Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera

May 6, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Early results from the gubernatorial race in South Kordofan revealed a comfortable lead for the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) candidate Abdel-Aziz Al-Hilu, news channel Al-Jazeera reported.

South Kordofan's governor candidate, Abdel-Aziz Al-Hilu (L) and National Congress Party candidate for governor, Ahmed Haroun (R) - Reuters
South Kordofan’s governor candidate, Abdel-Aziz Al-Hilu (L) and National Congress Party candidate for governor, Ahmed Haroun (R) – Reuters
Al-Hilu is running against the incumbent governor Ahmed Haroun who is the National Congress Party (NCP) nominee and also one of the suspects wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for his alleged role in Darfur war crimes when he was Sudan’s minister for interior.

Al-Jazeera said the figures it obtained showed that the SPLM’s candidate is ahead by 14,000 votes after counting all but results from six polling stations. It did not say whether the remaining centers would be a game changer.

Elections in the state were delayed from April last year after the SPLM accused Khartoum of rigging the census and ordered its supporters not to register for voting because of that.

Southern Kordofan, the site of oilfields and an important civil war battlegrounds on the undefined north-south border, is key to Khartoum because it neighbors Darfur and the disputed oil-producing Abyei border region, another possible flashpoint between both sides in the build-up to the South’s secession that will become official next July.

The NCP has thrown its weight behind Haroun and the state saw recent visits by president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and his VP Ali Osman Taha in a show of support for their candidate.

Sudan’s official news agency (SUNA) quoted an official in the National Elections Committee (NEC) as saying that preliminary results will be announced on Sunday and transmitted to headquarters for certification in mid-May.

Results can be challenged during the appeal period that starts from May 15 until June 3.

The authorities in South Kordofan has urged the residents to accept the results irrespective of the winner and announced a series of precautionary measures including a ban on using weapons and staging rallies during the count and up to the day of announcing results.

There are strong fears of post-results clashes between NCP and SPLM supporters despite a peaceful vote in the state.

“If they (the polls) fail, Southern Kordofan’s elections may yield localised violence…and destabilise the state,” political analyst Aly Verjee told Reuters.

Sudanese political analyst Eltaieb Zain Elabdeen had projected that Haroun would win the vote leading to violent reaction.

“The SPLM won’t accept the result so they could mobilise their militia. I think there could be some clashes,” he said.



  • Makuei

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Good News for Al-Hilu. I hope he keep up the good job.
    A criminal Ahmed cannot rule again.

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Dear, SPLM be very careful before the final announcment is made because NCP are not easy, Thanks be to God of Marginalized people everywhere.

  • Chier Akueny
    Chier Akueny

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    I hope this is the time that all Nubian can decide their full fade of the future. I see the possible that Nubian are going to suffer most after the South Sudan secession because they have been good enemies of North which will give them hard times and bad sides if they remain in North.

    The side that may consider them better could be South Sudan because they fought vigorously for independent/liberation; therefore, it would be good for them to decide fully come to South Sudan if they don’t want to be second class citizens upto the end of this world.

    Hilu has been a great man who has been trying to take Nubian to promise land, however I wish him success so that he continues his mission of freedom. Make sure, Nubians are the original people of Mountainous areas there in central Sudan, so it would deny them to come to South Sudan where their originality is honoured.


    Chier Akueny,

  • amon

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera

    SPLM shall win!

    Vote wisely, vote for your futures

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Ahmed Haroun is leading with 11,000 votes .

  • Akech

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Dear readers,

    This Criminal will rig the votes let wait and see, my advise to Abdel-Aziz you are the Nubian’s road to promise land don’t give any ich of comprmise to colibrator ICC MOST WANTED GUY.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Mohammed Ali, the only way the ICC wanted man called Ahmed Harun lead Mr. Al Hilu with votes will be by the old National Criminal Party’s (NCP) fogging the votes otherwise, I know and you personally know the support SPLM gets from Kurdofan.

    By the Mohammed, the USA got one of the wanted man Osman Bin Laden and maybe the next in line will either be Harun or Omar Al Bashir just wait and my condolence to you on your lost.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Ahmed Haroun is a winner and I have no problem if Al hilu Wins the elections, both are from north Sudan and I donnot see a reason for you to interfer in our country and domostic politics.I think you have alot bof problems to solve back home, you donnot need to waste your time with us.Chapter is closed and the game is over .You have to enjoy your freedom in your country and leave us in peace.

    I am afraid there are going to be so many candidates for the so called ICC as there are many mascaras and “genocides” to come, we have only seen the prelude!!!

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Mohammed Ali, is it lack of choice of words or stupidity that you and Ahmed from time to time comment back to us by saying this is Northern Sudan domestic affairs when you and your friend Ahmed always comment on South Sudan affairs. How would you call that. Are you and Ahmed having dual citizenship that would permit two of you to comment on Southern affairs but not us? What a pity Mohammed Ali? Is that what you called education and fairness? Are you people still having your eyes closed to the twenty -first century?

    Well, you, Ahmed, Sam Etto and Jalaby should show us example of what you are telling us before you tell us. And have Omar Al Bashir and his ICC wanted team stop interfering in South Sudan affairs and mind you, Nubas are our sisters and brothers and we will always be brothers and sisters forever forever forever.

  • ebonyebony

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Dear all,
    Al Jazeera reported two conflicting stories. We have to wait and at the end we will defintitely know.

  • Adam

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    There is no way for SPLM to win in South Kurdofan. Take it a word from me. Just 6-8 seats – that is all.

    SPLM/A has done nothing to win the election. Even the President Mr. Kiir failed to visit this area to gather support for Mr. Al-Hilu, who is not welcomed because he is anti Islam. SPLA is holding Telephone Koko a hostage. How can Al-Hilu win and did not make a clear cut that Abyei is a Northern Territory?.

    Nuba Mountain people are fed up with Southerners who betrayed them all the way. They prefer to be part of the North – not part of the troubled and starving South.

    It very funny that SPLM hopes of winning is based on the fake and out of date reports of the notorious Al-Jazeera.Ha an Arab Network.

    The example set by SPLM/A in the South is not encouraging either. Very few in Nuba Mountains are intoxicated by the nonsense promises of SPLM.

    SPLM/A shout shut up. But you know, I think they will cry that the elections were false due to bla bla bla done by NCP. They even started this tragic tactic even before the election start.

    Let SPLM solve the dilemma we are in and leave the North for Northerners.

    Adam Milawaki – Mayendit
    Southern Sudan

  • James manyuol
    James manyuol

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Good job General Abdelaziz you will make the history of Nubans people. although nCp are planning to rig election and bashir aside threatening to wage a war on South kordofan indigennous people. IF CRIMINAL WORDS ARE HEARD WE ALL BEAR THE CONSEQUENCE. I had Dream you will win the game no matte what.

  • James manyuol
    James manyuol

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera

  • Jalaby

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera

    Ahmed Haroun is the winner .. it is finished!

    Congratulation for NCP and hard luck Mr. Al Hilo what ever happened you are northerner Sudanese and that is your right to run for any state in the north.

    Give me one single reson that will make s. Kordofan people vote for SPLM!!! why they need to repeat the failed state methodology in their home!!! what happening in the south now made s. Kordofan people voted for NCP.

    Here is the latest news from Aljazeera which shows Haroun lead:

    Good job NCP, well done, you beat them so hard!

    Jalaby (Abo Tagia)

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    “New South of the North” oyeeee…

    Good that your son will win the elections and called for self-determination soon.

    Don’t be confused ya readers. By the New South of the North I mean the northern frontier states of Southern Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains.

    This is the new term used for further disintegration of North Sudan into many more independent states. Darfur, East and the “New South of the North” will soon secede from the center.

    Long live the vision of self-determination.

  • ebonyebony

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    I think the key issue was releasing Telefon Kuku. Because some cast their votes for him. These votes should have gone to Al-Hilo.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    For the who speak as if they are dead snoring, We still one Country, One constitution, one President who is a criminal. Wait for July 9, we will leave you to be slaughter in Khartuom by Harrun andf Bashir before being Kill that you will regret of why you should have remain there and not to be Southerner..
    As parlay don’t say Nubian community got a leader who shows sense of Patriotism but NOT Haruon Mohammed who mess up Interior and end up killings innocents Darfurian and massacre many in Khartoum alleged of collaborating with JEM to topple his In-Law Government of National Criminal Perpetuities’ whose ambition is too dangerous to Nubian and the secret behind to weep out the entire Nubian on those Mountains and He used with his NCP most wanted Criminal as hide out and safe heaven like their Uncle Usama Bin Aldan did finally got hunted down.
    Nubian have speak loudly and clear, no time with Criminal who will be bomb and kill soon if they keep hiding from Ocampo court .Don’t hide them, you will endanger yourselves Nubian.

    General Aziz Oyee,
    SPLM oyee,
    Nubian Oyeeeee,
    Heroes Late General Yusif Kwa Oyeee,
    All Fallen Heroes and Heroin Oyee
    Struggle continue to liberate the entire Kordofan




  • Dr nyoch
    Dr nyoch

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    that is great,I wish commander Hilu will do it and kick that NCP nominee out.meanwhile I here preparing to go and celebrate with the nuba as soon as the result are out and nothing wil change the course Hilu as reveal by preliminary result will take the lead and nuba will finally gain their freedom.

    Dr Nyoch

  • Billiu Puoch
    Billiu Puoch

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Helo!!! Helo!! Arabs

    SPLM won the general elections last year with no doubt despite the fact that some parties were not happy about the final results from Khartoum.SPLM will be lasting longer and the change will come soon after declaration of our beloved land.

    I do recall the speech of Martin Luther King who won the United State of America general elections in the year 1963 and his dream become true,so we need somebody like Martin to have good dreams instead of defending on those who have two tongues one from North and the other from South.
    Those are the people having low thinking capacity towards the nation.

    My citizens lets not follow the footsteps of our grand-parents who doesn’t know how to count money and even the colors.Lets shame the Arabs and says bye bye to them.

    Kush land is ours and we will consume whatever concern about Southerners.

    I need change in South

  • amon

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera

    If you voted for Haroun there is no problem and being a Muslim doesn’t qualify you to become an Arab, so be ready for another slavery. We opened your eyes but if you still want to serve your masters (Arabs)then it’s up to you.May be you were created to be slaves forever.

    We have won our freedom in the South and will no longer be second class citizens of Sudan. But I’m worried about you guys in South Kordofan if you really voted for Haroun then why did some of you wasted their time to fight the NCP?

    Keep save your masters and don’t cry, we are gone.

    Good luck

  • Sam.Eto

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    God i have never seen such an ignorant peoples – everything is emotional, tribal and racist to them. Just shows the primitiveness of the brain. What dont you get !! SPLM bye bye from the North – mind your own business and try to save you failed swamp infested hell called the South.

    I repeat and this goes to SudanTribune (South Sudantribune) – the affairs of the North are no longer your business.

    For the last idiot – Kush is in the North – just because it was mentioned in the bible does not mean it is South Sudan you fool. Is that what the evangelical Americans taught you. You will always be slaves with that mentality !


    South Sudan and you Ugandans did not exist in Sudan until the British found some of you running around naked in the jungle. Civilization is in the North for 70000 years. We (The Muslim Kush) will be there in the end of days to destroy The anti christ, the Jews and you primitive idiots. God willing

  • amon

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera

    You are the most ignorant person in this forum. Why are you so proud to be a Muslim yet they (Arabs)consider you as a second class citizens(Slaves)? By the way you are commending here shows that you have a very BIG RED STAMP on your B*U*#T@k,you son of a slave woman. Don’t mention America here, don’t call for them because they are going to FU**&#@k up you one by one. Osama is gone and do you know who is next? Idiot. The KUSH that you are talking about in the are just Slaves.

    Just wait after July 9, this site will be only reporting the affairs of one Country, either South or North.

    Save your masters and we are gone.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Sam Eto.

    You are the most ignorant element on this site,why would the bible mention kush if its islam’s?
    Your comment shows how ignorant you are,let me tell you the people of the great civilization in the whol africa, Ethiopias,Egyptians,Nubians(they are even mentioned in the bible)&Southern Sudanese Isaiah 18.so please dont twist the history.comprehend!


  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera

    I have only one nationality , that is SUDANESE and I will not change it for billions of dollars.Speaking of dual citizentship, this was the request of Pagan the SG of the SPLA, that southerners living in the north should be given dual nationality. This was rejected by the SPLA , then came Arman and asked for confederation and that was also rejected.This who to have our citizentship should feel deep in their heart that they are FIRST CLASS citizents and human beings whereever they are and whatever happens to them.Our anchesters, the Nubians were the teachers of the civilization to the world and we are FIRST CLASS humans since then.

    Untill I see southerners leave to the SPLA paradise or stop coming to the JALABBA, MANOKOURROW and ARABS “hell” I would rather keep my citizentship ” ironically even some SPLA politicians still want to remain in Khartoum!

    We want to live in peace and you live in peace and we wish you all the best.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera

    By the way , do you think that you are American? Or they are going to work against their interest for the sake of your beutiful eyes?!

    You are so naieve not to see the change of USA policy towards Sudan.On this site see what is their position towards Abeyei!

    They say ” there are no permenant enemy , but there is permenant interst” I am sure their interst will not be in a country killing, insecurity and corruption is the daily business! And you will see that very soon!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera

    Release Telphone Koko from jail now to show that Nubians are honoured in the South!

  • unityfirst1

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Very interesting news for South Kordofan Civilians.i’m so glad to hear about the news that Abel-Aziz is leading ahead of that criminal thugs Adam Harun,folks things are getting change,but i really don’t see if the Muslim from the North will learn their past mistakes.Southerners are not against the islamic religion,but we’re against the (Islamic jihad)why do some of the Northerners get mad for seeing Mr.Abdel-Aziz winning the election and you’re calling it united Sudan,how?
    Nuba People Oyeeeeeeee.
    Abdel Aziz Oyeeeeeeeeeee.
    yusuf Kwuo Macki Oyeeeeeee.

  • unityfirst1

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    It says that the (Gihon-River) flow throughout the whole land of Cush,that mean the Mighty River which’s known today as the Nile River flow from the Southward to the Northward all the way to the Egyptian border.and i also want to assure you that the WORD (kush)or (Cush) is sourced from an Aramiac language,that interpreted (Black)the same thing when your ancestral came to Sudan,they did the same thing by changing it into(SUDAN)which’s reflecting the same meaning.now Mr.Sam.Eto!we hadn’t have any problem with the early Arabs because they were seeking a place to stay,but generations after generations forgotten that and made themselves pretenders,and trying to claim about the ownership of Sudan,that’s not going to work.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Mohamed, Sudan, the land of blacks as you people called belongs to black people of Cush and are you an Arab or a Nubian by the way because these are two different coins? One day you are Arabs and when you are challenged the natives then you are a Nubian? What a confused child you are?

    Yes, my eyes are beatiful and I am proud of my black or Sudani eyes. It was those of you that were in denial of your semi black color which with your mental shame, you people either call yourselves brown or green. You people always claim everything with exception of pharohps who buildt peremids in Egypt.

    I know you terrorists are not happy with US and president Obama for killing your spiritual leader Osama but what can you people possibly do, just digest it and live with it, they are too strong for you to mess around with. You mallatos wants stick your noses on Southern affairs while you do not want Southerners to side with their brothers in Darfur, Blue Nile and real Nubas. You cowards had Egyptian taken Halib by force and Israelis bombing terrorist targets in the North while not hitting back like you do in Darfur and threatened war on Nuba people but Egpytians and Israelis are okay to do whatever they like to do in the North.

    A coward is always after the small targets and that is what North Sudan army is good at. ICC wanted gangs of terrorists.

    Again my condelence to you on your lost. May God put him in HELL? Amen.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    Sam Etto, do yourself a favor by checking the meanings of the words Egypt, Ethiopia, Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Cush or Kush just to mention the few and of course you know what the word Sudan means and for those of you who are in denial of your color that we gave you through our daughters and now you have to die with it.

  • AAMA

    ICC suspect lags behind SPLM candidate in South Kordofan elections: Al-Jazeera
    With all due respect, almost all of you guys are either hatefully brain washed to the point that makes you too pathetic for a sane person to even reply your comments or too intimidated to reply nonsense’s and turn into haters and bigots in the processes. SPLM and NCP are both liars and untrustworthy, it’s not the high time yet for South Kordofan (the same applies for what’s left of Sudan and what’s seperated from it), so please move on.


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