Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud

April 3, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Voting in gubernatorial and legislative elections of Sudan’s central state of South Kordofan has entered its final day on Wednesday amid reports of large turnout and accusations of irregularities.

Sudanese women arrive at a polling station to vote in South Kordofan elections (AFP)
Sudanese women arrive at a polling station to vote in South Kordofan elections (AFP)
Attention has riveted on Sudan’s central state of South Kordofan as its citizens began going to the polls on Monday to elect a state governor and members of the state’s assembly, in a sensitive exercise that was postponed for over a year since Sudan held countrywide elections in April 2010.

The vote was rescheduled after disagreements over the results of the 2008 census in the state as well as delimitation of geographical constituencies were remedied by the Khartoum-based National Elections Commission (NEC), which oversees the process.

Adam Abdeen Isma’il, the head of the state’s high elections commission, NEC’s subsidiary body, was quoted on Tuesday by Sudan’s state-run news agency SUNA as saying that the rate of turnout has exceeded 50 percent in a number of polling stations.

The election official said that all polls in the state would be closed on Wednesday evening as the process of vote counting kick-start immediately afterward.

Meanwhile, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), whose candidate and the state’s deputy governor, Abdul Aziz Adam All-Hilu, is running in gubernatorial elections against the ruling National congress Party’s incumbent candidate, Ahmad Harun, on Tuesday issued a press release citing reports of irregularities.

The SPLM claimed that three ballot boxes were seized in the area of Um-Battah in the state’s Kadugli town. It also said that one polling station was relocated from the police club to Al-Merikh in Al-Bananusa in the geographical constituency number 7 without prior notice.

In a related development, Sudan’s minister of interior Ibrahim Mahmud Hamdi on Tuesday visited Kadugli and inspected a number of polling centers. According to SUNA, the minister said he expects the elections to become “a role model of democratic exercise” for the rest of the country.

Mahmud went on to assure that all indications confirm that the process would progress calmly until the results are announced.

The run-up to South Kordofan elections was mired in tension after the paramilitary Popular Defense Forces (PDF) attacked El-Feid village in mid-April, leaving 17 people dead and hundreds of houses destroyed.

The SPLM accused Ahmad Harun, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on charges of war crimes related to the eight-year conflict in Sudan’s western region of Darfur, of mobilizing the PDF to attack the village.



  • onlysonmabi

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud
    To held with people of Southern Kordofan you people if you make SPLM to fail for life you will be Arab woman upto the end of the world.

  • Sam.Eto

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud
    Better arab women then “………” women you ignorant racist !

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud
    Message to People of Nuba Mountian and South Kordofan at large: Remember that your own outlook or phenotivity will subject you into severe harrassment, torture,oppression,insults,injustice, exploitation and descrimination. Could have been better for you to vote wisely for the SPLM candidates so that your aspirations are made real. By making a wrong choice to cast your vote on most wanted criminal Ahmed Harun is a disaster to your own fate.

  • Adam

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud
    I don’t think there is even a narrow chance that Mr. Al-Hilu would win. SPLM will not even have more than 7 parliament seats. Let us be realistic.

    When I read the headline, I thought I will read something tangible on fraud. There are observers and no need for SPLM to cry for South Kurdofan.

    SPLM/A betrayed the Nuba Mountain people. Nothing has been done for them. John Garang failed to state anything solid for them in the CPA. Mr. Kiir is taking Mr. Telephone as a hostage based on the conspiracy fabricated by Al-Hilu and the deceived Jalaba Arman.

    NCP is posed to achieve a landslide victory in South Kurdofan, since SPLM has also failed the Northern opposition parties since 2005. No party is competing with NCP.

    It is time to pay for bad management and short sight politics.

    Set Mr. Telephone free so he may fight for the rights of his people.

    Adam Milawaki – Mayendit
    Southern Sudan

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud
    Mr. Adam,
    Unless you are full of skipping and what about “The SPLM claimed that three ballot boxes were seized in the area of Um-Battah in the state’s Kadugli town. It also said that one polling station was relocated from the police club to Al-Merikh in Al-Bananusa in the geographical constituency number 7 without prior notice?” Is this statement not tangible. I do not see betrayal of the People of Nuba Mountain by the SPLM. Although South opted for Self-determination, it is the people of South Kordofan and Blue Nile to support the SPLM in its decision to negotiate with North during the CPA to bring the black Africans back to the South. Why do you said “..anything solid for them in the CPA?” What about Popular Consultation to the people of South Kordofan and Blue Nile? Do you really understand the CPA? Anyway it is not a matter of debate at this juncture; fraud is already there and NCP is going to win and let the people of South Kordofan remain under NCP withered tree forevere and more.

  • Sam.Eto

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud

  • amon

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud

    Vote for NCP, vote for criminals vote for Arabs and you will be slaves for the rest of your lives. The SPLM has not forgotten the people of South Kordofan at all, if AL-Hilu wins the election then the SPLM will channel the development funds for through his leadership but if voted for criminals then you will not smell a single coin of oil money.

    Vote wisely please, vote for your futures and the futures of your children.

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud

    SPLM folks crying foul, for the first time citing and recognizing fraud in elections.

    In the first place does SPLM have the language for winning votes from the electorates, perhaps in South Sudan only and this is because of Southerners had the zeal of attaining their Independence, SPLM being the only Southern party signatory to the CPA.

    How can you have a one round intensive campaign against an opponent who intensified his campaign to the last minute, and you expect to win. All the NCP bigwigs were there to support their candidate. What about SPLM? I wonder why a big party like SPLM has only one orator (James Wani Igga)? What will happen in the event that this sole orator retires?

    Let me tell you guys this is the beginning of SPLM demise, to be precise any up coming elections in South Sudan will see SPLM loosing more.

    Why complain after all what is happening in Southern Kordofan is a copy paste of that which SPLM did in South Sudan during the April elections.

    Surely “what goes around comes around”. Have a full dose of your manufactured wine.

  • James Peter
    James Peter

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud

    If you are man, we meet in battle field. don’t be fool by criminal bashier and coward at the same time. He need you foolish people to dying because he is arab. Come got me on battle field or forget about Nuba Mountain.

  • James Peter
    James Peter

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud

    You are really foolish.

  • Jalaby

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud

    SPLM calims fraud??!!

    Stop crying SPLM.

    It is going to be the movie of the year, the movie name is “The Big Fall for SPLM in S. Kordofan”, I’ll elect this movie for the Oscar this year, Directed by Silva Kiir and Starring by A. Al Hilo. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. LOL.

    You know that Mr. Kiir suppose to visit S. Kordofan and give support to Al Hilo but he couldn’t make it, do you know why? because Misserya sent him a clear message that if he comes then he will put his life in a great danger and NCP government passed him a message that we cannot guarantee your life and it is better not to show up and Mr. Kiir decided to stay home and left Al Hilo to make a big jump in the dark. LOL.

    Nuba should never trust SPLM again because SPLM used them as “Useful Idiot” and betrayed them and separated the south instead of building “New Sudan” that will kick out arab/jalaba to Arab Peninsula and new sudan will only be the home for black people the real owners (LOL).

    Dinka abused Nuba in the south and slaved them and used them to clean Mr. Dinka shit officer during the war and give a ride to them on their backs when no vehicle around to carry on Mr. Dinka officer in SPLA!

    Good job NCP in south Kordofan, I’ll nominate this movie for 2011 Hollywood Oscar (LOL).

    Jalaby (Abo Emma)

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud
    NCP to avoid forgery of results like what they did in Northern Sudan.

    SPLM must have serious collaboration with Independent Candidate to protest the results if came in favour of NCP candidate.

    Bashir Portray War in Kordofan and Nubian people. Now it’s upon Nubians to be led by Criminal or submerge and get support from International Community like South Sudan Government.

    Forsure, Nubians are not Betrayed in any way by SPLM/A unless if they were comforatable dinning with shameful Arab under Marginilasation proxy.We are watching how Nubian will let themselves be fool by NCP.



  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    South Kordofan vote enters final day as SPLM claims fraud
    Jalaby, I thought you were killed with Osama Bin Laden. Now that your hero Osama Bin Devil is taken of equation by the US, their next target will be the once Osama supporter and the IIC wanted criminal turn with all their National Criminal Party NCP and don’t even worry about a wanted criminal forging wining in South Kurdofan. He will be either caught soon. Your hide for ten years and yet the found him and so will Omar and Harun be upper handed and tried for their crimes. Time will come whether tomorrow or years to come. Just wait.

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