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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan protests statements by Malaysian special envoy to Darfur: report

May 3, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government protested remarks attributed to Malaysia’s special envoy to Darfur in which he blamed Khartoum for the situation in the war ravaged region, according to media reports.

Malaysia’s special envoy to Darfur Syed Ariff Fadzillah (New Straits Times)
Malaysia’s special envoy to Darfur Syed Ariff Fadzillah (New Straits Times)
Sudan’s ambassador to Kuala Lumpur Nader Youssef said in press statements that he had lodged a formal complaint with the Malaysian foreign ministry against its envoy Syed Ariff Fadzillah.

The Malaysia official has reportedly decried the situation in Darfur saying that “serious violations” are taking place. He also accused Khartoum of lacking seriousness in its quest for peace in the region.

Youssef stressed that the position articulated by Fadzillah does not represent those of the Malaysian government.

“We have expressed our rejection to the statements made by the envoy that are not consistent with the policy of the Malaysian government,” the Sudanese ambassador said according to the Khartoum-based Al-Sahafa newspaper.

He further said that the Malaysian special envoy went beyond his humanitarian mandate to extend to political issues.

Youssef said that they have to yet to ascertain the authenticity of the remarks but also noted that Fadzillah has neither confirmed nor denied them.

It is not clear where or when the Malaysian special envoy made these highly unusual statements on Darfur which comes from a government that has traditionally been a strong ally to Khartoum.

The New Straits Times newspaper quoted Fadzillah in an interview last month as expressing pessimism over the future of Darfur more than eight years after the conflict erupted.

“Not many are talking about Darfur now. There is a different focus in Sudan with the imminent creation of a new state in Southern Sudan,” he said.

“The referendum in Sudan has cost the people of Darfur. The humanitarian problem can be expected to assume new proportions. They will become much worse with so many people crowding into the area” the Malaysian special envoy added.

Fadzillah, who assumed this role in 2007, pledged to press his government to provide more funds for humanitarian efforts in Darfur.

“I intend to brief the minister on what is happening in Darfur and how Malaysia is helping in the humanitarian effort. We need to review our activities there.”

The United Nations estimates some 300,000 people have died since mostly non-Arab rebels took up arms in Sudan’s west against Khartoum in early 2003.

The world’s largest U.N.-funded peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) works in Darfur but has struggled to stop clashes.

Sudanese President Omer Hassan al-Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and genocide in Darfur, the only sitting head of state the court has indicted.

After the ICC warrant for Bashir, he expelled 13 aid agencies working in Darfur and a wave of kidnappings targeting foreigners has restricted those remaining to the main towns.



  • amon

    Sudan protests statements by Malaysian special envoy to Darfur: report
    Sudan (The NCP) always wants every country to support them in killing the Darfurians, but let me tell you that not all Arab countries support and sponsor terrorism and killing of innocent civilians like you.

    This envoy is doing what is right in the eyes of the world.

  • onlysonmabi

    Sudan protests statements by Malaysian special envoy to Darfur: report
    Thanks to the Government of Malaysia for helping the mad Darfurian,
    and my requset to the rest of the world is to see the sitiuation of the people of Darfur.
    and the Darfurian you are everywhere doing business and living your people to died please take the arms and fight the NCP, now you Darfurian and Nuba will be in the position of the South after thier independent take double care, by taking guns.

  • tamar

    Sudan protests statements by Malaysian special envoy to Darfur: report
    Bravo to the people of Malaysia’s as people and government, that is great positive change that took place within Malaysian government becuase what I know Malaysian government was strong supporter of Khartoum Regime,and today they started to think rationally and to break the silence,so to speak about plain truth and reality is a great contribution towards issue.

  • Ito

    Sudan protests statements by Malaysian special envoy to Darfur: report
    Dear readers,

    Yes, the Malaysian envoy is telling the truth on what is taking place on the ground in Darfur. Accusations and counter-accusations by the Sudanese ambassador is a doing according to the principle that the best defense to refute true allegations against them is by countering the accusation itself; this is an opportunistic way of doing things and therefore is not done on legalistic principles.

    I congratulate the Malaysian special envoy for being candid and urge him to continue on doing so. “Tell the truth and you will be set free”. This tactic of negation after negation being practice by the sudanese regimes will come to an end soon, itis just a matter of time. To say that his articulation does not represent those of the Malaysian government is so naive of you the sudanese ambassador! Whatever the envoy says of course will be supported his government as he is the only eyes of his government on the ground and no one can negate his allegation unless he or she has hard facts to substantiate his argument.

    May God bless south sudan and those of Western Darfur

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Sudan protests statements by Malaysian special envoy to Darfur: report
    In fact, Malayia was a strong supporter of Khartoum like China and other nations. Khartoum was just a presumed owner of oil fields in South Sudan. Since the thirst for energy needs will be quenched by the rightful owner of the oil, the rule of the game also changes. Both China and Malaysia have already signed contract with GOSS. It’s good that the rest will come to their senses and start investing heavily in South Sudan soon.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Mapuor

    Sudan protests statements by Malaysian special envoy to Darfur: report

    All non Arab muslims will definitely decry the humanitarian situation in Dar fur,raping of under age,looting,merciless killing of males,starvation etc are now taking place in Darfur

  • syklops1

    Sudan protests statements by Malaysian special envoy to Darfur: report
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve

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