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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia: Thousands of government officials register their assets

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

March 29, 2011 (ADDIS ABABA) – Some 5,000 government officials have so far registered their assets, Ethiopia‘s Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (FEACC) disclosed on Tuesday.

The registration undertaken with the assistance of the World Bank will oblige any appointee, elected person or public servant to disclose and register the assets under the ownership, possession and incomes of themselves and their family.

The law, however, exempts common property acquired through inheritance and held by the heirs for private use, household goods and personal effects, and pension benefits.

According to the commission, Ethiopia is one of the few countries who register the wealth of officials as part of the global efforts to combat corruption and other impropriety.

This is the first time for the Horn of Africa’s nation to register wealth of government officials including ministers. Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was the first high ranking government official to register his assets.

The Ethiopian Parliament on March 30, 2010 endorsed the wealth registration proclamation which has been the pipeline for several years.

The target includes registering a total of 45,000 people including the wealth of families of government officials, and other key civil servants who are in positions of making decisions over the country’s resources.



  • Yaadasaa Dafaa
    Yaadasaa Dafaa

    Ethiopia: Thousands of government officials register their assets
    It really does not make sense when completely opposite and criminally injustice practice are being perpetuated to the people all over Ethiopia. There are gross robbing of None Tigre people in the prison of Nations “Ethiopia”. The selling of none Tigray lands to the foreign land grabbers continues unchecked.The worst deeds are making these indigenous Oromo people homeless in unimaginable number by selling their lands, while the millions of dollars generated are hidden in the foreign banks under the names Meles’ wife and his concubines.

    Other funds generated from bilateral and multilateral international sources were used to consolidate the TPLF home base under a plan known as the Emergency Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Tigray. Billions of dollars raised from the international community through loans and aid grants for the whole country have been diverted to develop Tigray in the past years since the appearnces of TPLF on the power screen of the country, while other areas are deliberately neglected. An impressive number of schools, colleges, highways, airports, factories, telecommunication networks and introduction of computers into schools, and electrification of towns and districts are some of the development projects carried out in Tigray. Meanwhile, Oromia and other areas are suffering from famine, AIDS epidemics, abject poverty and social stagnation. The regime tries to cover up this naked reality by touting an illusionary economic growth . The fact is that the majority of the population has not benefited from the claimed growth. Former growing towns of Oromiaian vicinities are deliberately segregated from development. Once flourishing futuristic small towns, at the present time, ended up resembling the dying ghost towns.

  • Mohammad100

    Ethiopia: Thousands of government officials register their assets
    It really remains amazing to watch this barbaric regime to claims it’s deeds equivocating to adhering to the ethics of morals governing the human basic aspirations of governing. This issue is misunderstood, and the TPLF hooligans thought that just by claiming that thousands of it’s agents are registering their assets may cleanse their bloody hands, and the world governments and organizations can rubber stamp the approval of the heinous crimes they perpetuate against none Tigrian people of North East Africa. What an hallucination?

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