Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government

May 1, 2011 (WUNROK) – Renegade General George Athor Deng Dut on Sunday broke his silence and denied the formation of the coalition government which was widely reported in Khartoum media last week.

Rebel George Athor and some of his troops (www.sudanvotes.com)
Rebel George Athor and some of his troops (www.sudanvotes.com)
On 27 April, The pro-Sudanese intelligence service SMC posted on its website a story claiming that six rebel factions formed a coalition council in which a renegade General George Athor was selected as president. It further claimed Abdel Bagi Ayii was vice president, Peter Gadet Yak secretary of defense and Gatuak Gai general chief of staff and deputy secretary for operations.

Bol Gatkuoth Kol was also alleged to have been named secretary general of foreign affairs and official spokesman of the movement.

Abiel Riing Mijak, a senior member of the rebel South Sudan Democratic Army (SSDA), on 29 April told Sudan Tribune->http://www.sudantribune.com/Six-rebel-factions-names-Athor,38738], that six rebel factions formed a coalition council of rebel movements and named renegade General George Athor as president of the new body. He claimed that the body would serve as an entity for strategic planning and the organisation of the unified operations.

“Yes, it is true. The council has been formed. It was formed on Wednesday “, said Mijak.

“There have been suggestions and discussions for the last one month to form a body which would control central command and strategic planning and develop clear and unified policies to guide operation of various movements. This has now been formed. The chairman and the vice have been unanimously appointed. General George Athor and General Abdel Bagi Ayii Akol were selected to lead the transitional period of the coalition of movement”, he further said.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune on Sunday, Mijak claimed the council decided to postpone the formation of the new coalition after he had spoken to the media.

“The council decided to postpone the formation of the coalition after General George Athor proposed deferment so that processes of organisations are initiated and completed. The decision was also taken after I have spoken to the media”, said Mijak explaining that the meeting was held by the members who decided to form the coalition by consensus.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from undisclosed location in South Sudan on satellite phone, renegade General George Athor said, the media reports were not correct but admitted that a meeting was called and held on Wednesday by Sultan Abdel Bagi Ayii Akol over unified operations and command.

“The media reports that there was a coalition government of which I am said to have been elected as its president and Sultan Abdel Bagi Ayii Akol as vice president are not correct. This did not happen,” said Athor, admitting that a meeting was called and held by Sultan Abdel Ayii Akol with other rebel groups on Wednesday to discuss how to coordinate operations and other strategic planning under one command.

“Yes, I am aware a meeting was called to discuss how to form a unified command. The members of course discussed about forming a coalition but which should be after organisation. A final consensus was reached on Wednesday in a meeting called by Sultan Abdel Bagi Ayii. I was informed but I told them to put it on hold because we are still in the process of organising ourselves.

“The discussions on time to establish the interim leadership have not been concluded. All members of the movement are still discussing processes of organisation to hold convention in which leadership of the movement shall be elected in a free and fair voting,” explained Athor.

He further explained that his movement, the South Sudan Democratic Movement is a democratic movement founded on democratic principles and values in which any leader in the movement who wants to hold any position must achieve it by election.



  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Mr. Athor Deng, you got it wrong from day sir. It will not make any difference for you and your forces and other rebels who claim to form a coalition so that you can have better operation under one command. Trust me, it is not going to work because you and othe rebel leaders are bunch of power greed and pathetic murderers. You have to explain to us why you made such a blunder to turn against your own people. I suggested that you come back to Juba instead to be hunt down.

    Thank you.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Abdel Bagi Ayii claimed to have rebelled against the GOSS because of Southern Sudanese Muslims mistreatment. He wanted Muslims to have 30% representation in all aspect of public life. Now the proposed formation of coalition is giving Abdel Bagi Ayii the post of vice President. I wonder if 30% representation of Southern Muslims is finally reflected in the so council of coalition! ! !

    In un-related news, finally Osama Bin-laden is dead. He has been killed by the US forces in Pakistan. Though the issue of terrosim has not been laid to rest, at least this is the begining of new chapter, new page and new development. His death is a great relief to all moderate and genuine Muslims.


  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government

    Why are those rebles contradicting them selves?

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    They are contradicting themselves because they do not have well defined politcal goal and objective for their rebellion. If they agree to form a coalition, another rebellion will arise within their coalition. Nobody really care about they want to do. They can contradict themselves million times and it is none of SPLM business to interfere.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • amon

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    @Deng E. Manyuon

    I think people like Ayii and the likes should be stripped of as a South Sudan citizen after July 9, 2011, and to the you terrorists like Athor and Gadet that one day the people of South Sudan will celebrate their end as we wake up this morning to hear how the Americans are accelerating the death of El-Qaeda leader Osama Bin-laden.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Dear Peter,

    They are just a bunch of criminals who seek their own intrest.
    May God keep the South safe from such visionless people.

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Born to Acheive, thank you so much sir. I really like your name; they potray positivity in you and that is a good thing. Yes they are bunch of visionless thugs with no well defined political focus. Our new nation will be safe no matter how military effort the rebels can put forth to fight us. The will always lose.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Dear Peter,

    Thanks for the good compliment,You can address me as Miss,not sir.
    Iam a Southern Sudanese youth & i have vowed to to contribunte positively towards my country.

    Think positive,
    South Sudan oyee

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    i apologize for the mistake. I may need to stay away from using titles as I may give wrong title to wrong gender. Please accept my apology for my blunder. I will make sure I do not repeat the same misidentification again next time. thank you making me aware as to what perfix to use to address you.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Dear Peter,

    Never mind bro,you know i have a big burden for my country South Sudan,so let’s join hand to make South Sudan a better place through our eduction.
    I hope for all Southerns who got enugh eduction from around the glob will contribute with it positively for the betterment of South Sudan.thanks once again bro.

    Think positive.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    I though the devil Dr Riek machar of south sudan was also dead with osama bin aldin too, so that i could change my names,
    The naxt death must be eirk machar teny dogz

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    I though the devil Dr Riek machar of south sudan was also dead with osama bin aldin too, so that i could change my names,
    The naxt death must be eirk machar teny dogz

  • amon

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Why are the moderators of this forum are fond of deleting valuable comments and leaving invaluable and useless ones?

    If you don’t want pro SPLM commentators here then you should tell us to quit this site or use other means to shut it down completely, there is nothing impossible here.

    I don’t thing an ordinary commentator without an administrative privilege can delete any comment from here, so please tell us what to do on this site before we hit back hard.

  • Obol Sam Gabriel
    Obol Sam Gabriel

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    It’s the first of it kind when i do moved through the comments i got people are under one umbrallar as southern Sudanese without changing bitter words.Congratulation!let us continue with such spirit as the children of one father and mother that is Southern Sudanese people regardless of tribes.Where i can see mr. Peter comments good to mr. Omori and mr. Deng comments good to mr chol.Really, am so happy and proud to be a Southern Sudanese.let us leave about something to do with those of Athor,Ayii,Gadet they are the angry stupid Southern Sudanese who are fighting for their own interest,even if they formed a coalition government their in the bush they will not succeed because the reason is Athor shall be the chairman and again Ayii will take advantage to overthrow him from the chair and then on the otherway round mr.Gadet will also turn against Ayii inorder to get the same chair because this is the only option which made them to go to the bush and their movement will be a failed movement since they are cursed by their own people for committing atrocities.And so i will be sorry in near future to hear that all these useless leaders came back and kneel before the ROSS President asking for reconciliation and forgiveness but still we shall welcome them back in our system since we are the peace loving Nation but not old Sudan which sponsered terror activities and i hope Khartoum will make the funeral rite of the late OSAMA BIN LADEN since their life depend on him but no ways he has gone and the next will be Al Bashir.Anyway i would like to apolozised to my comments out of the article.Thank

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Don’t worry this is pro nuer sit,
    I though the devil Dr Riek machar of south sudan was also dead with osama bin laden too, so that i could change my names,
    The naxt death must be eirk machar teny dogz

  • dinkador1

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Group of bushmen,death to you all,How money people you killed them for your personal intrest?


  • dengtaath

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Dinka Dominated SPLA,
    Please don’t play with fire, if Riek Machar disagreed with Salva and his men support it over court marshall of Gabrial Tang Giny, you cannot only see the smoke but I hope you can be able to see the flame of the fire.Don’t predict for problem just go ahead and perpetrate it.And if that is true as you poorly report it, you are close to misout one meal.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Sudantribune Editor.

    I dont see the point of deleting the positive contributions while leaving the illitrate one!
    Please reason positively & do the right thing,everyone is watching your doings.

  • Jongkuch

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Athor, you should know that the only way out for you is to surrender to the SPLA. Running around will not help because very soon you will run out of energy. It will be worse then than now.

  • Simon

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Thumbs up for all of you who have contributed to this headline, that show how educated you are individually… Thank you and keep contributing, Now Mr. Dinka Dominated SPLA??? damn what a signiature your using, its like a primary student callng himself Terrorist who has no idea whatsoever please watch your mouth or how you like to put your words. if Riek Machar is not a good leader to us then we can simply just elect another leader or the party elect. so respect yourself and your dignity… cheers

    Chagai era Generation Y movement…

  • Toney Toney Matot
    Toney Toney Matot

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Dear SPLA Dinka dominated,
    Kindly do not always be a subject to Dr.Riek Machar just leave him alone our southern sudan ancestors and Nguendeng will judge him for 1991 genocide he carried out in Bor.
    for the issue of George Athor being a newly appointed president of coliation,it does not matter what formation they will do but my fear is renegade Peter Gatdet will eliminate them all and remianed in command.if not telling the truth just mark my words and let us all wash whead.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Loud argument erupted between Government of Southern Sudan president Salva Kir and his wicked deputy mr nyagat Riak Machar over disarmament of militants in the south and participation of political parties on constitutional review discussions.” The dispute arose at when they started disarmament gang militas who massacred hundreds of thousands of south Sudanese civilian by Gobrial Tang gang forces in Malakal”, I have being told byreliable sources that Indeed according to my sources mr wicked gangster Mashar believes in reintegration of Tang’s militias as he knew that they are his loyalist forces unlike Kir who opposes the idea strongly and refuses reintegrated them into the well train and arm well organised SPLA. Moreover Mr president Kiir mayardit give warning to mr wicked doom leader and ordered him[wicked riek] to stay keep away from Army/reintegration policy and also with dialogue with political parties. “The disagreement between the two leaders president Kiir Mayardit and the wicked riek machar escalated to the point that Kir accuses him as he is plotting in collaboration with southern political parties to overthrow the government”, I have been told. It notes that Gen Tang and his deputy Tomas Mabuor were under arrest in juba and that SPLA formed a military court chairs by SPLA captain officer. However Neur leaders including Mashar consider chairmanship of the court by a junior army officer an insult to Gen Tang
    Death to wicked leader,

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Thank you very much, you want Dr.Riak to be out,or to be died,I think what you want will not be on the ground,you will see soon,you will be out with your Mr.dog Kiir,and he will not see the independent of the Republic 0f South Sudan,Nuer died for independent of Southern Sudan,all Dinkas died for unity.we don,t want to see anther dinka on the seat of the president in the South,enough Kiir and Abiel.Dinkas are the bad furits in the South. And thanks

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government

    Let’s hope that somebody like Ayii and the likes will come to their senses before hoisting our nation flag on the 9th July 2011. It is a mood of joy and celebration since begining of this year leading to July. No room for Islamization and terrorism in the South. Separation of religion from the politics is in the heart of majority of our people in the South. Our people struggled from 1820-2011 in order to achieve freedom, justice and equality.

    We acknowledge the GOSS is not necessarily performing well to the great expectation of our people. But they are on the right direction which makes me more confident. No room for rebellion at the birth of our new nation. There is a room for forming political party opposing the government of the day.


  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Eventhough your English is so terrifying the world, I am not going to late you go unchallenge,
    Mr poor boy you cannot talk to me like this out side web, and i hope no one in your famliy that can able to face my relatives either in UK or sudan,
    Mr boy Simon if i know you? i would make your life living hell, and one day you will see something terrifying rether then your English is terrifying the world,
    Came to your wicked boy doom Dr Riek machar, nobody like him in south sudan even in nuer community excepted bashir who got marriege to him in 1990s for food,
    death to him sooner then later, he mr wicked boy riek will get himslef in hell, because ever one now know him who he is by supporting militias who are killing civilian people for no reason rether then just to make mr wicked boy riek to became a persident of no function,
    death to him,riek is nothing but a mug,
    mr wicked boy riek machar is ajoke and nobody taking him serious,
    He is so lucky to get vice president because the coward wani Iga gave him his post, after mr boy wicked riek fail to doom in KPA of ngudeng and wurryang magicain, and i hope now there are no magician anymore since Athor Deng Dut and Kuol Manyang sent them to hell ahahahaha,
    Death happened to magician which cause mr wicked boy machar defected from them and joint bashir,
    death to mr wicked boy riek machar teny dogz, the hate man secand to osama bin laden and hamad Harun of north sudan plus their gang father mr killer bashir, death to all you,

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Dinka dog,

    you are a liar and jalaba in disguise.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Gen.George Athor and his Gangs, Robbers should forget that formation of so called Council and President in the Jungle. I am regretting that our people do not learn from the past. Riek and Lam try topple the Rebels administration SPLA in the dilemma but not successful, Bin Al Ladin try to topple Saudi Arabia King but successful till his death comes.

    What lesson do Athor and his idiot want to learn from the past? CPA was signed for the sake of Peace to prevails but not because people where tired of fighting. Now looks theirs behavior they exposed to put innocent South Sudanese at greater risk.
    All Readers need to watch this development with vigilance and endurance. You will hear them assassinating each other in that Idiots power collision.

    However President Kiir and VP Riek need to sit and solves their differences amicably while not destroying their trust and comradeship. I know Riek is tribalism and will support Gabreil Gatwech Chan to be release from the Prison, and for th investigation not to go ahead as plan by SPLA Marshal Court. Dr. Riek was sent to Malakal after Tangangany Violences and killing civilian in Malakal, Riek decide to sent him to Khartuom while He was brief by the President Kiir to bring Tanganga ny with but did opposite which suggested the masterminded strategies and allied to Over throw Kiir Government in Juba.
    Please throw into the mighty Nile water for Survival of fishs and Seasshell.President, Kindly signed that Documents call constitution to be amended and approve for circulation.
    Deals always with all Rebels groups, DO NOT integrate them into Organisated SPLA, thiers Mouth are full of oduor frm Khartuom Government. US should Kill him now……..

  • Makeethy

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    @ Deng,
    Well said brother. The next question Abdelbagi (or Abdel-remain/balance) have to answer is: If government representation is going to be based on religions, how many religions are there in Southern Sudan to start with? I know that there tonnes of them including “kujurs”. This demand is next to impossible, if not impossible.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Truthteller/false prophet, rebelson, Ahmed Chol, Liberator and the likes,

    Why is Khartoum and its proxy southern militia generals resorted to orchestrating propaganda and psychological warfare? Do you know why George Athor Deng is quiet so far since the last attack he launched on the gallant forces of SPLA? Get me clear and loud; George Athor escaped death narrowly’ he is in one of the SAF’s hospitals here in Khartoum undergoing medical treatment. I don’t think if he will try again to go back to face the SPLA. A government cannot be formed on a hospital bed. Abdel Bagi Ayii and the likes are the ones visiting him on regular basis. I repeat, a government cannot be formed on a hospital bed in Khartoum to disrupt the celebration of our independence. Period.

    George Athor has been moved by NISS few days ago from one hospital to another Khartoum military infirmary. (The imaginary Secretary of Defense), Peter Gadet, and his Messeriya militiamen, smelled the deadly offensive and will soon taste it better if he makes another attempt. Abiel Riing Mijak is lying in the media that a coalition council has been formed. NISS informed George Athor not to talk to Sudan Tribune on the phone from the Khartoum military hospital because satellite record would reveal his location although he can claim as usual from “undisclosed” location. Khartoum is determined to urge these militia generals to voice engineered claim on the media that coalition council has been formed; when or where is not a readers/listener’s business.

    The issue here is not the formation of a coalition council to promote the culture of war in South Sudan but failure to accept democratic principles, defeat in the past elections, defeat in the battle fields and fear of failure in future elections as well if they lay down their arms for the sake of peace and freedom in South Sudan. The time is coming where they will be operating only from the North and Khartoum must be ready to face the consequences. Otherwise, they will be captured one by one and brought to justice. They simply want to fine-tune public perception that they are serious, forming or restructuring their command council, gaining momentum and bla-bla-bla. They are just daydreaming.

    The popular hard-won freedom and peace will be celebrated peacefully without any disruption. The tactic of false reintegration while being insistent on keeping arms for potential devilish act is an old strategy and unacceptable. If you have power, reintegrate your self by force on the battle field. We’re ready 24/7. Never say “we’re willing to negotiate with SPLM/SPLA” without analyzing the basis of the negotiation.

    No negotiation, no deal because the right or perhaps the best approach of building unity among southerners, fighting corruption, building infrastructure and preaching democracy is through the barrel of a gun as militia generals are currently demonstrating without considering unnecessary destruction of lives and property besides humanitarian cost.

    If you want freedom and peace, remember the amnesty formally granted by the leadership of the SPLM/SPLA. The militia generals have declared war against SPLM/SPLA in broad daylight. We know pretty well that Khartoum wants South Sudan to go in pieces but not in peace. We don’t wish NCP the same in July because it is Khartoum’s religious right to promote divisive and discriminatory policy against non-Muslims or non-Arabs which resulted today into popular disintegration of the country.

    But preparations of celebrating the hard-won freedom and peace will go ahead in front of regional and international dignitaries without any intended disruption. Nobody has the right to temper with it or impose his self-interest on it. Southern Sudan, freedom and peace will prevail at any cost.

    Remember that Khartoum and his southern militia generals are unconsciously heading permanently towards an exit slowly but surely. Let everybody show his/her true color vividly before July 9, 2011. Breaking away, forming a coalition or another faction for negotiation or renegotiation with GOSS is a waste of time and ridiculous.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Truthteller/false prophet, rebelson, Ahmed Chol, Liberator and the likes,

    Why is Khartoum and its proxy southern militia generals resorted to orchestrating propaganda and psychological warfare? Do you know why George Athor Deng is quiet so far since the last attack he launched on the gallant forces of SPLA? Get me clear and loud; George Athor escaped death narrowly’ he is in one of the SAF’s hospitals here in Khartoum undergoing medical treatment. I don’t think if he will try again to go back to face the SPLA. A government cannot be formed on a hospital bed. Abdel Bagi Ayii and the likes are the ones visiting him on regular basis. I repeat, a government cannot be formed on a hospital bed in Khartoum to disrupt the celebration of our independence. Period.

    George Athor has been moved by NISS few days ago from one hospital to another Khartoum military infirmary. (The imaginary Secretary of Defense), Peter Gadet, and his Messeriya militiamen, smelled the deadly offensive and will soon taste it better if he makes another attempt. Abiel Riing Mijak is lying in the media that a coalition council has been formed. NISS informed George Athor not to talk to Sudan Tribune on the phone from the Khartoum military hospital because satellite record would reveal his location although he can claim as usual from “undisclosed” location. Khartoum is determined to urge these militia generals to voice engineered claim on the media that coalition council has been formed; when or where is not a readers/listener’s business.

    The issue here is not the formation of a coalition council to promote the culture of war in South Sudan but failure to accept democratic principles, defeat in the past elections, defeat in the battle fields and fear of failure in future elections as well if they lay down their arms for the sake of peace and freedom in South Sudan. The time is coming where they will be operating only from the North and Khartoum must be ready to face the consequences. Otherwise, they will be captured one by one and brought to justice. They simply want to fine-tune public perception that they are serious, forming or restructuring their command council, gaining momentum and bla-bla-bla. They are just daydreaming.

    The popular hard-won freedom and peace will be celebrated peacefully without any disruption. The tactic of false reintegration while being insistent on keeping arms for potential devilish act is an old strategy and unacceptable. If you have power, reintegrate your self by force on the battle field. We’re ready 24/7. Never say “we’re willing to negotiate with SPLM/SPLA” without analyzing the basis of the negotiation.

    No negotiation, no deal because the right or perhaps the best approach of building unity among southerners, fighting corruption, building infrastructure and preaching democracy is through the barrel of a gun as militia generals are currently demonstrating without considering unnecessary destruction of lives and property besides humanitarian cost.

    If you want freedom and peace, remember the amnesty formally granted by the leadership of the SPLM/SPLA. The militia generals have declared war against SPLM/SPLA in broad daylight. We know pretty well that Khartoum wants South Sudan to go in pieces but not in peace. We don’t wish NCP the same in July because it is Khartoum’s religious right to promote divisive and discriminatory policy against non-Muslims or non-Arabs which resulted today into popular disintegration of the country.

    But preparations of celebrating the hard-won freedom and peace will go ahead in front of regional and international dignitaries without any intended disruption. Nobody has the right to temper with it or impose his self-interest on it. Southern Sudan, freedom and peace will prevail at any cost.

    Remember that Khartoum and his southern militia generals are unconsciously heading permanently towards an exit slowly but surely. Let everybody show his/her true color vividly before July 9, 2011. Breaking away, forming a coalition or another faction for negotiation or renegotiation with GOSS is a waste of time and ridiculous.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • padiit gaga
    padiit gaga

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Dinka Dominated Spla

    Do not called wise leader as devil with out Dr.Riek GOSS could not exist. If Salva Kirr Eyes fluged or cut off, there could be no GOSS. God knows the righteouse that is why he did not let Evil reach the independent of South, he lost them in the SKY. GOD bless SouthSudan.
    Curse to Nyagak George Athor.

  • Acinitos

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Dear brothers and sisters of the Republic of South Sudan.I have been reading the comment you are making here.It is true that every body is angry and tired hearing what we are hearing from media.Since we know where we came from,and have inter tribal confilt our comment in this page lost it respect to ours Elder weather in bush or at office right now,they deserve our respect.We some time should try to control ourselves.Otherwise we will not make any difference with people we blame.I strongly believe Renegade,General George Athor,First VP of Republic of South Sudan Dr Rick Macar,And our President of the Republic of South Sudan Kiir,all has vision for you,but you did not give enought time for them to do work you expected them to deleive for you.My individual apply to Elder George,Dear brother Gun work well when we shoot at Arab who oppress us 191 years,It is not good enough to shoot your bullet to your own Southern with whom once you fought together to bring Us home.I think it now time to talk difference than using weapon.I do not know your family but do you have brothers and sister,and if so did you disagreated with them once up the time,if yes did take gun to fight your family?.South Sudan is going to one family.No Dinka,No Nuer, No shilluk, No Bari,and so on.We are southern.One goal and mach forward,to create beautiful,and strongest Nation,Rich in culture,Rich ethic,Rich in respect to Elder,well educated people,powerful in sport.Powerful military, you can name any things south Sudan will be the best.Talk with president solve the difference,he should find place where you can service your people better.

  • Thondewut

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    hahaha padit you disagree with what Dinka Dominated Spla said and he is right if Riek Dead today, you can seen what a good celebration is it.
    for you nuers what is like is just a money but taking money for arabic doesn’t mean that you could be a leaders in Southern sudan.
    Hahaha guys of nuers you will end up without gotting any benfit in SPLM/A or new country.
    we still pround when we see that nuers is killed themself in their payam.
    when George Athor become Ngagak, all nuers guys will became Ngagak too.
    Hahaha ashamed to nuers leaders not to improve their Gak all every time in Southern Sudan.

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    Hello wen De David Kuol. David, you are absolutely right. The formation of the council in the jungle is just an attempt which will have no successful ending.

    I mentioned in my comment in response to this article that there will be another rebellion within their new coalition which is allegedly said to have been formed or to be formed. I said that because the rebels have no well defined political objectives regardless of their claim that they are for democracy.

    As Dr. Teny relationship with his boss is concerned, there is huge skeptism about him. Riek has been quiet for a very long time since the rebellion errupted in South Sudan.

    As a Vice President, he would have come out and denounce the behavior and the move that had been initiated by Athor, Tanginya, and Gatdet Yaak to rebel against the Government of SSR.

    It would had been prodigious if he took that role and condemn them and even take appropriate peaceful measures to push for negotiation with the rebels. Their intention will not prevail and South Sudan will always stand firm and erectify.

    My call would be to relegat rebel leaders if they choose to come back to Juba as a consequence for their action against their country.

    I agree with you on the poin thtat, “it was not because we were to fight that is why CPA was accepted,” It was because we want peace of our people. That is presence and will be presence for ages to come.

    South Sudan will never cease whatsoever the rebels and their supporters in SPLM or in Khartoum will do. My prayers goes to our Nuer families whom their sons have been killed in ruthless rebels’ military confrontation between them and SPLA forces.

    These people would have not died if it is not because of power greed and personal interest of our mad leaders. Long live South Sudan; long live our people.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • Bravo Nuer
    Bravo Nuer

    Renegade General George Athor denies formation of coalition government
    death of Dinka dominating SPLA your name directs the outgoing routes of your tribal fate. Riek Machar will outlive more than every uncivilised dinka who mishandles the south through bribery,nepotism and gelweng brotherisation. this time this year you will be the first fly to kiss Great Leader Machar in the mouth if not foot. mark my words Ngundeng dreams are still unfolding.

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