Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army

March 28, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) denied any links with the new insurgencies in southern Sudan army, Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), and dismissed reports that Maj. Gen. Peter Gadet is present in Khartoum.

FILE - A handout picture released by the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) shows SPLA (Sudan People's Liberation Army) Major General Peter Gadet (L) addressing his troops prior to their withdrawal from Abyei on July 2, 2008 in line with the
FILE – A handout picture released by the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) shows SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army) Major General Peter Gadet (L) addressing his troops prior to their withdrawal from Abyei on July 2, 2008 in line with the
The statements come as the SPLA spokesperson admitted that the influential Peter Gadet has rebelled “individually” without followers on his side.

On Sunday SPLA spokesperson told Sudan Tribune that the dissident general received official permission to visit Nairobi but had instead traveled to Sudan’s capital. He said they do not know what caused his change of itinerary and believe he is still in Khartoum.

Gadet joined the SPLA after Juba Declaration signed on 8 January 2006 between Salva Kiir and Paulino Matip the leader of the South Sudan Defence Forces (SSDF). Matip was named Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the South Sudan army and more than 50,000 of his forces were integrated into the SPLA and other organized forces.

Only the SPLA is concerned with the disappearance of Maj. Gen. Peter Gadet stated SAF spokesperson Al-Sawarmi Khaled who added that the southern general did not join the northern Sudanese army.

He further denied his presence in Khartoum saying any accusation form the SPLA that he is harbored by SAF is unfounded. However the Sudanese intelligence sponsored news service SMC reported that Gadet moved to Unity state to organize his troops.

The unity of the biggest militia army with the SPLA suffered many troubles in the past but the joint will of the two leaders preserved their agreement. However, Paulino Matip accused several times his allies of working to weaken his authority and marginalize the role of the SSDF leadership in the southern Sudan army.

Abdel Bagi Ayii, a former adviser of the Southern Sudan government president rebelled earlier this month and accused Juba of corruption and nepotism. He also claimed that Muslims suffer discrimination in the South.

Sources close to Peter Gadet told Sudan tribune that Gadet is preparing a statement to explain the reasons of his defection. It further said that corruption and tribalism would be cited among his grievances.

The sources further said Paulino Matip met Salva Kiir in Juba before leaving to Nairobi on Sunday for medical check-up. The former told the latter he is unaware the reasons of Gadet’s insurgency but emphasized on the need to make reforms.

Reports from Juba also mention the defection of two other generals Major Gen. Peter Yaka and Brig. Karlo Kuol Ruai.

Another rebellion is rumored in Eastern Equatoria state where a deserting officer only currently known by his first name as Lorot, was reported to have clashed with SPLA forces recently, and blamed for killing of six soldiers. If the rumor is confirmed the incidence will make Eastern Equatoria one of the five states in the region hosting rebellious forces after Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity and Northern Bahr el Ghazal.

The new dissidents join a long list of former SPLA officers and militia leaders who defected since last year. The ex-generals of the southern Sudan army accuse the SPLM of manipulating the results of the vote, but the former militia leaders claim that they are marginalized and not fairly treated.

Fears are growing that coordinated action of these rebel groups will destabilize Juba government and tarnish its image before the proclamation of the independence within three months.

As the regional government is preparing to send out invitations to various heads of states around the world to come to Juba for the announcement of independence, there are already fears of uncertainty about what the security situation will look like during July and whether or not it would affect the process and participation of the invitees.

Officials in South Sudan are also concerned that the fight against the rebels may slip into tribal wars in the region where there is always little chance to successfully separate the individual rebels or militias from communities they hail from as well as separate heads of decision-making authorities from misinterpreting their decisions as representative of their respective communities.



  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Khartoum distancing itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army

    It is going to be more uglier than Mr. Slava’s disciples can even imagine.

  • Jeti

    Khartoum distancing itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Don’t deny. We all know you are the ones responsible for all these messes in the South. You fond of supporting thugs in the South by giving them funds and arms to distabilise the new nation. God and Ngundeng are watching on you.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Khartoum distancing itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Let called it a game, period whether they will nor come to Join SPLM/A just in a month.

    Anyone who want to defect must go now and one who want to stay with SPLM/A is welcome.

    These food hungrey who like to be militias and fond of love with Jallaba for many years will see the real problem soon.

  • Hero

    Khartoum distancing itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Denying the obvious, is not going to work anyway. All, these renegade generals are getting helps from you, your very government and there is no point to deny it now. I think, the best you can do, is kicks their asses out there, right now. And tell them to come back to South Sudan where the SPLM/A is, Or else nobody is going to buy your trash.

    ” Tough time has arrived” Mr president and his entire cabinet are being test! And there is a clear need for them to face these waves of rebellion within, with bravery and courage, otherwise, they won’t be able to stand the heat.

    Finally, I’m very hopeful that, the SPLM/A or the present ROSS’s government will triumph over the odds and South Sudan will once again be a place of peace, no matter what they cynical idiots thinks and says.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army

    We alread done with arabized Nubian gov’t in Khartoum which mean South Sudan is already a Sate/Country since January 2011.

    Let us face it rather than pointing figers to the wrong direction.

  • amon

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    It’s true that they are a lot of corruption and nepotism in the GOSS, disrespect to some tribes and negligence of some individuals and their communities.

    There are individuals and communities who sacrificed their lives during the time of war and right now they are been ignored by some other hungry, corrupt and disrespectful tribes.

    What do you think such individuals and communities can do? Let me tell you that SPLM/GOSS is not bad at all, but their are some individuals and tribes that are making it to look ugly.They took SPLM/GOSS as individual or tribal thing and ignoring others.

    But, we the Equatorians think beyond the individual interest will continue to work together with those who love peace and democracy to preserve unity and achieve the vision of the people of South Sudan.

  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    Khartoum distancing itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Khartoum government:You are right to distance your self from all this acusation because we lack UNITY among our selves.
    We are wasting our selves with nouncense,insulting our selves,even somebody who is loyal in a high position as a second man to our president:We can’t give him a respect.We wish him death everyday on this net.
    Where do you think we can get a blessing??????????

    And now this is a result,every one wanted to become a president,even the old,the primitive.
    I have never seen a country where soldiers are categorized into groups:This is the head-quaters of Mr so and so,this is the head quater of this one.Why can’t we have ONE UNIFIED NATIONAL ARMY??????????

    Rebelion has become our focal point,and our government is only complaining to the Kartoum government.Why can’t you also do the same for them??
    You also call their generals here,and make them to rebel against the Khartoum government???
    I know you can’t do it because they are more UNITED,AND THEIR SOLDIERS IS UNDER ONE COMMAND.

    Our pesident,I know that you are commited christian because of your commitment in the church.
    Please call our church leaders before celebration,arrange only one day FASTING AND PRAYERS all over Southern Sudan.
    Those of you who are near the president please in the name of Jesus pass this massage to him.

    Look at all our government officials,they have taken a pride as if they alone without God who have achieved a result of self determination.
    People are busy,even on sundays only few goes to the churches.Please draw near to God.

    Look at how some of us write our names on this forum:
    Dinka dominated SPLA,my friend what are you preaching here????
    Where is your love for your nation?
    Where is the untity we are talking about???
    I am sure most of us wanted a curse to our country,and believe me before it happened:We are going to pray hard so that the good Lord will eleminated all the bad seeds among us,so that we may have peace.
    We have lost almost a generation and still people are campaigning for more blood shed.

  • sudanman

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    To all,
    Why is it too hard for Some individuals to talk about word nyagat when it comes to the defection of Nuer military officers while none talk about the Dinkas officers.Is it realistic to signal that particular tribe out? I think we have seen enough Dinkas who are defecting from the Ross.For example, George Athor and the presidential advice.Are those not Dinkas.if they are so as we all know, why would some people stick on the Nuer officer?Is that not Bias?

    I rest my words. juge yourself before judging others

  • Liberator

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Dear readers:

    I’m appealing for calm and not used emotionally charge words like Nuer vs Dinka or Shilluk vs Dinka.

    this is exactly the point Dr. Riek Machar made last month, when he warned against military escalation as the solution to ever growing rebellion in our region.

    Now, I see some of the parasites on this website, have exploited this into tribal cobflict, when isn’t the case here.

    George athor & Abdel Ayi(Dinka) David Yau Yau & Ismail Konyi(Murle) Peter Gatdet Yaka & Baping Muonytuel and Gatluak Gai(Nuer) Oliny(Shilluk).

    Where in the world does this turn into being Nuer vs Dinka?
    This is about corruption, Nepotism, stolen elections(not free and fair) and non-democratic nature within GOSS.

    so, I would say to all of you to stop calling it being Nuer vs Dinka because it isn’t yet the case, but if you all continue preaching this type of dangerous adventurism you all seemed to eager to see it happening sooner rather asking how could we together quashed this before it get out of control then, my friend “God forbid” it will be the most ugliest event than any of the previous one in our long quest for free and independent!!!

    Stop misinterpreting this prevailing rebelion or else South Sudan will be hell on EARTH!!!!!!!!

  • Madina Kebir
    Madina Kebir

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Khartoum government is truly behind these rebllion in Southern Sudan, there is no way for Khartoum government to deny it.

    Well, this is something Omar al Bashir and his NCP should have accepted the SPLM accusation, because there are some evidences such as those militiamen which the SPLA have captured and have already made confessions repeatedly that, they were been supplying by Khartoum government in everything and they said, the goal was to make a destabilizing on Southern Sudan government and become a fail State and that is the objective of North Sudan government however, Southern Sudan is too big to fail and will not accept to be the fail State whatever, the game the Khartoum government are playing I hope Southern Sudan will prevail.

    Secondly to that, I am very optimistic that, Omar al Bashir and his NCP are in the line to unrest possible after the fallen of Libya regime soon, because the whole world are changing although Omar al Bashir seem to against Western nations for many years and still being treat like a king, the days of Omar al Bashir ruling will fall short for sure. These generations in Africa Continent and yes, the Middle East nations are tired about rulers government and they are absolutely willing to die or get the democratic system which treat people sincerely and respectful and these greed people of NCP and Omar al Bashir will go heel.

    The bad game the North Sudan government will play on Southern Sudanese innocents people very much the punishment they would likely to see by all mean. The Nile River watering was one of the North Sudan should face most of difficulties in time to come whether they don’t like it or they don’t know it that thing is remain to be seen.

    The road for the SPLA/SPLM movement was not very smoothly from the beginning, but those Southerners Sudanese people who always have a strong feeling about doing things right have been always successing to manage all these kinds of creating rebellion in Southern Sudan and I don’t think it is new for us. The late Cdr William Nyuon Bany said, this was in 1984, and I ”quote, even if the whole Nuers people against SPLA /SPLM the few Nuer that, remain in the SPLA and the rest of Southern Sudanese people will make it happen and I took his word for consideration especially, the time when the peace agreement was been signed and I think Southern Sudan nation is too big to fail if that was the interests of Khartoum government and Idiocy of Southern Sudan rebels.

    The GOSS and the ROSS people must do everything in their power to make sure that, the new young nation must be stable and secures and good government for the people who have been dominately for 55 years under ruler government of Khartoum. The GOSS also must know that, such a narrow minding people who against their own will are there in any world particular, when the nation was been dominate by a certain ruler government then, few people intend to back their master because they lost their minds and most of the time such a people have been observed they fails, because they lost their minds to focus. These rebels in Southern Sudan have no Idea about the main problem which was between North Sudan and Southern Sudan and they will always fail according to my observation.

  • Deng II
    Deng II

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    What do Dinka and Nuer want?
    Dinka lead government has to realizes that looting the country resources and money can lead to rebellion because corruption is more danger than diseases. You like others to covered your ass when there is danger,but don’t like them to get food. In the period of six year, Dinka leader government in Juba become corrupted that been known by international communities. And majority of people who become a corrupters are from Dinka while they are leading the government, that can save us no good.The government of Kiir doesn’t have accountability even those who killed other people for nothings atall.

    On the other hand, Nuer need to apply a little patiention because one day one time, one of your kind will become a leader and you will enjoy it, so don’t jumping quickly in to the bush without running through your mindset decision. It make you fit perfectly in to a categories of food minded people. Nuer you will tied of running between south and north, because if you don’t get enough from North, you change to south and back to north like Peter Gadet.

    I was surprise by Militias guy called Monytuel who said he can not get a long with Dinka people rather than Arab of north, but in the same time he emerged with General Athor while Athor is a leader of the movement, however, Athor is from Dinka, he hated the most than Arab. Is Monytuel try to deceive Arab in order to food? More questions need to be ask from Naath people.

  • Mapuor

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army

    Nyagats, guys are implementing their plan (B).Plan A failed when Garang brought the CPA & Jalaba was threaten by Americans not to support Nyagats.Their plan B has just began,each freedom fighter should recall the words of our great hero that our struggle is a protracted struggle.Nuers will never be satisfied even if we leave the whole South Sudan for which we fought for twenty one years to them.All their illiterate people want to be generals,hooooo,where will you guys get money to pay thousands of Nuer& Murlei illiterate generals?!!!!!!!!Formation of a nation requires us to give services to our poor masses including Nuers children,women & girls.Dr Nyagat macar Teny does not care for those poor Nuers,more over he doesnt know anything about modernity.In conventional Armies, illiterates are not allowed to be officers as it is the case in SAF.Go to Kenya Mr Nyagat & see to yourself what is there.He had been to London but came back with nothing.Where on earth can a tribe be promoted to the rank of general all????????????.Lets just face them,lets teach them lessons.SPLA OYEEEEEEEEEEE

  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army

    It is typical attitude that some leaders or communities have the culture of resisting positive change or initiative from their colleagues but will surrender to that change in the last bitter minute.

    For example, some leaders used to resist self-determination for the people of South Sudan in 1990s.

    But at last they surrendered to it and are now proud to be part of it, if not claiming to be the champions of it from that time.

    Some believe in physical return while others believe in vision’s return. Which one is supreme over the other?

    Some exchanged physical return with vision’s return. That happened in 2002 between Garang and Riek.

    The two merged in the Nairobi’s Merger agreement when Garang was promised leadership and Riek hijacked to vision to his self-determination.

    Let me give you this good example.

    A man and his newly wed wife once argued in their small house. The woman refused to sleep with her husband in order to produce a baby, saying she didn’t want a baby at the time and wanted to continue with enjoyment in bed without pregnancy.

    The husband threatened that he would move out of the house and establish another house in which he will bring in a new wife to sleep with and produce a baby. The woman agreed to the option by her husband.

    The man moved out of the house. As soon as he was to marry another wife, the first woman called him to reconcile with and have whatever he wanted with her. The man came back and rejoined with the wife, slept with her and produced the baby.

    Now, who has surrendered to who? The husband who physically moved out and returned to the wife, or the wife who changed her mind and allowed the husband to sleep with her and produce the baby?

    Then the wife divorced and disappeared later but the husband retained the beautiful baby.

  • Ruach Jing
    Ruach Jing

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    To my fellow citizen,

    I am sure more pals here are youth of which they are the future leader who gonna practice the pure democrats. I think what we are suppose to post here is to give positive articles instead of abusive words which some guys are doing here.

    Things that are happening in this young nation are not really good for our future let remember what Bashier said when he was here. Gatdet was good man when he was in Abyei fighting with Arab if it happen that he has defected it won’t happiness to us.

    Lets pray Almighty Gos that all this things will come to an end in peaceful way.

  • Greater Equatoria
    Greater Equatoria

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Hahahahaha! What goes around comes around. According to one of a Greek philosopher,there is always a cause to something that happens.Therefore,these defections are not just a joke,but they show that there is something wrong with handling of GoSS.Don’t blame anyone here,blame Kiir because he oversees the affairs of GoSS.

    To me,the main problem that have caused all these defections is corruption.Corruption is practiced through several ways,but the most one in South Sudan is tribalism in jobs and in promotions.During the civil war Garang mostly promoted his close relatives and some Nuers but promoted few Equatorians to ranks of Generals.He was pleasing his relatives,but that is wrong because it has come back to haunt the Governemnt,since every General wants to get a bigger position. If Equatorians have many Generals,my Dinka friends by now you would have fled from Juba.Your barbarianism has already reached Equatoria,as shown by this fierce Equatorian Loro who has already killed six SPLA.

    Go and fight in your states you power hungry people,including the Nuer.Take your capital city now! I doubt if you will manage to build a city since there’s no culture of development in your states.

    Solution: Equatorians should chase these barbariasn away and Equatoria should form it’s own country,otherwise,there will be no change.

  • $iong mayom
    $iong mayom

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    I tell my Dinka ppl not to worry. These ppl(u know who) allied with the jallaba during the bloody days but they couldn’t defeat us. Nothing will change this time. Even Riak him self can go to Khartoum if he wants. This Nuer behavior of running between will never change, that’s what they do best. . They will drop dead running back and forth. My advice to them this time is to stay with jallaba and not come back again when a full scale war breaks out with jallaba. Nuer allying with jallaba will not be any gain for the Arabs, in fact it’s a curse because all Nuer coward soldiers do is loot for food. That is what they will do again and we will have to slaughter them because we are tired of them running in between.it’s will be good without them like it was during the war. Please don’t come back again like those coward Nuer leaders who came back to Splm when the war was over. We want ppl to be present during the war not when it’s over. Riak has no right to be the leader of south Sudan because he did nothing during the liberation of south Sudan simple as that. Infact we all know Riak was a foe. U Nuer Arab slaves should not demand the leadership of splm as u traitors do not meet the prerequisites, u might as well leave junup and move to khartoum and do what u do best which is washing their toilets and lick their bumps while they pray to their fake Mohamed.

  • Phil

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Southerners and their neighbours along with the international community should all encourage peaceful means to armed rebellion such as the one currently charging up. Whatever political grievances, mature approach should be taken in an atmosphere guided by mutual respect and unity of purpose.

    Let those who are aiming to pour petrol into the already burning system be reminded that they will earn very unpleasant results. From the outset, one can see clearly what political and social impacts this emerging armed conflict shall have on South Sudan. The region of South Sudan is apparently exhausted by civil wars with the North; it’s troubling to see it incapable of avoiding another civil war with its self.

    One of negative outcomes shall be disunity, which in turn will result in Abey being taken by the North.

    Wise leadership and patriotism are urgently required in order to maintain unity and peace.


  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    SPLA making everyone General in the army even ex-rebels is the problem. You would have demoted them rather than putting them in high rank. Let unpatriotic like Peter Gadet practice his ugly activities of 1991 SPLA will hold him back.
    What do they?. is it leadership or what?. SHAME ON TRAITORS.

  • Madingthith

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Hey Readers,

    What is the reason of two Nuer Guys taking permission for medical check up in Nairobi at the same time and thus ends up in rebellions? That is the deal being plan and tight by Gadet and Paulino Matip if you don,t know. I will not blame them but Salva of pardoning all fake militias to loom and integrated their militias in SPLA soldier that is one mistaken. The other mistaken is why he recommended them to have some powers over SPLA army.

    All those people emerging with their rebellion should be brought to book by South Sudan people not only Salva Kiir or whosoever in the SPLA army.

    Take Care and don,t blame the rebel persons of taking that decision, others will be going to join them as soon as possible.


  • Ghai-nyanthy

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Khartoum is responible for every single instability in South Sudan since the 1956 upto date.There had never been a time when SPLA had militias fighting SAF but every militia fought SPLA to date.The Issue of rebllion going on by those who are power greeds should not be refuel by the youth becouse they(youth)are the victims at the end of day.You know those guys are aging and they think rule by force through the influent of Khartoum they can succeed in whatever plan they are doing.

    Corruption is created by people and had it solution;and we are South Sudanese regardless of tribs, religion and race.It’s us to supper these blows .And it’s us who will come back again when we beleave that it’s not what we expect and satisfied that will change this country.We/you had to work more for what we/you want.

    Kharoum had to except her hand on indegenius African Sudanese they are KILLING.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Mr. Slava’s disciples,

    This time it will be different war from 1991 when Mr. Marxist-Leninist Garang was corrected from his poor “New Sudan,” vision.


    But at the end of the game only the King of the Jungle will rule the land. It is a matter of time before your Kingdom smashed to ash.

  • Naath

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Please let me start by saying may the almighty God bless the present of Naath society in their respective geographicall region to resist the present of infidel and slave parasite who try to lead the nation without vision to govern this belove nation.To go back to Peter Gatdet, I believe he is tire to see the corruption, nepotism, tribalism and parasitic behaviore of our brother dinkas/jang. Therefore, for those who deny the ability of Naath society to check the will of corruption let us wait to what will happen in few days.

  • Odingo

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Coward Dinka
    If you think you are capable men why don’t you dismissed Dr. Riek Machar from position of the Vice President,if you think that Dr. Riek Machar can deffect at any time.

    For your information coward Dinka, without Dr. Riek and his Nuer Warriors Kingdom, there wouldn’t be freedom that you are enjoying today with out fighting for it. If it is not because President Slava Kiir is the good leader than John Garang, Riek would have been declaring himself as the President of ROSS.


  • Liberator

    Khartoum distances itself from new dissidences in South Sudan army
    Hero(Aka..Akol Aguek Ngong(Newsudan vision contributor)

    please stop your propaganda rubbish against Dr. Riek Machar and Nuer in general.

    You are here in the United States because of Nuer. Nuer paved the way and many of them have lobbied for many orphans to be given asylum in the United States. but Garang after hearing the recommendation sent to State Department under Madeleine at the time in the late ’90s, he quickly went and collect many Bor children some of whom were in the red army and “gave them a psedo name which today widely known as “the lost boys”.

    so please you along others lost boys who have benefited after ’’Nuer’’ arival in the United States in early ’90s should not keep on agitating them by insulting them.

    Equatorians and Nuer were the only 99.9% fighting forces in Anya Anya I and Nuer were 100% fighting force during Anya Anya II(1975-1983) Nuer along with padang Dinka were the majority fighting forces of the SPLA in the early days of 1983-1986 and were 80% fighting forces in the front lines after merger of SPLA & Anya Anya II in 1988. thats why from 1989 on many towns starting with NASIR fell and other towns continue to fell there after. you know why is because the 80% of frontlines fighting forces were all from Nuer.

    If you termed traitors as some one who once been on Jallaba payroll and fighting against their brothers.

    well, you don’t have to go far that’’SALVA KIIR and John Garang were intelleigence officer and Military reasearch director and intelliegence serving th Niemeri Govertment during which Anya Anya II forces including the current Deputy commander in chief of the SPLA were fighting that regime(Niemiri) from 1975-1983.

    So please, you shut you mouth up here in the United States or people like me will outed you with in the U.S government that you came here in the United States as a part of Sham scheme by John Garang to bring his own clan here at the expense of many orphans from other tribes.

    Ethiopia base was established by Nuer before your uncle John Garang came along and hijacked it with the helped of Nuer officials in Ethiopia and Mengistu.

    Now, where in the world did you (Dinka) ever start a thing before’’Nuer’?

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