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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese parliament receives 65 reports on corruption

April 9, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese parliament on Saturday announced it has received 65 reports on corruption but dismissed as “exaggerated” talks of a rampant government graft.

Sudanese parliament
Sudanese parliament
The head of the grievances and accountability committee in the national parliament, Al-fatih Izz al-Din, said that his committee had received 65 dossiers on corruption.

However, the parliamentarian declined to divulge details on the cases, according to the country’s offciail news agency SUNA.

Izz al-Din said that all cases of corruption would be remitted to the judiciary, adding that talk of a rampant government corruption is “utterly exaggerated.”

Sudanese officials have routinely denied the existence of widespread government corruption despite public perception to the contrary.

Former Sudanese justice minister Abdul Basit Sabdrat drew scorn when he said in an interview with Al-Raia Qatari newspaper in November 2009 that the government “relies greatly on religious deterrent” to fight corruption.

The state’s general auditor reported in October 2010 that many government agencies refused to allow him to access their financial records.

Sudan maintains a low ranking in the 2010’s transparency international’s corruption perception index, featuring as one of the five most corrupt nations on the planet along with Somalia and Afghanistan.



  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Sudanese parliament receives 65 reports on corruption
    Some brothers here talk of corruption in the South but the only difference between corruption in the North and that of the South is, Northern corrupt officials are experts and hide their corruption while that in the South are raw in the trade of corruptionism and they do it openly but all in all, corruption is corruption no matter in which it is used.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Sudanese parliament receives 65 reports on corruption
    Some brothers talk of corruption in the South but the truth is the difference between corruption in the North and that in the South is, Northern corrupt officials are expert in corruptionism while Southern corrupt officials are new in the trade and therefore do it openly but all in all, corruption is bad no matter in which form it is used and should be fought by all costs.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese parliament receives 65 reports on corruption
    Corruption is present everywhere not only in the north or south.The question is that there should be somebody accountable somebody to be punished, somebody to be responsible!

  • syklops1

    Sudanese parliament receives 65 reports on corruption
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