu

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    My fellow Southerners don’t worry about Abdel-Bagi’s rebellion ,he is a good for nothing citizen. What I know is, this man so called Abdel-Bagi is digging his own grave.He rebelled again for purely mercenary reasons.He better cut his losses, otherwise he will regret it.

  • Monyekuron

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    I know that the so-called Major General Ayii was a humble Chief at Wad el Bashir IDP camp in Omdurman/Suk Libya area in the mid-1990s. How he ended up being a Major General is intriguing. Even more intriguing is his desire to have a position in GOSS, his illitracy notwithstanding. My advise is that we should not put too much credence to his announced rebellion. Ayii wants to get some cash in the next three months before the South formally becomes Independent. And we will see more Ayiis coming up. The NCP will sponsor anybody who cares to talk to their media to create the impression that South Sudan will be ungovernable. They want to gain what they failed to get in the referendum through last ditch manipulation of their Surrogates. However, all in all, these are the lask kicks of a dying horse!!

  • ayor

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    What the heck is going on with southerners; it has became a routine now a day whenever anyone lost the postion all he and she has to do is to resort in rebellion as an option

    Such habit is an unworthful to be passed on to next generation truth should be told; matter of fact; that’s won’t help us to flourish as a young new-nation!

    The (Goss) should atleast do better than that in order to avoid inconveniences with its memebers whom they happened to disregard them from their perspective seats in the goverment

    By offering them different positions that meet their qualifications such that to appease them in avoiding chaoses

    Because i don’t think it’s necessarry for the (Goss) to create itself so many militias faction since there’s already a main challeng which is currently unsolved and it could spark or instigate violent anytime as an example the(Abiei)issue

    To those food-loving fellow country-men; be informed that you ‘re selling your own right to the enemies; why not be patient nd follow your case with your own brothers and sisters instead of collaborating with x-enemies

    You might be thinking that you have chosen a legitimate procedure but unwisely dirtifying your own self with horrible history as well as your own offsprings!

    As outherners let’s believe in peace harmony!—-just be like me and so many others whom are not longing for that oil money as long as our fellow brothers and sisters are happy then why not be cool and you and i will have a piece of it anytime when things are plenty enough to be shared among all and thank you all:)

  • machiiiiiiiiiine

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    To all leaders of southern Sudan be actives on your leadership and you must play your role ,politic and fight within Republic of south Sudan and kill those who are against you within the time of their defection.You leaders and citizens of RoSS your first former president of RoSS John Garang is still alive in all corners of the world as he is your first human angel and to the world and his life will end after 21 years in the world.my Advice to Salva kiir is that don,t allow those who were out during 21 years of war.

  • Biggy K
    Biggy K

    South Sudan says none of its soldiers joined former presidential adviser
    South Sudan has now become a burning hell where any dog can rebel just because his personal interest wasn’t respected. How many individuals do we have in South Sudan who can advise on matters pertaining to governance and development? I guess the answer is millions! if we all rebel in the light that our views were ignored, then what good are we bringing to this nation? I wonder why God allows such barbaric, malicious and weird people to exist under the sun.

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