Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

USAID warns S. Sudan over misuse of agriculture funds

By Julius N. Uma

May 07, 2011 (JUBA) The U.S. government is set to invest heavily into South Sudan’s agricultural sector provided allocated funds are not misappropriated by officials within the southern regime, Rajiv Shah, the head of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) said Friday.

Rajiv Shah, USAID's administrator signs the communique to boost private sector growth in S. Sudan. May 6, 2011 (ST)
Rajiv Shah, USAID’s administrator signs the communique to boost private sector growth in S. Sudan. May 6, 2011 (ST)
Shah was speaking at an event where USAID and three other development partners jointly signed a communiqué, seeking to support agriculture through uplifting the private sector in the semi-autonomous region.

“President Barrack Obama is ready to invest millions in South Sudan to ensure that agriculture, which is the backbone of the economy, is improved. But we believe effort to transform agriculture must be competitive in nature. This should involve the use of modern technology, improved seeds and fertilizers for better yields,” the USAID administrator said.

He added, “However, it remains the mandate of the government of South Sudan to ensure that all funds directed towards improving agricultural productivity are not diverted for other purposes. We need accountability.”

The May 6 communiqué was also signed by Robert van Lanschot, the Netherlands first secretary in South Sudan, Jim Bromley, the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa’s (AGRA) chief operating officer and Amit H. Roy, International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) president. It was witnessed by Ann Itto, South Sudan’s Agriculture and Forestry minister.

Food security, through agriculture remains one of the government’s top priorities after the region voted to secede in a referendum in January. South Sudan will become fully independent in July. The government, the agriculture and forestry minister said, plans to increase each household’s productivity from the current 0.5 metric tons to about 1.2 metric tons.

The remarks by the USAID administrator comes barely a month after representatives from the joint donor team (JDT) countries issued similar warnings over alleged misuse of funds meant for development purposes by some government officials.

Speaking at a recent press briefing, Michael Elmquist, the JDT head said, “Our mandate as joint donors is to provide technical and financial support to the southern government. However, we strongly feel that development aid allocated for specific purposes should not be wasted in corruption related practices.”

His remarks came shortly after representatives from the joint donor countries concluded their annual meeting with members from Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom in the South Sudan capital, Juba.

In 2010, the corruption perception index of Transparency International ranked Sudan as the seventh most corrupt country in the world.

Since the Government of South Sudan was formed as part of a 2005 peace deal with Khartoum the administration has been blighted by accusations of corruption. The 2005 peace deal also granted the South the right to secede, which southern Sudanese voted for overwhelmingly in January 2011.

The region’s Anti-Corruption Commission has been given a special status beyond the other public service institutions but the chairperson has complained that the commission does not have the power to bring prosecutions.

South Sudan’s president, Salva Kiir has promised that the anti-graft commission would be granted the power to prosecute but it is yet to be brought into law. The power to prosecute continues to be in the hands of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development.

Since Southern Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission (SSAC) was established in 2006 no government official has ever been prosecuted for having been involved in corrupt practices,.



  • Liberator

    USAID warns S. Sudan over misuse of agriculture funds
    To my adapted country(U.S)

    Timely advice, provided that the Corrupted officials of SPLM communist party listens.

    Important Note: I’m a strong opponent of GM food( Genetically modified food). I do not want them in South Sudan.

  • Dr. cholera
    Dr. cholera

    USAID warns S. Sudan over misuse of agriculture funds
    The GOSS used those money to pay salaries for their ministers, most of the money donated for aid purpose does not benefit the poor people intended for.

  • Angelo Ajiech Manyuat
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    USAID warns S. Sudan over misuse of agriculture funds
    If the GOSS doesn’t address the problem of corruption seriously then all donors will stop supporting corrupted government and support other poorest countries in Africa instead. I mean, GOSS must find way to end corruption or else South Sudan will stay poor & remain undeveloped nation in Africa.

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    USAID warns S. Sudan over misuse of agriculture funds
    anything that runs by Dinka’s will never succeed USAID have waken up
    this is one tribe government

  • Land-of-Cush

    USAID warns S. Sudan over misuse of agriculture funds
    When your president corrupts his government will corrupt too. When your president looks blind all his government will looks blind too. If you want to cheat donors funds that meant you are the most corrupt government that never seen in this world. The power must come from president to his government but not only single person. The western world government have committed to help poor countries that suffer from poverty and lacking economic systems not only South Sudan. If you will misuses this chance you will never achieve anything at all otherwise all oil and other resources income tor up in your pockets.

  • Liberator

    USAID warns S. Sudan over misuse of agriculture funds
    The following are the latest results. I would have like if brother Al hilu won, but the hard facts are the SPLM communist party have betrayed our Nubians brothers greatly.

    Haroon Sweeps Alhilu by 20,000 Votes
    Kadugli (smc) Sudan Vision Daily

    The higher committee of the elections in South-Kurdufan State has announced that the sorting out processes for the complementary elections in all 666 centers are 100% complete, the process involved positive contributions from the employees of the committee, representatives of the candidates and the political parties as well as a considerable number of observers. The process was run in a peaceful atmosphere without any mentionable complaints.
    Adam Abdein; Chairman of the committee, said that the preliminary results will be announced tomorrow, then, the committee will submit these results to the national committee for approval, in anticipation of its announcement on the 15th of the month.
    He also unveiled that the committee has started to receive the sealed envelops that contain the results from the head of each centre. He also urged all the representatives of the political parties to attend the unwrapping of envelops at 8 o’clock, Saturday morning.
    Abdein applauded the democratic attitude which prevailed during the elections, pointing out to the positive contribution of the citizens, regarding their responsible and patient turnout on the process, which was positively reflected upon the whole procedure.
    The preliminary results indicate that the NCP has achieved 20 seats in contrast to 8 seats for the SPLM, as the competition is between them on 3 seats in the legislative council of the state. Moreover, the NCP, through its candidate; Ahmed Haroon has swept his contestants off the governor’s post, Alhilu; of the SPLM and Talafon Kuku; the independent candidate.
    On the other hand, reliable sources have assured that all the indicators are in favor of the NCP candidate “Ahmed Haroon” for the post of the governor by 200,000 votes, versus 180,000 votes for SPLM candidate “Alhilu”.
    In the aspect, the NCP has won 22 geographical constituency in the legislative council, as for the details, Gadim Babikir; NCP candidate, has won “Kadugli” constituency. In addition, the NCP won all the eastern, western and northern constituncies, versus 10 for the SPLM, which have won all the sealed areas, including; “Kawda, Alburam, Umdoreign and Sheyban”, in addition SPLM candidate won “Aldalang” constituency.
    On the other hand, the independent candidate “Talafon Kuku” scored 613 votes in “Almujlad” versus 1730 for “Alhilu” and 21992 for “Haroon”. Moreover, in “Kajera” Kuku won 370 votes versus 355 for Alhilu. Meanwhile Haroon won 4906, in “Umbatah” Talafon won 58 votes versus 37 for Alhilu and 369 for Haroon, in “Alsirajeya”; the eastern territory, Haroon won 10500 votes versus 600 for Alhilu.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    USAID warns S. Sudan over misuse of agriculture funds
    except the reality, they corrupt one are not Dinkas nor the Goss is runs by the Dinkas only, but since you are blind, you will never see the other part of the book,
    something that your mother and father cuold not able to recongnised in their life time,
    You can just bark like dog but you will still follow me in ever time, no matter what you said, all what you said will be tread more then nothing but a joke and fail crying,
    Goodluck with your crying,

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    USAID warns S. Sudan over misuse of agriculture funds
    Ya Liberator and the likes,

    This article which appeared on yesterday’s issue of Sudan Vision (SV) is just nonsense. SV is widely known here for its biased reporting; it’s a pro-NCP and will always remain so. It’s one of the propaganda tools designed by The National Criminal Party to give impression that the wanted criminal, Ahmed Harum is leading by 20,000 votes. The article does not reflect what is exactly happening on the ground.

    AbdalAziz Adam Al-Hilu is leading by 14,000 votes. The other six polling centers are not yet accounted for. Other Messeriya who want to promote the culture of committing genocide and massive displacements across South Kordufan have voted for Ahmed Harun.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Dr. cholera
    Dr. cholera

    USAID warns S. Sudan over misuse of agriculture funds
    dear so called Dinka Dominated SPLA,

    Who has the keys to the south sudan bank, is it equatorians, nuer, or dinka? please, answer it by yourself.

  • mawic

    USAID warns S. Sudan over misuse of agriculture funds
    Dinka hold S.South bank’s keys from trustee upto Gate-keeper.

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