Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs

April 3, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) revealed on Sunday that the presidency issued a decree instructing that Southern members of parliament should be allowed to join the new legislative session despite opposition by the speaker.

Sudanese Parliament speaker Ahmed Ibrahim al-Tahir (AFP)
Sudanese Parliament speaker Ahmed Ibrahim al-Tahir (AFP)
The federal cabinet affairs minister Luka Byong, who is also an SPLM figure, said that speaker of the national assembly Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Tahir is still resisting any attempt to allow Southern MPs back.

However he added that the decision by the presidency may not have reached the parliament leadership yet.

Last February Al-Tahir stressed that starting in April Southern seats in parliament will no longer exist in line with the outcome of the South Sudan referendum which paved the way for the country’s split officially in July.

He cited article 118 of the constitution for his decision interpreting it as saying that Southern MP’s have no representation authority because the constituencies they won in are now in the south.

But Byong said that this cannot be read in isolation from article 226 which allows Southern officials in the government to stay until the end of the interim period in July.

“I understand [Al-Tahir’s] interpretation of Article 118 but the political reading forces the creation of good grounds between the parties to avoid the existence of bitterness,” he said.

“We expected celebrations to take place and a farewell to the Southerners in the executive and legislative branch on the eighth of July and finding a link of understanding between the political executive and the legislature,” he added.

The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in control of the North has stated in the past that all Southerners in the central government, military and civil service will be dismissed once results are certified.



  • Liberator

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Dear readers:

    I know the provision within the CPA about the transitional period. But why any Southerner other than Abyei orphans want to remained in the North Sudan is beyond commonsense.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Ahmed Ibrahim is a very shallow minded politician. How come to be resisting any attempt to allow SMPs in the GONU when they CPA has not yet expired?

    Will he attend the Independent Celebration day for the South on the 9th July 2011?

    Please NCP, do not give us a hard time for this short period otherwise South Sudan may also give you a hard time after the independent. If NCP is so wise, this is the last golden opportunity to repair,revive and rebuild strong relationship with the South. We shall take notes of your attempts and you shall see it.

  • Jalaby

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Jonobean in our parliament,

    If you adhere to such a degree not to leave our parliament then why did you choose to separate from north?

    The obvious reason that you are a member of the parliament because you represent some people from the south and geograohical part that is no longer part of Sudan, now we are two countries and each one has full sovereignty, why don’t you go and concentrate on the problem of the people who elected you to solve their problems, those people exist in the south and not north!

    Those members of our parliament thought they can still hold the north citizenship after they vote for separation and have dual citizenship but we clearly rule out dual citizenship for southerners.

    Please stop annoying us, we gave you the full control in the south and Basheer cannot even hire a doorkeepr in any position in the south, we gave you third of north government and ministries + VETO and you chose to separate, we really liked your decision because it was not fair at all that previous status and all we got from people like Pagan Amum and his fellow is hatred and stabbing us from behind in the international organizations and forums and asking not to lift the sanction from north but rather increase the crip!!!!

    Enough is enough, this is not your country and you have no right to sit in our parliament since the people you represent now consider to be virtual in the north, go and solve their problem in the south because that is the place where they exist and that is your country!

    Jalaby (Abo Tagia)

  • Liberator

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Kolnyang Youth

    We are already an independent entity. unless of course, if they(SPLM-members in GONU)chooses to stay in the North, then there is no point of being left behind a sailing ship to the shore other than for pure monetary reason.

  • Liberator

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Kolnyang Youth

    We are already an independent entity. unless of course, if they(SPLM-members in GONU)chooses to stay in the North, then there is no point of being left behind a sailing ship to the shore other than for pure monetary reason.

  • Kolnyang youth
    Kolnyang youth

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Liberator of native useless empty rebel?

    shut up liberator you are traitor,who killed many in South Sudan am specific on you not your tribe pliz insults but not my tribe and can you join your party SSIM

    let your MPs of SSIM come back to the South and SPLM-PMs will wait till July


  • Liberator

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Kolnyang Youth

    We are already an independent entity. unless of course, if they(SPLM-members in GONU)chooses to stay in the North, then there is no point of being left behind from a sailing ship to the shore other than for purely monetary reason.

  • Jalaby

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Sudanese parliament for the sudanese people from north, west and east and not south!

    It’s time to f### off idiot!

    Jalaby (Abo Tagia)

  • Dakin

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    dear liberator. Deng majiok’s childrens r black arabs n they all voted 4 unity during the refrndm in northern sudan and they r not in the army 2 defend their shameful history at Abyei. Kolnyang youth, nhomlauda r jus a crying babies. It was kuol manyang n their father garang z started killing nuer soldiez in spla in cold blood n than could defend themselves against some few annoyed armed nuer civilians who defied Riek n attacked Bor. Dr Riek is a man of peace . Go kuol and hold him accountable 4 bringing curse upon your land. U ppl under curse too as a nation bcos u hav stolen the (tosh) of Ngundeng. He has made u stubborn n powerles. U r an unclean tribe our brothers in equatoria shud 4 during the time u were idps there u brought of problems 2 their fruitful land.

  • Jalaby

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Mr. Deng,

    I’m please to tell you that I’m very happy for the south separation because neithor north nor south is benefiting
    from that unity, if southerners want to separate and live the way that they love to live then it is their right,
    having their own believes, traddition, culture and what religion they choose for themselves, why not?

    We paid high price for fake unity that was imposed on us, majority of the people in the north are happy for south
    separation, south separated so what? what happened to north? now we will go forward and develop the north, we will
    use our huge resources in the north to build strong and great country in Arab and Africa.

    South separation is good decision by southerners because it is win/win.

    Now it is time for southerners in the north to go home and leave our country, they should go and build their country
    and stop fighting for staying three months in our parilament and stop doing nasty thing, what silly is this?

    Jalaby (Abo Tagia)

  • Jalaby

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Dear Harry,

    It is all point to one entity .. great arab/jalaba 🙂

    Jalaby (Abo Tagia)

  • harry

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Dear Jalaby,

    Thanks for the clarification.


  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs

    You’re such an idiot, clearly you have no understanding of the Sudanese constitution. You along with the other southerners shouting for southern MP’s to go to south (before July) are misguided by subjective reasoning.

    The CPA is very clear as to the fate of those MP’s, when the president was told hand over control of the oil sector since your speaker wants southern MP’s out with their monetary benefits before July as stipulated in the CPA, the answer was the decree you’re shouting about. Your hypocrisy and stupidity is beyond me.

    Every agreement has a process and a transitional aspect to it, get it through your emma and tagia wrapped thick skull. That speaker is as much stupid as he is racist, just like you Jalaby!

    Btw, during the uneasy unity, the north benefited immensely from southern resources but you’re probably upset because some Southerners probably bullied you everyday to and fro school, grow up! You will soon wish you had better leadership to keep the country together for economic development of all of Sudan. You are funny though, such a whining kid.

    Harry, I thought you knew better.

  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs

    The reason why Southern representatives want to hang on till July is because the North is still taking its oil share till July 9th.

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Sudani Logik

    You hit the nail on the neck ! ! I am not sure whether Jalaby is able to use his common sense. Responsible leaders would not go his way. Unless fanatic ones ! Smooth transitional process is healthy considering our nature.

    Yeah I can agree with Jalaby on one comment: that the fake unity has costed the North high price to keep it…..and it has costed the South high price to dismantle it. It is good to hear from Jalaby that both side are happy with referendum outcome. Why not allowing smooth transition at this stage?



  • Jalaby

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Ya No logic,

    You always make me laugh a lot .. although you are damn idiot and have no logic at all but your input is quite interesting!

    You said we benefited from the unity, we started exporting the oil from the south in 1999 with only 150k barrel per day and then we shared it 50/50 with southerners since 2005 until now, after giving the south 50% and a lot of money goes for investors how much money left with north after all that? compared to what we spent on this damn war since our independence date is nothing, it is just few pennies that we got since 1999 compared to priceless human resources and billion of dollars that we lost you idiot!

    I’ll repeat again what you never like to hear, southerners should go home, north is no longer their country!

    Shame on you southerner members of our parliament, fighting and making noisy just for staying three months in our parliament .. does it really deserve
    all this nonesense noisy!

    You are good no logic in giving us some break, laugh, and gags! just keep it that way buddy.

    Jalaby (Abo Tagia)

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    It is now too late and i do not know whether you will catch up getting this latest comment from me. Please let me ask you one thing. Do you know Southern tricks? You are still believing that you will disarupt the declaration day on the 9th July 2011 because you are still arming militias loyal to Southern rebels gruops like Athor, Gatluak and recently promoted General Peter Gadet to implement unity for you by force and yet you are not committed to the CPA articles and chapters as well. You know these arms which you buy with your share of oil revenue will be later on turned against you when Southerners united.

    The rebels you are arming will later capture borders between North and South and that will be the effective tool of reconciliation and peace among southerners themselves.

    Unless you guys does not believe in these facts. Take it from me brother. compare and related it to many other occassions where these happened between SPLA and NCP.

  • Kolnyang youth
    Kolnyang youth

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    liberator ?

    I can not trust you of not being a traitor so you always talk like a traitor by hating other communities exception of Nuer and Shuluk that show you are traitor because that motto of hating other tribes of South Sudan have given your sign of being tool used by arabs to killed his own people of South Sudan .


  • harry

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Dear Sudani Logic,

    You’re right. I was not defending Jalaby, but the situation presented itself practically. I mean the Northern regime can do whatever opportunity it takes to score its political goal. Remember, this is a mere political game here.

    Jalaby’s points were from practical form of the political situation. Practically, Southerners don’t have anything do in the north at this time and up to July 9TH regardless of what CPA says.

    In the mean time, Southern Government can stop giving the North its share of oil revenues if GoSS elected to do so regardless what CPA says. It is just political game nothing else. South can elect to do the same regarding the oil from practical stand point. Why not? I hope you got my point. Thanks


  • Arop Mawien
    Arop Mawien

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    The president is the head of a government, therefore, I don’t understand where the mere speaker rejects the decree and remains rejected. It is clear that July 9th is the end of every thing they are rashing to. So I urge those who oppose Luke Byong to agree with him because it is in the agreement.

    Arop Mawien

  • Akech

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    As south sudanses in in central government are not needed any more it’s a right of Northerns because they when to discuss some issues against Southerns, so my descision is that we have to move out from that Parliament with 100 percent of our oil revenue.

  • James Umuor M.
    James Umuor M.

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Its wrong to say sudanese speaker have rejected southern MPs in the National House. Who is him alone to do that? what i know is that they have a plan or hidden agenda with Bashier and other NCP members today and tomoro you will see them allowing southern MPs in the House. But however all these plan and hidden issues will never work in our blood here in southern sudan.

  • Shuillk kingdom
    Shuillk kingdom

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Mr,Ibrahim Altahir & his likes shouldn’t be pushed by their own frustration to dirvert from the CPA.But rather follow according to the constitution.
    Nouthern Sudanese in South should go back to north & southern likewise.

  • Obol Sam Gabriel
    Obol Sam Gabriel

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs

    NCP is already failed Government as well as the failed state at the same time.this is not the first of it kind when the NCP start violating the CPA articles it was since 2005 upto know,instead this is the right time for the NCP and the rest of the Arabs world to come and reconcile to the People of Southern Sudan for the all evil they have done against the south,but still keep on voilating which is too late to them.there are so many things which always paining the NCP and their bros.in Arab countries of which one of them is the unity of the Northerners with oil in South-Sudan but not the unity between the two states.Otherwise if that was not the case,they would have recognized their evil deed they have done in order to forget the differences and to start new chapter of creating strong relationship between the states but those who used to do evil will learnt to do good.To else with them if they are rejecting the Southern MPS in the national parliament.Come back home and resume the August house together with your brothers and sisters in the Southern Parliament.

  • Garang

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Speaker Ibrahim should not defy directives of the President.As Luka Biong said it right, the transition should be smooth, putting in mind future relations of the emerging two countries.Any way, the forum on this topic is the best I have ever come across.real intellectuals!

  • dotcom

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs

    It has come to my attention that some of you guys go far beyond the house rules, by resorting to comments that DO NOT in any way help or serve the interest of our online readers.

    This is a follow up note/warning that,
    we have now taken some tough measures to scrutinize some commentaries and delete them when deemed inappropriate to the topic of the discussion. I have also decided to delete some members with repetitive unprofessional/degrading comments (and thats why you don’t see some members you knew of). We are not in anyway limiting anyone’s freedom of speech, thats why we have given you “wonderful-years-of-anything-goes-comments” since the establishment of this website.

    Please, route for positive and productive commentary to serve the truth and plural idealism for the enjoyment/betterment of all so as to avoid being blocked from accessing these wonderful features that we at ST provided.

    I hope you understand.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs

    The Jalabbi in Southerners shoes!

    The Jalbbi in disguise!

    Why you call bad names! Idiots only call bad names and swear!

    The constitution in Article 18 says that southerners stop to be members of the parliment if the south chooses to secede.That was very clear.Even Dr. understands that very well , but he said it! He demands that to be read in conjuction with the CPA article which stipulates that the interim period ends in July.Both has got his valid poit.

    The speaker of the Parliment or the Parliment itself doesn’t recieve orders from the Presidency; same like the judiciary.These are three seperate authorities , non can impose it’s will upon the other.Any dispute between them is settled only the Consitutional court.

    A poltical solution for this trivial problem is being discussed.

    Would you tell tell me what are the resources we benifited from! except the oil which is only during the las 6-7 years! Or tell what resources are exploited or used at all .Nobody exploited any resources neither in the north nor the south.

    Why should think that southerners are bullying anyone.Only the jalabba like whats to draw such a picture about Southerners. We went to school with them and they were quite frindly and nice people just like anyother human being.We still maintain our friendship.

    Only the hypocrit and rich jalabba who looted the money of the country and went to live abroad have such a bad idea about southerners. Those who wanted to ride on the back of southerners to come back to power . Fortunately , this time the reversed happened.

    Enjoy your asylum , seems your family will not come back unless they are rulers.This is not going to happen again.You have looted enough!

  • harry

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Dear dotcom,

    Thank you for this step. As you mentioned, anybody who will not comply should be deleted from your system. I personally like that because we have seen a lot of comments that were offensive and degrading. I hope brothers and sisters heed your call and refrain from this behavior. Again, thanks very much for enforcing this important policy.


  • Makjohnson

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    People in this wave are tired of hearing Bor crying on Riek Machar. Despite all the facts, what matter is how Dinka-bor 4get that they are still and will be evermore the victim of the Dinka-Nuer balance of power if things turn to be tribe by tribe. Do they 4get that, Lou-Nuer civilian of those years are still inhabited on the eastern part of Bor? Do they really wanted that to happen again or what is the new thing they (Bor) really thinks can help them out of the mess if it happen between Dinka and the Nuer? Don’t they know that, the same Nuer of 1990s still can destroy Bor land and more likely led to the total extintion of the Dinka-bor spiece.Let them understand.
    Bor can talks and keep talking but they are just cunny even their brothers of BGZL know more about them.

  • Garang

    Sudanese parliament speaker rejects presidency directive to allow Southern MPs
    Great! keep it up. Though late, it is a great leap into a brighter future of electronic media work in the two Sudans. Happy are those who preach love and harmony worldwide, for the humanity will forever remember them.harry has said the rest,

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