Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes

April 6, 2011 (YAMBIO & RUMBEK) – An attack on the Jur community in Mvolo County in Western Equatoria state by a group believed to be Dinka Atuot from neighboring Lakes state on Tuesday 5 April has killed 11 people and left many injurd according to local officials.

From left to right: Bakulu Edward, speaker of W. Equatoria state (WES) assembly, WES governor Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro and WES deputy governor Abui Sapana during their swearing in ceremony. June 24, 2011 (ST)
From left to right: Bakulu Edward, speaker of W. Equatoria state (WES) assembly, WES governor Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro and WES deputy governor Abui Sapana during their swearing in ceremony. June 24, 2011 (ST)
The attacks occurred while the governors of Lakes and Western Equatoria were meeting in Mopourdit to discuss ways of finding lasting solutions to the problem of border violence between the communities.

The governor of Western Equatoria state Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro has condemned the fresh attacks, which occurred in Bar-girindi payam [district] of Mvolo County.

According to reports from eye witnesses, armed men were seen coming from Lakes states heading towards Ngop village.

“This situation is discouraging, nevertheless we shall continue to show restraint and avoid any hostility that may disintegrate the communities” added the governor.”

Bakosoro reiterated his commitment “to the peace process with the hope that the two states with all their officials keep truth and respect the rights of the communities to live in perpetual peace.”

The governor called upon the United Nations to intervene and find out lasting solutions to the ongoing crisis being a neutral body for advocacy and civic education.

The governor urged members of parliament from Mvolo County to encourage the communities to desist from taking part in any hostility in the future.

“We must seek peace at any cost with our neighbours and learn to live with each other but in peace” decried Bakosoro.

He pointed out that “it is sad that any time the people of WES discuss or complain of cattle issues, automatically other people say Western Equatorians are found of tribalism.

Mvolo commissioner Paul Tier, said the clashes broke out during the peace and reconciliation meeting in Mopourdit when the Dinka Atuot launched fresh attacks on Bar-Girindi payam.

“When we returned from the meeting, reports indicate 5 people were killed, then later in the evening 6 more totalling to 11 people confirmed dead, many more wounded and properties looted” he said.

Tier expressed his dismay that they did not expect such incident to happen while efforts are exerted by the two state governors to stop bloodshed.

“We were not greeting ourselves with my counterpart commissioner of Yirol west Makur Kulang, but we demonstrated openly in front of the big people and media to show that we are for peace, that the past has gone” revealed Tier.

He added that, he will work with the orders of the state government as it is clear that Western Equatoria is “for peace not war as said by the governor.”

The commissioner mentioned that the numbers of displaced people is increasing drastically and immediate humanitarian aid is needed.

One of the key resolutions of Tuesday meeting was that communities would be advised to cease from all kinds of hostilities. Buffer zones are to be created to monitor the border by the South Sudan army.

The speaker of the state Assembly Bukulu Edward revealed that as representatives of communities the state legislative assembly will render full support to peace initiative as spearheaded by the governor.

“We are very concerned about the crisis in Mvolo, and we are appealing to the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) “to intervene and clearly know that what is happening between Mvolo and Yirol West is a big blow and loss” asserted the speaker.

Local MP Magret Fozia expressed her deep regret at the resumption of conflict appealing for a lasting solution asking “is Western Equatoria not part of this new nation? If yes, the people of WES deserve relevant peace as peace lovers.” South Sudan is due to become independent in July.

“We have so many ethnic tribes in the state, but have never caused any tribal conflict for years, people are staying in peace, only external and foreign aggressions by people who do not want peace”, said Fozia.

The governors of Lakes and W. Equatoria hugging upon arrival at the peace meeting in Mopourdit, South Sudan (ST)
The governors of Lakes and W. Equatoria hugging upon arrival at the peace meeting in Mopourdit, South Sudan (ST)
The South fought the Khartoum government for over two decades in a bitter civil war that ended in a 2005 peace granting the South the right to secede through a referendum. In January they voted overwhelmingly to separate.

Governor Bakosoro briefed the state legislative assembly on Wednesday on the current security situation between the Jur tribe of Mvolo and Dinka Atuot of Yirol West County in Lakes state.

At a parliament briefing Bakosoro told MPs that “Western Equatoria state does not like any war and will not entertain any tactics that will lead to violence but use diplomatic ways to seek peace.”

Bakosoro urged the legislative assembly to discuss ways of maintaining peace in the state.


The two governors of Lakes and Western Equatoria states have resolved on Tuesday to deploy neutral forces in the conflict zones of Kokori and Bargirindi districts of Mvolo County to prevent further attacks between communities on the borders of the two South Sudan states.

Lakes state Governor Chol Tong at left and Governor of W. Equatoria state Joseph Bakasoro (ST)
Lakes state Governor Chol Tong at left and Governor of W. Equatoria state Joseph Bakasoro (ST)
On Tuesday 5 April, the governor of Western Equatoria Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro led a high level ministerial delegation to Mopourdit payam [district] of Yirol West in Lakes states to meet the governor of Lakes state seeking to amicable find solutions to recent clashes between the two counties of Mvolo and Yirol West.

According the commissioner for Yirol West commissioner, 33 people were killed and 22 people wounded in the clashes that continued intermittently from the start of the year until March 19.

They number of people kill from Mvolo side was not made clear by their county commissioner during the meeting.

The resolutions of the meeting were read out by Lakes state security advisor Santo Domic at Mapuordit compound. The two states resolved to:

1- The two states should inform the different communities to stop hostilities and rapid deployment of organized forces on buffer zone.the governors are to meet in Juba on Saturday 9th July 2011 in the security meeting to agree on which type of forces are to be deployed to prevent further attacks in the borders of Kokori, Bar-Girindi, Lesi amongst others.

2- The communities of Yirol west have agreed to withdraw their cattle back to their territory until agreements are reached.

3- Allow GOSS to form an independent committee to investigate on the root causes of the clashes.

4- Return of internal displaced persons (IDPs) to their areas after the hostility is stopped and the South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) and other partners are asked to support the IDPS for at least three Months as they wait to cultivate.

5- After all the hostility, there is call for peaceful conference to find amicable solutions.

The commissioner of Yirol West Makur Kulang disclosed that he does not see “any reason to why the two communities kill themselves, as they do not have problems among themselves but there are people who want to instigate” violence.

The commisioners of Yirol West and Mvolo County in South Sudan (ST)
The commisioners of Yirol West and Mvolo County in South Sudan (ST)
He took the opportunity to deny allegations that he had supported and encouraged the clashes by traveling to the area in his car.

Kulang said that 33 people from his county had been killed and 22 wounded during the clashes. The number of people kill from Mvolo county was not made clear by their county commissioner during the meeting.

The Yirol West commissioner stated that with the resolutions of the meeting crossing the border between the states should stop until amicable solutions are reached by the government.

He had accused his counterpart in Mvolo county of refusing to answer his phone calls during the clashes.

After the meeting, the commissioner of Mvolo County Paul Tier, said he will make sure that he is in “contact with his counterpart the commissioner of Yirol West,” he rubbished previous allegations that “there has been no coordination between two commissioners.”

Mopourdit communty in Lakes state South Sudan (ST)
Mopourdit communty in Lakes state South Sudan (ST)
The governor of Lakes state Chol Tong Mayai said “their commitment to meet in Mopourdit payam is to oversee that people live along the borders peacefully.”

He pointed out that “all the resolutions reached will be implemented in order to stop further bloodshed.”

“It is our duty as political leaders to see into it that our people live along these borders peaceful. It is our duty see into that services are delivery to them … We will see support from government of Southern Sudan to help us in implementing this resolutions. We come here as brothers and sister to talk here.

Mayay also added that resolutions have recommended the Southern Sudan leadership government to appoint an independent committee to investigate this incident and those who will be proved guilty will face justice.

Meanwhile the governor of Western Equatoria Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro disclosed that his visit is to “seek peace as sisterly states and live in harmony.”

“We in Western Equatoria do not allow people to just die without proper reasons, and that is what we want from Yirol West, that they should protect their people” he said.

Bakosoro further mentioned that the relation between the two counties is “like brothers and sisters”. He cautioned politicians against fuelling violence amongst communities.

“We came from WES with love and peace to you people here becuase for us killing is bad. We do like anybody to dead for nothing. We need you also to protect yourself and to protect the family that live here”

He decried that the 21 years of bloodshed of the north-south civil war, which ended in 2005. He said that as the South approaches independence in July – following a referendum agreed as part of the deal – it was time to focus on building the new nation of the Republic of South Sudan.

Bakosoro called upon the two communities to interact and love themselves. His Western Equatoria administration would make “make sure love and harmony is attained”, he said.

The political advisor for Western Equatoria state government, Robert Bandi, denied allegations that the state has armed local home guard group the Arrow Boys – established to fight the Lord’s Resistance Army – to fight against the Yirol West community of Lakes state.

“I know and heard messages being sent to president of GOSS (Government of South Sudan), that we are arming Arrow Boys, how can we do that, yet Western Equatoria over the past six years has been devastated by the LRA and we were looking for support from Lakes” explained Bandi.

He encouraged the people of Lakes state “to maintain the spirit of patriotism as none of them has defected from the SPLM/A like other states. Rebellions against the southern government and army have killed many in Unity, Jonglei and Upper Nile states as the South approaches independence in July.

The two commissioners expressed their readiness to spearhead peace amongst the communities and enhance effective communications between themselves.

This is the second time the two governors have meet to discuss and find peaceful solutions to the conflicts between the two communities.

It is estimated that 125 goats, and 665 cows including 2 bang bells (big bell) were looted during the clashes. Over 5,000 people have been displaced by the clashes, with many having to stay under trees in at a school in the area.

Both Lakes state and Western Equatoria governments say they require immediate humanitarian assistance the areas affected by the conflict, which includes: Yekdokobo, Lual, Amatnhom, Magok, Kathier, Dhauwel, Hor-Makueny, Hor-Mayen, Hor-Maciek, Wou-wou, Rumacol and Madat.



  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Bangasi bakosoro,
    Equatorians are peace lovers, but Dogs like Dinka do take advantages of being polite and laugh,Dinka do understand only Murle language,and i know you can talk and preach more peace them but is waste of time energy.
    I wish they are located in Eastern Equatoria,so they can meet with the really black man with red eyes.
    Good luck.

  • amon

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    @Omoni jr

    It’s known all over the world that we the Equatorians love peace and people and that’s why their are going to be a new Nation otherwise, If all of us are to behave like the animals that we keep I think no one in this world would ever like to see such kind of the nation existing.

    No one is afraid of any other tribe in the South, but we want to show our brothers how human beings are suppose to stay together in this world. Those who grew up in Equatoria understand this well, but changes will come with time.We have said this several times that let the LEADERS, the DOCTORS and the GENERALS of animals tell their animals to eat free grasses that grow naturally in Equatoria and not the crops that people grow and feed on.

    If people don’t want to understand the language of peace then the time will come when we will all be mad and we will turn the South into ##!!@&*#*@

  • soldier boy
    soldier boy

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Governor Bakosoro is a leader because cnstantly looks for the soultion of the problem not to promote the problem.My point is governor Bakosoro is doing very wonderful job for his people and Republic of Southern Sudan as whole that how leaders so should act not if your nieghoor touch or cheat you have to fight back or cheat back too, that not the leadership that’s inresponsible and lack of leadership style too. like what Athor and the other rebals are doing now is stupid they are very inresponsible and selfishness. when it’s come to Dinka a Tout no one absoultly in Southern Sudan should be hurt because of what he or she has or where she or he from. we southern sudanese a pease lover not a looter and a bloods suck our new nation is emerging we should be thankful and wait for it with all our arms open to develop it and live like others nation. don’t you asks your self why i’m living like less than human being on earth? your answer should be it’s because of the War war war war has took so many clever people away from us. leaders in both states all 10 states of Republic of Southern Sudan should focuse on how to leads their people. And God bless ROSS.

  • Hero

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Omoni Jr,

    Stupidity and greed are not going to rules South Sudan.You need to stop tribalism mate, being tribalist in any way is not going to helps,but it’s ruins our future.I think it’s better for us as a nation and a people to come together and fight it from the bottom up and if we do it under one banner then we will eventually eradicated it all,instead of draming it up to destory us for good.

    Shortly, I wish to tell you that Dinkas are peace loving people not they peace spoilers as you says,and surely their past records show how they have managed to lived with everyone or tribes amicably.So,stop your idiocy and greediness toward them and try give some respects or else your future is clearly bleak.

  • tiger

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Dear E. brothers, in comparison between monkey and cow, which one is good? for us Dinkas, we are resemble with cows and you are resemble with monkeys, looking at your big mouths and heads. i think it is the diet you take is what makes all of you ugly, the cassava flour your mothers takes during pregnancy squeez the baby in the womb hence retalliate it. you call yourselves waariors and yet you collaborated with Arabs during struggle.

    Try to cross your feet to Dinka Agar who occupied three counties of Rumbek east, centre and north whether you will prosper.

  • amon

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes

    Why do you call yourself tiger? you would rather call yourself calf because you grow up with the animal’s milk from which you inherits most of your behaviors and genes from. the cutting on your fore head has drained all the reasoning blood from your head and that’s why you lack human understanding.

    You are too deformed to reform my brother. We fed you and your animals with our cassava in the 90’s, when you didn’t even look like human being but like a moving sticks. Which tribe didn’t collaborate with Arabs during the time of war, and which tribes are still collaborating with Arabs up to now? SPLM/A was born some where and grew up in Equatoria and will continue to exist in Equatoria and it’ll not exist without Equatorians.

    There is no war now and you better come to school to Equatoria so that you can study psychology (the study of human behavior).

  • Jurdit Mayen
    Jurdit Mayen

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    7 April 10:44
    They people from Western and Central Equatoria are coward majority who does not know how to attack and defent,they are just there only for food in Southern Sudan.

    Therefore,if you don,t want to fight, then you should hand over all your properties to husband Dinka tribes because they fear nobody in this World.

    Fack you Equatorians from Western and Central EQUATORIA for your cowardice life.

    Dinka is the man of the people of Southern Sudan.

  • amon

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    @Jurdit Mayen

    Haha!, So you know that your husbands stay in Eastern Equatoria that’s why you didn’t mention them, that’s good then if you can acknowledge that there are warriors too living in Equatoria.

    We are cowards yes, because human life is very important for. If one person dies we consider it as a great lose in the community because it takes a lot of resources to grow up and educate an Equatorian.Look at how Americans and Israelis feel when they lost one life.

    Don’t also forget about what happened in 2005, You illiterate, subhuman, food loathers, land grabbers and development fund thieves. if we can stop you from crossing over to Equatoria to get food and stop you from going to Uganda, I think you’ll grow thinner in one day you.

    I think if all Dinkas were to be like you, I think you would have extinct by now. Remember Nuer, Shilluk and Equatoria, We’ll F*@*#&###k you to death.

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Dear moni Jr & Mon or what ever you call yourself
    You dislike Dinkas on the internet but when you meet them face to face you put your knees down and say boss boss boss. Shame on you guys, without Dinka, I think the whole Equatoria would have been Muslim and Arabs slaves.
    The writer is a great fighter of the SPLA who never diverted since beginning of the movement in 1983 up to date

  • Tomorrow

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    @ Omoni jr.
    The incident in Mvolo county is/was not Equatorians versus Dinka as you think but rather a conflict between the neighbours over their grievances and not because of the tribes they are. Assuming you (Omoni jr) were to be in Mvolo county you would no doubt joined the fighting which shows no civilization. So lets’ learn to condemn any situation categorically and not generally

  • amon

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    @Alfredo christian

    Calling you boss boss doesn’t mean that we are glorifying you,
    but we are belittling you if you don’t know. because everyone of you wants to be a boss even those who are less educated like you and others. Just wait a moment you will see where you be called again boss.

    We resist the Arabs the most and they fear us the most because our reasoning is beyond yours. They can’t use money to buy us as they are doing it now to buy you. I think the people who are enslaved the most by Arabs are you if you don’t read history.

  • Jurdit Mayen
    Jurdit Mayen

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    You are lying my friend,Dinkas are not food loathers or whatever facken words that you have mentioned.We are your husbands, politically and socially.If you want to joke around the corner of Dinka tribes,you will face what you can not swallow in or voumit out.

    Take care my dear coward,don,t joke with warrior(Dinkas)many of you will lost their lifes.

    Regarding your rebellion against Dinkas, you will not defeate us, unless you call for foreign army to intervince politically and peacefuly.

    I hope many of your coward politician from your poor region, likes escaping the conflict.

    If you don,t take care my dear friends,Dinka will finished all of you in your coward regions of greater Equatoria.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes

    Hey guys could you please stop this non-sens Dinkas, equatorians etc.

    We are not to discuss triblisem here.but peace & love.If you can fight yourselve like this on the cyber then what will you do when u meet each other?please behave like an educated person who reason positivly. We are the new generation that is going to build our new country,that is why we got to cloth ourselves with peace & love,How can we expect ourselve to be future leaders while we still reason in such a primative way?
    Some of you need to be rubuked.

    Sudantribune editor;

    Please can you delete those useless comments above if you dont mind,thank you very much for your coperation.

    Think positive always.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Please; take reflection of your suffering in the hands of Arabs for all these years. There is nothing so bad Dinka has done to all Southerners and i believed that Dinka have not evaded anybody land during this interim period and thus can not be regarded as strengers. They were the people you know since and especially during the period of war. All Dinkas where in all corners of South Sudan. Therefore, they are not strengers to any tribe in South Sudan.

    What happened between People of Mvolo and Yirol West County should be condemned by all peace loving citizens. There was no point at all to leave your Governors behind negotiating peace for your own benefit and attacked others again. Although it is thought as a vengful attack it is conducted at a wrong time.

    To all junubini, please refrain from such abusive comments and i do especially ask my collegues from Jur not to be part and partial of promoting and supporting communal fights. Dinka says “Aci Cieng”. Please let us wait and wait until to raise up the flag of our new nation. Bring somebody you want to rule South Sudan and again try again to point finger or throw any abusive words at any Dinka because you like doom in South Sudan.

    Instead of people to leave in peace as neighbours you like to build tower of hatred among yourselves. This is the time neighbours begin to build peaceful relations, find ways to interact with one another, make more friendships, intermarriages, sharing and learning local languages among yourselves, dance together and many other social activities that shows that Junubin are of one Identity. Show arabs and the whole world that you are one people, one voice in one country. Please do that.

  • Equatoria Gal
    Equatoria Gal

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    To the cow,

    First of all go back to school and concentrate on Grammer, secondly you accuse yourself of comparing cow and monkey,
    yes I have got to say cow is a full animal and does not reason at all. Monkey the brilliant human being reasons and resembles human beings.
    Talking of diet, I think a man who eat greens is far better than feeding on cow’s milk which is even very dirty together with its feases.
    When you talk of collaboration with Arabs, ask yourself who are the current South Sudanese rebels? Aren’t they Dinkas? WHo sponser them?

    Thanks and stop mentioning Equatorians in you affairs.
    The only good Dinka is Saliva ( I wish he wasn’t a Dinka at all)and when he steps down, blood will pour.

  • amon

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    @Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    My Mr. Cibaipiath I salute you and I wish many are like you to change this world. Some of our brothers here don’t understand well by stating using abusive words here, call Equatorians with all source of names which angered some of us to some of bitter words here.

    Why do you started calling us (Equatorians)cowards after wars and referendum ? Is this because you have achieved what you want? Please, let me call you BIG BROTHERS, what do you think will happen in a country where other tribes consider themselves superior and better then others? Can we really stay together in peace and hormone, I wander. I think some of us must have been cursed to bad behavior.

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Alfredo chicks,
    haha,who do i called boss??, Dinka cow dung and semi-human brain? better i called i called baboon a boss,rather than calling unfortunate born subhuman living in south sudan.
    “”without Dinka cow-minded Equatoria would have been islamized””??? what the fuck wrong with you kijanachild?
    over ten thousands of Dinka are muslims and still continue to spread islams in their respective counties and states./
    The great equatoria will never tolerate Dinka behavior,”zero tolerance” till we flush you out of our map-line.

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Jurdith mayen,
    just go a head and keeps preaching your rotten words to us.
    In Equatoria, we do put human life first like any other civilized world/people. The word “coward” is only use by most primitive people like Dinka to described educated people like Equatorians who dont want to lose a single life for greedness and cow backwardness… you feel me???
    Stealing someone properties or cows doesn’t make you brave!!!!!
    Killing farmers in mvolo county in western Equatoria doesn’t make you become hero or brave man in south sudan.
    Go to Abyei region and liberate your muslims Dinka to the south, then you can claimed to be a brave man!!!

  • Antiphas Wenyin Paul
    Antiphas Wenyin Paul

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Hold on all the readers,

    Infact I am originally from Mapuordit, and I am one of the guys working around the clock such that the hostilities comes to an end, so brothers and sisters I am here by appealing to all of you who have commented to this article from brother Manyang Mayom (Thanks to him) to drop all such comments, mind not we are the Leaders of tomorrow and we need not encourage such evil things when we have fresh and educated minds.
    Try your level best as the Youths of this New Nation to adopt the Principles of Conflict Resolution and Disaster Managment.
    If I hurt or insult any body amongst you forgive me, I am for every body.


  • Son of Greater Equatoria
    Son of Greater Equatoria

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Dear amon,

    you speaking the true and it’s going to hurt him like hell.
    keep representing!!!!

    God bless Republic of Equatoria

  • Mabor

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    With due respect and honor i would like to appreciated whoever posted this article to sudan tribune.It has been a so sad news about what had happened between the mvolo county and mapuordit payam who had never fight beyond this unbelievelable mood, fellow ladies and gentlemen allow me to make some brief clarifications about what had been said by the so call leaders of western equatoria to term yesterdays attacked in Lawai as a fresh attack on barigirindi payam of western equatoria, once again the attack occured in Lawai camp that’s 25 miles away from barigirindi. Lawai camp is situated at the crossed river side of swamps areas of Ajuong and Queek of Anuol Payam. so i would like to tell our leaders of western Equatoria who has mess up such clear report to the people of south sudan, i have a question that goes to the western equatoria government, why did you first talk to your youth(arrow boys) before calling for peace? why i said so, you came to mapuordit while there was serious attacked in Lawai camp which is probably set by your government under the leadership of mvolo commissioner who derserves one day to be interrogated by the committee going to be selected by GoSS. Why? because the commissioner was alleged of initiating the fighting of the two tribes, like refusing to resolve the fighing as called by his counterpart commissioner of yirol west. i would like to appeal to the government of south sudan to quickly intervene the situation before it will not mess up the nation. my ultimantum goes to governor Bakasoro and mvolo commissioner Tier not to arm his arrow boys against his felllow citizens of south sudan. lastly but not the least, i would like to advice our dear brothers and sisters who gave their comments not to abuse nor tribalised the citizens of south sudan. watch out otherwise you may one day fall into incircumventions and ramifications.
    Thanks and condolences goes to the desceased, may their soul rest internal peace.

  • Mundri Free Boy
    Mundri Free Boy

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Dear fellow Equatorians, do not urge with fools because people may not know the difference but to be since from your writings I see very few of u have actually gone to Dinka land because some of u say that Dinka and his sick cow are equal. With out fear or favour, I strongly dispute that because for me a sick cattle is more wiser than Dinka that is why even a sick cow can understand the sound of the horn of cars and move away from the road but Dinka cannot. If u want to prove this please kindly go to Yirol where I have been for years now.

    A sick cow is more wiser from a Dinka because it does not celebrate coming of its menstruation period publically.

    The so called elite of Dinka can only be your best friend though he is not a full human being if u show unwillingness to visit his motherland. This group of Dinkas are internally displaced persons in New Republic because they tested some thing positive in Equatoria back at home he feels like staying in stone age.

    Dinkas are tired of milk which is unfortunately infected by a disease affecting brain function and are currently looking for some solid food that is why u find many of them in places with alot of food eg Maridi and Kaya.

    Dinkas have nothing to praise from past that is why they do certain things in an attempt to be like human beings eg. ” we are born to rule” who will u rule if u are being ruled by cattle.

    Dinka is never a boss to an Equatorian except fucking politicains like Anna Itu,James Wani, Nunu Kumba and Peter Bashir Gbandi. If u have any comment please reach me on [email protected]

  • Mabor

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    The attacked was led by Jurbel tribe youth or arrow boys to lawai camp of annuol payam not the Atuot tribe to barigarindi.

  • Son of Greater Equatoria
    Son of Greater Equatoria

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Who the hell are you to give ultimantum to governor Bakasoro and mvolo commissioner Tier. How about keep your sick cattle out of mvolo county or arrow warriors going to shot any cow or criscross forehead found in the county. You think WES people are cowards? think again.

    God bless Republic of Equatoria

  • Charles Dusman
    Charles Dusman

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    My Friend Mayen,
    Don’t run from the point that Dinkas are food loathers. It is really true that You(Dinkas) are food loathers. If not why are you so many in Equatoria even an employed Dinkas staying in Equatoria and don’t want to return to wherever he/she came from.What are you waiting for?.Don’t decieve yourself that Equatoria can’t
    defeat you. We can defeat you within a second.Imagine, you are now food slave to Equatorians.Dinkas are stupid like their cows.Don’t think Stupid Dinkas can invade Equatorians.This can’t happen and it will not happen. Your life last breath is in the hand of Equatorians.

  • amon

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes

    Let me ask you this question,How you the Dinkas want us to live in the South Sudan, united or divided, in love or in hatred, in war or in peace,in the role of law or in lawlessness,in respect to human lives and dignity or in disrespect to human lives and dignity, cows first or human beings first?

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Amon & omoni j

    Hahahahaha stupid who were brought up in refugees camps you are the ones who used to generalized “DINKDS “but if you realized that isn’t true than correct yourselves, I personally have problems with any criminal who attacked Dinkas like two of you.

    During the war I had been in Equatoria for almost 10 years; all young men ran to neighboring countries and left their mothers & daughter behind alones, we were the ones who protected them from ARABS, now you turned your back on us and say Dinkas are not good. God is great,
    Can I kill for you monkey? The delicious food in Equatoria?, hahahahhah

  • amon

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    @Alfredo christian

    Yiin cham agok monyi? riing agok apat. It’s true that you grew up in Greater Equatoria because you know God “God is Great”. I thought that you grew up in kakuma. It’s rare to hear a Dinka mentioning the name of God.They thought that cows are their god.This means you need to leave for another 10 years in Equatoria to become a full human being so that you can go and preach in the cattle camps.

  • Jongkechoo

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    Be cautious to accept peace before the whole tribe of Atuot (Reel) contribute otherwise you will evacuate to Yambio leaving Mvolo to only Atuot not the whole dinka, although you unite with Your neigbours of any background.

    shame on you cowards you were in hiding during real war with your husbands who fuck your anuses in Juba (Arabs)
    But right now you claim to be superior.

  • Mabor

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    @Son of greater equatoria,
    i definitely know that i can’t be influenced to follow the behindness path which u have in sudan tribune, pliz mind that i know you as u will be able to answer the atrocities that has been incited by u people, make sure that weather you like it or Bakasoro and Tier like it you will be interrogated to alleging crimes in the peacefull states before, e.g, by forming the so call arrow boys and your soldiers to fight with the civikians, pliz and pliz be very care full that the law will take it’s own long hands against your politicians who instigate that fighting soon and sooner.watch out and watch out as you may follow as a victim one day.with all my capacity and strength i will be able to catch you soon otherwise.
    Thanks yours
    husband Guenyje.

  • Mabor

    W. Equatoria and Lakes state resolve to deploy neutral force to curb clashes
    @Amon pliz, i am not all that gainst your so call tribes but in reality i can’t answer you because your quiz is incomrehensiveable and adrift, Thank you for your question but talk to your current leaders who might have come from khartoum and instigates and ocherstrate fights to the tribes who had never fight before.
    Thanks again for your question as your leaders will anwers you if they keeps the things that u have mentioned.

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