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Sudan Tribune

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Unity State Education Ministry celebrates the top basic certificate exam results

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

April 14, 2011 (BENTIU) -Unity State authorities held a ceremony honouring the state’s top scorers in the 2010 primary school examinations. The state gave special recognition to a deaf student who
earned high scores. Unity state has the only school for deaf children in South Sudan.

Pupils with ten top scores in basic primary school certificate receive bicycles as gifts from the state ministry of education in Unity state, March 13, 2011 (ST)
Pupils with ten top scores in basic primary school certificate receive bicycles as gifts from the state ministry of education in Unity state, March 13, 2011 (ST)
Hundreds of parents gathered at the state Ministry of Education in Unity state on Wednesday to celebrate the state’s best students. Those boys and girls who scored highest in last year’s examination received gifts and recognition. The state minister of education, Them Kuol Machar read out the breakdown of how the students performed in the examinations.

Machar said, “The number pupils who sat for Sudan basic primary school certificates has increased this year.” He explained that 1744 boys and 306 girls took the exam. Of these 182 boys and five girls failed the exam.115 students did not take the exam.

State minister of education, Them Kuol Machar, with pupils during ceremony in Bentiu town March 13, 2011 (ST)
State minister of education, Them Kuol Machar, with pupils during ceremony in Bentiu town March 13, 2011 (ST)
Far more boys attend school than girls in Benitu, in part due to local thinking that women are not fit for education, and that a girl’s only worth is in the cows paid for her hand in marriage. Governor Taban Deng Gai has criticised this mentality, urging parents to send their girls to school. He said an educated girl is worth far more to their families than an uneducated one. State officials speaking at the event praised teachers in the state for their role in educating the children.

State deputy governor William Dawut Riak also congratulated a deaf boy who earned 75% marks in the 2010 examinations. Riak encouraged the boy to continue his education in secondary school as an inspiration to all disabled people in Unity state.

Unity State has opened the first school for deaf children, in all of South Sudan. Over 300 boys and girls attend the school, which has more than 10 teachers. The state ministry of education promised to assist the special school with the necessary resources to teach the deaf children.



  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    Unity State Education Ministry celebrates the top basic certificate exam results
    Thanks to the ministry for education for recognizing hard working and deafs students. This show the improvement of the state education ministry.
    But the enemies of the peace and love are not happy with this success,they just rebelled in order to harm and spoil these little kids who are just recovered from the traumatic situation a year ago.

  • the significan Dinka
    the significan Dinka

    Unity State Education Ministry celebrates the top basic certificate exam results
    I don’t what will you guys said about my comment but we must eradicate nuer attitudes since education has done nothing to change their attitudes

    Wow i don’t have any worgs to discribe some nuer attitude toword southernes every year. rebellion every time is it what nuer poeple where bron to be?

    If you can look arround the Goss today. you can find all the higher executive member are from nuer in every department but still camplaining about corruption since they are the very people who are committing crime every day life. event they can rebelled against God in their uncivilize communities, may God help nuer from delusion because they don’t learn from the past mistake they made.

    I don’t understand what is wrong with all Nuer communities in Southern Sudan? Don’t they have rational realities between right and wrong? How do they think in their hearts? In reality, Nuer community will become a useless community in Southern Sudan in the future coming. Every Time when people come together, Nuer diverted in their own way claiming that they are mistreated, but because of their shallow mind and thinking they have, that is why people don’t matches with them at all. Nuer is good only when he is given a food to distribute. That is it.

    I am sure that Peter Gatdet Yak will relinquish himself to the SPLM/SPLA like Saddam Hussein who was been captured in the hole. Now, it is good that Nuer people will not denied that the majorities of the people who are now sponsoring the rebel movement in Southern Sudan are them. Nuer hearts are useless forever. I have never seen people who don’t think in their minds like Nuer. It is a shame. Both Nuer Generals in the SPLM/SPLA including feign Dr.Riek Machar are all just there to increase the number of the SPLM members. Not just to be there to liberate their own people likes they way Dinka people devoted themselves to died for the betterment of the wicked people such as Nuer people as an example. Nuer people are always against Dinka people, but if Dinka handed this power to them now, then one of a Nuer man can born Mohamed whether he wants or not. Because of Dinka people, that is why now there is chance for other people to survive.

    Peter Gatdet is trying to copy what Paulino Matiip Nhial had done in Juba when he signed “Juba Declaration” with the SPLM” If not, then What is Mayom Declaration.”? What I knows about Mayom Factions which Peter Gatdet means on the other hand, is the declaration of looting cattle from different communities in Southern Sudan. It has nothing to do with the SPLM. So, that is why Mayom Declaration/Faction is ignored by the SPLM to be signed because it is an agent that was formed by Nuer-Bull of Mayom County for looting and seizing cows from their neighbours such as Ruweng of Biemnom,Bor Dinka Twic of Bhar-el-ghazal, Tonj, Agar, Panaruu any many more like what my brother Agustino Deng said yeasterday,
    death to any a nyagateen ever where in the south

  • Hero

    Unity State Education Ministry celebrates the top basic certificate exam results
    Hi Significant Dinka,

    Tell you what brother, you’re damn right! They are just wasting time and money, these slave-hearted thugs and nyagaats have many dogs DRs, and they have failed to show the world the importance of education.They will never changed.

  • actiongatkuoth

    Unity State Education Ministry celebrates the top basic certificate exam results
    mukrukwamukruukat to you all Bentiu Citizen.
    good job, great work,
    Unity State Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bentiu Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Great Nation Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

  • actiongatkuoth

    Unity State Education Ministry celebrates the top basic certificate exam results
    Hey!!!!!!!!!!! significan dinka.
    you dinka claim to be great in the South while you will never,
    how can some body called jang/dinka to be great in the Souh????
    Dinka defined your name jangin order to claim.
    name dinka or jang mean slave.
    can you able to eradicate Nuer jang????????????????
    you can’t dinka forever and ever.
    shame on food figter dinka.
    thank ,
    NAATH is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Stephen Gatloth K
    Stephen Gatloth K

    Unity State Education Ministry celebrates the top basic certificate exam results
    Only to the article,Gatloth Gai in Bentiu.

    Congratulation to the best ten scorers and sepacial thank to that pupil with disability and passed better than the able ones.It is very good move can we move ahead and attract others guards with matelity thinking of stealing others people`s property and murdering of inoncents in the village.

    Concering basic education here in Bentiu,the only doubts are;
    1-Quality of Education a primary and secondary pupil/student could not address in English which is a great mistake that is carrying by student up to university.And that is becuase of lack of well trained teachers who can speak in fluency English in the class and ignorant of English language in the school by the pupils/students instead of Arabic and others local languages.Also most of the teachers specially those schooling in Khartoum are very poor in English that led the pupil to bear the same results in speaking.

    2-Quality of P/S certificate here in Bentiu.The way certificate designed in Bwentiu is not standard,it written in pen instead of computerising it ful restricting in case of forgery so that it is recognise National wide and internationally is not put on place.I witness some guards who wish to sit for Uganda Certificate for Education (UCE)denied of this so-called P/S certificate poorly designed in Bentiu.That was made embrassement to Sudanese and people of Bentiu in particular.

    How could it be certificate when Gatnyang is marketing them for own income since no restriction.And need certificate for the sack of being employe and cheat,just pay 50 per certificate and Gatnyang is given.

    Please!! minister of education in the state try to improve those mistakes by changing those employed by who they know and replace them with those who know things better.
    Gatloth Gai residing in Bentiu and reachable at: [email protected]

  • khan junior
    khan junior

    Unity State Education Ministry celebrates the top basic certificate exam results

  • papamoon

    Unity State Education Ministry celebrates the top basic certificate exam results
    you fucking dinka dominant

    You are really a such an asshole, your comments are very disturbing you are increasing tribelism. Stop your mother fucking mouth from Nuer business, you better go and get an underwear to clean in khartoum like your brothers dinka; we know you are cleaning your bude with money because of your stupid asshole the cowboy, we are going to fuck you guys soon believe me we’ll find you and if we’ll i am going to stick my finger in your big ass.

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