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Sudan Tribune

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Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes

By Manyang Mayom

April 23, 2011 (RUMBEK) – Fighting between communities in Rumbek East County on Friday left 10 dead and 22 with serious injuries according to Lakes state member of parliament Kedit Madol Kedit. The local MP said that the clashes were between the Thuyic and Gong ethnic groups.

The wounded from the clashes, which effected Malek-Agok and Pacong payams [districts] had been admitted to Rumbek hospital, Madol said.

In response the unrest the Lakes state government has deployed a large joint force of the South Sudan army – Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) – and South Sudan Police Services (SSPS) to bring the area back under control.

Speaking to the press inside the battle field zone in Pacong district Madol who is the chairman of Security and Public Order in Lakes state Assembly said that fighting between the communities was heavy and had required a large military response.

The local MP said that on Friday four people were killed and three people were wounded from the Thuyic ethnic group. On the same day one person was killed and three people were wounded from the Gong tribe.

On Saturday he reported that three Thuyic people were killed and one person from Gong side was killed. Also on Saturday “ten people were wounded from Gong side and 3 people were wounded on side of Thuyic”, he said.

Madol said that some of the bullets had been identified by South Sudan’s military intelligence as from being from the Khartoum government and had been sold to civilians. South Sudan is due to become independent in July and frequently accuses Khartoum of interfering in the region’s affairs. Khartoum denies such allegations.

Lakes state’s governor Chol Tong Mayay and Lakes state minister of Local Government and Law reinforce Agent Mabor Mayen Wol, plus Rumbek East County commissioner David Marial Gumke including Lakes state commissioner of Police Saed Abdulatif Chawuol Lom held an emergency meeting to discuss the clashes o Saturday. The outcome of their meeting has not been disclosed to media.



  • amon

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    Why did we voted for secession, to kill ourselves? can someone really tell me what the future of South Sudan will look like if we don’t stop killing each other? Let’s try to learn to forgive, forget and respect each other.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    Those crazy bastards shouldn’t have admitted in hospital. They decided to kill or injure themselves and they have been left with their choice. South Sudan seem not to know dialogue. What a shame?

  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    Who should arrest the situation?

    Why are we finger-pointing at Al Beshir?

    Has he ever arrived here down to our civilians?

    Even if the bullets belong to him, the question is, “how did they get hold of bullets the local youngmen of Lakes state?”

    Let’s blame our governance as we are failing to disarm everybody who possesses a gun locally & illegally.

  • Adam

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    This is the Southern Sudan of the SPLA/SPLM. Let everybody enjoy paradise.

    Glad tidings! More is on the way. Our failure is always attributed to Khartoum. Ha.

    There is no hope – no life in the South without nailing down the corrupted and incompetent tyrant Junta of SPLA. By the way, I learned from a reliable source that most of them are in Khartoum or abroad, while our natives are being slaughtered. Thanks to their intelligent way of running things.

    Adam Milawaki, Kuajok, Southern Sudan

  • amon

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    @Shadrack Nuer Machut

    I think we the youth of South Sudan have the answer to this, let’s not allow ourselves to be used like tools by the politicians, let’s try to protect the peace that we fought for otherwise, all our effort will be in vein.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes

    Yes Adam, most of the big SPLA politicans in Khartou! Incidently , a friend of mine told me yesterday , while he was invited to a bussiness dinner by a foregin company , he saw Yasir Arman dining alone with Commerade Pagan Amoum. That was in Burj Alfatih( a 5 star Lybian hotel and extremly expensive)

    This is happening with the money of the poor and marginalized people of the south.Those who are not only left to die of hunger and starvation , but were killed for no good reason.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    Iam just sick of this killings,who to blame?

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    Mr. Mohamed Ali your name sound like your grandfather Mohamed Ali- the first Arab intruder to Sudan in 1821. You may be right to challenge the SPLM party politicians and the poor civilians of the South Sudan but you forgot to acknowledge your arabs bad contributions to the South. They are the first people who taught this Southern Politicians the way to steal and exploit others.

    I do not blame Khartuom on the prevailing situations of killing each other in the South. I do blame the Southern citizens who accept to fight each other to an extend of death. I do blame these sections of Athoi of Rumbek East for baseless war among themselves. After all, there is nothing they are competing over for. It is just a matter of who is stronger than the other. It is the same idealogy which Nuer has with Dinka.

    Matters of corruption are not addressed in that manner to fight yourselves alone. This issue is in the hand of God and there should be no any person to temper with it. People are fed up with this attitude of Rumbek East Community. It is very shameful to see Lakes State Government pretending to hold an emergency meeting. What for?

    Let Lakes State Government continue pretending to be a good Government- After all, non of the Lakes State Politicians are in pain or be given cut of pay.

    After Independent People will come to select God chosen leaders and there is any resistent then Almighty God will deal with those.

  • amon

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    @Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Good comment!
    Keep it up.

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    Amon you are absolutely right “let bygone be bygone”. We have to forget about the past and stop playing tit for tat game. Retaliatory action will bring back Southern Sudan in to it worse state.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    Thuyic and Gong are two Dinka clans fighting each other in Lakes state. Why does the reporter called one as ethnic group and another one as tribe? Is this not misleading to readers?

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    Dear cibaipiath Junes Sudan
    All your comments sound excellence on this website. In fact the pockets of insecurity in Rumbek East county was caused by their own politicians which may not stop until they call for general meeting to resolve their own differences otherwise, it will continue until the end of world .
    Back to government of lake state, Honestley they are doing nothing, imagine all murderers are moving freely in their respective areas without any rule of law which means government is promoting revenge and more insecurity in the areas of lake state
    Finally in May, all salaries of MPS & constitutional post holders will be reduce and add on top of army salaries because they are doing nothing, just to fill their stomach with [Nyamacoma] everyday .change will come for itself

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    Junub Sudan,

    Mohammed Ali was not an Arab, he was an ALbenian Turk.He did not introduce Arab to Sudan.Arabs had mixed with Nubians since the incipiense of history.

    Read your bible the old testemony and tell me who is the mother of Ismael!.

    I am not critisizing the ordinary poor southerners , I feel sorry for them! I critisize the so called liberators who are killing the poor and marginalized southerners , just to looooooooot more and more!

  • Waucity

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes
    Splm need to express its stand against this act..let me tell you people will not just introduce war if punishment are too harsh to handled. Find those that are guilty in those two communities and punish them, take away their wealth and give it to the families of the dead..Make sure that some body sees an example of their life time.

  • dinkador1

    Lakes state: Ten killed and 22 wounded in Rumbek clashes

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