Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Unity state militia has to surrender peacefully – southern army

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

March 26, 2011 (BENTIU) – The SPLA has called upon the forces of Sudanese army general Bapiny Monytuel Wijang, a South Sudanese militia commander who remains in Khartoum, to either lay down their weapons or to agree to integrate into the SPLA.

Since a 2005 peace the former rebel army, the SPLA, has been the official army of South Sudan and militias’ leaders working with the northern Sudan Sudanese army, SAF, have to join the southern army or to be redeployed into the north. Many of the latter were integrated into the SPLA in accordance of Juba Declaration in 2006 and other deals.

As southerners have opted for the independence of the region in January 2011 referendum, the Joint Integrated Units (JIUs) are in the process of being disbanded. The South Sudan Republic is to proclaimed on 9 July 2011 but the region continue to be blighted by rebellions, mainly in Jonglei and Unity state.

SPLA division Four commander, James Gatduel Gatluak of Unity state, warned the militia of any unauthorized movement within the state. He called for those willing to join SPLA to surrender immediately to an SPLA barracks or a local authority in the area of conflict.

SPLA commander Gatluak said that there would be no harm done to those who give themselves up. But he went to warn those who do not surrender “will be crushed”.

Gatluak said any militia who wants to enter peaceful negotiation or wants to surrender peacefully is welcome. He warned that “anyone who may think to come here to causes some problems our advice to him is better he may stay in the North Sudan”.

The militia is led on the ground by Colonel Matthew Puol Jang, who defected from the SPLA last year over anger at the alleged rigging of the Unity state gubernatorial race in April.

In that election, Governor Taban Deng Gai retained control of the state government despite strong ground support for challenger Angelina Teny, the wife of South Sudan vice president Riek Machar. Teny claimed the elections were a fraudulent.

Bapiny Monytuel chose to join the Sudanese Armed Forces rather than the SPLA after the signing of the 2005 CPA. His forces, numbering as many as 3,000 soldiers, according to the SPLA,arrived in Unity state following the referendum to integrate back in to the SPLA.

The militia came to Unity state from the north to ostensibly integrate into the SPLA, but came into disagreement with the SPLA on 17 March in Mayom County the southern army says.

The recent fighting, SPLA claim, was caused by the arrival of armed group, previously based in the north which has returned to Unity state ahead of southern secession.

The two sides have reached a tense standoff after three days of fighting in Riak area of Mayom County that left dozens dead on both sides. The SPLA says it has killed 85 militiamen, but has not been forthcoming about its own casualties, which are also reportedly high.

More than 40 wounded SPLA soldiers fill Unity state hospitals according to the state’s minister of information and communication Gideon Gatpan Thaor.


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