Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan

April 15, 2011 (JUBA) – The southern population should strive towards achieving peace, justice and equality ahead of the long-awaited South Sudan independence declaration, officials attending a three-day Equatoria conference in Juba, the regional capital agitated.

Delegates attending the three-day Equatoria conference in Juba. April 14, 2011 (ST)
Delegates attending the three-day Equatoria conference in Juba. April 14, 2011 (ST)
The conference brought together government officials, local and traditional authorities and citizens mainly from the greater east, west and central Equatoria states of semi-autonomous South Sudan. An estimated over 600 people will attend the event.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune, Lumole Manase, the Central Equatoria deputy governor said the conference is an important milestone towards achieving justice and unity among southern Sudanese, citing some of the differences that emerged out of last year’s general elections.

“As you aware, we still have several differences among our people today. Most of them could have been during the election era, while others may exist among the difference neighboring communities. This conference is aimed at overcoming some of these differences through advocating for unity, justice and equality” said Manase, also chairperson of the conference committee.

The conference was the initiative of the three governors of the Greater Equatoria region (Central, Eastern and Western) focusing on the future of Equatoria in the new Republic of South Sudan.

The governor of Eastern Equatoria state, Louis Lobong Lajore, called upon the South Sudan government to grant the region:

  • Two Positions in supreme Federal Ministries
  • A second vice President
  • Thirty ambassadors and
  • The equal representation in ministries/political appointments and civil service

Joseph Bakosoro, the Western Equatoria state governor used the occasion to call for for peaceful co-existence and cooperation among southern leaders. Specifically, Bakosoro urged the greater Equatorian population to view ensure that they are united and not divided on tribal, political or religious aspects.

Clement Wani Konga, the Central Equatoria governor further reiterated the importance of unity among the population, but said the management of state affairs should not be interfered with by other external forces.

“Over the years, we have experienced a lot of problems in managing state resources. There is a lot of interference in the collection of state-generated revenues and this undermines efforts to offer effective service delivery to our people. We need to unite and move forward,” the softly spoken governor told the delegates.

Delegates to the Equatoria conference in Juba. April 14, 2011 (ST)
Delegates to the Equatoria conference in Juba. April 14, 2011 (ST)
In attendance were officials from both the southern and federal governments, senior presidential advisers, religious leaders, local chiefs, payam [district] administrators and civil society representatives, among others.

South Sudan is due to become independent in July after its population overwhelmingly voted for separation during the January self-determination referendum. The plebiscite was a key part of Sudan’s 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that ended over two decades of a bloody civil war fought between north and south of Africa’s largest country.

The conference was officially opened by the presidential adviser for presidential affairs to South Sudan President Telar Ring Deng who congratulated the people of Equatoria for organizing the conference, which he acknowledged for having come at the right time.

Deng stated that in the past the South had Northerners as the enemy, now that a new nation has been attained, it requires the unity of purpose of South Sudan prior to July 9, 2011.

Former South Sudan rebels the SPLA fought the Khartoum government for over two decades for the right to self-determination and their own government. Since the 2005 peace deal the South has had an autonomous government and will secede from the North in July after a referendum earlier this year.

After last year’s elections individuals and groups with grievances have taken up arms against the South Sudan government. Further armed rebellions have emerged since January’s referendum.

“For those who have taken arms against the government of southern Sudan, are using their own methodologies of conflict to address grievances instead of dialogue” said Deng.

He urged all southern Sudanese to deny the renegade militias saying it is high time to unite and develop the new born nation.

Deng disclosed that South Sudan plans “to improve the rural areas so that the meaning of independence is attained for making a difference in the lives of southern Sudanese.”

Western Equatoria

The governor of Western Equatoria State in his opening remarks said that Equatoria shall not “be used as a platform for insecurity and hatred but we need to trust each other.”

Bangasi Joseph Bakoso, governor of Western Equatoria state delivers his keynote speech in Juba. April 14, 2011 (ST)
Bangasi Joseph Bakoso, governor of Western Equatoria state delivers his keynote speech in Juba. April 14, 2011 (ST)
“The administrative boundaries of Equatoria region into three states should not result to divide of rule it is just to transfer towns to villages to achieve services,” he said.

“As representatives of the people we shall not protect our own interest but instead protecting the interest of the people who entrusted us with the responsibilities” Bakosoro added.

The governor said: “It is time to know that we are able leaders and should be part of every decision making at all levels as it is the genesis of broad-based governance in the making.”

Bakosoro called for a change in the policy making Equatoria shall “never be cowards nor be followers of others.”

“We have to seek ways how security can be made attractive to harmonize and make peaceful coexistence and love for one another” said Bakosoro.

He stated that “Equatorians are known for some qualities that many people may not have. In history Equatorians do not fight among themselves or have never lived a life of hostility we always lead by examples”, he said.

“Equatorians born in good environment of governances and can be witnessed through the activities, I urge all to spread such good example to others, so that our new nation shall be led by rule of law and humanity” he added.

Bakosoro clarified that the gathering should define future directions of Equatoria and responsibility to render services to the people, peace shall never prevail in southern Sudan unless leaders are able to govern effectively.

“Our conference should not be misunderstood by the public but should be perceived as a means for bringing peace and harmony amongst South Sudanese more specially as preparing for the new nation.”

“It is clear that the three states of Equatoria are not receiving same level of foreign assistance as the rest of seven states of south Sudan, our states are being referred to as being better than other states in south Sudan.”

Bakosoro said the state capitals of Equatoria Juba (Central) Yambio (Western) and Torit (Eastern) do not represent the region implying that attention must also be paid to smaller towns and rural areas.

He called for equal support of donors’ intervention in southern Sudan to be source of unity and nation building but not hatred.

The governor stressed that before announcing the new nation on July 9, 2011 “we Equatorians must organize our selves politically and know what our rights are and ready to lead our new nation in the right direction as it will be painful if a new nation is born in a disorganized house.”

Bakosoro said that Equatoria shall not be used as a platform for insecurity and hatred. “We need to trust each other” he said saying that South Sudan has come a long way since the war began in 1983.

None of the rebellions in South Sudan are in Equatoria. Upper Nile, Jonglei and Unity states are the worst affected. However, hundreds of thousands have been displaced by the presence and attacks carried out by the Ugandan rebel movement the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in Western Equatoria.

“In any system there is one leader for a time, which is Salva Kiir Mayardit, let us pay allegiance to him and unite as one people and one day leave a bright legacy for the future generation” he said.

Eastern Equatoria

The governor of Eastern Equatoria state Louis Lobong Lajore, mentioned that this time round Equatoria will not be misled accept to be followers.

Louis Lobong Lajore, governor of Eastern Equatoria State delivers his keynote speech in Juba. April 14, 2011 (ST)
Louis Lobong Lajore, governor of Eastern Equatoria State delivers his keynote speech in Juba. April 14, 2011 (ST)
Lobong said the Equatoria region has vowed to agitate for security. His said that his state remained peaceful throughout the referendum process.

“We strongly support the leadership of GOSS and wish to honestly spell out that, Equatorians believe in democracy, freedom, equality and justice.”

“Whoever wants political power should use democratic means not force and being one region its people shall never be used for self interest,” decried Lobong.

He said that federalism is the type of governance that will address that the SPLA’s late leader John Garang and his vision of taking towns and services to rural areas.

Central Equatoria

The governor of Central Equatoria State Clement Wani Konga disclosed that decentralization had brought hatred among some Equatorians.

Clement Wani Konga, governor of Central Equatoria state delivers his keynote speech in Juba. April 14, 2011 (ST)
Clement Wani Konga, governor of Central Equatoria state delivers his keynote speech in Juba. April 14, 2011 (ST)
He called upon the entire Equatoria region to stop such misconducts.

“The second challenge in central Equatoria state is land grabbing” which has to be addressed, Wani said.

Wani refuted claims that “Central Equatoria citizens are not allocating lands for the people; rather people grab lands before allocation take place.”

Cattle raiding has become rampant, according to Wani, who recommended that “people should recall the cultural ways of living, in which a cow cannot be reared in agricultural areas.

Concerning the capital city Juba, governor Wani said that land was being allocated for the use of the central government and others.



  • Equatorian observer
    Equatorian observer

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    Greater Equatoria oyeee…

    I thank you my people for finally voicing your concerns as the people of this great region that started the war against Khartoum since 1955 in the historical Torit town. We should no longer bury our heads in the sand while allowing thugery to prevail in our greenland. From July 2011 we will seek to either take the post of the president or the Vice President. No less that those two posts. Our Wani Igga is being used as a rubber stamp in the parliament to cowardly condone any inhumane acts against our people.

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    God bless Equatoria people,
    we as Equatorians never killed each other for power and leadership greediness.my brother bakosoro said everything we have.
    Thank GOD Equatorians are most educated and civilize people in south sudan.

  • Hero

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    Big lie! What’s of kokora guys?

  • mayom maboung marek
    mayom maboung marek

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    My profound gratitude to Greater Equotria, collective destiny. The new Republic of South Sudan will be led by the all,South Sudan must not repeat the sins of the North.
    scramble for power,impunity, corruption, professional misconduct, nepotism, mistrust, cattle rustling and child abduction and the likes.

  • Abunyalama

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    Keep up the good work leaders of Greater Equatoria. The best way to ask for freeom is through democratic means like what you are doing now,not like others who jump into bush and become rebellious killing their own civillians

  • Equatorian observer
    Equatorian observer

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    Mr. Hero or whoever. What is a lie about Kokora. I think you are too green about the history of Kokora. It was orchastrated by the greed for power of your uncle Abel Alier after stealing power from the rightful owner of Addis Ababa Agreement Joseph Lagu. Lagu taught late John Garang to become a soldier, but Abel Alier worked to stab at the back the same trainer of Anya nya future leaders. Abel Alier was a bad example and the one who began hatred among South Sudanese communities, someting that was never experienced in South Sudanese political interractions before since 1947. Garang repeated that durinng the struggle by favoring his tribesmen and neglecting others. Now your uncles have repeated the same uncles of yours in GOSS. We better say enough is enough. We Equatorians have been silent waiting for our self-determination to materialize first and give birth to our independent nation. We as citizens with equal rights like the rest of you will soon surprise you after July with the demand for the position of President or the Vice President. Nothing less than that. We are tired to be called cowards and passive. We want our right or else…

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    brother Hero,
    sometimes i do respect you,so do you need kokora or what??
    you act like five year old boy or girl.
    You and peter Gadet,Athor George and their allies, you are in the same boat.

  • soldier boy
    soldier boy

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    God i don’t know what to say to this Governor is for real we all need each other and i know we all couod do that become one voice one shot one nation God be with us as ROSS people who love each other and trying to live as a human being in peace just like rest of the world God help us ……

  • Hero

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    Equatorian Observer,

    Get clearly that what you have said above, is another piece of a dirty lies and I think it’s worthy for man not to forge history or cooks things up from the blue,just to support his filthy argument.What’s a shame man!

    Look E, you need to asks taxi driver(LAGU) once again,just to tell you who’s more qualify to hold the post of VP,is it him or Abel Alier? And I think, you will not like the outcome.And you too Omoni JR. Do the same assignment. Otherwise, thank.

  • Paul

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan

    I applaud the efforts of Equatorians governors to unite the people of Equatoria. I think other 7 states should do the same thing. Traditional leaders of Dinka and Nuer should also convene conference reqularily to nurture unity and peaceful coexistence. This, too, should be done between Nuer and Anyuak; Bor and Murlee; Nuer and Murlee; and ecetra.


    Having observed the three governors speeches and their use of words, it seemes they are only a word shy of demanding Equatoria as separate country. Does anyone feel the same way?????????? I might be wrong but there is something in the water here. mmmmmm….time will tell!

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    The governor of Eastern Equatoria state, Louis Lobong Lajore, called upon the South Sudan government to grant the region:

    * Two Positions in supreme Federal Ministries
    * A second vice President
    * Thirty ambassadors and
    * The equal representation in ministries/political appointments and civil service

    My family and I want a post of the Ministry of FAMILY AFAIRS in the GoSS.

    Should Kiir listens to our demands? Or should we rebel if we don’t get what we want? I think it is time to let the hell break loose and see just what happen will happen. I am prefering dictatorship since Democracy is causing Demo-Crazy. Tell them, that this is not how the SPLA is run. We fought for 20 years and we are ready for another 20 years. You want to play with all that is given to you in a golden plate because you never sweat for it. Tell all these Nyagateen that the Jesh-Ameer indoctrinated by Garang through Pieng is coming up not many years from now. Things will get ugly if some is not going to follow the rules. Everybody is coming up with nonsense in his when is drunk. It is really true when Garang said that “Adults are worst then children when their stomachs are full with what they didn’t produce”.

    I think some education limit has to be set for one to be a governor. This is because Luis Lobong is asking for E.E. State to have 30 ambassadors. Ok. Let’s see: So, for the 10 states there will be 300 ambassadors. This requires 300 countries but the world has only 192 independent countries right now. Where will we get the other 108 countries? There is this sort of feeling that “the Dinka is doing some Malicious plan or is always plotting against everybody”. This dangerous thinking will propel the greedy into troubles. Arabs were in Kapoeta and they never even appointed any Taposa to be a commissioner, forget about a governor.

    Ahmed Chol Whatever begins in anger, ends in shame!

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    The governor of Eastern Equatoria state, Louis Lobong Lajore, called upon the South Sudan government to grant the region:

    * Two Positions in supreme Federal Ministries
    * A second vice President
    * Thirty ambassadors and
    * The equal representation in ministries/political appointments and civil service

    My family and I want a post of the Ministry of FAMILY AFAIRS in the GoSS.

    Should Kiir listens to our demands? Or should we rebel if we don’t get what we want? I think it is time to let the hell break loose and see just what happen will happen. I am prefering dictatorship since Democracy is causing Demo-Crazy. Tell them, that this is not how the SPLA is run. We fought for 20 years and we are ready for another 20 years. You want to play with all that is given to you in a golden plate because you never sweat for it. Tell all these Nyagateen that the Jesh-Ameer indoctrinated by Garang through Pieng is coming up not many years from now. Things will get ugly if some is not going to follow the rules. Everybody is coming up with nonsense in his when is drunk. It is really true when Garang said that “Adults are worst then children when their stomachs are full with what they didn’t produce”.

    I think some education limit has to be set for one to be a governor. This is because Luis Lobong is asking for E.E. State to have 30 ambassadors. Ok. Let’s see: So, for the 10 states there will be 300 ambassadors. This requires 300 countries but the world has only 192 independent countries right now. Where will we get the other 108 countries? There is this sort of feeling that “the Dinka is doing some Malicious plan or is always plotting against everybody”. This dangerous thinking will propel the greedy into troubles. Arabs were in Kapoeta and they never even appointed any Taposa to be a commissioner, forget about a governor.

    Ahmed Chol Whatever begins in anger, ends in shame!

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    mahamed chol.
    dont be too jealious like that. you also missinterprete what Lobong said too.
    Just read the tittle first before you comment the article ,
    He talk on behave of the greater Equatoria, not Eastern Equatoria,dont think that you are too smart and yet you are nothing .

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    Iam just so impressed with this equatorians attitudes & the way they address issues in a way that can convience every wise soul who has understanding.

    This all what we want in South Sudan”A peacefull means of expressing”not like the other visionless, blind,hungry generals.

    South Sudan is going to be a better place with the help of greater equatorian leaders.iam a person who look into a perfections more than imperfections,& equatorians are people who have outstanding perfections more than their imperfection(no one is perfect)they are very intelligent people.

    I advise the GoSS to put this conference into consideration without neglecting all all that have been addressed today by the equatorians leaders.

    Lastly iam a nilelotic.
    Think positive.

  • mawic

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    Equatorians brother you will stil remaining begging big positions like that no body will heard you until you finish. The nature of thief,corruptionist(dinka) do not understand peaceful language but language of bullet.

  • leader

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    Well done my people,

    Its absolutely a meaningful conference, whatsoever the pretext would be. What i have learn t here myself is a peaceful process of informing Equatorians not to behave like in the times of war, i quoted Bakosoro saying,” Equatorians will not again be known as cowards and the followers of the rest”, and thats true as a matter of fact. I also in the same respect would like to see the people of Equatoria taking the responsibility of the nation in the bad and good times. It doesn’t make sense when you deny your land during bad days and latter on filing a lot of complains at the table of dinner when its time to eat. A human being that is fond of putting food first is always considered a fool. Louis Lobong is a good man, and i really regret the set backs, killings and betrayals his people have been engaged in (and of course the whole of the equatoria) during the war against the SPLA/M and its civilians as instigated by the Arabs. Well this is all past and of course Equatoria was known for cowardice and lack of leadership. They had always thought some one else do it for them when its hot and they only join at the table which is not bad, but right now, no guns and all of you are welcome at the table.

    There are no questions of; where were you all these years? its eating time!!!

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    Dear friends

    The Equatorians people have right to meet over their common interests and the welfare of the people of greater Equatoria States.
    As above mentioned title of the conference advocate of Justice and Equality yes in Fundamental rights and Judicial activism: there should be equality before the Law as is a declaration of equality of all persons within the territory of South Sudan which is the Constitutional Right.
    -Justice:-social,economic and political.
    -Equality;-of ststus and opportunity and of promote among them all.
    If the Equatorians people feel for grievous in of any types in the bill of Rights which has guarantee by our Constitution its absolutely rights.

    But the three Governors Should be careful for the terms and the language of conducting conference. they should use the styles of leadership not incited and act as they provoking the people of Equatoria to do an act against the rest of South Sudan Communities. otherwise our unity and integrity of the Nation will be harm by this language .Sorry to term in such manner.

    To brother Mr Ahmed Chol I use to appreciated your comment dear on this forum base on your Logical reasons but today I completely disagree with your comment please go back to the language of diversity society and don,t call for Somalia style to the Commmunity of South Sudan while we are in the track global Democracy but I don,t think your dream for 20 in powers will prevail.
    Our Martyrs who die for this struggle their souls watching at us.
    may God bless the people of South Sudan.

    Diu J.Kuek

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    sorry point of correction I mean 20 years in power

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    Dinka Mr. Deng, stated that in the past the South had Northerners as the enemy, now that a new nation has been attained, it requires the unity of purpose of South Sudan prior to July

    Enemy number one is gone
    But enemy number two still here in the south that is Dinka’s everybody
    Dinka’s are now the ultimate Enemies’ of the people of south Sudan
    We will never enjoy peace as long Dinka’s are our government
    The soon the Dinka’s government is gone the better we will put in place unity government by the people for the people

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    Dinka Mr. Deng, stated that in the past the South had Northerners as the enemy, now that a new nation has been attained, it requires the unity of purpose of South Sudan prior to July

    Enemy number one is gone
    But enemy number two still here in the south that is Dinka’s everybody
    Dinka’s are now the ultimate Enemies’ of the people of south Sudan
    We will never enjoy peace as long Dinka’s are our government
    The soon the Dinka’s government is gone the better we will put in place unity government by the people for the people

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    Those who know the genesis of the liberation war waged by Southerners since 1955 know pretty well that no one is a coward in this planet especially in Southern Sudan. To use the word as a pyschological tool of war to silence people in order to plunder what belongs to the people is foreign in our culture as such it is null and void.

    With arrows and bows Jallaba could not move from Maridi to Yei or from Juba to Torit leave alone Torit – Kapwoeta road that was sealed off. The people of Equatoria need to sit and look into this. With western Equatoria still bleeding with no immediate solution. We need to see beyond the present political boundaries. United Equatoria can do with respect, humility and in a civilised fashion. Together then the people of South Sudan can see the light of peace. A peace that is humane, humble and full of compassion and love. A peace where national treasury should not be allowed to be an individual property.

    I think at this time we need to refine our words and work to unite our people for mutual benefit of all. Our target now is to rid our society of ignorance, disease and poverty through first of all stopping corruption, nepotism, tribalism and discrimination of any sort.

    The people of Equatoria knows what contribution they have made and still give to mother Southern Sudan. They are simply yearning for when Justice, freedom and indepence will be a reality irrespective of tribe, religion and region of birth of leaders. It is all about stopping tribal apartheid. The high insttitutions of governance should be evenly distributed. Democracy should not be a mock democracy. Leadership should be the solemn choice of the people. Leaders must learn to be servants of the subjects and not the masters of the people as it is now. They must stop to interfere in elections.

  • leader

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    To Mr. Godfather,

    I wonder why Godfather is such a stupid man (may be because he is an Equatorian Godfather).

    In regards to your message, let me say no need of hating any tribe in singular. Dinka is admired in bad days and hated in good days, well thats obvious but make sure Dinka will never go any where, because they are the aborigines of this land, i don’t know which part of Equatoria you are, i would hve told you exactly what it means when you ask some one to go. Arab came to Sudan first than some other Equatorian tribes in the South and may be ” going” might be necessary in that essence.

    What government will you establish after Dinka? it can be absolutely rubbish if you are to rule the country, specially right now when there are still more establishments the situation demands on the ground. Can you people handle them with out Dinka? talk and write sense, don’t just post what your under-evolved minds think… this is a trash talk, base not your stupidity on tribal lines otherwise you gonna tread a thin line.

  • Equatorian observer
    Equatorian observer

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    Mr. leader or whatever. It doesn’t make any sense when you talk of others land while giving up your Dinka land of Abyei to Arabs. Why don’t you go to frontier and liberate your own lands instead of hiding at the rear and enjoying the hospitality of Equatorians in our land if you are such a liberator. You are cowards who behave like women in the presence of Nuer. I witnessed this in Juba so many times. Is it because we Equatorians are peace lovers and do not check on your behaviors like the Nuer check on you. Wait for July Mr. leader and you will regret your behaviors unless you change now. You will be forced by others to leave and go to your dirty areas.

  • Abunyalama

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    “Dinka is admired in bad days and hated in good days, well thats obvious but make sure Dinka will never go any where, because they are the aborigines of this land”

    Who told you that Dinkas are admired during bad days, and who told you that Dinkas are the aborines or whatever you call it? Don’t confuse people by your propaganda and lies. Dinkas have never been loved or hated;they are the ones who put that illogical thought into their brains. Mind you,the first bullet shor against the Arabs is done by Equatorians,by then where were you the Dinkas?? Instead you Dinkas,using Abel Alier collaborated with the Arabs to topple the rebellion which was started by Equatorians. No one here should assume that he or she owns South Sudan,but everone owns it,and everyone needs to be treated equally–not like what SPLM is doing currently.I wish Dinkas could wake up and reason well.

  • lojuru

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan
    Dear Fellow Citizens of ROSS,

    This is just the initial report of the key note addresses, in which the leaders of Greater Equatoria, having expressed their democratic right and opinion on how the forthcoming nation of South Sudan should be governed….looking into the pass successes, failures and mistakes our leaders and the citizens (Dinka, Nuers,Bari, Shilliluk, Zande, etc, etc). The delegates are not going to merely take the words of the lessons and pass resolutions that would create more problem, adding to the mess that S Sudan is already going into. As someone said, Equatorian as intellegent, peace-loving, humble and civilised people and would only resote to violence as last option. These qualities sometimes are confused with COWARDISE. If some people think say, the leaders and people of Equatoria are saying that is not True. This conference is not a call to fuel ethnic division, but rather to put in place checks-and-balance in a situaion that, if things are allowed to continue as they are since the formation of GOSS then naturally our hard earned indepenence would degenerate to chaos. Let us be sober and avoid usage of provatice words and tribal labels.

  • Jalinga

    Equatorians advocate for justice and equality in S. Sudan


  • Philosopherking

    Greater Equatoria conference convenes in Juba under theme of justice, unity and prosperity
    My comment to Mr. Hero’s posting was removed without justification. I am left wondering if Sudan tribune is for certain views and not others! Plural?

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