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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity

By Philip Thon Aleu

May 4, 2011 (KAMPALA) – Officials from South Sudan’s state of Jonglei say that the UN’s decision to halt food supplies to unsecure counties has left more the 20,000 people at risk.

Jonglei governor Kuol Manyang Juuk (right) at Bor Airport with Pigi Comissioner, Aleu Majak (Left) talking to two UN representatives. March 20, 2011, (ST
Jonglei governor Kuol Manyang Juuk (right) at Bor Airport with Pigi Comissioner, Aleu Majak (Left) talking to two UN representatives. March 20, 2011, (ST
The UN’s World Food Program (WFP) stopped activities in Jonglei and other parts of South Sudan due to attacks on their staff. On 19 April a WFP staff member was killed in an ambush in Duk county of Jonglei state triggering the decision.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune by phone from Bor, Jonglei state minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Mayen Ngor Atem said that more over 20,000 people who returned from northern Sudan this year, are left vulnerable to hunger and plans to extend farming in the area has also been affected.

“Those [returnees] who returned to Jonglei state [from the north] are over 27,000 […] and these are the people who need food at this critical period of cultivation,” said Jonglei state minister Mayen Ngor adding that the exact population lacking food in Jonglei is higher than he estimates.

“If they [returnees] are not provided with food at this time, then there will be a problem and there will be more food supplies needed next year,” he added.

Cattle rustlers and child abductors are major players of insecurity in Jonglei state. Security situation worsen in South Sudan’s vast and highly populated state following the rebellions of Gen. George Athor and David Yauyau in April 2010 after losing local elections. Last week, armed youths attacked Pibor county killing dozens, steeling hundreds of cattle according to authorities.

South Sudan voted to secede from the north in a January, 2011 referendum provided for by the 2005 peace accord that ended decades of civil war. But the road to independence, due in July this year, is marred by local rebellions numbering seven different factions. The region has a history of inter-tribal conflicts over resources, cattle and pastures.

Jonglei state governor, Kuol Manyang Juuk, told a press conference in Bor last week that WFP decision caught him by surprise. Governor Kuol added that the withdrawal will affect resettlement of people in Pigi county where the South Sudan army (SPLA) had fought Athor’s. He said that the situation in Pigi had returned to normal in March 2011 and Athor’s forces forced out of the area.

In an interview on Wednesday Jonglei’s agriculture minister said the state had taken the “necessary measure” to deploy extra police to the headquarters of humanitarian missions in the state to insure the safety of humanitarian workers.


In another development, minister Mayen said that his ministry is undertaking projects to encourage “extensive farming at grassroots.”

“We [south Sudanese] are going to celebrate our independence [on July 9, 2011] and I am opportunistic that, with current plans and good rains, we shall have enough food production in Jonglei,” he said.

However producing enough food for Jonglei to be self sufficient is dependent on improved security Ngor conceded. He said that all but two counties of Jonglei’s 11 counties now have “mobilized extensive farming workers and community leaders.”

State farms, which act as examples to local farmers, are being established, he said, claiming that there are ploughed fields in Twic East county.



  • Dr. cholera
    Dr. cholera

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    It’s not kakuma refugee camp where expect UN to distribute food anymore. Everytime you hear of hunger in South Sudan, expect Jonglei and Bahr el gazel, these tell us that, people who inhabit those places are lazy and corrupt people, it’s time to educate your people.

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    To UN/WFP,please,do not starve innocents citizens in jonglei state,let the SPLA /police to find or hunt the terrorist who commit crimes and murder your staff members in jonglei.
    women children,and ages got nothing to do with that cowardic killing.
    suspending food for ordinary people is unacceptable and is another way of killing people indirect or directly.

  • Jtomorrow

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    Dr. cholera,

    If you said that people that are inhabiting Jonglei and Bahr el gazel are corrupted then why are they starving?

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity

    Why ask a silly question. Yes, laziness and corruption bring starvation as correctly stated by Dr. Cholera. Do you want to know why it is the cause, because only 10% will succeed in the corruption and 90% will turn victims of corruption. It is a struggle all people do not succeed in despite the desire by the whole population to corrupt.

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Not Kakuma anymore.
    You got it right.They do not farm, that they lack skills of farming.They are trying to blame Athor of instigating the fighting which led to hunger.they are only blood suckers and lily roots eaters.Blame no one my friends but learn the art of farming.Pigi has been the hub of food in Jonglei but others rely on food aide.stop violence or starve to death.

  • maumau

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    The article clearly states that most of those who need WFP relief aid are returnees who came from the north of the country, why do you want to change the topic saying they are lazy! These people returned to the South to vote for independence of the South, let them be given relief food untill they cultivate their own food by next year.

    The problem of insecurity in those states mentioned is that, no body wants to investigate the cause of any incident. Authorities are like ordinary people, they do not bather to find out who caused the insecurity especially if the victim is from other state like the WFP staff that was shot last week. The governor should use his power to improve security in his state else his people are going to starve to death. Those who want to come to Equatoria should do so only to get food but not cause chaos in our region and remember, they must leave their cattle in their state because they may graze them on our farms like what is happening between Western Equatoria and Lakes state. MAUMAU

  • Hero

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    Hi all,

    There’s a clear need for us to know that, those of Dr cholera and his ilks are mostly driven by tribalism and greed and it’s clear there’s no time or day on this web, they’ve contribute postively on any of day issues instead they alway go negatively on any issue. And this clearly tell me that they will never hint to any call to divorced from this dirty culture.Look at the way this idiot responding to this most pressing issue as if those who’re straving in Jonglei State are human being or doesn’t exist.Why exactly should any reasonable human being fails to acknowledge the truth?

  • Hero

    Not Kakuma anymore.
    Micheal Miyom Minyiel,

    Your name sound bit familiar to me! Why are so naive buddy? Are you brainwashs or what? Hope you will realize your mistake. Let Athor carry his own cross and never ever associate with him.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    Dear all,
    there is no people calle abcd but one person called gatwech has registered his names in multiple names, just treat him with no dignity,

  • amon

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    @Omoni jr

    When will they learn how farm if they depend on free food for ever? The UN/WFP was not formed only to feed them there are also people dying of starvation in other part of the world. We have rain, vast and fertile land favorable for farming but we spend most of our time killing each other, raiding cattle and fighting tribal wars.

    let the women advice their men to stop all those activities and start farming for their children. WFP is tired of feeding you guys, let them starve so that they become weak to run and stop fighting.

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    I am not Surprised at all.

    In Juba currently they (Dinka) have resorted to climbing to the top of telecommunications masks and demand that the president pays them ransom to meet their family requirements lest they jump to their death.

    Interestingly the president and his cronies condone such by paying them off. In fact, from October 2010 to date 4 people have successfully been paid off by Mr President.

    The worst occurred yesterday around kololo where an SPLA major climbed the mask and asked the government to mediate for the return of his wife whom the in laws had taken for his failure to feed her and the children. The dude tabled for thousands of pounds from the government.

    When will this people learn to be responsible?

  • Waucity

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    Has anybody ever think of what would have happened, if there was nothing call UN? I am not happy that the public and the government are not thinking about this. Think about it, when you talk to them about this issue they say well, we are not yet organized..Well, I have a message for them and that is it take each person on earth to organize themselves within 6 months of rain to plant their crops. That is how long everybody on earth has. So, when do our people think they will be ready?..I think they are never going to be ready because the are living in the old life style, meaning they are using wrong ideas for the wrong life style. They need to know that the civil war has forced them out of their old life style and they have now arrived at civilization. Here they believe they need to go to school for everthing before they can know how to do it…In other words, they don’t have a vision of trying their own ideas and see if they will work or not. Everybody, is waiting to go to school, before they become thinkers for themselves, this is the problem that need to be eliminated right away. The government should appoint people that would moblize the nation to rise up to the challenges of a very expensive life style of civilization. Government need to organize community service work for each village, each town and each city. This will encourage people to become great thinkers, and to get them in the mood of working. Government need to also take agriculture has away to generate revenues for itself, I think the government can afford agricultural tools than the public can..But the government can not afford agriculturals tools for everybody in Southern Sudan, therefore I believe that the government should lead agricultural production in Southern Sudan..This will create jobs for the people, who are jobless.

  • Billiu Puoch
    Billiu Puoch

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    No problem Mr.Governor

    I request the governor of Jonglei to give the returnees food since they are also the citizens of South.

    Don;t dodge to give them food because they may pass away because of food shortage.

    We are one in front of God and give people their right.Food do goes with toilet papers and don;t let your fellow State citizens to suffer from food shortage.

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Not Kakuma anymore.
    I have nothing to do with Athor in particular nor do I need to associate with any body at the left but on typical issues.we need to discourage dependency on food aid for it makes us too idle.A man on his own virtues cannot being wooed by those who have their own crosses.Are you satisfy?

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Dinka name.
    You need to have hot advice based on Dinka name.Dinka is a tribe like your may always mr.Isu see Dinkas in Juba,do you scorn them when see them passing by or in public places?am good counselor mr.Isu that means if you have problems with them come to me for counseling.using Dinka name always may lead to Dinka dominant for centuries to come.Dinka is not a bad tribe though others fear it.For some of you who might not have been with Dinkas during the struggle think that they are bad but that is total falacy.let us response to the individual atitutes and respect our great and noble tribes across southern sudan.this is the hot advice that I mean.Be safe!

  • amon

    Dinka name.
    @Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Oh Yeah, keep on boasting that your great and noble tribe will rule for centuries to come, then you will not have any different between the Arabs that ruled us for years.

    Some of you are somehow educated but still think like those brothers in the cattle camp. The so called great tribe with the current mentality that you have is nothing in the eyes of the world.

    I was opposing the Nuer rebellions but now I have realized that they have all the rights to rebel because the words that you are using here is provocative, and you will more rebellions if you continue to use such words.

  • amon

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    Oh Yeah, they are suffering from the consequence of killing of an Equatorian (Wani)who used to facilitate the food supply for them, why are they crying again? let them eat cows and drink milk.

    When they are hungry they cry for food, when they are fed they turn violently uncontrollable. DO NOT bit the hand that feeds you or else the WFP will go forever.

  • Waucity

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    If you know something about Southern Sudan you will know that people are poor..How drea you tell us to teach our people, they know what they are doing…They fought to the last minute, while you kill sometime, so just shut up..Dr Chelora, such a name indeed. What have your tribe done, that would eliminate UN in Southern Sudan, Somebody that has nothing to offer is talking..

  • mr x
    mr x

    Jonglei says 20,000 at risk after WFP suspend activities over insecurity
    who will dead is it the person who have cow and milk can dead or the person who haven,t nothing will dead first just simple question to my friends here.

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