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Sudan Tribune

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New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government

April 13, 2011 (JUBA) — A new rebel group led by Peter Gadet Yak a former general of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) called to overthrow Juba government and to form an interim cabinet composed of all the political parties in the nascent state.

Maj. Gen. Peter Gadet of Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) addresses his troops prior to their withdrawal south and out of the Abyei Area on 4 June 2008 (AFP)
Maj. Gen. Peter Gadet of Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) addresses his troops prior to their withdrawal south and out of the Abyei Area on 4 June 2008 (AFP)
The South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA) said, in a statement entitled (The Mayom Declaration) put out on 11 April, determined to bring down the government of Southern Sudan led by President Salva Kiir and to replace it by a “national broad-base government agreed upon by all the South Sudan political parties”.

The Major General Peter Gadet, defected from Juba army last March and disappeared after receiving a permission to visit Nairobi. The SPLA said he travelled from the neighbouring country to Khartoum but the Sudan Armed Forces denied any support to his move.

The former SPLA commander air defence and deputy commander of division three joined the South Sudan Army after Juba Declaration signed on 8 January 2006 between Salva Kiir and Paulino Matip the leader of the South Sudan Defence Forces (SSDF).

The Mayom Declaration was signed also by Brigadier General Carlo Kol, Deputy Commander of Joint Integrated Units and Colonel Bol Gatkouth Kol a former member of the South Sudan legislative Assembly and a member of the SPLM.

The signatories reiterated their commitment to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005 between the SPLM and the central government led by the National Congress Party of President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

The leaders of the SSLA pledged to form a two-year “national broad-base government agreed upon by all the South Sudan political parties”. The interim government, they said, will organise general election in the South Sudan to choose by ballot the Constituent Assembly. The elected parliament shall endorse a permanent constitution.

The dissident generals denounced the” miserable state” of the SPLA and the “rampant corruption on the top echelon of GOSS”. They appealed on the South Sudan army officers to join them to overthrow the government of the ruling SPLM.

The rebel group pledged to take care of the army and to transform it into “a truly professional national army”. They further put among their objectives to prioritise services delivery to the Southern Sudanese and to fight corruption.

Southerners voted overwhelmingly in favour of the independence of the semi-autonomous region in a referendum held last January in accordance with the 2005 peace agreement.

Analysts agree that the new rebel groups in the South Sudan are motivated by the rejection of the results of April 2010 elections. They say the vote had been manipulated by the SPLM, as it is the case of General General Athor who was candidate for the gubernatorial election in Jonglei state.

Others rebels like General Peter Gadet who integrated the SPLA after Juba Declaration say they are marginalized and allege that tribal nepotism dominates in the South Sudan army. The long statement said the SPLM leaders transformed the SPLA into “a party militia”.

The SSLA did not allude to any link with the other groups who rebelled after April 2010 elections however the statement denounced the results of April vote saying “The noises of victory by the SPLM in the last elections in the South are preposterous and ludicrous”.

They also accused the South Sudan ruling party of breaking the resolutions of the South -South dialogue conference on post-referendum arrangements saying the SPLM threw away “the last chance for the South to close its ranks”.



  • Liberator

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    To: Loyal Citizens of the emerging state

    Laurent Gbabo of Ivory coast met his “Hyena Exit” only few days ago. And the communist Gangs in Juba will follow suite very soon in the same manner.

    Gatdet yaka the former commander of air defense and deputy commander of division three and of the few Southerners who have seen action on foreign battlefield is not someone to messed with, and thus, there are many sleepless nights by those big bellies Generals at Bilpham GHQS.

    TIME has come for the corrupt few who have been robbing the other loyal eight(8)million good citizens of the emerging state for the last six years to be kick out of the South.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government

    This shown what? foolishness,Peter Gadet and Lam Akol are looking for money,ask Omer Bashir to help your poverty stance than talking on nonsense,first let us wait for the 9/Jul/2011.
    Where your Rebel station will be.Khartoum or Kosti?

  • Jalaby

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    This has become on going task in the south, everyday new rebel group defects from SPLA and announces the war against SPLM/A.

    Khartoum governmeent should distance itself from any rebel group, we should deploy troop from our neighbor countries (IGAD) in the border between North-South because we know for sure people like Pagan Amum and his idiot group will not hesitate to point their fingers to north and put responsibility in all SPLM/A failure and all of their mistakes, corruption and poor management in the south on north!

    Situation in the south is getting hot and moving from bad to ugly, the counting down has started and it is just a matter of time for the big blow up to happen and Juba becomes under siege!

    Khartoum should hurry up and asks IGAD to deploy troops in the border today and before tomorrow because we have enough issues in the north that we need to concentrate on!

    Jalaby (Abo Tagia)

  • Mony de Jang
    Mony de Jang

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Gatdet must know that overthrowing the movement is in itself inticated,leave alone overthrowing a government that has the people’s mandate. He must have learnt that Dr. Smiling Machine didn’t managed to oust SPLM in 90S when that attempt was led by an educated figure of the movement’s elites. Is it now that an illitrate money seeker like him can triumph over it? It isn’t easy as going to Khartoum to spy against Southerners.

    I regret that he will again gang support of his misinformed tribe that always yearn for food inorder to test his Jallaba’ sponsored conspiracy. I call upon the disgruntled tribe to remain calm and tolerate the devil so that their lives don’t go in vain like before.

  • amon

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government

    And how long will this take to bring about all these changes in South Sudan? Why go to bush to spend years and years when there are other alternatives to solve such problems? Did the people of South Sudan complained to Gen Gadet that they want to go to bush and that he should lead us? No. We don’t even trust such a leader, he can even leave people in the bush and run back again, rebellion is now an old style of bringing that people need now, so some of us are not ready to join his rebellion even the people of the South are not ready to give their sons to go and suffer in the bush again.Anyway

    Good luck Gen Gadet with your new rebellion. The people of South Sudan, the international community and the ICC are watching you.

  • Liberator

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government

    continue to be in denial until you are confronted with your “Hyena Exit”.

    just continue to receive your paychecks from those corrupt communist clique in Juba, your days are numbered.

    by the way SPLA is 65% Nuer. If those 65% percent decide to go according to your tribal level then the force strength would only be 35% in those 35% other minority tribes would probably be 10% so the Dinka would only manned the SPLA with 25%? go figured!

  • mathem jech amer
    mathem jech amer

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government

    Please be reminded that we need Gatdet for corruption charges. He complains that there is corruption in GOSS, but who is he? Is he not part of GOSS? He collected our money last year, cutting 10% from privates, 15% from other ranks and 20% from Officers. What was that money for? Is this not corruption?

    He collected money this year claiming is going for medical treatment, is this not corruption.

    You claim he went to fight in Iraq under Bashir command, does this imply he is more qualified to overthrow GOSS? He was just bought as his normal life of living to be bought. After coming back from Bashir mission, he was sent to fight SPLA, and his forces were destroyed at Thiek Thou by SPLA forces before reaching Lietnhom which was their target.

    Please advise your Nuer people that they will be finished one by one if they don’t stop being Militias, Rebels, Cattle Rustlers or Road mongers.

  • Abugurunchol

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    you alaways enjoying the defection of generals.are you stupid are not remmeber those who died everyday are Nuer.anyway enjoy it and you will regret later, if your community will end up with nothing.look at greed nuer their corpse are laiddown all over southern sudan eated by the birds of the heaven and wild animal.
    those who have on reasoning.

  • Jamjamez

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Yeah right Gadet! There is no way Southern Sudanese will believes that what got you back to Khartuom is the flight of the common citizen in the South! You are just another old school hungry general just like many of them here in Juba. What you wanted is more money and to served the interest of the Arabs who always fed you with your own shit.

    To those fools like Liberator, Let me tell you the truth as a Southern Sudanese Youth with a vision for my country Southern Sudan, There are problems in Life always but what matters is how you handle them. Handling them by selling out is never a good idea. Why didn’t he speak out here in Juba and said, he didn’t like the corruption and nepotism that is within the SPLM? Of course we all acknowledge that there is corruption and that is why as citizens, we put the pressure on the government through peaceful means to change or we voted them out. Period.

    Your tribal propaganda will not work out. Not all Nuer are sellout just like not all Dinka or other tribes are sellout. There are few Nuer who choose to follow Gadet and those are the ones with same Ideology of worshiping Buony!Gorke mieth buony kerode! and Just like you.

    Any visionary Youth of Southern Sudan will never follows such kind of people like you or Gadet. As Youth, we want to steer the future of this nation to a positive start. we will fixed everything in time through laws. Just wait in time. we will get rid of the corrupt leaders and they know it.

  • the significan Dinka
    the significan Dinka

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    We have no words for speaking of wisdom to the stupid man gatdet yaka but mr nyagat gatdet need to know that overthrowing of SPLA/M is like chewing the metal and that will caurse nuer big and unforegettable pain in their vain. We would not convence anyone to came back but we will force anyone to came dead or surrendered time is over, He who understands the wise is wise already

  • Mony de Jang
    Mony de Jang

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government

    Its came as a surprise to me when you confessed that SPLA is not a Dinka dominated Army on others’ assertion, but rather a Nuer dominated Army. If your observation on the SPLA composition is truly correct, then try immediately taking that advantage and complete your liberation process if you find yourselves derelicted. It will be unfortunate if you will only use your eloquence than being pragmatic. Even if words makes part of liberation ingredients, actions matters a lot, and not just actions but those with achievements.

  • the significan Dinka
    the significan Dinka

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Cruelty is contagious in uncivilized nuer communities where every one think that he is a leader at any level, what is wrong with this wind drivers? their blood is toxicated with being nothing rether then being a nyagat, what a shame?

  • Makuei

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    This is not the first time – what happen to them when they first tried????!!! The should know better than this, that they are against a government and a nation, not a movement as they assumed. we all know Juba is corrupt but these is not the way to do it.

    Someone have to warn these illiterate geese; that they celebrate today and they will put on civilian cloths tomorrow and mourn.

    How many millions have rebelled/nyagated since the beginning of the movement? and they have not succeded because they want to fill up their stomachs on expenses of others.

    They are doomed to fail. Numbers are nothing. Let them count their money flowing from Khartoum,but we will write the story with dignity.

  • Makuei

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Its true brother-man. what change did Gadet bring while he was a powerful figure in SPLM/SPLA?

    He changed nothing in the past and will bring nothing to Southerners than filling his bank account in a foreign Country with Bashiit’s help today.

    Let fools beat the devil’s drum and we will beat a patriotic and national drum on July 9th, 2011.

  • Makol Dhal
    Makol Dhal

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    No,this is not new rebel,it is old rebel. Ayii and Gatdet are not new rebels,they are old enough in their activities since for your correction,they might have been lacky those days where good number of people were not aware of such a project.But these days,it is not what a situation is telling.Because people look into your project properly before pouring funds into it, and if it is appropriate then they will also need participation in it.Again Dinka domination in the government and corruption are said to be cause of re-rebeling.well people have just been for independent vote in January and there is no any government formed again here in between.then why such a rebellion were not initiated before referendum where GOSS have been reshufling now and then?
    Gone are those days where miltia leaders form gang to go for goat,cattle looting.

  • the significan Dinka
    the significan Dinka

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Cruelty is contagious in uncivilized nuer communities where everyone when to be a leader, what a shame?

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Dear readers
    Most educated DRS failed to toppled leadership of the SPLA in 1990s until they rejoined it again in 2002. Hahahahahahah .Very strange for illiterate’s elites to forms rebellions against government, General Gadet which language will you convince world to give you supply to overthrow SPLM leadership?
    Those elements with railway lines on their skulls have no any good ideas, just only to solve their problems with war. Shame on you guys.
    In 2015 any one who has a marked on his/her heads will not work with governments. we are tied of you

  • biarawieu

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    i don,t believe that, general militia will do nothing to south sudan Government, this man does know anything at all, no kiswahili, no English, no Arabic he know just how to speak in nuer language.

    South sudan was fought again the north government for 22 years and also CPA was signed in 2005 without gatdet and the same south sudan Government will go head without him.

  • Makuei

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Fake liberator has a mental disease.

    Though he is a brainless dude!!

  • Abugurunchol

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Leave Nyagat alone guys,people like Liberatorare he is the mainstream of the defection. let him go to join his uncle gadat to killed his brothers nuer in unity now mabillize the youth of mayom county to fight other county in Bentiu,Rubkona leer etc.

  • Stephen Gatloth K
    Stephen Gatloth K

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Only to the article,Gatloth Gai in Bentiu.

    Forming “broad base gov`t consist of all south sudan political parties” is a right statement,but i am fearing of changing greedy and gluton gov`t,is very cosy.That is why immediatly after defection of general Gadet,a forceful recruitment of young men of 15-20 yrs old is carring out in Bentiu only.Aiming in arming them,give them enought money (2%) of oil,brief them with a lies and let them go to confront general Gadet and dies after that is not their concern since their children and families are living abroad in Autrolia and Kenya.This why no good language use for convenencing an angry men and untill people are dying for defending them instead of the nation at large.

    Tension has became high and higher in Bentiu now,people are dying in forceful recruitment carring by military and after handover to police,malitia carring daily attack at Koch county that claimed a life 5 police men and the fear of Gadet coming that forced every body to remain at his/her from work intend to flee the area with family any time.

    Of course GOSS is a gov`t consist of all its organs,only the leadership and the ruling party are very destructive.

    Enought SPLLA fighters are there,but a good number reduced by:Alcohol,cowardness,no hope in gov`t and tribal segregation and high deduction of their money with some other are not paying that made them not willing to fight enemies.Thisis why Taban Deng decieded to rcruite a fearless young Nuer boys to defend him in Bentiu.As he know that he is very one among the GOSS rootcuase of this insecurity.

    Let`s talk untill time come to confront Gadet and his armies that I believe will let us to evacute Bentiu in first place which his main target.This recruitment is oil poured on fire becuase on the course seizing the force are killing and tocture which against their will that made them angry to reverge any time when armed.

  • Dengic

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Yeah,all of us know very well that there is corruption within the Government of Southern Sudan up to States level but that can not make some one to rebelled and cuase havoc to his own people which he claim to be leading.There is anti-corruption commission that can oversee these act.And after all who is not corrupt including those who defected like Peter Gadet,George Athor to mention but a few,but these things need to be handled peacefully through dialogue.
    Secondly,i would like to educate the so called Liberator that Nuer are not 65% precent SPLA,but as militias,remember that ”it is the size of the dog that matters in the fight but the fight in the dog!”

  • Jay

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Sensible Southerners just look this society and all they do is laugh endlessly.

  • Jay

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Sensible Southerners just look at this society and all they do is laugh endlessly.

  • Abugurunchol

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    leave Nuer alone guys, they are poison thereself with word called nyagat.let them go and killed themself like animals.liberator go and join your uncle gatdat people like dog followed any person bitted the bush.go and killed other nuer who are not join you, raid people cattle.

  • outspoken

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government

    indeed mr mony de jang
    tell this idiots that no matter what they try the i’ll not prevail .. it has been attempted before by educated figure and it didn’t work.

    someone also should tell nuer community to stop let lam play them like puppet, let him use his shiluk community.

    what was gatdet doing in khartoum to began with??? was he trying to make a difference here or deliver us to jallaba??????

  • lieulieu aru
    lieulieu aru

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Shame on you brother, today I doubt on your ability in term of judging issues surrounded us as southern Sudan and new nation. I concluded that you are disable mentally in sense and possibly one of dead Gadet family who brought up and born with poor characteristic and mentally illness which you not to reason positively in affairs related to south Sudan.
    Through your comments you are better to be deleted either discontinued to participate in this website because you disrupted progress of millions of south Soudan cracking their functional minds on your negatives comments. Liberator, forgive me if I am too far on criticised you; you are stupid person ever a south Sudan has produced since the creation of south and Sudan in general. No one speed with fails attitudes and comment to supported illiterate dead Peter Gadet on his idea to rebelling against south Sudan as you done.
    How would you support overthrew of south Sudan while we are not yet become official nation? In my understand ,South Sudan is going to be an nation in 9 July 2011 and now is still interim government, how would you and dead Gadet call overthrow of an interim government to be overthrew and replaced with other interim government?
    Wisely, it is better to say you want to overthrow interim government of south Sudan and surrendered it to NCP then pretending to be one justifying system in south. What does word liberator means in your foolish understanding? What had you liberate? Why it is so important to overthrow south Sudan government while you had been into Khartoum for these long and you fail to overthrow Khartoum base government?
    Your position and way you forwarding comments is fully show line you are quench.
    Promise you soon be defeated as you give example to Laurent bagbo. Belief it or not by any bases ,your murder and self claim general with his outlined cope , will be brought to justice by any circumstances that you wish and suit you most. Gadet is trying to tell world that he was a one behind corruption, nepotism and instability of south in those two decade north-south war.
    In our proverb, when you are theft, you will be killed while stealing someone property and when you well known in killing animals, one day animal will prevailed killed you same, and when you killed person from different tribe according to our culture ,a brother of that person will find you and killed as revenge to your did.
    No one in south Sudan has done corruption, nepotism better then illiterate Gadet in south Sudan. Gadet is not running way not to rebelling against south Sudan but because what he called nepotism and corruption in s. Sudan government but way south Sudanese view him for alleged and multiple killing of really south Sudanese liberators .
    Gadet has already been in the listed men a wanted by ICC of inhuman killings and conducts related to genocide in 90s especially during a time he killing William Nyuon bany and general karbino kuanyin bol with thousands of innocents and armies loyal them.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Thieleng, Liberators, Jallaby, jamjamez and the likes,

    Believe me or not all of you will soon be on Khartoum streets begging for foods and money as usual before being arrested and taken to The Hague with Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and the other two war criminals.

    Time for being militia Generals, constantly shifting allegiance on the pretext of corruption, democracy or poor leadership in the South as if Peter Gadet, George Athor and the likes have track record of governing South Sudan before, has already gone.

    The so-called “Mayom Declaration” has no difference with what appeared in a press release following Kenana Conferfence of April 2009 sponsored by the National Criminal Party. This Mayom declaration is designed by the enemy of freedom and peace as an effort to appeal to specially food and money beggars in Khartoum’s dictator’s palace who often switch sides at their disposal to try again once more time.

    If Khartoum would never even recognize them or give exactly what they want for their self-interest, what proves that they will get it from the SPLM/SPLA or South Sudan? The time for bragging about being militia Generals has already gone with the wind that began blowing in 2002 and subsided in 2006.

    If you don’t want to enjoy the hard-won freedom and peace in the South, please stay in Khartoum which has a good track record of democratic governance, recognition of cultural diversity and different religious beliefs, equal developement across the country and fighting corruption since 1956.

    Stay there for the rest of your life and wait to be sent for operation to western/eastern fronts. In the South, no, you will never get anything even a single vote when elections you’re talking about will be held. Take note of this, there will be no room for conducting militia operations in the South Sudan on the pretext of corruption, democracy or poor leadership. Don’t ask me why/how? Let your master Khartoum explain it to you all.

    Seeing is believing. Wait and see how all of you will be regretting and finding yourselves roaming Khartoum streets before getting arrested. Direct your appeal to Northerners to overthrow the government of National Criminal Party where Popular Defense Forces (PDFs) are treated even better than Southern/Messiriya militia Generals used only to destabilize South Sudan. Wait and see with your own eyes what I am talking about.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Thieleng, Liberators, Jallaby, jamjamez and the likes,

    Believe me or not all of you will soon be on Khartoum streets begging for foods and money as usual before being arrested and taken to The Hague with Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and the other two war criminals.

    Time for being militia Generals, constantly shifting allegiance on the pretext of corruption, democracy or poor leadership in the South as if Peter Gadet, George Athor and the likes have track record of governing South Sudan before, has already gone.

    The so-called “Mayom Declaration” has no difference with what appeared in a press release following Kenana Conferfence of April 2009 sponsored by the National Criminal Party. This Mayom declaration is designed by the enemy of freedom and peace as an effort to appeal to specially food and money beggars in Khartoum’s dictator’s palace who often switch sides at their disposal to try again once more time.

    If Khartoum would never even recognize them or give exactly what they want for their self-interest, what proves that they will get it from the SPLM/SPLA or South Sudan? The time for bragging about being militia Generals has already gone with the wind that began blowing in 2002 and subsided in 2006.

    If you don’t want to enjoy the hard-won freedom and peace in the South, please stay in Khartoum which has a good track record of democratic governance, recognition of cultural diversity and different religious beliefs, equal developement across the country and fighting corruption since 1956.

    Stay there for the rest of your life and wait to be sent for operation to western/eastern fronts. In the South, no, you will never get anything even a single vote when elections you’re talking about will be held. Take note of this, there will be no room for conducting militia operations in the South Sudan on the pretext of corruption, democracy or poor leadership. Don’t ask me why/how? Let your master Khartoum explain it to you all.

    Seeing is believing. Wait and see how all of you will be regretting and finding yourselves roaming Khartoum streets before getting arrested. Direct your appeal to Northerners to overthrow the government of National Criminal Party where Popular Defense Forces (PDFs) are treated even better than Southern/Messiriya militia Generals used only to destabilize South Sudan. Wait and see with your own eyes what I am talking about.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan

  • Kumbo

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Dear you have figured it good tell those Dinkas that their time is over and their days are numbered even you gave them 25 percent which is not correct even they are just 8% and the twenty seven 27% are greater Equatoria so they are in problem. Even those 8% will run to Australia and USA they way I describe them they Dinkas are just arm robber of South Sudan to hell they have to face it this time they know Peter Gadet well even George Athor is showing them lesions this days

  • Adam

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government

    This is the country Southerners shed blood for for decades. Nasty picture – really bad.
    SPLM/SPLA completely failed to UNITE Southerners. How many rebellions do we have now? War is inevitable. Southerners are suffering more than when they were under North Sudan Rule. No one except the Junta of Silva Kiir is saying things are going well. Yes! We need SSLA to liberate us from the corrupt SPLA/SPLM. If the reader searches my comments on this site, he/she will find that I called for this change long time before referendum.

    Believe me the merciless Junta should leave and join their families in the West and enjoy what they have stolen. It is a suggestion to Kiir, Amoum and all other thieves to leave and we will not take them to ICC. We just want to be left alone to build a nation. However, if we catch them, we will hang them and feed them to hyenas.

    Reports from the ground are terrible. Every where, we read about corruption, theft and Dinka domination. We even read reports on the dynamics of disintegration the South on Ethnic lines. Neighboring Uganda and Kenya are watching like vultures waiting for the buffalo to fall down. It is time for all rebellions and political parties to work together to overthrow SPLA/SPLM before July 2011 and save our future.

    Though I am sure that the North is not currently helping Southern rebellions, North assistance should be welcomed locally and internationally, because the current regime in the South is also making serious troubles to the North. SPLA/SPLM is our common enemy. Let’s work together, South and North for better future. Our fate is to be good to each other for mutual economic, cultural and social interests and security. Enough is enough.

    Thanks to the West for making it difficult for SPLA/SPLM to get Euro-Dollar easily.

    I am sure the West is embarrassed by SPLA/SPLM conduct and looking for a way to overthrow this corrupted system. The West will be very delighted if the North helps us do so, because this will save their necks from the tax-payer ripening furious uprising in New York, London, Paris and elsewhere.

    Let the civilians all over the South make the life of SPLA/SPLM miserable by intelligently taking the side of the rebels and political parties. Let those in the North come and take part in this real and just revolution. We will not forget such a favor for the North.

    We need democratic, non-ethnic South. We need justice, peace and development. We need to build a nation. SPLA/SPLM failed to take us there for years (since 2005). They even failed to put us on the right track. They just got rich and fat like elephants. They have to go now by hook or crook. We must get all possible assistance, even from the Devil himself to remove them.

    Long live Southern Sudan State. Long live all honest rebellions and all political parties. Long live beautiful people of the South.

    I will do my part from Kuajok. Do you know where it is located Mr. President?

    Down with SPLA/SPLM.

    Adam Milawaki, Kuajok, Southern Sudan
    (Formerly in Kansa City)

  • Kolnyang youth
    Kolnyang youth

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    No fear about come in and going out man like peter gatdet yaka ,let him go and he will come back for 5 times ,you are spoiling nuer communities because not nuer who only rebel against the government .

    brother ,if you are not really bogus then you should have know that ,during theoretical coup of 1991 all nuers were supporting Dr.riek but they failed with him.
    thxs why you are crying of leadership you run away from it during difficulties and you are now claiming rule before even your liberator have not finish the journey plze peter gatdet come back we know very well that you are looking for food or a lot of money from arabs and you will come back after you have received money from bashir (Nuer husband) ,we are not fearing you with your husband bashir we shall crush you all and thank you a lot .

    Anit-tribalism /nuer liberator

  • Makjohnson

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    ICC has nothing to support a Governemnt of Self-serve whatsoever and your crying will never help. All women are not happy with tribal governemnt in Juba including you the big woman, instead, you are fearing of saying no to Dinka lead tribalistic government. You beter advice yourself and mother home not to follow Peter Gatdet, but the rest who felt the smalling of the decayed governement in Juba will sweft you and your like bastards.

  • Makjohnson

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    When you Dinka talks of the language of showing balance of power between you and the Nuer, I wish Bor could have educate you of the lesson they have once encountered in the hand of only few Nuer from Lou-Nuer. Talking of fighting between you and the Nuer is nightmare to many of the Dinka elders who no better the Nuer and all the events that happened all along the history. You the Dinka youth have to consult you fathers and ask them of question if a FEARFUL HYENA can produce a brave lion????????????????/

  • Makjohnson

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    The matter is not marginalization as I know Nuer are not to be lookdown in a government which they dominated its army by 65% over 33 tribes groups . Dinka are not stupid enough to 4get that, Nuer, and only the Nuer alone that Arab are thinking daily of their effort in SPLA if going back to fighting become inavietable. The Nuer mighty approved by
    Nuer fighting morality is known not only to the Dinka who knew better of it since the creation of the land we are living in today, but also to the African at large.Now we the Nuer wants good assurance from Kiir if the language speaking by his Dinka men and women is that reflecting the reality of his leadership

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    They will fail and later they will come back just begging for leadership.

    If we defeated Arabs, then who else can we not defeat?

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    They call for liberation of south while they are in Khartoum. Why don’t they come to the south.

    They will eventually all die in exile without achieving anything

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government

    You surprise me! Are you still in Khartoum? Are begging for food and money in Khartoum streets?!

    Forget about the jalabba , you have a country to go to, don’t waste your time in Khartoum, your SPLA paradise is just one hour flight..go!

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Coward Jaang/Slaves,

    Dr. Riek complled to declare Nasir move, not only because Mr. Marxist-Leninist Garang was running the movement like his own property which was acknowledged by Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir after it was already too late in 2004 when he find himself openly at odds with his superior, but due to lack of clear directions, objectives, principles and human rights for/in the movement.

    In the Garangist mental scheme, all the “anti-New Sudan,” vision who still believe in Anya-Nya II vision of secession must be eliminated. As far as Garang knew, the SPLA Torit faction under his commands had every reason to believe that they had upper hand and that they could make it all the way to Nasir.

    Mr. Marxist-Leninist Garang thought that the SPLM/A-Nasir faction under the the command of Dr. Riek was very weak, demoralized and incapable of defending it HQRs, Nasir let alone taking offensive operations.

    Shortly after Nasir Declaration of August 28, 1991 was announced, Garang declarred, “the Gang of two Drs,” as he perfers to call them [Dr. Riek & Dr. Lam] “must be given their last blow.” He went further, “we will break them down soon, and it is a matter of time before we bring the separatists to the vision of no-return.”

    After Garang’s statements were intercepted by SPLM/A-Nasir faction, Lt. Gen. Tiger Bol Koang declared that “the very existenc of the SPLM/A-Nasir faction is in danger,” and demanded that “all soldiers stand firm and fight to the last drop of blood.”

    As a rusult of “Operation Typhoon,” as two Tigers [Lt. Gen. Bol Kaong & CDR. Koang Banypiny] call it, Duk Padiet, Panyagor, Kongoor, Twic East, Mading Bor and all the surrounding garrisons/towns plus some part of BEG were burned down to ashes.

    Garang underestimated the SPLM/A-Nasir faction military strength, but his commanders on the ground knew they were often paying a heavier price for them than expected in term of casualties-and that, in many area, the SPLA/M-Torit faction advance wasn’t moving as swiftly as they had hoped.

    A staggering pace that reflected the disarray of Garang’s subbordinates encountered in most of the areas under attack. Torit, Kapoeta, Yei… were on the verge of cowardice and panic mongering evacuation until the common enemy overran almost all the liberated areas without any resistance from Garang’s SPLA/M-Torit faction. Can unionists stand their ground alone without the separatists’ support?

    Many areas including major towns: Torit, Kapoeta, Mading Bor… were recaptured and/or surrendered to the common enemy as a result of split. The remaining few towns or garrisons under the control of Torit faction were on the verge of panic of evacuation either to Uganda or Kenya refugee camps as well.

    Mr. Marxist-Leninist Garang was blinded by his burning conviction that Torit faction had to defeat and subjugates the Nasir faction, a movement he contemptuously dismissed as “a Gang of two Drs.” Garang himself suffered a near psychological collapse as his faction looked as though it might implode. Garang’s force should have been crushed/break down and/or chased up to Uganda/Kenya-Sudan border if Dr. Riek was for military option rather than reconciliation through peaceful dialogues instead.

  • Tiger black
    Tiger black

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Let them try their luck those who naive in politics , it happen in 1991 when Nuer all with DR Riak not the blind man so call himself Gadet to overthrow the Government of the Republic of South Sudan. just mobiles your tribesmen and come to over it.

  • Malith Rual
    Malith Rual

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Wait a minute! wait a minute!
    Did i hear Fucking Gandet talking of marginalization? That is a slip of tongue am telling you guys and to let u know today that fool is not some body with tail not at all. it is just like Peter Gadet exactly he is a big fool that will never and never attain any single coin from that idiot act.
    For those of liberator and other guys take care and your wishes will never happen i tell you.
    Look at the fool ‘s statement, “Coup” this term is a very bad terminology that can’t be apply any how but any way am fully ready to see that rubbish talk go to an end by now otherwise Bashir whom they think that he will help them is going to be in his own obstacle

  • Dinka-Defender-General

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Hello everyone include brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers. How are you doing today? Did you feel some joy with new South? Do you like to live in peace and ability to enjoy life as well? Are you problem solvers or destroyer? Do you like everyone to live in peace similar to you? If you answer yes to these questions, than you need to rethink again. What are these-so-called rebel leaders fighting for? Are they fighting for positions, greediness,selfishness, and power? I think I can answer this question. Yes, they are. I’m very sorry to hear there are commanders who run away and rebelled against SPLA/SPLM after they lost election. Think about it. If these commanders were smart enough, they wouldn’t take rebelled against SPLA. They were supposed to sit and try to solve problem on the top. Remember, Sudanese Army well armed and back up with Antonov did defeat SPLA during 21 years war. Who will supporting these rebels? Sudan government. They rebels will fighting for hundred years, but they will never win especially when SPLA are well equipped and they can buy weapons freely in the international market. These rebels are losing their minds and they need to go to rehab. By DDG and Southern Sudan General.

  • Nhomlawda

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Kim Deng,

    You are a liar, Bol Koang rebelled with Williams Nyuon in 1992 not with Riek Machar.
    Never discuss issues you don’t know.

    Nuer nyagats are going to Bentiu to discipline themselves as they did before. We know they will come back to SPLM mainstream as they did before.

    We don’t mind even if all Nuer including their senior militias – Riek Machar and Matip Nhial join Gatdet and Bapiny Monytuel in Bentiu.
    South Sudan will still exist without them as it did before.

  • Xeno

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Kim Deng,

    …finish the chroncle of your hyenas’s movement. What happened next? and how did your uncle Riek end up in Kartuom? and why did this Drs came back to Garang begging like lone doggs? and above all, am serious now Kim, do think, this guy call Gatdet has any potential of leading anything other than aimless killing of human beings…? Would dispute that this guy wasn’t bought by Beshier?


    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    There is a fact to condemn any Nuer’s regime being operated by anonymous people who declared themselves that they are trying to bring Southern Sudan into a firm foundation. If Dr.Riek Machar, Paulino Matiip Nhial, Bol Kong, Gabriel Tanginye,Maliiny Kawai-the deputy Chairman of Paulino Matiip Nhial, Taban Deng Gai and many others Nuer generals who had defected from the SPLM/SPLA did not win their objectives of which they tried to dismantle the SPLM/SPLA to ground zero, then I don’t think that Peter Gatdet Yak is going to win in his reign. Dr.Lam Akol tried his best to dethrone the SPLM, however he had fail in many attempts and even Nuer people knows it very well. Only Dinka people in Southern Sudan will bring emancipation to the Southern Sudanese communities including Nuer community itself like the way the Former US President Abraham Lincoln “gave freedom to the Black Community in USA.” The vision of Dinka people in Southern is true, and whoever takes it unright will still come to the hand of Dinka like the way Dr. Riek Machar Teny, Paulino Matiip Nhial, Gabriel Tanginye, Taban Deng Gai and many others Nuer General had join the SPLM. “A dog can be stoned from picking up the dried bone, but later on, it can still come back to the place of bone ignoring the attempt of being stoned.” It will happen.

    I don’t understand what is wrong with all Nuer communities in Southern Sudan? Don’t they have rational realities between right and wrong? How do they think in their hearts? In reality, Nuer community will become a useless community in Southern Sudan in the future coming. Every Time when people come together, Nuer diverted in their own way claiming that they are mistreated, but because of their shallow mind and thinking they have, that is why people don’t matches with them at all. Nuer is good only when he is given a food to distribute. That is it.

    I am sure that Peter Gatdet Yak will relinquish himself to the SPLM/SPLA like Saddam Hussein who was been captured in the hole. Now, it is good that Nuer people will not denied that the majorities of the people who are now sponsoring the rebel movement in Southern Sudan are them. Nuer hearts are useless forever. I have never seen people who don’t think in their minds like Nuer. It is a shame. Both Nuer Generals in the SPLM/SPLA including feign Dr.Riek Machar are all just there to increase the number of the SPLM members. Not just to be there to liberate their own people likes they way Dinka people devoted themselves to died for the betterment of the wicked people such as Nuer people as an example. Nuer people are always against Dinka people, but if Dinka handed this power to them now, then one of a Nuer man can born Mohamed whether he wants or not. Because of Dinka people, that is why now there is chance for other people to survive.

    Peter Gatdet is trying to copy what Paulino Matiip Nhial had done in Juba when he signed “Juba Declaration” with the SPLM” If not, then What is Mayom Declaration.”? What I knows about Mayom Factions which Peter Gatdet means on the other hand, is the declaration of looting cattle from different communities in Southern Sudan. It has nothing to do with the SPLM. So, that is why Mayom Declaration/Faction is ignored by the SPLM to be signed because it is an agent that was formed by Nuer-Bull of Mayom County for looting and seizing cows from their neighbours such as Ruweng of Biemnom, Twic of Bhar-el-ghazal, Tonj, Agar, Panaruu, and so forth. I can be reached at [email protected]

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Dinka-Defender-General

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Hello everyone include brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, and enemy. How are you doing today? Did you feel some joy with new South? Do you like to live in peace and ability to enjoy life as well? Are you problem solvers or destroyer? Do you like everyone to live in peace similar to you? If you answer yes to these questions, than you need to rethink again. What are these-so-called rebel leaders fighting for? Are they fighting for positions, greediness,selfishness, and power? I think I can answer this question. Yes, they are. I’m very sorry to hear there are commanders who run away and rebelled against SPLA/SPLM after they lost election. Think about it. If these commanders were smart enough, they wouldn’t take rebelled against SPLA. They were supposed to sit and try to solve problem on the table. Remember, Sudanese Army well armed and back up with Antonov did not defeat SPLA during 21 years war. Who will supporting these rebels? Sudan government. These rebels will be fighting for hundred and hundred years, but they will never win especially when SPLA are well equipped. Remember to, SPLA can buy weapons freely in the international market now without restrict. These rebels are losing their minds and they need to go to rehab. By DDG and Southern Sudan General.

  • Ghai-nyanthy

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government

    It’s worthless ululeting behind your uncle Gadet and other defectees who are cheating you to bring down GOSS and it’s corruption.

    You forgot that they are part of this corruption.How long will it take you and your uncles to bring down SPLM/A? A year or two or more and how many will lose their live on your side,Displace,Refugees?

    Dumb; you need to think twice or more:Excuse my language.
    This is not a tribal web site please.

  • mama justice
    mama justice

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Dear southern Sudanese,
    Welcome this declaration but you Will regret later, believe me or not. Politics is a game, which aims at achieving leadership desire, regardless of the public interests. Peter Gadet and Athor Yaka are now discontented with the SPLM, but waited if they succeed. I disagreed the democratic change through revolution because we will end up being marginalized by the arabs, something we have fought, our 21 years civil war will be wasted. According to the world’s politics most coup only resulted in an authoritarians dictatorship rule. Therefore, I believed that this declaration is not the right way to bring democracy and fight corruption in the South. I dearly request the SPLM to get courage and fight the rebels, they are confusing the public for their leadership desire.

  • Bol Achuek
    Bol Achuek

    Dear Readers
    I would like to thank Amon and all nationalists who commented patriotically, and who actually during South-North war struggled directly or indirectly for the freedom of this nation and know the effects of war.

    I believe nobody will join these thugs to suffer when there is no cause for us to suffer. These are shameless thugs, and it has been their practice to come in and come out.

    HIS BACKGROUND; Nyagat Gatdet joined the SPLA in its war against Jallaba in late 1980s and fought during the war as junior officer, he joined Nasir faction of Dr. Riek and Dr. Lam in 1991, then he re-joined SPLA in 1999, then went to Khartoum in 2002, he again came back in 2005 where he was re-intergated into SPLA forces, he again rebelled in 2011 as he declared and believe me or not he will come back shamelessly if he is not killed. Are these the conducts of sober mind? What he told the people in Bilpam that he was going for medical check-ups was right and u never know it was becoz of this mental disturbances that he lost his way to Nairobi and instead declared himself as Nyagat/ militia. I recommend Gatdet needs medical attention, he is suffering from mental illness.

    Of course those who want to join him must learn first from his personalty before joining him otherwise, he will leave u there again in Khartoum when things don’t work well and hopefully things will never work well for him this time.

    I anticipate that he will either be killed if he attempts to confront the well-equiped SPLA this time or he will eventually commit suicide. All rebel groups have no support locally and internationally apart from NCP, but the GoSS is recognised as legitimate gov’t that can be removed constitutionally if one wishes to do so.

    The Rome Statute came to force in 2002, and whoever is suspected of violating fundamental human rights will be brought to book. Therefore, all rebell groups must be warned of the effects of their rebellion.

  • Bol Achuek
    Bol Achuek

    Dear Readers watch out
    I would like to thank Amon and all nationalists who commented patriotically, and who actually during South-North war struggled directly or indirectly for the freedom of this nation and know the effects of war.

    I believe nobody will join these thugs to suffer when there is no cause for us to suffer. These are shameless thugs, and it has been their practice to come in and come out.

    HIS BACKGROUND; Nyagat Gatdet joined the SPLA in its war against Jallaba in late 1980s and fought during the war as junior officer, he joined Nasir faction of Dr. Riek and Dr. Lam in 1991, then he re-joined SPLA in 1999, then went to Khartoum in 2002, he again came back in 2005 where he was re-intergated into SPLA forces, he again rebelled in 2011 as he declared and believe me or not he will come back shamelessly if he is not killed. Are these the conducts of sober mind? What he told the people in Bilpam that he was going for medical check-ups was right and u never know it was becoz of this mental disturbances that he lost his way to Nairobi and instead declared himself as Nyagat/ militia. I recommend Gatdet needs medical attention, he is suffering from mental illness.

    Of course those who want to join him must learn first from his personalty before joining him otherwise, he will leave u there again in Khartoum when things don’t work well and hopefully things will never work well for him this time.

    I anticipate that he will either be killed if he attempts to confront the well-equiped SPLA this time or he will eventually commit suicide. All rebel groups have no support locally and internationally apart from NCP, but the GoSS is recognised as legitimate gov’t that can be removed constitutionally if one wishes to do so.

    The Rome Statute came to force in 2002, and whoever is suspected of violating fundamental human rights will be brought to book. Therefore, all rebell groups must be warned of the effects of their rebellion.

  • ayor

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Dear readers;

    this is just a pathetic rebellion without genuine causes but a pure greed to be honest; how the hell would this guy (Gadet) who’s best known for being a militia as he always does anytime or whenever he’s lured by (KHARTOUM) with a brief-case full of money for khatoum to fullfil their ambition against southern govt since the knew his reputation and how weaker he’s; and therefore; “he’s very much often longing for money regardless of his peolple euphoria” don’t think anyone would support his silly move except idiots who aren’t knowing what they are doing!

  • Theone

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    If some of you remeber me, knew me from Sudanforum, then you must know that I used to defend my people when North Sudanse call us ANIMALS or SAVAGES, but now I realize that there are Animals and savages among us.

    Your tribalism sicken me, all your response sicken me

    This Sudantribune is a Northern Website and they are laughing at you Idiots

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Dear readers,

    Although I don’t agree with many comments on this web, I want to say that this unjustified war against the elected government of South Sudan is nothing than conspiracy against people’s government. And it will be a war against people’s will. It also reminds me of a rebellion of 1991 though my attempt to forget it, when some generals rebelled against the movement because they were almost gaining the war against their common enemy, and the rebellious fear that they will not take the throne in the new State so they decided to rebel so that to overthrew the leader of the movement. It is now reoccuring using the umbrella of marginalization, I have never heard the government formed of all political parties through military rebellion, show me one. Gadet and his accomplices should not try to make fool of southerners. My word to every southerner who tries to say that any leader in the government of South Sudan belongs to his/her tribe is a liar, because a national leader may descend from a certain tribe but when he occupies that seat of leadership he/she is not longer a tribal leader but a national leader serving all southerners. therefore, please stop barking poisons on our leaders, and try to support people’s government against its foes. Let’s work hard to make southern Sudan a better place to live, not a hell on earth for the greedy and power thirst to live.

  • Malek David
    Malek David

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Dear read,
    I hope this so call liberator, seem to deceive himself. bcos supporting Gatdet will not take him any where as far as gatdet’s confusion is always there. Another issues gatdet kill many people which I can’t mention their name the fact is they are the one who call him,
    second hw many time gatdet defects from Spla/ and come back. this time we don’t need joke the reality must be apply to action.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Waaw!!!!!, what awful news are guys exposing. Remember Ocampo is also noticing some points on atrocities committed by Riek and his fellow Men, ICC await for serious trails on those crime of Burning People in to ashes……………………………….
    Fool will continued exposed such mysterious and cruel actions for the power hungry individual. Please refrain from crime if any wise man to listen.
    Whoever remains of those furious behavior and atrocities should actually bear responsibility of facing ICC from now.
    Those who have empty day dream of overthrowing Juba Government paste Chicken feaces on the pot to make it Shinny and at the end of Day they end up being harassed by foul odor of Chicken.
    Did they ever try to engage in any discussion for the welfare of the Country, Believed me or not, the only responsible and highly respect in South Sudan and abroad are SG Pagan Amum and President Kiir Salva.
    Please come back home and eat slowly before you suffocate of Corruption. All leaders who claims to have cleans hands are not there, being in the SPLA generals or subordinates, SPLM, Political parties and even Churches associations, Assembly.. You claim to be anger with ways corrupters are being questions and get discontent with Anticorruption of Paulino Riek.. I will realy not to blame you on that, Paulino Riek fails Southerners to names those involves.

    Leave Bush lie and build trust now while in Juba.. I will never join the Bush any more…………………..

    I Love South Sudan Government, Government of People governed by the People for the People.

  • Madior

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Dear Southerners,
    Days will come ones day, when these defectors come back and make an apology to the Southern Sudanese. 21 years of civil war were not that easy to southerners and northerners, and either militias. let us wait for that day come when our nation would be recognized by then international community. I had already says, the ideology of defecting from the Southern Sudan government was only used by these generals in the SPLA to gained their wealth not to united people. However, I hate only one thing about this act of selfishness of our leaders, the only people who will be suffering too much are always children, women, old people. Mr. Gadet, where in the world whereby you would lead people without children, women and old people? you are escalating the suffering our people again, shame on you. Anybody who support these militias are also crazy like them. It would have be much better if these people votes for unity last winter, in which I believe they did not vote for unity.

  • South Elite Eye (see)
    South Elite Eye (see)

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Dear Readers,
    I feel not to comment on this funny article and the so called Mayom declaration but let me say thank God I learned to fire an AK-47 at age of 9 years. Gaddet and other silly southerners must be given a dose of 31 bullets in their empty cranium. I am joining the SPLA soon and thanks to Allah that I am 22 years old, healthy and strong chap.

    Down with the traitors!

  • Madior

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    What are you hoping for, if GOSS is overthrown? which wouldn’t happen in history of Sudan. Stop barking like a mad dog, and start talking positive things to the future your life. These Militias are contructing road to nowhere. your hypothetical numbers and comparisons are not really logic, or make sense. Go to Khartuom be started dark. Nuers and Dinkas are now one people, I am sorry abour old mind of being violence and hatred. This is a new generation, Gadet will be soon be dead, and our fellows smartest Nuer brothers and sisters wouldn’t support dumy like you bastard. Nuer people votes overwhelming last winter, almost 100% for the separations. They have decided the future of their childern to live in happy life, free forever. Please stop being idiot in this website. we are here to address the current issues in our nations.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Garang’s disciples,

    Mr. Marxist-Leninist Garang’s message No. 048/7/92 to his disciples dated 8/7/1992 to all units of the Torit faction of the SPLA/M:

    “1- Our Abuja delegation came to brief me from the 1st of July to 4th July 1992. All of you have been hearing all sorts of information over the BBC, Radio Omdurman, Radio Juba and other news media concerning the Abuja peace talks. It is necessary that you are concretely briefed about Abuja.

    2- There was unfortunately a lot of loose and inaccurate talk over the BBC, by some members of our own delegation, and might have created a wrong and false impression, that the movement had changed its position and its principled objective that a united New Sudan, to that of separation or self-determination for Southern Sudan and other marginalized areas. I want here to correct this false impression created over the media and to affirm to all units and rank amd file of the SPLA/M, that the Movement has not changed its position of the unity of the country”.

    The burning questions is what forced Mr. Marxist-Leninist Garang to reliquish his poor “New Sudan,” before Ngundeng sent him to the mnt? Was it not Nasir Declaration of August 28, 1991? I know Garang’s disciples will never admit the fact openly.

  • Augustino

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Dear all and never be surprise of this barbaric act of stipute nyagats of nuer stomach riders. Gatedat will not form a good government ever because he is not educated person he always live on others blood between Khartoum and Juba he had never been stable. why talking of all political parties whom he did not mention their leaders. was he sent by these hiden political parties leaders including Riek Macher and Lem Akol? if yes then he will still rebel against them again because they are corrupt and well educated than him. Question. when are you changing the SPLA/SPLM since it had taken 22 years fighting the government with all resources then your looted weapons. I am sorry and may God and blood of all dead southerners cast you stipute Nuers.

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    I feel like I’m wasting my prcious time in responding to this article pertaining South Sudan Traditional Militias. Despite this, I must say one thing which I have said several times on this discussion forum.

    The point I want to strees is that, the true sons of SPLM-SPLA will continue to carryout their liberation duty until we completly achieve the total liberation of our Motherland, South Sudan. The militia group will continue to bark until their their doom day approach them. These militias are well known as political prostitutes who have political objectives other than defection when and if their personal interests are not met. They are known locally, nationally and internationally for personal gains. This to me as a student of politics is not politics but criminality.

    The question I want both SPLM-SPLA and the people of South Sudan should adopt as a guiding deterrence slogan against these militia groups is: What wouldthese poor militia groups do to both South Sudan as a territory, Southerners as people, SPLM as a robust political party and SPLA as gallant and professional national army if and when these militias got defeated terribly during the dark days of national liberation when they were being aided financially and military against the South? This is a significant question even militias should be asking themselves without being reminded. They will keep barking and both SPLM-SPLA and the people of South Sudan will go on without hindrances whatsoever.

    SPLM Oyee
    SPLA Oyee
    South Sudan Nation Oyee
    Militi Groups to HELL

    Young Nation is a South Sudanese residing in Melbourne, Australia

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Sudan Blood Trial

    I do not think Dinka will defence doomed ideology this time. That was not the way we were thinking for our Goss to be.

    Disorganized is the main problem here and non Law draft.
    Sudan is too big to live in, without being political or minister and a president.

    Being minister, Soldiers, Police, Security Guard, educated etc does not mean to intimidating others people. We all citizens of the state and are equally, with no Intimidation that let us fight alway.

    To rules the people by threat, people become threat too. Eyes with eyes some picture in SPLA/M who think they are doing good think are mixing bad with good.

    They are 60% wrong and 40% right for liberation only. They do not respect others southerners even individual who offer their blood are neglect. Why most SPLA/M commanders have a big belly than theirs soldiers in the same age.
    Bourgeoisies is practices by southerners and tribal disease of hatred.

    Bad judgement, Poorness, Greedy, bad ideologies, let people go rampant with their brothers easily. Old GaiTut blood, Longkornyang, Paul pot, Akook etc, the same who murder them follow them later include the living assassins.

    Gatdet demand will add pressure and change something a bite. There is no mountain be left untouched in Sudan, those have never cry before will cry these time.

    Liberation is not done yet as I see. Do not bark Jaang or Naath, they are not only Sudanese that have stomach. SPLA/M needs immediate change reform and build veteran Institution that will help drop out Formers SPLA/M by building their living.

    Tone of liberators


  • A.T.M.P

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    If you are man why do u fight against your mother Government.If you think you are educated then go to any country around and you will finally get any position you want.I heard that you one of the people who the failed the exam in Makerere University last 3 years ago and you went back and talk to the priciple of Uni and bought the Master Degree to be a politician so have you finished your Degree bill that cause you $100000000.You are trying to overthrow the Government of Southern Sudan. War in Sudan killed more 4million people in order to gto free and do what make you happy..let peace be in sudan instead of ruining it.Fuck this black cunt who was born out side of Sudan,non Citizen of Southern Sudan are trying to do whatever they like because John Garang De Mabior died that why..Come to America here to find yourself a job if you think that you are educated because American people need people who has Degree of politician right here in Washington Dc, your bill first because if you don’t and then Makerere will take away your degree u bought from them..The world of money get you to the parliament because if there was no money u shouldn’t get into parliament becuase you failed the exam in Makerere University last three years ago…

  • Bol Akoch Buoi
    Bol Akoch Buoi

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    hahahaha, I like that, it makes sense but careful about stereotyping. This is not about anymore, it is about individual interest brother.

  • CatBlue

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Please don’t frighten people with this Gatdate of yours, what is he that he should not be messed with? And by the way those who followed him to the bush and made him their leader are risking. These are people like George Athur, a stupid man who went to bush just for the seek of governing a state. People should not try to be fame by meaningless thoughts.I bet if this movement could succeed. I agreed with someone who mentioned it that solving problems is not only by going to bush but stupids do not see that.

  • Malek David
    Malek David

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    particularly guide Iam from nuer, but I do react with stupid ideas like gatdet’s defection. For the case of our unity, we should not either generalize nuer in this conversation, Gatdet is him alone like Athor or Ayii.event his wive do not support the defection

  • Ghai-nyanthy

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Have you ever been dead or seen dead body bleeding water and not blood?

    Dumb;think and write sensible things

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Dear all,

    This is going to be the time we will revenge and chase them to their husband’s home. Their vision is only food and nothing else. Let see!

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Some of you have decided to go into the bush. Some of us are as revolutionists as you are. We reject Dinka government, but we accept a unity government which will include all tribes including Dinka. In order for this to happen quickly, some of us will be working from within Juba itself and carry out deadly actions. A military one. But only the criminal murderers will be shown the book. We just need arms and amunitions. Sigs will be desirable. Any support welcome. [email protected]

  • Madior

    New rebel group calls to overthrow South Sudan government
    Kim Deng,
    you are stupid, idiot, lazy and mentally ill son of the bitch. Who is the winner now? SPLA or so called Nasir murderers? Defection from the SPLA , is in your biological blood streams. you are hight allowed to go million times and came million times without hurt great SPLA freedom figters. Thanks for voting for separation, we shouldn’t have done that without your help. I credit that for your coming back from Nyagaat base. Quit talking about DR.John Garang, your cousin Riek Machar will be dead without history in his life. Please started working for something meaningful for the future your life.

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