Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese police breaks up demos in capital, Kordofan

April 4, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese police on Monday reacted to two demonstrations by student activists in the capital Khartoum and by hundreds of unemployed youth in the flashpoint region of Kordofan, in the latest crackdown against dissent fueled by worsening economic conditions and revolts being witnessed in some Arab countries.

Sudanese anti-riot police dispersing demonstrators in downtown Khartoum (FILE PHOTO)
Sudanese anti-riot police dispersing demonstrators in downtown Khartoum (FILE PHOTO)
A string of small anti-government protests in north Sudan over the last two month have failed to gain enough traction and were swiftly squashed by the police supported by members of the country’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) who arrested dozens of activists.

Eye-witnessed told Sudan Tribune that anti-riot police units intervened to break up clashes that erupted on Monday at Khartoum University’s main campus between students calling for regime-change and those loyal to the ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

Video footages released by anti-government groups on the social-networking website Facebook have shown a handful of students clapping their hands and chanting anti-government slogans as they marched towards the main gate of Khartoum University campus in downtown Khartoum.

According to ST’s witnesses, NCP-affiliated students attacked the protesting students with metal rods as state security agents arrested and beat 20 students, some of whom sustained injuries, the sources added.

Students allied with the NCP are normally supplied with light weapons and can often act with impunity to squelch any anti-government activities in Sudanese universities.

Meanwhile, hundreds of jobless university graduates demonstrated for nearly two hours in Al-Fula town in the country’s flashpoint region of Kordofan against lack of employment opportunities.

Eye witnesses reported that the police had tried to break up the demonstrators using tear gas and batons but the protestors clashed with police who eventually had to allow the protest to proceed.

The oil-producing region of Kordofan is highly volatile and dominated in part by the well-armed Arab nomadic tribe of Messiriya which was used as a proxy militia by Khartoum during the years of civil war with south Sudan which voted to secede from the north in a referendum this month.



  • Hero

    Sudanese police breaks up demos in capital, Kordofan
    Ill-prepared to sent their message.Black vs Black and they called themselves arab.Come to South Sudan or stop and accept to dies quietly.

  • dotcom

    Sudanese police breaks up demos in capital, Kordofan

    It has come to my attention that some of you guys go far beyond the house rules, by resorting to comments that DO NOT in any way help or serve the interest of our online readers.

    This is a follow up note/warning that,
    we have now taken some tough measures to scrutinize some commentaries and delete them when deemed inappropriate to the topic of the discussion. I have also decided to delete some members with repetitive unprofessional/degrading comments (and thats why you don’t see some members you knew of). We are not in anyway limiting anyone’s freedom of speech, thats why we have given you “wonderful-years-of-anything-goes-comments” since the establishment of this website.

    Please, route for positive and productive commentary to serve the truth and plural idealism for the enjoyment/betterment of all so as to avoid being blocked from accessing these wonderful features that we at ST provided.

    I hope you understand.

  • Madina Kebir
    Madina Kebir

    Sudanese police breaks up demos in capital, Kordofan
    Well, the Khartoum government use to control Southern Sudanese people by doing this tactics, but it didn’t work for them and same thing the Nubian people can go one way or another. Although Khartoum use to have a good economics for all these years, this 21st century has come with different dynamic story and for the long runs the Khartoum government is going to be the poor nation in North Africa.

    The late Dr. John Garang did mention important thing that, Sudan is not going to be same again, because he knows very well that, there will be two things are going to happen in the Sudan. 1. The late chairman had a feeling that, Sudan will be a democratic nation and will be rule by the SPLM a part from those who created mess in the Sudan. 2. He was also hoping for whatever matter, if NCP and Omar al Bashir refused not to accepted the Ideas from the SPLM to have good government that treating people same for justice and good demorcacy system then, the Southern Sudanese people are going to votes for her New Sudan nation or Southern Sudan independence following by many others regions which faces same situations in the Sudan as the Southern Sudanese does for years. To me I don’t think the dominators will control Nubian people by force and they want to do that then, it will reuslt in the isolation to Khartoum government from the rest of Sudanese societies.

  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    Sudanese police breaks up demos in capital, Kordofan
    You wrote the same massage last time,but up to now you didn’t do anything.I thought you people who are controling Sudan Tribune web could atleast take a step to make this forum more respectful,professional with a logic comments.
    But look at three quaters of the commentators here,how they wrote their names,their comments full of insult,more tribalistic unprofessional.
    I some time do refrain from wring my comment when I used to be disturbed by the way some of us used silly comments.

    Please come up,clean this forum,we like contributions which build peace and prosperity among us.
    We like any one to be among oposition group,but not to insult like a street gangs or group of drunkers.

    Rev Kamunde.

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Sudanese police breaks up demos in capital, Kordofan
    NCP national security agents are ruthless just like their master. Why would security officers beat students and injury them instead to maintian the riot not to escalate to an ugly stage. It is an abuse to use the power you are given to hurt others instead of securing the public. NCP,you are on the brink of collapse; no matter what you do your regime is going to change soon. Create jobs and fix the economy but that will not be enough either. Leave power and give chance to other educated to rule and help their citizens.

    Peter Nhiany

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Sudanese police breaks up demos in capital, Kordofan
    Keep on protesting in order to get rid of genocidal regime.
    Remember this is dawn of Arab democracy.If king of king (Mamuar Algaddafi) is facing challenges of poor leadership,what about a person who has being accused of war crime by ICC.just put pressure on him.

  • harry

    Sudanese police breaks up demos in capital, Kordofan
    Mohammed Ali,

    Keep bragging until you find yourself out of power. Do you think you guys are going to stay in power forever? The day will come when you will be caste out like a male servant.

    Leave Mr. Sudani Logik alone, he have a lot do to Sudanese than you guys. He stood up against injustice, marginalization, racism, and barbaric and hegemonic policies of NCP.

    If I can prefer, he could have been in power running those institutions better than you guys because he have visions, principles, and beliefs, unlike you guys who always used to stab backing. Like what you guys did to Gaddafi who stood up and defended you against the ICC.

    Hypocrisy is not going take NCP anywhere, but it will catch up with you sooner or later. Just keep bragging. Your turn is going to come soon.


  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Sudanese police breaks up demos in capital, Kordofan
    Mohamed Ali, it took North Sudan more than fifty years to reach where they are now thanks to the oil money from the South. Yes SPLM has been in control of South for five years and I agree with you they did not do much to the people and likewise, North did not do much for the rest they claimed to be part of the North like Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Eastern Sudan. It is always easy to see small dust in your brother’s eye while failing to see a big log in your eye. Southern government maybe corrupt now but time will come when they will see the needs of the people they struggle for , for many years. I for one will not disagree with in regard to some bad apples in our government.

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