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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei 2011 budget under discussion

April 30, 2011 (BOR) – The speaker of Jonglei assembly, Peter Chol said there are difficulties with the draft state budget because it lacks the neccessary salary break-downs, reserve funds and civil servant housing allowances, in an interview with Sudan Tribune on 30 April.

Sspeaker of Jonglei, Peter Chol at his office in Bor, 29 April, 2011 (ST)
Sspeaker of Jonglei, Peter Chol at his office in Bor, 29 April, 2011 (ST)
The on-going budget discussion in Jonglei have met some obstacles: unclear indication of the state work force and their grades for salaries break downs, lack of housing allowances and lack of reserved security funds for unseen future difficulties that need the involvement of parliamentary specialized financial committee and help the council of ministers.

Chol said it took seven days for the house to identify the weaknesses and how to adjust them so that budget bill is ready for a third reading. He said the seconding reading on the bill began on 19 April when the budget bill was presented to the parliament by the Jonglei minister of finance, Aquila Maluth Mam. He said the house took a closer look at the bill and proposed the adjustment and additions of the missing items.

He added that the assembly financial committee, in collaboration with the council of ministers, to sit and make a final fair draft after getting the required details from the ministries.

Chol said some ministries did not include housing allowances in their drafts, and some alloted housing allowances only to workers at the ministries headquarters, neglecting the county workers, linking it to the strike that erupted in March this year from the ministry of education where teachers
refused to teach, asking the government to pay them housing allowances.

“We cannot pass a crude budget”, Chol said.
Chol mentioned that the new financial year had started but the implementations will be effective once the budget is approved by both the house and the state governor.



  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Jonglei 2011 budget under discussion
    Dear Mr. Liberator,your comment is irrelevant to what the article is talking about. The death of Osam Bin Laden has nothing to do with Jonglei State budget discusion.

    It would had been better for you to write an article about the death of Osama as a breaking news rather than post it under different subject of discussion unless there is a connection between the two.

    I have observed it that many people on this website tenaciously have tendency of posting contrdicting comments with the main issue of the article.

    I’m not trying to provoke you for being excited about the death of the terrorist leader because we are all thrill to hear the news, but giving you my opinion on what should better to do next time if you may have something or comment of the same kind.

    I hope you are not offended by my comment and if you are, sorry for that. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Jonglei 2011 budget under discussion
    I it has been a while since I firt heard about this same budget issues in Jonglei State. Why does it take the ministry of finance a long time to sort things out in a timely and swift manner. This is a delayment of projects commencement in the State. I keep hearing housing allowances over and over again.

    Who are being given those allowances? This is a huge financial flaws in the State budget. Are these allowances given to citizens of Jonglei State who are working in the State for their government or foriegn workers working for the State?

    If the government of Jonglei State is giving housing allowances to Jonglei State citizens working for their government, then why not the government build houses for those workers which will also be a development for the State?

    It would be better to build houses for those workers who can not go home after work and the structures will be for the State. Giving housing allowances to workers in form of cash is a big finanical blunder in the State budget.

    Financial committee should re-evaluate this bill and rethink to reconsider other options on the housing allowances statement in the bill. I’m concern that this could be another way of temparing with State budget whihc would huge financial setback to our State’s projects progress.

    As a concerned citizen of Jongle State, I encourage the State government to reverse itself and on the housing allowances and consider builing houses as part of State develop approach.

    This is my personal point of view on what I think would be the best way to develop the State and especially the State Capital. I hope there are people who have the same feeling as I in our State. We need things done qucikly. I forgot to say something about Security fund, but I will next time.

    And thank you.

    Peter Nhiany.

    Citizen of Jonglei State

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Jonglei 2011 budget under discussion
    How come we don’t hear budget discussion for other states also?such as North.East.west EQUATORIA ,Uppernile ,etc.

    Think positive.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Jonglei 2011 budget under discussion
    @ Born to Achieve

    You do budgeting when you don’t have enough money and don’t do it when you have lots of money. I guess that Other states are doing fine without budgeting.

    Ahmed Chol, Whatever begins in anger, ends in shame

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Jonglei 2011 budget under discussion
    Ahmed Chol, you got it wrong man; it does not matter how much money you have, you must do budgeting so that you can well allocate certain percentage to right projects.

    I would comment that may be those States which are not having discussion on their State budget might be cheating on their States’ citizens.

    If you do not lay out your finance and prioritizes things, therefore, the State is not in a State of transparency and financial accountability. I do not buy your statement on this subject matter.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Jonglei 2011 budget under discussion
    Dear Ahmed Chol,

    I disagree with your statment,budgeting is must & very essential procedure for every goverments,organisations,families to mention but fiew. without budget how will you allocate your funds in their respectives location?even billionairs do bugeting
    I would love to see my country South Sudan corruption free,& that can only happend through strick budgeting & accountabilty.

    Think positive.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Jonglei 2011 budget under discussion
    I though the devil Dr Riek machar of south sudan was also dead with osama bin laden too, so that i could change my names,
    The naxt death must be eirk machar teny dogz

  • Zekyol

    Jonglei 2011 budget under discussion
    Dear Dinka Dominated SPLA.

    Please please, stop insulting your leaders while using dinka name. Dr Riek as no conection with Jonglei budget till it reach to his excellence end, you are the groups of people who are selling dinka as bad people to the government please adjust yourself and i’m sure you are not dinka.

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