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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state

April 18, 2011 (JUBA) –The president of the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) on Monday broke his silence and called for peace and unity amongst the people of Northern Bahr el Ghazal state.

Salva Kiir
Salva Kiir
President Salva Kiir made the remark from his Juba office while hosting a joint executive and parliamentary delegation led by the governor of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, Paul Malong Awan Anei. On Saturday, a 12 member delegation arrived in Juba from Northern Bahr el Ghazal via Wau, capital of Western Bahr el Ghazal from where they flew on a charted plane.

The delegation is said to have held a meeting with youth groups from Northern Bahr el Ghazal in Juba, a day after their arrival and met with Kiir on Monday.
Governor Anei was appointed by presidential decree in March 2008 and contested the same seat during 2010 general elections as official candidate of the South Sudan’s governing party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) with candidates from other political parties including an independent candidate from SPLM.

Amid precipitous competition fraught with accusations and reports of intimidations, the National Elections Commission announced voting results in his favour, leaving some other candidates claiming they were rigged.

While several attempts were made to reconcile rival candidates including reinstatement of General Dau Aturjong Nyuol, who contested as independent candidate, into the regional army by South Sudan president, political differences between the two sides remain unresolved. There have been reports and allegations that individuals that voted against incumbent state administration were either suspended indefinitely or dismissed from their jobs. An independent investigation into these allegations is yet to take place.

On 23 March 2011, state security elements collaborating with police arrested nine senior government officials suspected writing a letter bearing no names, which called for a demonstration to take place in all five counties of the state, against its Governor. On the two occasions the case was brought to court, the judge dismissed it.

However, relatives and immediate family members in series of regular follow up interviews with Sudan Tribune said the officials were again imprisoned, claiming that the state governor had threatened police and judicial officials with dismissal from their jobs for releasing the suspects without his consent. A police officer on duty was arrested and released after spending two days in prison for accompanying them to the court. The arrested officials include Lieutenant Colonel Garang Joong Akoon, Angelo Machar Akec, Mario Angui Lual, Akol Mayendit, Achuen Rou, Adup Achier, Agiu Garang, Wieu Garang and Reverend Moses Aguer Bol Deng Dau.

Kiir responded to reports from influential groups and activists and a fact finding mission by the region’s human rights commission which were critical of the poor conditions in the prison in which the officials were being held. The president summoned the Governor, who, in his meeting with him in March, claimed not to know why the accused were being held. The Governor also claimed he had had no reports from his security on which he would have taken action.

On 13 April, South Sudan’s Human Commission Chairperson, Laurent Korbandy, in an interview with Sudan Tribune said his office received information that nine official were arrested in Aweil, capital of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State. He said that he responded to the reports by sending an investigation committee. According to him, the committee compiled reports with legal recommendations to the president.

Calls for reconciliation and healing have come from church leaders and activists as well senior members of the South Sudan’s ruling party, SPLM since elections were concluded.

“We beg forgiveness for differences that may have been caused by elections. Things that might have happened can be forgiven and people resume normal lives, because nothing can be gained by seeking no reconciliation. We are all the same people. One can lose today and win tomorrow,” said Reverend William Mou Deng, who had once tried to contest but quickly decided to drop out of the parliamentary race for a Juba based seat last year.

General Aturjong, who lost to incumbent governor Malong Awan has called for reconciliation. He said wants people of Northern Bahr el Ghazal whom said are known for being a peaceful community, to remain living peacefully and solve their difference through dialogue.

“Hatred and political retaliation are sources of weaknesses. We must embrace dialogue. All our differences must be resolved peacefully. We have always show a good example to other communities in the south, so we must remain role model,” explained Aturjong an interview with Sudan Tribune from Rumbek on Monday.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune from Juba, Deng Thiep Akok, a former member of South Sudan Legislative Assembly, said, “I was with some of the delegates this evening after meeting with the president. They told me that the South Sudan President spoke well. They said he has emphasised on peace and unity of our people.”

An anonymous, highly placed source in the office of the president also confirmed that the delegation had a meeting with the president and that the president emphasised importance of unity for people of northern Bahr el Ghazal State.

“Yes, the Northern Bahr el Ghazal State delegation, led by Governor Malong, met with the president today and discussed issues of significant important to the people of Northern Bahr el Ghazal”. They discussed a lot of issues but there were only two important things I consider to be important: the issue of unity among people of Mading Aweil in particular and South Sudan at large”.

I consider it so because the president dwelled on it and gave a lot of examples of why unity is important this time. He assured the support of the Government of South Sudan to the epeople and government of Northern Bahr el Ghazal. He also assured the delegates that those who were elected would continue their services until the next general elections are held. I think this was one of the smiling political statements for the delegates,” explained the official.

He said the attendees included: political advisor, Lual Diing Wol; presidential advisor on traditional affairs, Pio Tem Kuac Ngor; and minister of industry and mining, Garang Diing Akuong.



  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    This is a great example that some communities should emulate.
    Peace and unity is the first in everything that our greater community take greatly but take the conflict as the last of all solution. Thanks for the words of our great leaders and
    Let keep teaching others for leadership roles.

  • thieleling

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Dear Readers,

    Kiir Kuethpiny Lual aka Salvatore Kiir is such a indecissive leader; that would NEVER bring peace among south sudanese. In nutshell, south sudan is on FIRE under his poor leadership.

    The case of NB: Paul Malong Awan Anei is a rebel against the rule of law in NB, south sudan. His deposition is overdue.

    Kiir is simply acting like a deer caught on a car’s headlight in the high-way; not knowing what to do, where to go…etc. So, Kiir is on a brain-freeze on supposedly, critical issues that need critical thinking. Shame!!

    If the Gongrial-Kitchen is so hot for him, let him leave before the Tsunami kicks in NB and all other flash-points states in south sudan.

  • soldier boy
    soldier boy

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    it’s great to hear president supporting unity, but people like Malong Awan need to learn how to talk or how to lead people like what president said you loss today tomorrow you will win.That what it’s mean to be a leader. when it’s come to people of Northern Bahr El Ghazal they knows who is Malong and what he is doing now. Malong do not have any kind of Edcuation to lead people of Northern Bahr El Ghazal as a governor is too weak, but as of right now there is nothing we could do about it until next election we as Aweil people do not want have kind of people like Athor in Aweil so we will wait until next election. and let’s keep apeace as it’s .

  • Lorolokin

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state

    The problem with those who were put to govern is that most of them are Illiterate they can’t even govern themselfs at home leave alone governing the whole state.
    So this governmwent of South Sudan is just a joke.You people somewhere there should take greater Equatoria as an example or else you will mess up in that part of the world.


  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state

    When was equatorians become the most educators in the South Sudan? This was your intention during the war that let others fought the war while you are mostly in the hiding areas in Uganda. My friend, the atmosphere that you are enjoying now was just a given to you and the likes while you offer zero during the war.

    Please, you should not term coward to development. We know your language. You are mr land grabbing mouth but when the war come then you will be the first to join money on top of mountains and let your liberators die in your states.

  • Acid

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    @Bol Deng, action speaks louder than words. I think Kiir is vague about called of unity. He has being tool that divided great of NBG. In most of his time in the office, Kiir chooses to trust individual over vast majority. He enforced Malong Awan to great people of NBG when he knows the man is not fit to be anyone leaders. Kiir is a reason why reason people of NGB are suffering. We were expecting an apology not called unity he helps to break down; we were united until his lousy polices caused this unrest situation.

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Now i can see it was president kiir who called for reconciliation and unity among the people of NBEG state Aweil, but there is no clear words heard from the two delegations who went from state to Juba. No body from Aweil even the members of state legislative assembly were not aware of the mission. Addition to that, even if president talks of unity and no one is going to put it in implementation then still the situation will remain chaotic, because what i observed from our state here is that those whom are already got themselves in side the government offices doesn’t need others to have chance like them within the government. They want to remain in the offices for the end of their lives and if it happen like that then it means there is no what is so- called democracy that we fight for in the South Sudan and that may cause alot of cracking within the government if such a maladministration is not avoid.

  • Lorolokin

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Bol Deng,

    You need to be civilize,civility is the only way out the war that you claim to fought, all of us contributed to it.What I was saying is that we need Educated people in the government to lead not semi Illiterate to twist and revolt like your uncle Athor. Do you think Athor is civilized ?
    Put some one who has goes to school lo lead not those who has goes to the bush to bombard the people.


  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Bol Deng, if you do not no Equatorians just keep quite. The war which ended in Equatoria was fought by Equatorians when you were busy running after cows. Have you forgotten Tomas Cirilo, Maboute mamour just remind your mind who were busy fighting Arabs in Equatoria while you people were busy fighting among yourselves in 1991 for positions and issue of cows. If you do not know why do you think all people of other two regions (Upper Nile & Baher elgazal) are leaving their regions and moving in mess numbers in Equatoria. Had it not because of Equatoria civilization would you move in Equatoria even with old unproductive man and women just to enjoy the civilized way of life in Equatoria unlike your people who today are still struggling with April election results and dieing over issue of cows. Do you know how many your people have died after peace over issue of cows? Kir is not fit for presidency because he is not decisive. He better needs to be a leader in cow camp.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Get a life poor boy we know who fough for this war and who where claiming that they were Ugandan and congolise during the war so don.t tell as what we know, and by the way i am very sorry to tell this but i have to incase you don.t know, Dinkas are your God so make sure that you are under the shadow of Dinkas no matter what you said or done,
    I say this because you poor guys are so prvocative in ever comment you made.
    I also knew that due to your un contribution during the war is keeping you sleepless because you guys are getting a shame of stabing your brother at the back during the war, so you poor boys are trying to do something to make you belong,
    Shame on you poor boys. South was better without you during the war.

  • Green is beautiful
    Green is beautiful

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    It is wonderful mr president, welldone tell them. it is time for peace and unity.NBeG state is the peaceful state where everybody like to work,to run business they are free

  • Lorolokin

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Dinka Dominated SPLA,

    Go to school or any other training institute including Adult Education programme I thinks it will help you.the problem with you is we don’t say that you are wrong creatures,God doesn’t create bad person but the problem is your altitude towards your fellow Human being.
    That’s why i said majority of you are not civilized How can you say Dinkas are our God ? don’t you know that this word alone is a digrace to Almighty God ? Please go and Ask for forgiveness otherwise God is watching your fieces,let me tell you the truth, you can play with your country man but don’t play with God.
    May God forgive you Amen.


  • Green is beautiful
    Green is beautiful

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Don,t cry about Dinka wheather civilized or not they are going to rule until they get civilize, get educated, because they can not do two things during the war.They were in the bush busy fighting to bring freedom, we are enjoying today becuase of their hardship.there was no schools in the bush as you know they need to learn now but don,t come from now where and start disturbing.

    Those who were busy with their studies and have got their Degrees & Masters should be patient and need to be friendly to those Generals who are ocupying ministerial & governership positions.They deserve to enjoy thier sufferings. For you have got achance to study have to be assistant to them,make them learn. slow,slow and you will be friend then you will lead but not now.

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Hey guys stop giving the public wrong information. What is wrong with President’s calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state?.To me the president Kiir is absolutely right to
    make reconciliation between opponents. So do not post your slanderous remarks again him. When I visit this website I get a lot of people again Kiir’s leadership. just relax we all know who are greedy for leadership. If you are clear minded you would have appreciated Kiir’s administration rather than spoiling his name on website. So if you know yourself,you are among people who have been cursed by God.Kiir is not ready right now to cede power to weak leaders you are expecting to run Southern Sudan without completing his mission of liberation.

  • Lorolokin

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Green is Beautiful,

    We are not talking about leading the Government but we are about those who are in the leadership position to be discipline. look since the signing of the peace how many innocent lives have died in your areas killing your selve like snakes for survival. Is it not ashame for killing you own people for the sake of position or cow or money.
    Unfortunately if you finished them off who would you later govern ? cows, goat, sheep or what ? Come to your sence and behave humanly.


  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    This proves you are far beyond civilization. How can you call yourself somebody’s God (God forbids). Please respect God. That is why some of us are continuing tell you people that you need to be smart and civilized before uttering such statement. You are already cursed and you are bringing more cure on yourself.

    God forgive him, he does not know what he is talking about.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Bol Deng,

    Just wait you will see these words will end in Juba as Juba is the only peace loving place. Wait you will hear of more killing and arbitrary arrests soon. I want suggest south Sudanese to chose one day for prayers for God to release you from bondage of adoring cows.

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Josephine Lagu former Undersecretary of MOEST sentenced to 10 years in prison for corrupting public office while Akuen Arthur and Kuol (former finance ministers) were sentenced to zero years in prison for the same vice. This is justice in the context of Nincompoop Kiir’s family gov’t.

    I am not surprised with your call for unity here, for we have called for unity long when you were a sleep. You are indecisive and always wait to pick from where others have left, poor vision less president.

  • leader

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    @ Lamija

    Dear you, impede not into affairs your words can not make sense, nothing concerns Equatoria here, stop this stupid war of useless words.

    Well, i have seen you counting; and you have counted only two from Equatoria and they are Cirilo and Mamur…. go ahead and count more!!

    Lets stop this unjustified war of words among Dinka, Nuer and Equatoria…. or else we take it to the battle fields, courts or legislative assemblies where they can be arbitrated.

  • leader

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    @ Lo issu

    Please don’t be insulting your president like a kid… that sounds so weird and irresponsible. Do you really call your self a citizen of South Sudan? Look at how you insulted him, be careful with your words because Khiir is still a president and he deserves some respect as a president.

    Don’t make excuses that he is a weak president, yes i know he can be weak as any other human being, but he is our president. What do you respect if you can’t respect your president?

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Civilization in the context of the non Equatorian states.

    Education: whereas in Equatoria people go to school,learned and use their knowledge to transform their societies. Others learned to desert their home lands in favor of developed areas. How can you have professors and Doctors yet the entire people have nothing to learn from you, truly you went to school but learn t nothing.

    Sanitation: Until today they are still at the ABC stages of sanitation. This is exemplified by the fact that all NGOs operating in their areas offer sanitation lessons leave alone erecting sanitary facilities. In fact the element of malnutrition is hard to come across in Equatoria, but 100s of feeding centres are operational at theirs.

    Inability to feed themselves: How can you be civilized and at the same time fail to plan on you feeding, the most immediate basic need. Until today the so called civilized are being fed by relief agencies. Inability is being referred to as a disease needing treatment from others.

    War mongering: To them civilization is measured by the level of aggressiveness and the number of people killed. In fact a community which is capable of killing, displacing and raiding neighbors is considered most civilized. Civilised to the extent of making any table discussion no matter the level, quarrelsome.
    It is no secret that GOSS fears to transfer the capital to Ramciel for fear of it being rumbled to ashes.

    Vocabulary. They are so civilized that resource to them is defined as oil. Surely this level of illiteracy is beyond measure. They also believe that a liberation struggle is fought only by holding the barrel of the gun even when no guns were used as a tool for negotiating the CPA.

    Aluta continua.

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    @ Leader, President my ash. What is your take on the main content of my post. Stop being illusive, you always rush to defend yo uncle while leaving the reality behind. Some dumb head threatening me huh!

  • Liberator

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Dear readers:

    I hope he Unites his people. However, as national leader(if he can still be refer to as such)I don’t see a possible unity among Southerners under his secretive style leadership.

    Besides, I don’t blame him for that, since he(Kiir)was thrust into leadership under different circumstances. He’s just overwhelmed by presidency though he seemed reluctant to calling in for a bit of life line help from professionals. And I don’t think he will ever do so especially now, that there are multiple rebellions in the major three states. It may also be too late at this point.

  • Green is beautiful
    Green is beautiful

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    We have finished in governing cows,goats sheep etc and now my area people don,t kill brother because of position,cow ect,we talk and we critize but any way when I/ you look at this cousin of ours (shamless Dinka Nuer),It is their ahabit when they need big position, they just rebell give themselves any rank,killed thier owned people so that when they come back then they are given big positions.because you can see Riak Machar did it,Matip,Gatdet,ect all these trouble makers comes from Nuer.Athor is not a Dinka,(May be Jan aram bi ta NUer)

    That is where you right they should behave like human because they are human.

  • SPLA

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    @ Lo Isu

    You forgot to put FREEDOM FIGHTERS to your list since they were fighing for your freedom while you were getting civilized by being a slave in Uganda.

    Mr SPLA

  • Dinka Malual
    Dinka Malual

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Dear Lamajia/Kinkak
    We Dinka and Nuer are riches for cows in South Sudan and there is no dout about it because people who have more cattle are rich resources, come education, we got effective education,eg when we ws are in Khartoum they Equatorians in churches and they never talk about war in South because they are a friad for his master Arab at that time, while Arabs say that Kill Dinka and fuck Equatoria because they know that they cowards and brothers Nuer are bravery like Dinaka.Look if images when Arabs consider Dinka as strong people they put Abiel Leer, George G, Mose Machar and soon as Second Vice Presidents of Sudan in time of War while another Dinka are fight with them and there is single Equatoria has been hold second vice president until we separat now, since independent of Sudan Equatorian are yes yes yes yes people they never say no to Arabs and we know they Arab used Equatorians against at the war time, and we can counts educated Dinka who have been killed by Arab as Equatorians are tool and we still rule you at same time, they Equatorians are educated because they have four (4) citizenship Sudan,Uganda,Kenya, Congo D, and Central African + pulse their cowards to Arabs. But bravery Dinka are busy for fight untill you get freedom from them as you enjoy, if not Dinka liberated Yei, Torit, Kapoeta, Yambio so on, so couldn’t be easy to claim for Equatoria while thousands of Dinka were died in Equatoria in war time.
    Please brother let us focus the development without say Dinka, Arabs know Dinka well and they did wants destroy at that but they couldn’t able do it,because the know who is Dinka not Equatorians cowards. We need to build our country wheresoever happen we will response it.
    Mike M

  • monykuc, Southerner
    monykuc, Southerner

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Dear Readers,
    thanks very much for your various comments. In fact there is no Government without recognition and permission from God and that’s why every citizen respects their Government.

    Kiir called for unity among the people of Northern Bhar El Ghazal is very significant and they must adhered to it. i think this unity is not only for Northern Bhar el Ghazal State but for all Southerners. Whatever Kiir is, we must respect him as our president and we avoid criticism and ignorance throughout the time.

  • leader

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    @ Lo Issu

    I somewhat prefer taking actions than threatening somebody, i am not threatening you. Salva is not my uncle, he is my president. we share the same prestige and obligation. But can you tell me exactly how do these affronts of the tribes, government and most significantly the president, help you in your life?

    The need of the writers’ identities disclosure is soon needed here, in case that one can actually say in person what he had wanted in his heart to be done by the government. Its absolutely making no sense to be airing insults daily and no answers to them.

    Expect no single answer from me in rejoinder to all your ill-feelings, because to me you are just a nuisance to the government and people.

    These manners are obnoxious and sick!! how can one be insulting the head of the state and he thinks he is civilized? you are far behind civilization as portrayed in these manners. Adapt to a civilized way of doing things.

  • Gaddfa

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    the president did tried to calm the political confusion in NBG there is no doubt, but Mr. president when and where will you stop your crocodile speed of action and do things a little bit faster? it has been a while now since the ordinary politics are turn into personal. if people of NBG were not God fearing i think they would have killed themselves. please next time act like you care about the people of NBG and S.Sudanese as whole.

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Blind SPLA

    Go to the point vocabulary. May be the language there is one you don’t understand ask and I will explain.

    By the way did you see any lie in my post, real facts. So accept you are far from civilization of the 21st century. The thing is that facts are usually hard to swallow by your likes, because you hide behind that conservative believe that a man must not accept failures. As a result no matter how you wrong others you feel high.

    In my next post I will lecture you guys on how to get out of that stinking mud buddies.

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    How can you talk of civilization when you don’t understand the language of civilization. The only language which can be understood by the mad is that of the mad.

    Sincerely if all of you including mr. Kiir are not sick in mind, how can you institute policies which made your own brothers disgruntled hence leading to so many massacres in South Sudan after signing Peace? Didn’t you hear Mr Telor blowing Kiir’s war trumpet. The south was in war for 21yrs with no positive result, isn’t it sheer madness to hear you and mr.president beating the drums of war now?

    To some of us Kiir has lost credibility, period.

  • Addit Tera
    Addit Tera

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    Green Beautiful,
    Look at how much slaves you were born alone, you are not dinka too.
    My president didn’t say anything bad against NUER.
    No any Nuer who disagreed for his call to the Unity & Peace concerning Northern Bhar elGhazal state and Elsewhere.
    Do you think that Salva Kiir is a leader of one tribe? No to the idiot who called him Green Beautiful, be careful other wise I will catch you from the tail and disappear you at one before 9, July 2011.
    Green, you stupid Arab slaves are not allow here to comment anything belong to S. Sudan Affairs.


    Addit T.
    In Warrap.

  • superior Junibi
    superior Junibi

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state

    By examining the current Gokrial Leadership, South Sudanese should look back and Appreciate Dinka Bor leadership during the hard times. Dinka Bor gave everything they have to safeguard the future of these country and people. Even Ruthless Rieks rebels murdered civilians in BOr while Dinka Bor boys where fighting to capture Juba.

    But at the end: We won and Our leader and long term vision and tactics brought the joy you have now in Juba.

  • Green is beautiful
    Green is beautiful

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    You are so wonderful person ,i like the way you reacted,i hope you wil pass the message to your ralatives that Kiir,my president is not a Dinka leader but our president for the whole s.sudan.Tell them that let us stop being rebell against him.Because i know you are not fool like Messeriya and rezigat who are being foolish to be use by NCP and eat thier blood before they sent to die.

  • leader

    South Sudan president calls for unity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    @ Lo Issu

    Losing credibility to Equatorians is a no problem absolutely.

    I understand you are naive in this institution of the policies that you are talking about. I would request you to read and consult the fretful institution. Believe me, this is what i hate most, a nincompoop takes things at forehead only to come and disturb the society on this web, come on!!

    Don’t tell me the history of this country, i know it much better than you, war or no war, i know it and its not your business. You and your parents have been in Uganda over the last three decades and you have come back only to heap complains day and night. Simply, who are you? i pray they give you something to eat and that would be all you need.

    You are the worst human being i have ever known on this Earth. From West to east, and from south to north of this globe. Look here, how can you talk of no positive change? oh my goodness!! the independence of South Sudan was brought by the shed of blood, i know the 2 millions lives lost is only Dinka and Nuer and no wonder of course.

    Let me tell you, if the war was to break out again… i will station at Kaya and Moyo to make sure no NYAM-NYAM sneaks out for refuge. I swear thats the only job i can do because you are a kind of zinjathropus whom your minds are still evolving who can’t learn offering just even an appreciation for the liberation brought to your houses in plates. How hard is it to say thank you to your liberator.

    Talking to you is a wastage, lets end it here.

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