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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker

April 9, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The First Vice president of Sudan Salva Kiir may lose his federal post well before the South officially secedes next July, the speaker of the national assembly said today.

Salva Kiir Mayardit, the First vice President of Sudan President of the Government of Southern Sudan (AP)
Salva Kiir Mayardit, the First vice President of Sudan President of the Government of Southern Sudan (AP)
Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Tahir was quoted by the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper as saying that he expects Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir to issue a decree removing his VP Kiir from his position which was reserved to the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) as stipulated by the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

Al-Tahir said that this step might be taken because Kiir’s presence in the presidency became ceremonial and without any powers.

The speaker also warned the South from pushing for war with the North saying that Khartoum’s response would be “violent”.

The federal cabinet affairs minister Luka Byong cautioned against taking any steps to force Kiir out saying that this would have “serious consequences” for both North and South.

The remarks follow a decision by the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to exclude Southern MP’s from attending the new session of the parliament which started this month despite strong rebuke of this step by the SPLM. But the Sudanese president said during a visit to Juba that he supports the exclusion of Southern MP’s.

Bashir, however promised to let Southern ministers continue in the cabinet until the end of the interim period in three months.

The ex-Southern rebel group had said this week that the presidency made a decision to allow Southern MP’s to rejoin the parliament until July.

NCP officials argue that article 118 of the constitution imply that Southern MP’s have no representation authority because the constituencies they won in are now in the south which voted last January to become an independent state.



  • Dinkawarrior

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    Who care about VP’s post!! He was already a President of South Sudan.

  • maduel Anok
    maduel Anok

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    Dear Readers,

    The speaker first opposed the continuation of the southern SPLM MPs in the national Parliament, SPLM negotiated this and were resisted. Now, the speaker found himself winning at the backyard of the SPLM, so, he is now on his way to relieve the vice President from his post in his capacity as a speaker which is contrary to the CPA provision. He is also warning to go to way with the south if his deeds are not questioned.

    Now, the thing is, how could SPLM allows itself be used by even junior NCP and evick them altogether?

    this lacks sense and begs a question until when shall be giving in easily to those cheap NCP politics?
    Mr. speaker should know that non is fearing his cook war with the south. We were all preaching peace as a better options to achieve a long lasting relationship between the two nations, but if they proved wild, they will face it.
    No appeasement this time round…. the leadership of the south must face them head-on

  • amon

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    @maduel Anok

    Don’t worry the CPA is over and the oil is gone. What the NCP is doing is like they are protesting the results of referendum which show the Southerners gone, they had expected those MPs to convince their people to vote for unity.

    The treat of wars is just a harassment, but in a really sense what do you think they will do, they can’t afford to fight two wars (in the South and in Darfur). Where will they get the money from, the Chines and Russia used to support them because of oil, but now the oil is gone, whom do you think will offer to die for them again.

    Now that we own the oil, you will see many will come to rescue if they see us in the verge of a defeat.

    Let our MPs come back home.Kiir is already a president and he will not rebel against the North if he is removed from the post of VP.

  • Waucity

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    If they try to end everythings early than the CPA stipulated, then it should go both ways, because they are trying to create political disorder in splm, nobody expected these actions to be taken before July 9, 2011. Why doesn’t the speaker also declare that sharing of oil should end before July 9, 2011 too..Let’s not be easy on them, they are not our children and they don’t believe in our values…They are arabs and arabs should give them 50% of their oil not us. Let’s not have mercy on them too in Abyei, also their oil workers should be gone already. Finish!!!!!! Oh, let’s not give them opportunities of businesses in southern Sudan as well. They are bitter for no reason and we have gazilions of reasons..Their ancestors sold our ancestors to slavery, they in the mordern time sold our people to slavery and they in the mordern time enforced Sha’ria law up on us..What did they really expect, that we would let all that go?

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    Dear readers,

    Khartoum speaker &advisores should be very careful with whatever their mouth releases,because whatever they speak have a great impac on the political ground between the two nations.

    I agree with H.E Luka warning aganist Mr kiir removal from his post,kharoum shoul follow the CAP diligently with his partner otherwise they should be ready to face the consequences .

    Think positive.

  • harry

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    Dear Southerners,

    President, Kiir need not to travel to Khartoum anymore. He needs to stay in Juba til he and his VP Dr. Riek Machar raise the flag of the new nation in July.

    The NCP’s culprits are cooking something stinky to be eaten before July 9th. The President and his Vice must be kept in unknown locations until everything settled down. My gut is telling me that NCP may try to assassinate the president or his vice before July 9th.

    If they succeed for the assassination of our leadership, then they can invade the south. Because they would think there will be no charismatics leaders like Kirr, or Riek to defend the south. Pagan and Wani Iga are not charismatic enough to lead the southern troops, according to them.

    This only my gut. I hope I’m wrong so that we get the freedom we’ve been waiting for. I’ll pray that will not happen. Thanks


  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    It is really very funny ! It is only 2 month time , relieved or not releieved , does it really matter? Kiir is going to president of another state are we going to wait until he becomes the president of a foregin state and vp of the neighbouring state. It is rediculous. I think he should ask to be relieved as he is not doing anything here.

    I donnot see any issue here. Even the constitution after elections stipulated that the vp should be from south Sudan and did not specify from which party he should be!

  • Madokol

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    Dear Comrades, it is clear that the NCP is frustrated, we know the speaker of parliament spoke what they agreed on, nevertheless acting on anger and frustration will not reverse the referendum result. The CPA is a road map that guides the implementations of all the provisions and protocols, there is nowhere you can find such short cuts, as the VP Salva Kiir should be relieve from his post before the end of the interim period. We know the motive behind the announcements, to relieve MPs and VP before the end of the interim period is a declaration of frustration, however, the NCP partners are signatory to CPA and they should know that those move will not reverse the status quo or rather the referendum results. The referendum result is real and will remain real to that effect. Fabricating road blocks into the independence of south Sudan will not bear fruits, but just propaganda to activate hostility.

    We have already done with hostilities and have paid the price dearly; it is not productive for the people of Sudan at large to continue with destructive conflict in the interest of few insane group, who does not want peace, but power to destroy prosperity in Sudan as a whole. NCP is desperate and they want pretext to wage war which they will not fight themselves. Sudanese are watching every move they make and the opposition is also watching, Darfur opposition are also waiting to launch military offensive, moreover the ICC is waiting to launch their accountability on individual war criminals, otherwise we are ready for any eventualities in that regards. If the NCP think that the people of south Sudan are afraid they should think twice before they carry out any action.
    Kisenyi Madokol, south Sudan.

  • Dinkawarrior

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    Your mouth is full of shits

    You better watch your damn mouth. I know God will punish Khartoum soon rather then later, for your crimes against humanity. Put in mind that Third World War (III) is hanging around and will be started if you attempt to do so!

  • Stephen Gatloth K
    Stephen Gatloth K

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    Only to the article,Gatloth Gai in Bentiu.

    Kiir is ready to step down from federal post.
    However,his decision is to dy of southern Sudan presidence

  • amon

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    I thank those of you who might have deleted Ahmed’s mouthful comments here against the Israelis (the true children of the living God), and my comments also against him.

    Who is he, BTW? I don’t want to see his F**#@#**cking comments here again.

  • Equatorian observer
    Equatorian observer

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    I don’t see why we should continue begging the north to let us stay for two more months while we are technically independent after voting for secession in January. Our fear to accomodate our constitutional post holders from the north should not be an enough reason to hold on to north. We better put our house in order and let the north deal with how to accomodate its oposition parties and rebels. May be Luka Biong is worried by the fate of Abyei in the next two months.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker

    What did I say wrong? Do you think that you know 2 or 3 bad makes your argument!

    So what if 3rd world war started? You the mighty Dinkaworrior is going to win it. I am sure that you didn”t fight a war in your life. Your false claim and hatered might had earned you an asylum visa, now after independence you will loose all your hate capitl upon which you are banking. Try to find something else to beg with!

    False threats and profani tells how empty you are!

  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    Al-Tahir go on with nonsense!

    How does it concern South Sudan as your main interest is to withdraw Salva Kiir from the position of being the 1st VP of the Sudan? He is the president of Republic of South Sudan & therefore what next?

    Go on to claim it but it is all of nonsence to us, to hell to you.

    Make sure that Arabs should not step their feet in the land of South as you’ve already ordered president not to attend the meeting as the VP of the country.

    Bye Bye Arabs, we shall not recognise your absence as destructive but instead it’s beneficiary.

  • tiger

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    for those who talked about Southern MPS and constitution, it was already known even before election that, Southern MPS have their geographical constituencies in the South but represent us in the North. reason it out

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    Equatoria Observer and the likes,

    You seem to be cluseless about CPA and its key aspects. It is not the issue of accommodating Southerners working in the GONU. It’s a matter of discussing the date line after almost taking care of all post referendum arrangements.

    National Criminal Party is absolutely desperate here in the North. They live in pre-and-after 1956 but SPLM/SPLA lives in the twenty-first century whereby by living up to the end of the signed agreement without wavering by issuing irresponsible statements in the media.

    If NCP does not want to listen to the voice of reasoning regarding the post-referendum arrangements, then we take full control of our oil before July so that we leave only the ministries of petroleum and humanitarian affairs for a limited amount of agreed timeframe since we still have a good number of Southerners eager to return home, Southern Sudan.

    The wishful thinking of NCP and its political calculation has been and are still affecting every move it makes, especially how to move North Sudan transformationally forward without violence or financial woes.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker

    Everday I wonder why are you frustrating yourself by staying with Jalabba, living as second class citizent. You have the chance to become first class citizent. So leave Khartoum quickly and put end to this saga!

    You donnot need permission from the NCP to control your oil. Stop it now you might even drink it as well!

  • Abugurunchol

    Sudan’s Kiir may be relieved from his VP post prior to July, says parliament speaker
    Hell with the vice president post, Kiir has no more times to remain under the big fools of Arab who have no clues of leadership in their racial and ethical heritage.

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