Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor

By John Actually

May, 2011 (BOR) – At least 27 people were killed and 14,000 cattle raided in Pibor county, Jonglei state, allegedly by members of the Nuer Lou ethnic group, in a fight that broke out between 19-24 April, displacing over 3,000 families, says the state governor, Kuol Manyang.

Cattle in Pariak, Bor, April 30, 2011 (ST)
Cattle in Pariak, Bor, April 30, 2011 (ST)
Manyang said on 2 May that the conflict was retaliation for an attack by Nuer Lou who were raided by Murle earlier this year. In this attack a Nuer Luo chief and his deputy were killed and over 800 cattle were stolen from them.

Manyang said his office received a report of approximately 27 people being killed in an attack in Pibor in which 14,000 cattle were lost to Nuer Luo raiders.

Kuol acknowledged that feeding the displaced people will be the hardest job in the absence of UN food aid. He said he hoped the UN would resume its normal activities in the state soon. The UN recently lost a member of its World Food Program team in an ambush in Duk county.

The commissioner of the area, Akot Mazee told Sudan Tribune that over 400 people were killed. He said no women were killed and over 138,000 cattle were stolen in the eleven bomas of his county that were under attack.

Mazee, who described the attack as a “disaster to human lives” said the Nuer launched attacks on eleven bomas of Kongokong, Leon and Jom among others.

“I have no words or language to convince them, but it would be better if Nuer can stop fighting and resort to peaceful means”, he said.

He said the displaced people were camped in two places: 3,000 in Lekuangule and 6,000 in Pibor.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune 29 April, Pibor county MP, Baba Medan Konyi, who chairs the health and education committee in the parliament, said that about 8,000 Nuer Lou youths, armed with AK-47s and Gem 3 rifles attacked Kongkong and Jom areas during 19-21 April raiding 750,000 cattle from Murle.

“When I went to the battle fields, there about 450 dead lying on the ground.” Baba said.

Medan who visited Pibor county with the World Food Program (WFP) officials this week said over 3,000 families were displaced in the two areas of attacks to Pibor headquarters adding that a lack of food, medical care and shelter are the major challenges facing them.

According to Medan, the little food aid available in WFP stores in Pibor was given to the displaced people through the South Sudan Rehabilitation and Relief Commission (SSRRC) office in Pibor but was not sufficient.

Medan also mentioned the presence of Medecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) in Pibor giving medical support to the displaced population which he said does not have sufficient medical supplies.

According to Medan, UN officials pledged to provide food aid and temporary shelters to the displaced people in the area but no significant progress has yet been made.

“UN officials assured us in Pibor that they will bring more food aid and plastics sheets for sheltering, but they have not turned up now. I had heard that the UN wants to quit operations in Jonglei, this not good because Jonglei is safe like other states in South Sudan. They must continue providing help regardless of insecurity”, he continued.

Concerned by cattle rustling and raiding practices in the triangular conflicting zones of Dinka Bor, Nuer and Murle, Medan suggested the deployment of heavy security units along the borders of the three major tribes

Medan called upon the state government to take quick actions to protect its people in Pibor. He said Sudan People’s Liberation Army troops currently in Languangule are insufficient to provide full protection to civilians.

The Murle-Dinka border has not been peaceful since 1983 North-South Sudan civil war began. Late last week, there was a report of attacks believed to have been carried out by Murle cattle rustlers in Twic East, killing two people and stealing a number of cattle. Also last week, two people were reported to have been killed by members of the Murle ethnic group, while guarding cattle in the grazing fields. These incidents happened in Kolnyang payam (Cueikeer boma) and Makuach payam (Kapat boma).

Incidents of cattle raiding and child abduction may increase in mid-May, across the state as the rainy season starts.



  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Fighting occured in April and report it in May? What a dull governer of Jonglei.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    South Sudan will be a fail state if the government cannot proof that it is only one that governs and protects the defenseless and the weak.

    If the government of South Sudan continues with this off hands approach on cattle rustling and child abduction, then Jonglei [South Sudan] will be a jungle of massacre and genocide.

    GoSS has to be in control otherwise someone will replace it once it is labelled as a failed one.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger, ends in shame

  • Hero

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Let’s them face the consequences of their action.Murles are to be blame for all these mess not Nuers Lou.Hope that they will learned to behaved well next time.Dinka Bor must do the same.Since many countless peace have been signed between them and the Murles, but none have been honored.Otherwise, cheer!!

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Paper hero, but does the Dinka Bor clan have the courage, bravery and capacity to defend themselves without the SPLA?

  • Hero

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor

    Pretty unfair to lashout at the governor, yet he has done nothing wrong, absolutely nothing wrong Sir! You must refrain from those provocative language or else you will be annihilated.

  • Mwoi

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    This is a good development, they Murle must stop rustling or else they will be taught unforgettable lesson.
    DinkaBor should unite with Lou Nuer and bring murle to justice in jonglei.

    Congratulation LouNuer, justice has been served!

  • Hero

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Ny Truthteller,

    Jackass:I can’t tell someone like you, because you’re a fool who knows nothing than treason and love of food.

  • SPLA

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Who was defending Dinka Bor before the SPLA? Dinka Bor was there and will be where it is as long as South Sudan exist and nobody will dislodge them. Stop talking cheap and bring it Mr. Lies teller.

    You Naath people are still thinking like stone ages thinkers. All you know is fight and you do not even win those wars. You guys want to take South Sudan backward with your militia mentalities. If you guys are thinking to stub the peoples’ movement in the back again like what you guys did in 1991 then this time the mighty SPLA led Dinka will annihilate all of you from South Sudan map.


  • Ayuel Bong
    Ayuel Bong

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    The pastoralists would be more complicated if the Southern Sudan Government could not put extremely laws and rules that prevent them from unacceptable practice!

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    What a heart breaking news. My prayers goes to the families whose their love ones have been killed in this ruthless cattle raiding uncessary fight.

    This is pathetic on the people of Jpnglei State; people are talking peace and the rest are waging absurd fight in the region. I’m tired of this behavior.

    The goverenment of Jonglei should have known better. Deploy police units on the boarders and carry out intensive patrol to maximize security.

    Leave alone late report of the incident and blaming of the governor and give some advice and encouragement to our State government to take a step forward to protect our people.

    People are talking about State budget bill and not security bill. Governor Kuol, please you needs to open your eyes and do something to protect Jongle citizens.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • maumau

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor

    Oh my God, kindly help these pastoralists not to think of stealing their neighbours cattle and killing themselves.

    Governor Kuol Manyang only talked of the attack being a retaliatory attack and the need for United Nation food, and nothing else, wow the poor governor is triblist. He did not even mention anything to do with security measures and investigation and then bringing the parpetrators to justice. If Kuol Manyang was to talk as a caring leader, he should have promised good security for the victims, SPLA pursuit of attackers, returning of stolen cattle and rehabilitation/resettlement of survivors of the attacks. But he refused to mention all these simply because both Nuer Lou and Murle are not Dinka Bor. I think George Athor may be right in his strategy to lounch his attack on the governor. My prayers to all victims of the attacks. We are better placed in Equatoria far from thieves. MAUMAU

  • Odingo

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    To all Readers.
    Please! don’t blame Governor Kuol about the insecurity of Jonglei State. Folks, there is no peace in Jonglei State if NGunDeng propecy are not yet finish.

    The Propert said in his one of his Songs that Murles and Dinka Bor wait at your pegs, I will not come you soon,I have many issues discussing with Arab first.

    Now the issues with Arabs is over.Now we have achieved our independent.

    This war between Lounuer and Murles is the Propert NGunDeng war. Lou Nuer Should n,t be blamed on this war, and nobody has authority to stop it accept the Propert NGundeng.

    The same thing will happen to Dinka Bor after Murles, according Propert NGunDeng propecy. Then, that will be the end of fighting among tribes in Jonglei State.

    I believe that nobody wants to kill one another, but these things happen because the Propert cursed the Jonglei State and noboddy has power to stop these things but accept the Propert Ngundeng.
    Thank you all.

  • Madina Kebir
    Madina Kebir

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Ahmed Chol.

    I find difficult to blame on the GOSS rather than the people themselves. The SPLA army alone can not and will not defending the population or protected them when every single tribe is arming itself to loot on other. I think the Judges in Southern Sudan will need to bring some laws to an end the issue of looting properties that, belonging to individuals. The worst tribes in Southern Sudan are as follows, the Nuer tribe, Murle tribe, Boya tribe, Toposa tribe and the Dingdinga tribe are the bad ever for looting properties that, not belong to them and Southern Sudan’s Judges must prepare to put toughest law.

    The rest of Southern Sudanese parties can not even help for all these problems only they are desperate for leadership, they done nothing in 21 years of the SPLA/SPLM Movement. SPLM have been trying their best however, leading 80% of the population who have no education is one of the harder thing and I have no reason to blame on the GOSS but the army tribes have to take that blame anyway.

    When people not educated, they thinks very primitive way but when they learn something then, they intens to know this is bad thing and this is good. Some Equatorian communities will have a good future or adopt the world civilization but those tribes mentions on the above will never even when their children went to school they still do things randmy just like they were at cattle camps. Most parts of Bahr al Ghazal communities will also be civilizing unlikely to Nuers communities, Murle community, Toposa community,Dingadinga community and Boya community will never understand how good the civilization is.

    James Hoth Mai mention something very important when ask about why these conflict happen all the time and he said, this is not because the people hated each other, but because of animals, the other side want to get rich with and that is the point that, GOSS and its Judges must bring the tough law and to stop people who a cross to attacked on the other because looting properties not belong to you is the crime against ownership and I think it will take more and more times for those tribes I have mentions above to be fully understand what is law mean.

  • SPLA

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor

    You, your devils nyundeng and wurnyang will go down in the history book as the greatest liars of all time. The devil nyundeng has nothing to do with the liberation of South Sudan from the North. South Sudan was liberated mostly by Dinka people. Your coward community with devil nyundeng thinking or ideologies stubbed the peoples’ movement at the back and they all surrendered to Khartoum during the war. So stop running your mouth against Dinka Bor. Sooner or later you will start worship the Dinka people in Sudan since they liberated you from Arabs.


  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor

    Annihilated? Well the wish will apply to you in Bor soon.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Bor are always coward but good in provoking tribalism and cry later.

  • dinkador1

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Why to kill big number like that all the time, this is why EQUATORIAS hate dinks for.

    stop killing and looting brothes,let us united and develop our new county then war all the time.

    NUERS you are found of killing dinkas daily,stop that. They are our brothers.One day GOD will punish your land or tribe.

  • amon

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    ATTENTION!!! Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity States are access of evil, sources of tribalism, hatred, corruption and insecurities in the South Sudan.They are the one spoiling the images of South Sudan in the eyes of the world.Can you imagine even their communities who are abroad for many years still behave like those in the cattle camps despite adopting westernization.

    Even members of their educated communities are also fighting on this forum by using abusive and inflammatory words against themselves. I wonder how we are going to build this nation to become a strong nation.Did we voted for secession just to kill ourselves like that?

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    A Nuer went to Khartoum in 1997 like Moses to secure self-determination from Pharoah. And he then brought garang to the club. What a deep strategy!

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    I hope that fight in Jonglei must be blame on mr wicked bo the sooner to go to helly Riek machar teny dog he is behing this killing fo innocain civiliance, death to him
    he is being warn yestarday not to involve in any discusion with south sudan so called opposition by my uncle,
    death to him

  • Hero

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Mr. Truthteller,

    Be assured that, it will not happen even if you can afford to move earth and heaven to do it, then it won’t happened.I know you’re very elated when someone somewhere happen to echos what you fools are longing to happen against the Greater Bor, but let me assured you, nothing of that kind will happened even they devils like you think so.Therefore, you must shut up or follows your likes who’re quite obessed with treason, just for the quest of food. So shameful to belong to this Tribe! Thank God that I’m from Bor.

  • Hero

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor

    What’s rush for man? Go and read it again before you can throw your filthy thought in.Too bad that you Equatorians are still in wilderness, just wakeup and learn so you can be like Dinkas next time.Otherwise goodluck!

  • Mala

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    My friend, if I were you I would blame the number one guy and the governor for their ignorant and lack of capacity to to tackle the insecurity issue in the Junglei State and South Sudan in general. Sure Dr. Machar is a public servant who should be blamed should he has a power. But to my knowledge, he no power to stop insecurity in Junglei. If you are fair enough, you should be blame him along with his empty minded aka Kiir altogether for not providing good security as to protect innocent civilians in the first place. But since you directed your blame game to Dr. Machar only is nothing but tribal. You hated this capacity and highly respected person in the whole world because he is not from your tribe. Such a filthy behavior will never do any good to you and your likes at all. My advice to you my friend is that leave Dr. Machar alone otherwise.

  • actiongatkuoth

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    hey !!! dinka dominated spla,
    the death of innocent civilian is from useless kuol manyang for his weakness in leadreship !!!!!!
    schame on poor leadership of dinkas ,becuase food lover dinka leadership alway lead to death of civilian becuase of the weaknes of dinkas leadrship,

    schame on kuol manyang and gonom kiir!!!!!!


  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Dear reader,

    You don’t how painfull i received this news,may the LORD rest their souls in peace those who died.

    1st i would love to inform you that we shouldn’t blame any particuler tribe for this mascra instead we should learn something from it.
    I do believe if the SPLA was avilable in the location at the right time & with enugh soldiers the catter riders would have fear somehow to carry out their attack.
    But the question is who had army those 800 young man?who is backing up this? What i know is that SPLA had disarmed all the southern sudanese communites last time but i dont know where did this guns cam from?

    My suggestions!

    SPLA should look into this issues seriously & carry out investigation to find out the source of the armes,& the supplier perhabs khartoum may be involve in this.
    And as well deploy a heavy troops on the boaders between each tribe and his niegboure to avoid any disputes in the future.

    400young man killed this is a great loss to us as whole(Southern Sudanese),This issue must not be taken lightly by the GOSS.

    Think positive.

  • Zekyol

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Dear truthteller.

    Can you govern the hyenas in the forest?
    The Murle had been warn several time, now let them enjoy.
    the problem that keeping Nuer and Bor ignored Murle killing and abduction of children is over it is remaind only war against Murle.

  • onlysonmabi

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    My friend iam like you thei people were been doinng all this things sine 1905 they rusting cattles and abductingthe children.let them get it, my comment is to let Nuer and Bor joint hand and dial with them.

  • Chuol Tut
    Chuol Tut

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Strong Message to acknowledge the Government of South Sudan. these attack of the community against each other, is in the hand of the rest of Government plan within Juba. the attact curry by Lou Nuer Community, was not just Luo but was a Comrade Junta of Divission 8 Milliary operation who plannig been give authority within Juba, due to the interest of the Leadership claim. Mr Persident watch out. our next target to succees in this planning when we conver Twic County in Naat Community. we won the Game. Comrade BOL kAONG make smart as you are in charge of Jonglei Power operation. Dinka own the south with Retaliation intereset of Dinka popularity. Where we go? no fear of issue your own planning but non similar to split of 91 clue.

  • Ariambek

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Why Murle tribe feed their women and children for raided cattle instead to cultivate and do other kind of business. I wouldn’t blame Nuer as governor mentioned killing of Chief and his deputy by Murle cattle raiders. Pibor county commissioner is for nothing, he failed to murle useless youths not move to counties of Jonglei state cussed unrest and even to Ethiopia brought children and their leaders maintain silence. Let them suffer until to abolish cattle raid.

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Two months ago, Salva Kiir declared that he was finished with the northerners, which is an illusion, and will now put all his efforts to murder Murle. I am sure he is now happy when he hears the attack of Low armed robbers and thugs. Their mission was clear to finish what they started in Lekuangole last year. It was master minded by SPLA field commander Simon, a primitive man who can only speak Nuer, he was the one guiding those low thru sattalite phone during last year’s attack. Bol Kong is another war criminal, please give him a bullet as soon as possible. Death to Jonkoz, they only understand bullet language

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Coward Jurs,

    Systematic Nuer raids/invasions, conducted on an anual basis, created a periphery of debilitated Jurs (Dinka, Anyuak, Shilluk, Murle, Koma…) communities that yielded readily to Nuer territorial appropriation. Seasoned Nuer raiding parties were pitted against famine-ridden Jurs groups struggling to survive through periods of scarcity resulting from previous raids. Under the circumstances it is not surprising that the coward Jurs were unable to mount any effective resistance to continuing Nuer territorial expansion.

    The Mighty Nuer Warriors raid always resulted in the capture of substantial numbers of young women and children. Captives taken by the Nuer always includes boys, girls, and young women of marriageable age, but the captives always outnumber to casualties inflicted on coward Jurs. The loss of a single productive female is thus estimated to reduce her natal population by 3.4 individuals several generations later, and to add a like increment to the population she joins.

    The capture of 372 young women and girls a year during the period of 1818-1905 would remove 32,625 productive females from the Central Dinka and Anyuak population alone and thus eventually decrease that population by 110,915 individuals. The capture of 125 boys a year over the same period would decrease the Centrala nd Anyuak populatiuon by an additional 5,250 persons. In sum, the proposed rate of capture would effectively transfer 116,165 persons from Central Dinka and Anyuak population to that of the Nuer.

    Had the Nuer ever wished to occupy the whole greater Upper Nile, from Renk to Mading Bor and from Ruweng/Abiemnom to Buma/Pibor-Gambella, it seems unlikely that the other coward Jurs (Jaang, Bar, Teet, Jabe, Chai, Komo…) could have stopped them.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor

    When the King of the Jungle (Mighty Nuer Warriors) retaliate, other coward Jurs do not hesitate to ask for outside help either military support of humanitarian aids.

    But when these coward Jurs wage their hit and run tactics on Nuer, the Nuer Warriors don’t ask for help since they know that they are not only capable of dealing with these Jurs, but dislodged them and/or occupy their lands.

    This is a tough warning to very tiny Murle community as well as other Jurs not to wake up a sleeping Lion.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    People must know that, the only truthworthy tribe in Jonglei State among every tribes there is Dinka or Jieng Twic/Tuic East. People just want to mess their name with wrong identity of Dinka Bor. There was a reason why God (Nhialic) chose leader like Dr. John Garang de Mabior from them. You don’t believe me, and it is 100% percent truth.

    These people are not greedy for other people belonging, they don’t shedblood for untrue reason, and many more.

    “Anybody who deny the truth is like evil of the Bible.” Cadaai ngong.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    Everybody please is not Dinka Bor. Know thing before you write them down.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    I hope you will not hurt Dinka or Jieng Twic/Tuic East people with your pschological about Bor. Because Dinka Or Jieng Twic/Tuic East is the home of the honest, non-greedy. humble, care, not always thirst for bloodshed without a good reason. It is home of Majak Agoot please.

  • Hero

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor

    Keep posting all your rubbish as much as you like, but be assured that those of us who came from the Greater Bor will not be tempted or moved by your stupidity.We’re too smart to identify our enemy, and in this case you’re clearly one of those who wish the Greater Bor bad things.So, idiot like you must know that.Otherwise, enjoy your sinister,but be alway mindful of the payback!!

  • Odingo

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    To Son of Man Mr. Kim Deng
    You have said it all to Dinka Bor, but they will not listen because they are not human being but an animals.

    According to True Propert NGunDeng said that Nuer will go to war with Murles first, then Dinka Bor, will the next to pay the big for stealing the Propert’s gifts from Pyramid in 1902.

    By the way the Propert NGunDeng said that the Upper Nile will be remain for Nuer only and his Temple will be build in Bor Town after they wipe out Dinka Bor in that area very soon after Nuer get the job done with Murles.

    Dinka Bor this is not my words. These are the words of Propert NGundeng. You will not believe it untill you see it by your naked eyes.

    Folks, the Propert NGunDeng also mentioned the death of terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden.

    The Propert said that there will be peace with all nations before Propert NGunDeng return back on this world.
    Thank you all

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    You seem like your somebody had drank, particular the way you talk like here. You messages you thought are from Ngundeng, they are just laughable. You know Dinka or Jieng is far away from your Nuer tribe though, at this movement, unlike 1991 you have to pass over Dinka Duk and Dinka Twic/Tuic East before you reach Dinka Bor. You are just brainless guy, those Dinka tribes in Jonglei State are call: “Southeastern Dinka or Jieng.”

    The reason why I say it is unlike 1991, you guy invanted our tribes land while we were busy fighting Arab. Dinka or Jieng Twic/Tuic East people are not greedy or bloodshed people without good reason, but you if come into their land you will. Revenge can desvasting to the intruders.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    27 killed, 3,000 families displaced in Jonglei cattle rustling – governor
    With your name, you guys mess everything up and we often became the victim of your causes. I am here for truth. I am not here for nepotism (brotherhood & sisterhood). Because we “Southeastern Dinka or Jieng” have our own problems causers as well. Trouble maker is there, because we the other tribes there are suffering from one hand of our own as well. You should be judge. We have our own thieves as well. Honestly, the only tribe is Dinka or Jieng Twic/Tuic East; this people are always suffering from messes of others.

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