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Sudan Tribune

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Western Equatoria refutes allegations of unwillingness to end tribal clashes

March 27, 2011 (KAMPALA) – Western Equatoria on Sunday denied Lakes state charges that it had reneged peaceful solution to the tribal clashes between the people of Mvolo County and Yirol East County in Lakes state and renewed willingness to exert the necessary effort to end it together with other stakeholders.

The commissioner of Yirol West county of Lakes state, Makur Kulang Liei, in ststements to Sudan Tribune last week, claimed that his counterpart of Mvolo in Western Equatoria state refused to talk with him over the telephone on the recent clashes between pastoralists of Mapuordit payam and those in Mvolo county in Western Equatoria state.

However WES government has strongly refuted the claims made by Lakes State Security Advisor as published on Sudan Tribune on Friday March 25.

“Lakes’ Security Advisor stance was built on distorted information to smear the Western Equatoria State’s policy on ethnic minority people in Mvolo,” said Western Equatoria state government spokesman Gibson Bullen Wande.

“Western Equatoria has been coordinating with Lakes state government for initiating peaceful dialogue in vain,” Wande further said.

In denouncing the Lakes’ allegations, Wande said the Western Equatoria government had conducted extensive visits to the region after first clashes took in February this year.

After having been aware of the clashes in Mvolo, Western Equatoria authorities undertook an intensive effort to contact Lakes officials for amicably solution to the chronic tribal fighting in the state of Lakes including the state governor, Wande stressed.

Wande queried that “Why would we need to do this? Western Equatoria would receive absolutely no benefit from harboring tribal clashes. Western Equatoria strongly rejects these allegations.”

“All the areas mentioned: Kokori, Doli and Barigirindi are all the payams and bomas of Western Euqtaoira, the distance between those areas and Lakes is 20 miles away.”

He added they have never mobilized any of Mvolo youth to attack “our brothers” in Lakes state as alleged. He instead accused Yirol officials of mobilizing their people dressed in South Sudan Police Services (SSPS) uniform to attack Barigirindi, “as evidenced by an SSPS Lakes state registered AK-47 and the machinegun is now in Mvolo County.”

WES governor and his counterpart of Lakes states met in Mvolo last month. The two delegations agreed to form an independent inquiry body from different tribes to investigate the first incident which claimed the life of one trader.

However, the committee which was formed in Lakes states was composed of Dinka tribes in Yirol East and Wulu counties who are part in the tribal conflict, according to Wande.

“Another second attempt to broker peace among the two communities was when, WES government sent a delegation headed by WES Minister of Local Government Sadigi Ismail to Mvolo, but he did not get positive response for his counterpart in Lakes state – he talked to the Commissioner of Yirol East but did not get positive response regarding the matter.”

“The clinics and villages that were burned by youth from neighbouring Lakes state are in Western Equatoria, so why would WES attack its own people if not they have been attacked by their fellow brothers in Lakes state,” the Mvolo official said.

He however renewed his offer to discuss peaceful solution and he urged “our brothers” in Lakes to refrain from inflammatory media publicity and pursue peaceful agenda.



  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    Western Equatoria refutes allegations of unwillingness to end tribal clashes
    Stop inter-state tribal wars.

  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    Western Equatoria refutes allegations of unwillingness to end tribal clashes
    peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace, freedom among the people of south sudan.
    the peace was not made to brought us hatred but was made to bring us mercy and freedom of living not militia style
    God will still help us like what he did during 1992 when he strike Nuer with lightening on their way to atteck Dinkas.
    He will also help us crack down all militias of south sudan
    God is great

  • Jeti

    Western Equatoria refutes allegations of unwillingness to end tribal clashes
    Mr. Makur Kulang, you have tried your best but your monkey counterpart commissioner of Mvollo County goes the opposite way. If he doesn’t want peace with you then leave him and take care of yourself. This guy is an internal enemy and very soon he will join his best friend Joseph Kony in the bush.

  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    Western Equatoria refutes allegations of unwillingness to end tribal clashes
    My dear fellow contributers of this forum,mark my words,believe it or reject it.
    Three quaters of your contribution is always to put fire,but to get solutions,because most of you knew the reality about this incident but you keep on denying the fact.
    Therefore,our image change as if we are all violence people who dosen’t want peace,because nearly all the world is reading your comments and it show how clever or how stupit we are.

    One simple question I want to ask any member to answer is:If the people in Mvolo are the one who went and attack their brothers,why did they ran away and left their villeges??
    How comes that they went and attack their neighbours,and come back to burn down their villeges including the clinics??
    So the answer remained that,they were the one who was attacked that is why they are displaced now.
    And that is why their villeges were burned down.

    You all knew that the whole Western Equatorians are peaceful peolpe,and this culture of killing, violence etc is not among those communities.
    Simple solution to solve this killing is to send the MPs of those constiquencies there and must be acompay by diiferent commitee who are not members of those comminity.
    And bring the causer of this problem to be jurge,and we make peace.


    Let us pray for the community Dinka generaly so that the good Lord may give them a peaceful,loving,unity,and humble heart.This is because most of the insecurity now had been brought up by them.
    Iam deeply concern because they are our brethren and must not consider themselves differnt from other communities of Southern Sudan.Our president comes from them,they should insted give honour to others so that the same respect also goes back.
    But as we are brothers and sisters in the lord,prayers must be our weapon to solve our problems.
    If we don’t love our selves,and be united as one people,then we will not succeed in our new nation thanks.

  • Akook

    Western Equatoria refutes allegations of unwillingness to end tribal clashes
    MR REV., allow me to say amen to your prays. Indeed tribal crisis won’t do any good thing to the Nation of South. I like your comments but i don’t agree with your justification of Mvolo county being innocent in the whole lots of tribal mess that has been back and forth since 2008.

    The fact that people from Mvolo fled the area is attributed to their aerial gangland killings of Dinkas at times extended to even those in uniform and whenever that happens, they fled the area for fear of retaliation. Dinkas do have cows that they have to graze accross Mvolo rarely populated vast plains but no doubt people of that county don’t like this and this always constitute the crisis point.

    Tell your WES gov spokesman, he responded too forcefully in a way not expected by the Lakes state authorities or Yirol West county. WES too has to be careful, otherwise they risk being the most segregationists’ state among the ten. Mind you from Lakes, we are not settlers like Dinka Bor you people forced to move with 2 millions cows a single day but we are just neighbours.

    WES are known state of letting emotions run everything. They way you deal with Ambororo and their cattle shouldn’t be the way you treat your countrymen who happen to own cattle. We have no permanent borders inside South Sudan. Even Maseryia are allow to graze their cattle in the South. Free movement of people and property must be uphold by law otherwise if we are to continue like this, we will in 5 yrs be getting visas to cross into each other’s territories.

    we have human skulls upto now barely laying 5 miles to every southern cities.., Yambio, Mundiri & Maridi included. Let’s pray to God Almighty for peace and for recognition of one’s own brother and sister to peacefully co-existence. Amen

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