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Sudan Tribune

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Unity and Warrap states agree measures to improve security

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

April 6, 2011 (BENTIU) – The South Sudan states of Unity and Warrap have agreed to set up quarterly meeting of gubernatorial level meetings and monthly meetings of commissioners among of measures to improve security between the two states.

Commissioners of counties which share border will hold monthly meetings and better constructed and policed roads will be established between the states, it was announced on Tuesday.

tA meeting between the minister of gender and Child welfare of Unity State Mrs. Nyachieng Biey Tuet met Tuesday and Mrs. Adior Kuol Amum, state advisor of gender and human rights of neighboring Warrap State agreed that the main cause of insecurity in the border regions are the abundance of guns, the breakdown of law and order and cattle rustling.

Their main discussions focused on women’s welfare, security, child right and resettlement and reintegration of returnees. Tens of thousands of returnees have returned to South Sudan over the last year ahead of the region’s independence in July.

Training for law enforcement agencies including traditional chiefs on security cooperation is another mean of interrelation between states as to be considered as most priority for peaceful environment between states, the ministers said.

Tuet welcomed the visits of her counterpart Amum to discuss the challenges faced by both ministries towards a building a better nation South Sudan. She added that the government will create more awareness on child rights and strongly condemned early marriage and its social impacts. This would be countered, the minister said, by offering educational and vocational training for street children including an adolescent child program on public awareness.

Warrap state minister Amum also met with Unity state deputy governor William Dawut Riak on building the relationship between the neighboring states. She added that the meeting of women’s executives in the interim legislative assembly and Unity state’s women’s league union and some organization of women leadership in the state is to involve women in building peace initiatives and conflict resolution.

The two states emphasized that there must be a mechanism to mobilize resources to support the resettlement of returnees, through counseling, micro finance projects and income generation activities, as well as empowering law enforcement agencies across the borders to keep law and order.



  • Hero

    Unity and Warrap states agree measures to improve security
    Good initiative and is precisely right to be initiated, to save lives.

  • Jurdit Mayen
    Jurdit Mayen

    Unity and Warrap states agree measures to improve security
    That one is a cheating agreement from the commissioners of Unity state.

    I trust only the governor of Unity state mr Taban Deng Gai but the rest of NUER or NAATH are not perfects.

    I wish my fellow Warrap not to rely on this agreement.
    If you rely on it, your cattle will be taken all by these NAATH people.

    Take care of your animals my dear friends, i know the behaviours of these people very well.

  • Garang

    Unity and Warrap states agree measures to improve security
    Too many agreements and peace and reconciliation conferences have been made in many areas in Southern Sudan, but implementations an follow ups have never been seriously done.Authorities must seriously make use of security organs to monitor and make sure that minor individual crimes do not flare into a whole community issue. Any way congratulations to the two states of Warrap and Unity.

  • Kuet Teny
    Kuet Teny

    Unity and Warrap states agree measures to improve security
    Your comment does not make any sense at all. Who is Taban? And what is the relationship between him and his commissioners? Your deal( you dinkas) with Taban is obvious and have already been measured.These commissioners were appointed by him alone to serve the interest of Dinkas not Nuer, my friend. Please don’t fear to trust them.They are Dinkas heart liked individuals. They are the ones who will bring their communities to your sub-ordinate-ship.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Unity and Warrap states agree measures to improve security
    wah kuet teny dhourgon now you know that any clever nuer is suspected to be Dinka? thank you man DINKAS they leader of sudan no doubt about. God bless MONYJANG aka DINKA.

  • simon yel
    simon yel

    Unity and Warrap states agree measures to improve security
    Sorry kuet your comments are always not intelligent ,why do you behave like illitrate by refering your commissioners to be Dinkas’ personnels.they were appointed by governor to serve the interest of Nuers not Dinkas.pliz eat yr words!otherwise shame on you.

  • Addit Tera
    Addit Tera

    Unity and Warrap states agree measures to improve security
    [Red Show]
    With exception of Kuet Teny, all the above onlookers, slaves and nincompoop who had cured by their father to die homeless. Why you always keep on divide between DINKA & NUER? What connect you with them?
    Let Unity and Warrap states work togeher and improve security for local borders.

    In Warrap.

  • harry

    Unity and Warrap states agree measures to improve security
    Addit Tera,

    You go girl!! These guys are out of touch with real issues. They need to be reminded constantly as little kids that tribalism is not a good thing to start or resolve the argument. These guys need to grow up and think responsibly.

    For example, Kueny does not need to inject tribal remarks in his comment. As you said, those guys are actual nincompoop. Thanks for fighting tribalism in South Sudan.

    Guys, say No for tribalism, and Yes for unity, peace, prosperity, and mutual understanding.


  • gatbentiutwo

    Unity and Warrap states agree measures to improve security
    If not cheating, what should people can do ?.
    if all Nuer are not interesting in South Sudanese peace ,can one man do it alone?.
    talking peace is alway very cheap but war is too expensive if even war of words.please love each and help in building our Nation alltogather.
    cattle rustling between Nuer and Dinka was there since and even before war erupted and it was just civil crime not so political like this but our police forces should prevent such criminal act against the Nation.

  • Addit Tera
    Addit Tera

    Unity and Warrap states agree measures to improve security
    with exception of Kuet Teny, all the above onlookers, slaves and nincompoop who had been cursed by their parents to die homeless. Why you always keep on divide between DINKA & NUER? What connect you with them?
    Let Unity and Warrap states work together and improve security for local borders.

    In Warrap.

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