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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution

May 7, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s Legislative Assembly (SSLA), has called for an extraordinary sitting to deliberate on the transitional constitution proposed to come into effect when the region becomes independent on 9 July.

The Minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development John Luk Jok. (Photo: Pascal Ladu)
The Minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development John Luk Jok. (Photo: Pascal Ladu)
The new Republic of South Sudan will be created following an overwhelming vote for independence in a January referendum, which was agreed as part of a 2005 peace deal.

The transitional constitution was endorsed on Wednesday by the cabinet of the semi-autonomous region. The cabinet directed the minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development, John Luk Jok, to immediately table the document before the assembly.

Luk, who also chairs the technical committee that has been drafting the document over the last two months, presented the document to the speaker of the parliament, James Wani Igga, on Friday.

In normal circumstances, the parliament sits only on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, leaving Thursday and Friday for the work of specialized committees. Saturday and Sunday are days off for South Sudan legislators.

However, given the urgency of the matter, Igga, called for an extraordinary sitting to take place on Saturday to begin deliberations on the transitional constitution. The document should be ready by July 8 so that the president of South Sudan can sign the document on the proclamation of independence on July 9. The transitional constitution shall also be the basis on which the government shall function after July 9, including the new swearing in of the current president, Salva Kiir Mayardit.

Kiir shall also reconstitute his cabinet and expand the current parliament by appointing more members to the legislative body, including those who will leave the national assembly in Khartoum.

The powers of the president are strengthened in the document for the next transitional government beginning from July 9. While the transitional period is stipulated to be four years, the presidential term shall revert to five years.

The president, according to the document, shall have the power during the four years of the transitional period to dissolve an elected state parliament and fire an elected state governor if situation necessitates. He can also declare war and state of emergency without necessarily consulting with the South Sudan parliament.

During the two months of discussions on the draft document, technical committee members explained that the coming period needs the additional powers for the president.

The constitution has also provided for inclusion of the contested oil-producing region of Abyei as part of the territory of the Republic of South Sudan. Sudan’s president Omar Hassan al-Bashir has threatened to withdraw his recognition of South Sudan independence if the region unilaterally annexes Abyei.

The document also provides to accommodate in the Juba national parliament all the elected members of South Sudanese parliamentarians to the national assembly in Khartoum during the April 2010 elections, irrespective of their political parties.

The same applies to the 20 members elected to the Council of States in Khartoum from South Sudan. The current parliament in Juba shall be expanded to nearly 400 members mainly for the purpose of accommodating the members as well as create the Council of States in Juba, making the new parliament bicameral. South Sudanese elected to Khartoum state assembly shall join their respective state parliaments in South Sudan, the document has stipulated.

An additional 66 members from various political parties, including the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), shall be appointed by the president to the transitional parliament. Thirty other members shall be appointed to the soon-to-be created Council of States, making the total 50, from various political parties including SPLM.

In case the post of the president falls vacant within the first one year of the transitional period from July 9, the document says the political party, whose ticket the president was elected, shall nominate his successor within 14 days. If the vacancy occurs after one year of the transitional period, then the Vice President shall takeover until the time of elections.

There shall be formed a constitutional review commission that shall call for constitutional conference during the transitional period to work on a permanent constitution that shall take effect after four years. The permanent constitution’s process is expected to be completed by the last year of the transitional period.

Parliament is not expected to make any major amendments on the already approved draft by the cabinet.

The SPLM on Friday said it has rejected consultative discussions with opposition parties over the interim constitution.

Five opposition political parties walked out of the two day consultative political parties leadership forum held in Juba, claiming the constitution was drafted to satisfy interest of the SPLM and gives more powers to the president without providing for power sharing with opposition parties.



  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Honorable MPs,

    Please make the necessary important amendments so that the transitional constitution looks pro-democracy and fair.

    Not putting powers in the hand of one man and not targetting his deputy and the rest of elected officials.

  • Samson

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    wroooooooooong Luk jok try to bring some thing better then what you have given. wrong wrooooooong……. blood of the people of southern shall upon you.

  • Dr. cholera
    Dr. cholera

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    400 parliament members? Even USA with 50 states doesn’t have that many parliamentary members. 400 members multiple by 12months multiple by U$20,000( each person per month) will total to 26 millions, this is just salaries for the 400 parliamentarian members. Now apart from the 10 states employees and the ghost names within each department, by the end of the year, the salaries alone will total into billions, leaving nothing for the development. Is this the leader we wanted? People are dying day and night because they lack proper healthcare system, no clean, poor transportation and the list goes on and on. Do we real need 400 members of parliament, what for? That’s why when we have a president who has a limited economical background will lead the country into destruction.

  • Dakin

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Aaah haa!
    400 MPs is absolutely rubbish. The question is do we have 400 constituencies? It seems that kiir is getting confused, his government should stop corruption and open the public sector for job creation and his puppet john luk and the like should seek technical advice in drafting an accomodating constitution to all southerners from people like Raila Odinga, kisabesinyje, alison watara, morgan tvangiray and john attamilz who could simply understand and remove all the shits on this draft that will take us back to level zero and create a mess up situation similar to that of whether to fight for south sudan or the whole sudan.

  • Angelo Ajiech Manyuat
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    There is nothing wrong with 400 MPs as long as they’re doing their job well.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution

    you are not normal.Why do you contradict yourself?.Indeed,there might be something that bother other you should not complain about 400mps and at the same time talking about job creation. The government is creating the job and that is why there are 400 mps that you are complaining.I understand that you failed to understand that the government is looking to create position to those have been working in the GONU after independent. Sorry for this kind of thinking,this kind of people are putting our people backward. Sorry

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Guys comment and don’t you forget that logically it is not good to have 400 MPs, given the fact that MPs are there to represents constituencies, but a kind of accommodating them.

    If that is not the case then, it will results into encroachement in the national budget which is suppose to be for the provision of social services such as schools and hospitals. Otherwise we will not like if things goes that way in the long run.

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    @BOL DENG!

    What are you calling JOB CREATION? You can’t creates Jobs when there is nothing to be done! I agree that the president is trying to accommodatee everyone, but in reality those ones who are there already are enough.

    Anyway it is okay for the mean time, but not necessarly job creation. Other it is accommodative policy of harmony.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Dear Bornyang,

    Guys, you must start reasoning beyond your nose.

    Who tell you that there is nothing to be done in the South Sudan? while we are creating new Nation from the scratch.

    You are demanding more to be done in the South Sudan and at the same time you do not want people to do the Job. Wow!

    This is simply a law of demand and supply bro. Thanks

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Dinka’s dictator

  • Dhaal M. Aterdit
    Dhaal M. Aterdit

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Dear readers,

    The council of ministers had polished and endorsed the transitional constitution. Just something ‘transitional’….. a process or period in which something undergoes a change and passes from one state, stage, form, or activity to another….. I hope whatever an occurrence in this new transitional constitution is subject to modification after 4 years. With good rationalism one can imagine how our Southern MPs serving in GONU would be after 9th July.

    I appreciate the makeup of this constitution because it help us stabilize the political situation for a while. If these elected MPs serving in GONU are send to the streets, it would definitely be a political stumbling block in attainability and practicability of the projected goals of world’s newest nation.

    Dhaal Mapuor.

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    @ Bol Deng!

    You are claiming to be knowing, but in real sense you don’t know what you are even advocating for. In centralized form of government we are having, do you know how much is the sitting allowance of one MP? And if you know how much do you think it would cost to this fragile economy we have and relying mostly on oil revenue? I love all Southerners to have equal oppotunities but on reasonable ground. If you think what others are saying is wrong because the president said so, then mind you that president is like any other Southerner if you belief that human being makes mistakes.

    He might do that knowing that these MPs are too many for the national parliament to accommodate in actual sense, but for the sake of harmony let us accommodate them for the time being.

    What I wanted to tell you brother Bol is that we should not be so much relying on the government for employment other we should creates jobs by ourselves. Otherwise, we will not prosper.

  • unityfirst1

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    I think that our president is need to be told for his mistakes,Kiir is towing the whole South Sudan into the wrong direction.does he really knows the differences between the civilians and the Army,i guess not otherwise he would have not dictate the right of the people.One party will likely break up the tribal issues and escalate the violence furiously within the south.There will be more rebels everywhere mark my word.

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    @ DHAAL!

    You are absolutely right brother Dhaal. That is what I think the government was doing. But there are those who don’t even reason when they are commenting, thinking that when you say that the government has done something wrong you are opposing the government.

    I,m wondering where on earth the gornment of the people and for the people shouldn’t be critizes when comes to what may affect the economy and the welfdare of its citizens. I can see you are of sound-minded, please advise those who always based their critism on tribal bases for the sake of learnig from one other. I,m so tired of some tribalists here who will never appreciate the diversity that God has created us. I don’t know whether they think God was wrong to have created people from their own tribes. Lets be EDUCATED NOT JUST LEARNED. We need to be OBJECTIVE when comes to criticizing others in some areas they have failed to performed well so that they can one day improve and do more better.

    I,m very impressed with your reasonable comment.

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Angelo, What job do you think that 400mps can do to the entire community/ government of South Sudan? That is the wasting of national money instead for government to use this money which is going to be receive by those mps as their salaries in other purposes like now we don’t have proper schools and health facilities accross the ten states of South Sudan. Yet people like you sit there to support such primative act while don’t know what will be the outcome if such a big number of people is deployed by the government. It seems many people in South Sudan do not know the role of the government to the community, because the way that they did their things is different from other community on the world. How could the government focus only in employment of the people and it doesn’t talk of bringing basic services to community to make sure that all communities are getting their legal right from their government?. If that how the whatsocalled government treat its people that suffered for quiet long time as result of out war conflict in the South Sudan then no one will be considering GOSS as good government when it term finished. We need a government that can take good care of its people as whole then to comfort only some individuals.

  • choldit

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    I know there are lot of things many South Sudanese don’t understand about this constitution. Myself I can understand why the party can decide who can fill the president site if it fill vicant within the fist year if the interm periode and why the interm period is that long (4yrs)?

    Does the above vicancy issue and length of the interm periode are prove that and intended to prevent someone from rescuing South Sudan from this disease of maladministration?

    As for John Luk Joak’s role in that Constitutional development, I have no doubt that my friend has defeated me in characterising John Luk. I thought John Luk Joak is not an opportunist to that level. I never thought he can sale out South Sudan to a tribal based leader at a daylight like that.

    Just for what reason? come on John you are already a vital minister. What do you thing Kirr and his other puppets will give you? You are responsible for the mess that is being made on Constitution because it is your role. tabling it before the Parliament is the last move the saling out of South Sudan to Kirr by you. You need to be yourself Luk but not a complete puppet to who should be yours! You don’t need to wipe out the credit you earn during the election period.

    You let people like me down by what you are doing NOW!

  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about your own need to be critical, If you reduced that number of 40 parliamentarian, soon after they became jobless, the soon they became nyagateen, and that is why you have seen all nuer in big number deffected because they all whant to be in a parliment either 100 or 1, still they love something that they didn’t even fought for it, there is a time caming that Kiir mayardit is now getting sick of deffection and he start tread them bad because he got used to that kind of nuer attitudes, He Kiir just tread evenone who is been knowing for gatism as a joke, good for you mr presidnt, just take any nyagat as a joke because they always go and came back bagging for positions,

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution

    400 Mps for what? GOSS should reduce this no for the time being,hence they should try to pressure the remaining members to do thier best to accomplish the work then later on they can appoint more members if the need raises.
    I understand that we need stabalize politically,but also there is alot to be done within the new country such as agriculture,education & other developmental plans.


  • Adam

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Dear Southerners,

    Please note that SPLM is going to pass the draft constitution in all cases. The parliament of the South is meant to approve only. All voices ,even with logical and legally sound observations, will not be allowed to voice their opinions. Politicians not represented in the house will also not be heard.

    Abyei guys in SPLM/A are dragging the South into troubles that we Southerners cannot bear.

    Passing the constitution in its present form published in the internet, will lead to:

    1. More wars in the South
    2. Further divide political arena. Some of them may start a war – not political this rime.
    3. Deepening tribal divisions, raids and cattle theft.
    4. Encouraging Equatorians to take action that guarantee their rights
    5. Oil producing States will claim the rights for this wealth – this is serious and too complicated
    6. North objection on the new State and this complicates many (many) things.
    7. Setting wars in Abyei and South Kurdofan
    8. North will stop all trades with the South (serious).
    9. Oil production and export will stop for sure.
    10. Civil unrest will be dominant all over the South
    11. Rebels will gain momentum.
    12. Tribal blood-shed will cover all the boarders between South and North.
    13. All Southerners will be either refugees, displaced or dead.
    14. UN, the West will watch the Neo African tragedy in the making. They cannot help it even if they wanted.

    Therefore, the South cannot be left to the corrupted sons of Abyei and to the stray boys of SPLM/A. Something has to be done fast to safe our hopes from the incompetent GOSS and its tyrant arm SPLM/A).

    It is time for people to join hands to stop all nonsense action and stupid steps by SPLM/A. I call upon the AU, the UN, and the West to stop the mess the GOSS is about to make.

    O peoples of the South UNITE and safe your dreams and children future.

    Long live Southern Sudan

    Down with SPLM/A

    Adam Milawaki – Mayendit
    Southern Sudan

  • amon

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Dear readers, let’s not jump into criticizing every step that our government take to bring changes to our country. It’s still too early for everything to be perfect, a child can’t grow into adult in few days, there are stage of development otherwise that child will develop abnormalities.

    Let’s try to exercise patience sometimes, changes take time, patience, hard work, unity and endurance.America didn’t become a supper power in one day so as the other supper powers. But for us, we want become like America and Europe in one day which completely impossible.

    I came to realize that most of our commentators here are just impatient or they don’t understand the steps that lead to development. As citizens of our country,let’s also try to respect the decision of our government sometimes, we voted for them.

  • Liberator

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    The following are the latest results. I would have like if brother Al hilu won, but the hard facts are the SPLM communist party have betrayed our Nubians brothers greatly.

    Haroon Sweeps Alhilu by 20,000 Votes
    Kadugli (smc) Sudan Vision Daily

    The higher committee of the elections in South-Kurdufan State has announced that the sorting out processes for the complementary elections in all 666 centers are 100% complete, the process involved positive contributions from the employees of the committee, representatives of the candidates and the political parties as well as a considerable number of observers. The process was run in a peaceful atmosphere without any mentionable complaints.
    Adam Abdein; Chairman of the committee, said that the preliminary results will be announced tomorrow, then, the committee will submit these results to the national committee for approval, in anticipation of its announcement on the 15th of the month.
    He also unveiled that the committee has started to receive the sealed envelops that contain the results from the head of each centre. He also urged all the representatives of the political parties to attend the unwrapping of envelops at 8 o’clock, Saturday morning.
    Abdein applauded the democratic attitude which prevailed during the elections, pointing out to the positive contribution of the citizens, regarding their responsible and patient turnout on the process, which was positively reflected upon the whole procedure.
    The preliminary results indicate that the NCP has achieved 20 seats in contrast to 8 seats for the SPLM, as the competition is between them on 3 seats in the legislative council of the state. Moreover, the NCP, through its candidate; Ahmed Haroon has swept his contestants off the governor’s post, Alhilu; of the SPLM and Talafon Kuku; the independent candidate.
    On the other hand, reliable sources have assured that all the indicators are in favor of the NCP candidate “Ahmed Haroon” for the post of the governor by 200,000 votes, versus 180,000 votes for SPLM candidate “Alhilu”.
    In the aspect, the NCP has won 22 geographical constituency in the legislative council, as for the details, Gadim Babikir; NCP candidate, has won “Kadugli” constituency. In addition, the NCP won all the eastern, western and northern constituncies, versus 10 for the SPLM, which have won all the sealed areas, including; “Kawda, Alburam, Umdoreign and Sheyban”, in addition SPLM candidate won “Aldalang” constituency.
    On the other hand, the independent candidate “Talafon Kuku” scored 613 votes in “Almujlad” versus 1730 for “Alhilu” and 21992 for “Haroon”. Moreover, in “Kajera” Kuku won 370 votes versus 355 for Alhilu. Meanwhile Haroon won 4906, in “Umbatah” Talafon won 58 votes versus 37 for Alhilu and 369 for Haroon, in “Alsirajeya”; the eastern territory, Haroon won 10500 votes versus 600 for Alhilu.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Billiu Puoch
    I am not going to waste my time talking to a fool like you who is nothing but ajakass, how would you know the history since your father and mothers where struggling to convance bashir how to get ride of Dinkas yet you are claming that you where fighting with us, while you where being used to stabbed us at the back, and how came that the chief of Gen staff became your icon since you called him Dinkas slave? but for your information Puoch, having few nuer in the SPLA/M during the war dose not qualify nuer to be tread as other people who has paid the big price for this freedom of today, I am getting sick of nuer having big position in the south whereas they where the ever people who stabbed us at the back, they even cause Us our victory during the war when we where going to capture Juba, shame on you,

    Now you talk about Arab giving food to Dinkas, i will tread this word as nothing but uncivilized making staff up, if we where after food. do you think this CPA would have not being like that one of KPA since they gruops who whan to kahrtoum where after food then nothings, we never serruendered to enemy for food like Riek machar, Arab never give us any food otherwish they would have poison us since we where their number one enemies, but because you don’t know what you are talking about, that is how you came up with stupid words like no Arab will give us food, what a doom son of born nyagat, we are not in nassir where arab give food to nassir gangster in reward of killing Dinkas,

  • Dakin

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    @Deng Bol,
    There always arise an unnecessary conflict in showing you the right direction. All your visions are self centered and doomed to failure in the long run. Look, maybe someone should volunteer and explain to your so called Dr. Kiir the meaning and the role of an MP in your dinka mother tongue. An MP is a representive of his people(or constituency) to the central government(or parliament) a fact that every dr. Can understand except your dr. Kiir unfortunately. Talking about job creation in relation to this particular case, then our dr. should have ordered for the creation of 400 geographical constituencies first which shall then elect the 400 honourables MPs to the house. Because of this useless dinka school of thoughts the man on the street still depend on WFP and hence you are staining our image globally. First your dinka communism had came up with the imaginery, uncelebrated, unrealistic, visionless, uncoventional idea of a united, free democratic sudan which we had to proof unworkable to your retarded brains at the cost of our own lives,and you are now shamelessly celebrating our noble idea by getting corrupted. This 400 is nothing but a gang of gogrial thugs disguised in the name of honourables to steal public fund. Everytime you take us aback. Now you handling the issue of your abyei muslims recklessly and cowardly. This ngok dinka arab collaborators, sons of the traitor sultan kuol majok must learn their lesson the had way otherwise they may as well convert into Bhuddism after coming back and unilaterally declare their land a territory of India and drag us to war with this nuclear power nation. They have already done enough damage to our history. Useless!

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Ya Truthteller, Ahmed Chol, unityfirst1 and the likes,

    We’re not a war with southern Sudan opposition parties. Period. They have the right to walk out because the constitutional review wasn’t meant to create a position of Prime Minister which opposition leaders are eying and longing for. They should be able to notice democratically and constitutionally the difference between nascent country and the already stable independent country. If it’s done in Zimbabwe and Kenya it doesn’t mean it should also be replicated here in the nascent country of South Sudan without considering its security situation, political stability and the “unfinished political business” with Khartoum which the other opposition party leaders are part and parcel of it.

    The issue here is that “does the current political and security situation of the nascent nation justify the claim of the opposition party leaders who walked out? No. They have the right to walk out and stay in the South or go back to Khartoum or Kenana. They never have any right to hold the passage of this transitional constitution hostage.
    Although CPA was signed in 2005, political war (including potential military one) with Khartoum remained unfinished.

    These southern opposition parties are mainly interested in power sharing or wealth sharing but not the unfinished “core political business” that SPLM is going through on daily basis with Khartoum.

    They have no idea how the heavy weight southern political party is struggling politically against Khartoum’s intransigence on daily, weekly and monthly basis to meet, agree and form commissions or committees over and over to get the key CPA protocols implemented peacefully on the ground. They have no idea how CPA is renegotiated over and over to some extent to agree again and again on what has been finally agreed upon in Kenya on January 9, 2005. So, can anyone imagine how South Sudan or the fate of CPA would be really if these opposition leaders were to be in SPLM/SPLA’s shoes since January 9, 2005?

    Opposition party leaders do not or reluctant to, for reasons best known to them, pay attention to the nasty daily political and military behavior of Khartoum who desperately want to abrogate this phenomenal achievement of our hard-won freedom, peace and independence of Southern Sudan at any rate. Besides the definition already provided in the Oxford or Webster dictionary, opposition parties need to redefine at this particular juncture the real meaning of political freedom, democracy and constitutional power or even wealth sharing that will obviously be in their next agenda.

    They need to realize that SPLM/SPLA cannot be weakened at the expense of constitutional power sharing as if SPLM is still in Naivasha in 2002. Southerners know who, and who should lead them to the “Promised Land” and beyond not anyone who imposes his hidden agenda on SPLM. As it’s clearly stated before that this is just a “transitional constitution,” given the daily political and aggressive military behavior of Khartoum and its proxy southern militia generals. These opposition leaders, besides track record, need to do their political homework carefully to be able to maximize performance in the next elections.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution

    If this constitution is passed in the way it is, for sure SPLM has proved to be disastrous to the south Sudanese. In other words south will not be in peace in itself. Pray to God to save south Sudan from hands of these self imposed leaders!!

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution

    Article 104(2) of The Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan, 2005, says, “Should the office of the elected President of the Government of Southern Sudan fall vacant, the post shall be assumed by the Vice President pending
    elections that shall be conducted within sixty days from the date of occurrence of the vacancy and in accordance with Article 99 of this Constitution.”

    So, if Salva Kiir resigns between now and July 9 as speculated, then the Vice President shall takeover pending elections within sixty (60) days.

    Remember that it is the current interim constitution that applies before July 9, when the so-called Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan shall be signed and come into force.

    That is just a clarification for those who think the Vice President can consult with the so-called SPLM political bureau.

    Read the interim constitution well please.

  • Ming Dhal
    Ming Dhal

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    @ Abikach Ayuel

    Congratulation brother it is so encouraging to see you directing the fool people in a very wise manner but they will never listen b/c they don’t understand realities i don’t know till now
    To assure some of the blind people who are blaming SPLM without proper reason, nothing will affect this movement, it would been greatly affected some years ago but now SPLM is full ready to depend any nonsense either from NCP or local parties within the South that didn’t fight during the struggle and now wanted to turn the core down
    Shame to food lovers
    SPLM Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Salva Kir Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Riek Machar but take care Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Igga Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Good south sudanese Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    and fuck to confused group

  • Yak Mayen
    Yak Mayen

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    This talk is childish and unprofessional, I hope the web controller blocks some individuals who like to instigate and provoke anger and hatre among individuals and communities. Also, everybody should use their real name to alleviate the tension of saying unnecessary and disparaging words on this website.

  • Ito

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Dear Fellow Citizens,

    Indeed, it is wonderful for us south sudanese to have come across such great news with regards to our transitional constitution which is meant to have been completed prior to the proclamation of independence. However, the decision taken by the ruling party is not accurate enough as such will lead to much agitations by those who felt neglected in the decision making processes as their ideas were not included in the constitutional document itself.

    I therefore, recommend that this situation should be re-evaluated by the president of south sudan together with the minister of legal affairs and speaker of parliament. An all southern sudan political parties and other civil society organizations should be included in the making of the would be constitution of south sudan. The idea behind this is that we do not want to hear someone complaining that he is been tossed away from participation in the legal and political affairs of this new born nation.

    May God bless all.

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Gat-witch (lie teller, hysteria boy etc) liberated, Choldit, Nyacebee etc..

    SPLM/A is the only legitimate tool that will: rid the oppression by the merchants (Arab North), and deliver sustainable peace and prosperity to the long marginalized peoples of Southern Sudan, Abyei included and even beyond. The cluster of demagogues who have stationed themselves in Juba as political parties should not be allowed to sabotage or strangle our hard-won freedom courtesy of the who else the SPLM/A.

    The self imposters (opposition parties’ leaders) are nothing but mere demagogues, and should only be allowed to enter the scene when the Job is completed. Most of them are puppets of Umar Bashier and his NIF which is now National Criminal Party, the marginalized should pay no attention to their demagoguery. Pretending that they are more pro-democratic than the SPLM is as silly of a lie as the ground nature of which they created themselves as opposition political parties.

    Those who deposit false allegations on the SPLM are part of these naïve weak hearts that have developed a culture of betrayal over the decades. That is, swishing to suitable side when the situation is tough and via versa. They have never had definable goal, their visions has always been their stomach. This is why they have become challenging obstacles currently in Juba; they are seeing Juba as a dinner table other than an establishment of a government (GoSS) that is fighting for a complete liberation of Southerners and the marginalized.

    If these bunches were true democratic minded they would be challenging the GoSS on the flat-form of issues like security, health and infrastructure and many other issues that Juba government have perhaps pay less attention to within the interval of the interim period. Surprising, for the self-purported leaders of the opposition political parties, their main goal is power, power, and power, without anything else surrounding it. They are so preoccupied with obtaining power even to the extent that they are using proxy militia that is killing innocent Southerners to pressure the GoSS on their behave in order to advance their agenda of acquiring power in these grotesquery sequences.

    SPLM and its military wing the SPLA are the ultimate tools for cracking these criminal merchants in Khartoum, who have killed and maimed the entire Sudan population over the decades in a very horrific clownish manner. GoSS should never accept to listen to any noise made by empty vessels that are getting cash from the Islamist in Khartoum. A real opposition party to the SPLM should be created in South Sudan by the South Sudanese after the declaration of independence of South Sudan this July. Period!

  • Liberator

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Abikach Ayuel

    There are total 535 members of United States congress in the both the House of the representatives and the Senate.

    Here is the break down

    U.S House: 435 plus 6 non-voting members
    U.S Senate: 100 members in which two members comes from each 50 states that make up the United States.

    Now, you can not compare the United States with South Sudan.

    United States has a population of more than three and thirty three million(333 million)

    In other hand South Sudan has only more than 8.9 million people a population equivalent to that of U.S state of Michigan.

    400 members in South Sudan parliament is just of way of drawing salaries from this poor nation which will bankrupt her in very short period of time.

    There should be cut back in half or more and that is it. any number higher than 150 0r 200 is just shows the lack of commonsense and sheer incompetency on part of this stooge named John Luk Jock along with his master( Salva KIIR). They are mortgaging the next generation future.

  • Pal Ruei
    Pal Ruei

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    transitional constitution has given President too much power, too much corruption, too much unfairness, and too much unkill work in offices and will spend the rest of his life in presidency. The grassroots will gain less quality, less right to say, less development, less trust in Govt and more.

  • syklops1

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve

  • syklops1

    South Sudan parliament convenes extraordinary sitting to discuss transitional constitution
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve

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