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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

BBy Bonifacio Taban Kuich

April 21, 2011 (BENTIU) — The clashes in Unity state between Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and the rebel South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA) have brought tension to the state, with allegations of defections from the SPLA.

In his Mayoum Declaration, on the 11 April 2011, the SSLA leader Peter Gatdet accused Juba government of corruption and dominated by one tribe, alluding to the Dinka ethnic of South Sudan President salva Kiir Mayardit.

Heavy fighting broke out on Thursday morning in Mankien Mayom county, in Unity state, between Peter Gatdet’s forces and the SPLA at 8.30am on Wednesday. Mayom Commissioner Charles Machieng confirmed to Sudan Tribune on Thursday that Mankien fell under the control of militia.

The rebels claimed capturing two locations.

Philip Aguer, the SPLA’s official spokesperson however denied that the militia had taken over Mankien while speaking with Voice of America on Wednesday. He added that, he was aware that the SPLA had fought with the militia in the area but did not lose the town to them.

The commissioner of Mayom said that fighting between Gadet’s forces and the SPLA in his county had not affected the lives of civilians; the forces forewarned the civilians, who evacuated the area, he added.

Spokesperson of Gadet’s SSLA, Bol Gatkuoth Kol, said their forces reassure the citizens of areas they seize from the regular army, stressing they tell them that their attacks are only directed against the positions of the SPLA and no civilian would be harmed.

Bol added, a huge number of SPLA defected and joined them during the last three days fighting in Unity state.

He said former Speaker of Unity state, Tap Malual Wun, joined the SSLA besides many other officials and soldiers.



  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Tell Rebels to built their home and not to burn it down, their families will suffer the most more than Juba government

  • Man Koryom 2
    Man Koryom 2

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    His old soldiers are the one joining him. Gatdet talk about corruption but he is the most corrupted person with no heart. War against corruption had lot of ways of fighting it but gun is not one of them and that why Gatdet need to go to school first. Complaining about Dinka just will not solve Nuer problem. Gee people need to see what year is this?


    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    what the hell is Gadet talking about, Goss is dominated by Nuer and even the SPLA is dominated by Nuer and he held a good position prior to rebellion.

    When they finally catch him, they should drag the body of this stupid son of a bitch in the street

  • Hero

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Dear all,

    I,m confidence enough that the SPLA will crush them one by one.If anyone doubt it, let him/her ask Athor.

  • Madior

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    When these people has none to says about SPLA, they made false accusation gainst GOSS. They have to do the math, before putting arms against SPLA. who will be benefits from the war? Casualities? where to get reinforcement? How long will this end? To end this dirty war, I order Gadet’s head soon ………………….

  • Theone

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    The different between SAVAGE animals and the human being, is rationale and the SAVAGE animals do not need a reason to kill. I do not see a different between these millitias animals and the savage animals in the Bush. All are the same.

  • amon

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    War mangers, Gadet should have started his war in Juba because this is where the corruptions exist according to him, but going to terrorize your own in their villages doesn’t make scene. I wonder what school of economic does Gadet went to which qualifies him as the best economist to tackle the corruption and economy of South Sudan.

    We know and everyone knows that there is corruption but waging war against your own people in the name of fighting corruption is not the right way. I really felt sorry for the people of Unity State because of the suffering that their children are bring to them. I wish people should just nominate Gadet now as a president of the South Sudan and see what changes he will bring, I’m sure he’ll even be more corrupt because he is going to appoint all Nuer in the offices.

    My appeal to Gen Gadet is this we the youth of South Sudan are tired of war and we want peace.

  • emadven

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Its true that Dinka people’s ego to rule is not gonna let South Sudan develop.. am not a tribalist but if everything is gonna be dominated by one tribe among 10s of other tribes then we have a problem. We should erase the issue of tribalism off. and let people work base on their skills and qualifications etc. no monopoly and favoring one side or the other

  • SPLA

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    Your hatred toward Dinka will not help solve problems in South Sudan. Take a look at the states Dinka reside in South Sudan. You will notice that there are Dinka in seven states except the three states of Greater Equatoria. What that tells you is that you can not avoid Dinka in South Sudan. You need to accept the fact that Dinkas are the majority in South Sudan and if they are the majority then they need to have a number number in the GOSS. This is just a simple math, majority means big number of representation in the government.

    If you and the rest want to take us back to war in South Sudan because Dinka is occupying large number of government seats in South Sudan then go a head and we will meet you in the battle fields. Let’s wait and see who will be victorious in that war.


  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    They will surley soon be crushed down along with his supporters here on this web.

    Back to the main topic,Surely this is a sad story that Gatdat defection is now targeting the poor guys(the civilians).

    Gadet & his likes should be ready to face the consequances of their actions.

  • mack waweru
    mack waweru

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Corruption cannot be eradicated through violence, but strong laws.
    Taking up arms also against a certain tribe is not a solution and it is everyone’s impression that this is going to be between Peter Gadet’s Nuer Section against entire Dinka tribe. This would have great reprecursions on civilians on both sides. Peter Gadet is not tired of rebelling, but his followers have think twice before supporting his cause which would lead to nothing but destruction of families’ properties and lives.

  • Citizen

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Gatdet or He-goat never went to school so you guys should dissassociate him with economic skill of fighting corruption. What he only pick the economic book to the background ideology of his defensive claimed is fighting corruption in GoSS which he marvelously lossed the meaning he thought that fighting corruption is by gun that is a laughable matter. I can not blame him the term should have been definite exclusively so that the fools like Gatdet may learned. That is not gonna b the end since we have a big number of fools or illeterate in the South Sudan still some people will take up arms on the claim to combat HIV/AIDS thinking that, that is how it is fought. Gatdet or He-goat is fighting for Dr. Riak because his ideology is derived from the dislike of the Unity state governor Taban Deng Gai,coz Riek’s wife Angelina Teny lose to Taban in the gubernotorial election and so their gangs group aren’t getting any private share of the 2 percent of the oil share…shame on Gatdet, Riek is also calculating with him his visionless dreams that he may also loss over the Vice if he attempt to stand independently in the future coz nobody will elected him.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    You are 100% right.
    We know that corruption is everywhere,but it could have been confronted with a peacefull means rather than taking arm against your own people,all of us are waiting for our independance then deal with all our issues in a peacefull manner,GATDAT missed the point by taking arm to deal with corruption though he is a partaker of this corruption.

    Fighting aganist a specific tribe will not solve anything,but instead will provock the rest to stand aganist him & his tribe & hate Nuer as a whole.

    Think positive.

  • Nhomlawda

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Mayom Declaration was not written by illiterate Peter Gatdet but by some educated Nuer including some highly placed in position of influence in Juba.
    They are trying to bring Nuer and Dinka into another fight like in 1991.
    It is a tribal war other than being an ideological and economic war.
    Nuer are making a wrong calculation this time around. They will suffer heavily if they don’t convince themselves before it is too late.
    Within the next few months, helicopters and bombers will dominate sky of Unity State and that will be the time they will know that they have hit the rock.

  • amon

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    I think what emadven said isn’t amount to hatred, the fact that Dinkas are the majority and the source of corruption, tribalism, nepotism and hatred in the South can’t be denied either, the positions should be held through nominations and qualifications, let me tell you, not all Dinkas families are benefiting from the current GOSS but a few, some families are also suffering.

    It’s does not mean that if you are the majority then you should eat all the food in the South or take all the positions in the South, but the respect to the minority too.

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    When you are commenting, you need to be so objective not to be subjective man. If you talk of generalizing all NUER as in inciting tribal conflict, We have never suffered any lost even if you go back to 1990s.

    Again the issue of rebellion this time has involved all tribes forexample, Oliny from Shuluk, George Athor and the former advisor are from Dinka tribe Peter Gatdet anfd Gatluak Gai are from Nuer, Yau yau is from Murle. Taking into consideration this statistics every many tribe is involved. But because of your stupid nature of pointing fingers at others that is why today you are saying Nuer Nuer Nuer.

    If you need it man no Nuer woman or child would suffer from any of your aggression. I,m so sorry to say this but I,m tired of your stupid comments insteady of condemning the act of an individual, you are so much direct to insult the whole community. Hell with you and the one called himself DINKA DOMINATED SPLA.

  • actiongatkuoth

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    we will deal with such people,
    bentiu is great!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    @ Born to Achieve.

    I don’t support Gatdet’s defection but what I warn you not to say is that don’t be so much sympathetics that many people will hate Nuer or Nuer will suffer.

    We are now talking of what had ever happened. And let me tell you ever since we used spears no Dinka invaders who have ever come to Nuer area and go back to Dinka land with cattles from our land you need to understand this. Whatever you think can help you win the war as a tribe against my tribe if not the southern Government to deal with these rebel group would be in vain.

    Or else, you will never ever do anything to us regardless your population.

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Why is everyone like to call himsef SPLA even if he was just in Khartoum washing dishes during the war?

  • tamar

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    I think Peter Gadet is consciousless person,you can not start killing innocents and civilians by saying I’m fighting corruption and tribalism this machnism it can’t work in south now,it is better to come to Juba and sit in the office with all leaders and start fighting corruption and tribalism with objective methods at that time you will find many supporters, but what you doing now is implementation of Jalaba’s agenda which is destablizing south sudan.

  • Refuter

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Gadate will end up like his brother Athor, but there is one thing remain unclear you people of upper Nile why are you so violence? what do you want really,presidency? take an example from great Bhar el Ghazal and equatoria they are the most peaceful people in south Sudan. Upper Nile people will drag south Sudan into fire

  • Liberator

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Dear: all so called “CYBER WARRIORS” and General public

    I have warned all of you a couple a days ago to not be used by SPLA intelligence agents.

    South Sudan was not liberated by educated elites. most of the field commanders who were actually fighting the wars were not Bacherlors, Masters, PHDs holders. some came out of high school, most were peasants, farmers, and tiny portion were teachers. but a higher percentage were not educated but freedom fighters. these borne out as result marginalization of the South during colonial and post colonial period.
    General Peter Gatdet is no exception. he didn’t have that luxury to go to school abroad.

    Likewise, United states was liberated by peasants, farmers, and teachers. there were only few were educated among foot soldiers. most of the signatories on the declaration of independence of 1776 were politicians who were either living abroad or get exempt for military service. as the matter of fact most of the politicians who later signed the document have not seen action. But the liberation was achieved by career soldiers who have little or no formal education.

    so, most of the Cyber warriors here on this web forum are either Jallabas disguise as Southerners or Kids who were either born during the liberation or after 1990s. they do not know what they are talking about since they are hired to do this by NISS of Jallaba and SPLA intelligence services

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    @ Refuter!

    What are you saying man?

    Minus our contribution from Upper Nile, I don’t think whether Bhar elgazal and Equatoria could it alone.

  • Toney Toney Matot
    Toney Toney Matot

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Dear readers,
    it is very surprisingly to hear major General peter gadet talks of corruption of which he is part of it.what is not a corruption if his second man and third man in command are from one there a logic in this rebelion of stooge man called gadet?
    other people talks of Dinka domonent to the GOSS or SPLA/M, Dinka is found in Seven States in southern sudan.if we are to talk of representation as we are in democracy,should they not have right to represent their seven states?
    the present GOSS government is not dominated by Dinka but inclusive one of which its ist Vice president is Dr. Riek Machar,Second vice president is James Wani Igga,Minister of Defence is Nhial Deng,Chief of Staff is James Oath Mai,D-C-in-cis Paulino Matip Nhial and list comtinue.
    dear compatriot,i do not see the reason why should feel bitter against dinka.tell us where should we send them?do they have no the same right you are complaining about? those who claimed all these nonsence are very selfish. taking arms is not a best solution for the problem. if any tribe felt sheated, then all of us should sit and get the problem solve.

  • amon

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    Do you mean that Gen Gadet will do the same? how many times he tried but failed? believe me Gen Gadet will not finish this year in the bush. We don’t support leaders based on their ethnic backgrounds, but the vision, love and determination that they have for their country. If that is the case then Obama would haven’t win the election.

    Go, go and join him (your uncle) or you are already with him in the range who knows.

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Dear colls, I can say now that all of you whom were been commenting here in this websit claiming to be in right side. None of you has never fought any battle before when SPLM/ A was fighting with Northern Government. I think and iam very sure that all of you do heard the sound of gun when there is an ocassion or from animal hunters, but no battle has been witnessed by most of you since the war broke out in south Sudan in 1983. If there is any of you who had witnessed all the battle fights by the SPLA soldiers with Northern soldiers you would have not always keep beating the drum of war, while didn’t know the outcome of war. Nothing that can be achieved when fighting your own brother then losing the lives of people only with no clear reason for fighting such meaningless war. I myself now i can only blame our top leaders whom are in Juba, because when someone turn against the system then people should just rush to declared the war against him or her before sending a facts finding committee to him or her to og and find out exactly what is wrong why does she or he want to fight the government? And if he or she explain all things that angered him/ her from some individual within the government, then the government itself can take its decision either to suck those whom were redhaned having problem with him or her for their cases to be settled or to convinces him/ her in any other ways to return to the system with out problem. But now our government don’t that whenever it heard that Mr x has defected then immediately the soldiers are organised and send after him to go and fight while there was no peaceful resolution made at the first place. So please i beg you all to stop instigating such useless and nonsense war.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    Whom did you liberate?stop wasting your time by warning people on this web ,who cares of your warnings.
    Stop justifying Gatdet actions,unless you are one of his visionless soldier.

  • Theone

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    To all of you,

    When a North Sudanese call South Sudanese animals, please go and kiss his/her butt. Your behaviour here is not diffrent to those SAVAGES in the Bush.

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Dear readers
    Peter Gadet wants to confuse minds of southerner’s .He talks about corruptions of Dinkas in GOSS & nothing proved it .frankly speaking kiir mayardit isn’t a corrupt person why because in his own home area. peoples are still moving naked without clothes. that alone proved him to be a clean man
    The really corrupts elements are those who took arms against newly born nation without clear objective just only for the sack of positions to accumulate the wealth for themselves. Why peoples shouldn’t learned from late Kerbino Kuanyin bol who killed his own peoples in Gogrial and later on he was killed, the same thing is happening to Athor, he destroyed his home area and later on he will die like Kerbino, Again Peter Gadet begin to destroy his home area what is going on in the south? Killing your own peoples is it a treatment of eliminating corruptions in the south? Think wisely guys

  • kaci-banno

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    I think we need to explain very carefully about the term “corruption” because those of rebel like Gadet and Athor are illiterate to understand this term. they should know that polygamy is one of the most corruption. My question is are they clean from polygamy? if not why they fight for?
    I suggest Nuer and Dinka community should call a conference to explain what is means corruption to Athor and Gadet. Even they don’t know how to plan budge for their own families how come’s they talk about the whole South come on!

    Corruption is there but this is not the right time to fight it because everybody is busy to free south from the North, time will come when corruption properly addressed not by gun.
    May God give wisdom to SPLM/A to bringing the spirit of rebel down.
    by: Kaci-Ma-banno

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    First and foremost, I would like to congratulate our brave fighters on teaching SPLA militia a good and unforgettable lesson. Keep on defeating this muddled militia in order for equality, peace and justice to prevail in the republic of South Sudan that to be. We Naath, have been unspoken for so long while leaving that shameless and greedy tribe to loot our resources and mess up with our country. SPLA/M must be destroyed for the peace to prevail in the RoSS to be, otherwise we will make another Somalia because there is no reason whatsoever to leave one tribe to mess up and loot the resources of the country while warriors and courageous tribe like Nuer watching helplessly. SPLA/M must be crushed and some of you, the die hard SPLA/Mers will find yourselves refugee in Uganda because our aim is to disrupt the oil fellow from our region and control everything drop of oil in our area, and any attempt by your greedy tribe to recapture the areas we have been liberated so far that will result into mass murder where we will make it a graveyard for your soldiers who will be fighting in an enemy or hostile environment hence the populations there will be the sympathisers of our great fighters.

  • Ito

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Dear Readers,

    It is very sad to have heard such an annoying news. This is what some of us were saying before that our politicians in south sudan only react when the events is on their front door. They don’t forsee things before they happen.

    Yes, it is true that corruption cannot be eradicated through violence but through strong laws. I have a question for those who believe in this concept, how can corruption be eradicated if those on top have no respect for the rule of law? This question is for those who think that corruption should only be resolve legally. why do we have to go to the bush since 1955 upto 2005 if we believe in legal aspect of solving problems; were there no laws in the sudan? There were laws in place but the repressive government were above the law by not respecting them which prompted to military solution.
    So we have to always see two sides in anything if we are to truly resolved it.
    God bless all and I hope that both sides will come to a durable agreement. Let us all pray for that to happen.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    First and foremost, I would like to congratulate our brave fighters on teaching SPLA militia a good and unforgettable lesson. Keep on defeating this muddled militia in order for equality, peace and justice to prevail in the republic of South Sudan to be.

    We Naath, have been unspoken for so long while leaving that shameless and greedy tribe to loot our resources and mess up with our country.
    SPLA/M must be destroyed for the peace to prevail in the RoSS to be, otherwise we will make RoSS another Somalia!!! because there is no reason whatsoever to leave one tribe to mess up and loot the resources of the country while warriors and courageous tribe like Nuer watching helplessly.

    SPLA/M must be crushed and some of you, the die hard SPLA/Mers will SOON find themselves refugee in Uganda!!! because our aim is to disrupt the oil flow from our region and control every single drop of oil from leaving our area, and any attempt by your greedy tribe’s malitia, the so-called SPLA/M (even though the name doesn’t make sense any longer but stupidly still being called so) to recapture the areas we have liberated so far tha will result into mass murder where we will make it a graveyard for your soldiers who will be fighting in an enemy or hostile environment hence the populations there will be the sympathisers of our great fighters. RoSS minus Naath will be nothing, General Gadet and General Athor will merge and fight the common enemy till they crush it like a nut!

  • Mapuor

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    That is exactly what is happening.People of Bul have never known peace for a very long time.Dr Riek fought a terrible war against Bul Nyagats killing Maliny Kawac & hanging his head at Tharkuer still that did not convince them.This time that war will be localise between Gok section & Kuec section & SPLA will only be laughing at them.Haaaaaaaa

  • dinkador1

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    What is wrong with those animals,why to fight? If you have problen,forward it, so that we may come to solution better than fighting like dogs.

    Being a rebel is samebody who failed in his life, then he run to the bush,either he kills or they kill him like a dog.
    Maney of the rebels are there in juba,athers are in the govermant,we dont know how the president can deall with them one by one.



  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Deng Bornyang,

    you are right. The rebels are from different tribes. Nobody should generalized and blame one whole community.

  • Tiger black
    Tiger black

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    what do you think may happen if Dinka takes over the keys position? Please check the system of Government before posed such aimless word to the website against tribe in fact Dinka is the president,Nuer is vice president, Equatoria is the third position, and follow by others tribes this how the system, or do you mean all tribes in the south Sudan should hold the the same position of the president? the issue of dog Gadet will goes with time man, if he run to Khartoum and says that he has no problem with civilians this a big lair is a real enemy for the people of south Sudan. We will fight him no compromise on that until his master will seen how the people of south sudan are capable and before that they know us who are we in the first place not new for khartoum.

  • papamoon

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    only thing that you should for sure don’t worry about nuer, if you want to be control by corrupt people like dinka, come with your helicopters we’ll see what is going to happend Taban will be runing like a dog soon give it only a few days, we’ll see. We’ll get to you in warrap and we’ll see where you will be runing.

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Kill Dinka wherever they are to make South Sudan dictatorship and corruption free. Let them run to Madiingbor

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Repeat the 1991 lesson. This time, no more rain to stop it

  • Malek David
    Malek David

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    the point is irrelevant could u look at the top ministerial post 1 defense 2 finance 3 internal. off course that was not the point we hope event if dinka took all position so long they provide the need to the people.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    If you have been a loser for a number of decades, remember you will always remain so whenever and wherever you change your political or military color. The determination, perseverance and consistency to be who you are under any circumsatnces will never surface. You always keep flip-floping on wrong grounds. If the common sense at this particular juncture does say it’s better to address the issue of the alleged corruption in South Sudan by taking up arms against your own government which you first pretended or not to be part of it, then let’s go ahead to see who will really win not only the heart and mind of the people of Southern Sudan but also of regional and international ones.

    I personally doubt if Peter Gadet has “really” won the heart and mind of his clan. History has to prove that yet since I was born. All the militia Generals including Peter Gadet who are evidently backed by Khartoum will certainly loose in broad daylight at the end of the day. Do not beleive me now if you’re his supporters or not.

    Peter Gadet and his likes have no legitimate reasons to rebel agaisnt SPLM/SPLA without considering humanitarian cost and unnecessary loss of lives. Since they are Sudanese, they have legitimate reasons to beg for food, money and an Apartment from their masters in Khartoum before the deadline, July 9, 2011. Khartoum can temporarily satisfy their needs but with string attached—go and fight the government of Southern Sudan at any cost on the pretext of corruption, only one tribe ruling south, lack of democracy, you name it. This can all be attributed to ignorance.

    Peterr Gadet needs to learn how to remove a speck from his own eyes before attempting to point fingers at the leadership of SPLM/SPLA. Khartoum will never certainly let South Sudan just go peacefully with its oil and the alleged inability to govern. So long as there are Peter Gadet and the likes, Khartoum will comfortably provide the necessary logistical support at any rate and ostensibly complain about the military (or political) progress made by Darfur’s rebel groups in the wake of failing Doha peace process. Khartoum can temporarily provide landmines to these militia Generals not only to limit mobility but also to prove their claim that South Sudan is not ready to govern itself. Time is not on their sides.

    This is the vilification language of Khartoum who insists that Southern Sudanese are not yet capable of governing themselves although Southerners have been ruling themselve for nearly six years following January 9, 2005. If Khartoum is right, should it be proved by Peter Gadet and the likes? Which school of thought or University in Khartoum or Sudan that Southerners didn’t attend except Peter Gadet and the likes who learned that fighting corruption is only through the barrel of a gun? What did Peter Gadet fail to get in the SPLA or Juba when he came back in 2006?

    Khartoum, Peter Gadet and the likes have already embarked on proving their ignorance to the whole world. Their political, military or militia calculator is made in Khartoum but ours is a collection of thoughts from various technological disciplines. That’s why SPLM/SPLA keeps proving them wrong.

    SPLM/SPLA has been and will always win so long as Khartoum, Peter Gadet and the likes attempt to maintain their provocative attitude politically or miitarily. Celebrations of our hard-won freedom and peace can never ever be interrupted by ignorant militia Generals. Khartoum has repeatedly proved its ignorance by providing breeding ground for Southern traitors since 1983 when the cicil war statrted. It’s not gonna happen any more after July 9, 2011.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    If you have been a loser for a number of decades, remember you will always remain so whenever and wherever you change your political or military color. The determination, perseverance and consistency to be who you are under any circumsatnces will never surface. You always keep flip-floping on wrong grounds. If the common sense at this particular juncture does say it’s better to address the issue of the alleged corruption in South Sudan by taking up arms against your own government which you first pretended or not to be part of it, then let’s go ahead to see who will really win not only the heart and mind of the people of Southern Sudan but also of regional and international ones.

    I personally doubt if Peter Gadet has “really” won the heart and mind of his clan. History has to prove that yet since I was born. All the militia Generals including Peter Gadet who are evidently backed by Khartoum will certainly loose in broad daylight at the end of the day. Do not beleive me now if you’re his supporters or not.

    Peter Gadet and his likes have no legitimate reasons to rebel agaisnt SPLM/SPLA without considering humanitarian cost and unnecessary loss of lives. Since they are Sudanese, they have legitimate reasons to beg for food, money and an Apartment from their masters in Khartoum before the deadline, July 9, 2011. Khartoum can temporarily satisfy their needs but with string attached—go and fight the government of Southern Sudan at any cost on the pretext of corruption, only one tribe ruling south, lack of democracy, you name it. This can all be attributed to ignorance.

    Peterr Gadet needs to learn how to remove a speck from his own eyes before attempting to point fingers at the leadership of SPLM/SPLA. Khartoum will never certainly let South Sudan just go peacefully with its oil and the alleged inability to govern. So long as there are Peter Gadet and the likes, Khartoum will comfortably provide the necessary logistical support at any rate and ostensibly complain about the military (or political) progress made by Darfur’s rebel groups in the wake of failing Doha peace process. Khartoum can temporarily provide landmines to these militia Generals not only to limit mobility but also to prove their claim that South Sudan is not ready to govern itself. Time is not on their sides.

    This is the vilification language of Khartoum who insists that Southern Sudanese are not yet capable of governing themselves although Southerners have been ruling themselve for nearly six years following January 9, 2005. If Khartoum is right, should it be proved by Peter Gadet and the likes? Which school of thought or University in Khartoum or Sudan that Southerners didn’t attend except Peter Gadet and the likes who learned that fighting corruption is only through the barrel of a gun? What did Peter Gadet fail to get in the SPLA or Juba when he came back in 2006?

    Khartoum, Peter Gadet and the likes have already embarked on proving their ignorance to the whole world. Their political, military or militia calculator is made in Khartoum but ours is a collection of thoughts from various technological disciplines. That’s why SPLM/SPLA keeps proving them wrong.

    SPLM/SPLA has been and will always win so long as Khartoum, Peter Gadet and the likes attempt to maintain their provocative attitude politically or miitarily. Celebrations of our hard-won freedom and peace can never ever be interrupted by ignorant militia Generals. Khartoum has repeatedly proved its ignorance by providing breeding ground for Southern traitors since 1983 when the civil war statrted. It’s not gonna happen any more after July 9, 2011.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Madina Kebir
    Madina Kebir

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    The unprofound claiming by Gatdet Yaka and his rebels against GOSS.

    By all account Gatdet Yaka and his groups are all wrong and they will never see any good things they are looking for.

    The reality on Gatdet Yaka claims recently that, the Southern Sudan government is dominate by one tribe.

    1. Firts of all, we can mentions just few of those Nuers serving in the powerful positions such as Dr. Riak Machar Teny, the V.P. OF GOSS.

    2.Paulino Matip Nhial is the SPLA overall command and he is from Nuer trbe.

    3.James Hoth Mai, he is the chief of the Staff of the SPLA.

    4.John Luk Jok, he is from Nuer tribe and he is the chief of Justice in GOSS. The lists of Nuers serving in GOSS can reached to thousandths people.

    There is no any other tribe in GOSS has took these powerful positions in GOSS, but only the Nuer tribe have been given more and more positions than many others tribes in Southern Sudan. What a false claim the Gatdet Yaka is trying to say.?

    I am not from Dinka tribe, but I wish if I was from Nuer ttribe then, I would have to say thank you all Dinkas particular, Salva Kiir Manyardit for giving us such a wonderful chances which we have never got it in the Sudan’s government. Unfortunately, the primitive people who had been grew up in violent region can not understand how good it is and they will never never enjoy any good life.

    Alos if I was from Nuer tribe basically, I should have to make admiration on Dinka tribe instead of against the outstanding job, which Dinka tribe they brought it to Southern Sudanese people. I belief strongly that, whoever, from Nuer tribe would agree with me.

  • Paul

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    mmmmm….? wonder why you are bearing dinka name, Deng, when you are a nuer…

  • Paul

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    You said it all my brother. I can not stop wondering why Southern Sudanese love to be rulers. Why not be doctors, engineers, farmers, athletes and so much more. These are are other ways of earning so much money and improving your people’s lives. One do not have to be a president, ambassador or rebels. My people sometimes shame me to be from this part of the world. goodness!!!!!!!!

  • Paul

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    Our people need to step out of monkey’s ways of thinking. It is a shame to all of us when we don’t sit and solve our problem peacefully instead of killings ourselves like savages. Our skins may be dark but I am sure our heart is not that dark. I am a proud South Sudanese but the way these people act makes me ashame to be from this part of the world. Damn it!!!

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    I am mad indeed because SPLM/A is not doing what they suppose to do against the militias in the South Sudan.
    They must react aggressively to the militia of Gadet Yak in a full scale because this violence has reached into the climax of war. This stupid Gatdet must be brought dead to Juba because he is creating the war before the real war that we are waiting. For me, i am very much concerned why SPLA defect in the middle of fight and join Gadet. Is this not war affecting SPLA in most cases? yes, this war is going to be tribal one if SPLM do not respnse very quickly because I hate when these food lovers are always talking aaginst Dinka tribe while Dinka has really fought the real war for decades and they did not attack any tribe base on the tribal line but i am concerned that if this happened,dear all there is going to amajor supprise that South Sudanese will see and the somalia that Majority of Nuer are wishing will be smell soon if we called it alast solution. Caution!

  • Odingo

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Coward Dinka 1991 is coming back to you.
    Folks, I told before there is no peace if the GOSS is till runing by these cowardic Dinka. In fews days Unity state will be under controll by LT. General Peter Gatdet Yak and Warrap State will be next to be capture.

    This time the Dinka will be suffer a loot than 1991. This war will soon spread to all States that are under controll by SPLA Dinka militiamen and will go all the way to Juba.

    This time the Nuer Warriors, Greater Equatorian defense Force and Murles Defense Task Forces will make sure that these coward Dinka are wipe out from the map of South Sudan. Remember coward Dinka you need to go to Uganda and Kenya before the coallition forces states their opration againts you.

    If you think that DR. Riek Machar, LT. Paulino Matip and Dr Lam Akol will leave Juba then, you are idiot and stupid. They will never leave Juba, and that is the way it gonna be.

    Dinka this time you will run and you will be crying like dogs and nobody will help you.

    Folks Salva Kiir is the good leader but his advisers who are Dinka, make him a worse President in the country, even some Dinka especially Dinka Bor who are between nowhere have aloot of disagreement with the the President Kiir.

    Dinka Bor are not human being but an animals. They don’t like Dinka Bhar El Ghazal, Nuer Greater Eq and Murles. What kind of people are they?

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army

    It is always bad if someone who claims to be educated is generalizing the whole community. You are not different from any other person who incited ethnic conflict.

    Those who don’t support Gatdet ‘s action will be angry with simpliy because they are Nuer. If i happenedto be condemning George Athor i may not generalized all Dinka or his clan members who did not do the same.

    Lets be intelletual and objective when comes to critism.


  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Naath, Gatdet with Northern armies through out the years of his traitorism did not destroy the SPLA even when they were still rebels and why do you think now SPLA being a national army could be defeated by Naath as you so call them? How many towns and cities in South Sudan have Naath captured so far and when are you expecting Juba, Wau and Malakal to be captured by Naath Mr. Ellusional?

    Because you are sick like Gadet does not mean all Nuer are sick like you and if you think GOSS is a one tribe government which makes you not happy about it, what on earth do you think your Naath government would be any different to other Southern tribes if all we think is tribal backing?

    I am so sick of stupid commentators like your type. Learn to be a grown up and a Southerner and. support South not Naath.

  • dinkador1

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Odingo, Odingo,Odingo.
    We knows that you are from SPLM DC.The only solution for you is death,either you wants it or not.
    Now go to malakal otherwise I will dinka you down.


  • dinkador1

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    You are in juba, and Iam sendig you your friends to you today so that you may play you game of tribulism.
    They will put our mark on your face to change you into bor one.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Stupid people read stupid comments indeed. What a waste of site and time?

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Thank Medina Kebir
    You right

    Those sound baseless of tribal minded.
    Gatdet call is meaningless provoke tribe.
    Somebody who has no Ideas like Gatdet and those on website are tribal born.

    Naath do not have respect to others tribe around them than their own Villages& Language speaking.
    Some of Naath & Equatorial think their enemy is Dinka than they Arab. You can see how awkward their ideology is.

    Can anyone belief those kinds of people? They do not know that Dinka are under control by Law and orders for every citizen in south not to attack them racially.

    As SPLA/M movement law some, even if some incident happen. SPLA is not tribal establish Army before, now it because filled with formers Tribal Army that were integrate into SPLA/M. It become non discipline Army now than before in Bush.

    Majority now in Goss,Army now are Naath, what they mean Dinka in General,why not said Warrap only.

    Tone of liberator


  • Dave Rock
    Dave Rock

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Thats why Nuer want to fuck you in the ass cuz you don’t know how to act. When did this rebellion turn out to be a Nuer thing? Your stupid short man George Athor started the whole thing and now you act like you want to drop the burden on Gatdet’s shoulder. Think twice man if Nuer want to destabilize this region it can’t take a week but thats not what we longing for.

  • Dave Rock
    Dave Rock

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Dear Mr. Dinkadorts,
    Hey Mr. Dinkadort, it is not always true that everyone going to bush has failed his/her life. Did we Southern Sudanese failed in our life when we went to bush to liberate people of Southern Sudan?

  • Dave Rock
    Dave Rock

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Dear Amon,
    I love your comment so much, Gatdet had to start from the heart of corruption (Juba) but not in Mayom County. No one is corrupting in Mayom. I dont know what he thinks by starting war in his father’s home?

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Dear Southerners why don’t we united ourselves like the time of referendum.Peter Gadet has been planning genocide but God will never let that happen. I guarantee you that, our problem we southerners is greedy for leadership. We have not accepted that Salva Kiir is going to rule the South forever. Southern Sudan will be democratic country where all citizens will be allow to choose a leader of their own choice.These numerous rebellions simply implies that we have accepted to be under genocidal regime of Omar Hassan Albashir. SPLA get serious, this is catastrophe. just catch hypocrite Peter Gadet and crush him and don’t spare his life at all because we are tired of his stupidity for failing to know what is going around him. Now if we relinguish the power to Arabs like what he did, will he claim presidency from where?. Politicians like Dr Lam Akol Ajuwin and Peter Gadet who has defected from SPLA for the second time will never ever rule the South for creating hatred and enmity between the tribes.The reason why Sudan, the largest country in Africa continent is bifurcated is the infringement of human right. Do you guys believe that we are going to allow someone to violate human right in Southern Sudan? The answer is no.I want all my tribesmen Nuer to condemn the evil action of Peter Gadet Yak in Unity state. we are all brothers and sisters and minor case like what Peter Gadet is creating can not even take some months without solving it. Just sit around table to reach some differences. I wish you the best and good luck.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    Odingo, reading your stupid comments as you are, I couldn’t tell if you are against Dinka in general or Dinka Bor and if you are going to wiped Dinkas off the planet as you claimed, how are you going to do it? And talking of wiping off the biggest tribe in South Sudan, would that not make you a criminal and would be hung by ICC?

    Because Hamedi-Najad said they would wiped Israelis off the does not mean they would have the ability of doing so and so will you. Be wise and love your fellow Southerners and that is the best way to go, however, baseless hatred would do you any good. I know Sudan Tribune became a free site where lunatics come to express their mental views that has nothing to do with realities and it is making this site less interesting.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Fresh clashes erupt in Unity states between rebels and South Sudan army
    You are good man brother , South needs your type .

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