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Sudan Tribune

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Dispute over vote-counting delays results of South Kordofan polls

May 10, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Vote-counting in gubernatorial and legislative elections of Sudan’s central state of South Kordofan has been marred by disputes, leading to postponement of polls results amid heightened tension in the oil-producing region.

Polling staff and local observers seal ballot boxes on the last day of voting in Sudan's South Kordofan state on 4 May 2011 (Photo: Reuters)
Polling staff and local observers seal ballot boxes on the last day of voting in Sudan’s South Kordofan state on 4 May 2011 (Photo: Reuters)
A delegation of the Khartoum-based National Elections Commission (NEC), which oversees the exercise, arrived in the state after vote-counting was put on hold all day on Sunday following the refusal of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) to increase the number of vote-counting committees.

NEC’s deputy chairman, Abduallh Ahmad Abdullah, who led the commission’s delegation to the town of Kadugli, announced that the crisis had been defused after all sides agreed to form three committees to review vote-counting.

Abudallh told reporters on Monday that NEC had realised that one committee would not be able to finish the tabulation of votes at the required speed, hence was the agreement to add two more committee to accelerate the process. He added that he expects the work to be finished within three or four days and afterwards the results would be announced.

A source privy to the situation told Sudan Tribune that the three committees would go through each result form from each of the polling stations, adding that each of the three committees has a party agent in it.

“These committees,” the source said, “have the power to make any corrections to the forms if they are filled out wrong. Then they go to the data center where they are added onto the central software and tabulated.”

The competition for the office of state governor between south Sudan ruling SPLM’s candidate, Abudl Aziz Adam al-Hilu, and the north Sudan ruling National Congress Party’s incumbent governor, Ahmad Harun, is at the heart of tension surrounding South Kordofan elections.

Even though the South will become an independent state officially in July, the SPLM says it will retain a presence in the North through its Northern sector.

Southern Kordofan, the site of oilfields and important civil war battlegrounds on the undefined north-south border, is key to Khartoum because it neighbours Darfur and the disputed oil-producing border region of Abyei border, another possible flashpoint between both sides in the build-up to the South’s secession.

The vote in South Kordofan, which was delayed from a year ago over a census disagreement, was largely peaceful but analysts fear an outbreak of violence when results are announced.

Both parties preempted the announcement of the results, each claiming that its candidate has won.

Meanwhile, the NCP has warned the SPLM against playing bad losers after the announcement of the results.

The NCP’s vice-president Nafi Ali Nafi told reporters in Khartoum on Sunday that his party would not allow the SPLM to use its objections to vote counting as a pretext to instigating chaos and insecurity after the announcement of the results.

Nafi further reiterated his party’s offer to divide power with the SPLM and other political parties at the executive level in order to “maintain the unity of the domestic front.”



  • zol aweer
    zol aweer

    Dispute over vote-counting delays results of South Kordofan polls
    The arrival of National Election Commission (NEC) will not alter the result of the vote, therefore the present of those thug delegation of Khartoum in the state is not paramount to Nuba people, what is so importance is to handover the state to the indigenous people. NCP MUST leave Nuba Mountains state alone.
    They didn’t believed that, Al-hilu won the post of governorship and that is way they came to try their best luck of rigging shame on them.
    If you need war announce Haroun as a winner and that is the end of Bashir’s regime.

  • amon

    Dispute over vote-counting delays results of South Kordofan polls
    @zol awee

    I’m very happy with your comments. Those criminals (NCP)should not be allowed to govern the people of South Kordofan Sate by force, let the people of South Kordofan choose their leader and choose their destiny.

    With you South Kordofan
    Long live people of South Kordofan
    Long live Nuba Mountains
    Long Abdel Aziz
    Long live SPLM

    Christian United for Israel.

  • onlysonmabi

    Dispute over vote-counting delays results of South Kordofan polls
    Dear readers all of you are true but my message gose to people of Southern Kordofan, you people of Southern Kordofan if you want to be utilized by Arabs let NCP make cheting with the result.and you will face it.

  • Jalaby

    Dispute over vote-counting delays results of South Kordofan polls

    That’s good news that north starts to practise democracy, unlike the south which SPLM use to fake the election and eliminates their opponents and only alows one voice and that excatly led to chaos and rebels in the south.

    So SPLM decided not to leave the north alone but make it clear they will intervene in the north affairs through their agency in the north what so called SPLM north Sector, well we will intervene in the south issue as well and we will provide full support to all rebels in the south by every means and make it up side down and a piece of hell.

    Nafie Ali Nafie concession for SPLM to share the power with them in S. Kordofan indicates clearly that NCP has guaranteed the win and SPLM had the loser horse.

    No matter what happened this is great step for democracy process in the north.

    Jalaby (Abo Emma)

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Dispute over vote-counting delays results of South Kordofan polls
    Dear Nubians,
    This is your chance if you miss it you will not regain since you aware of NCP dictatorship sort of leadership.
    Which contituency does Arun (ICC wanted man) belong in Nubians land. If he wants leadership why not Darfur the place he belong. Let him not commit more war crime with his Bashir.
    I am sorry if he cheats you or use NCP powers to disorganize you. Keep the spirit of one vision and mission and you will achieve your goal. God will guard you from those notorous Arabs. God bless Aziz the son of Nuba soil.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Dispute over vote-counting delays results of South Kordofan polls
    “Democracy” in the north? Don’t make me laugh you imbecile, you lack understanding of the word let alone the attempt of implementing such an ideology.

    The north’s ruling class is in deep shit and those of us who understand power & politics know it only too well. The NCP is nearing its end, their religious fanatics along with the iron grip on power by the wana-be-Arab-by-force ruling elite made the option of a democratic Sudan a facade.

    If the current trend of forcing the Sudanese majority (whom are not Arab) into this fake Arab identity does not stop, it will surely lead into more chaos. The current elections of S. Kurdofan are a prefect example, the NCP gives the state NEC branch an order to announce Haroun as the winner while Al-Hilu is way ahead of him by miles, even forcing one of their officials to seek refuge in the UN compound as threats were leveled against him. Now, they are trying different options of maintaining power as the ballot boxes are clearly not favoring them. They knew exactly how many registered voters there were and over 80% of them have voted and yet there’s a need for additional counting review committees? irony of the poor NCP, will do everything and anything to stay in power.

    Am confident some shimaleen bigoted commentators on this site will disagree and would rather paint a rosy picture of North Sudan but what else can one expect from an indoctrinated mind!

  • cholabdi

    Dispute over vote-counting delays results of South Kordofan polls
    How can a criminal indicted by the ICC became the leader of the country leave alone the leader of the state because there come a day that he will claim to be a president, please if you know one time you will become a president of the country, don’t try to be setup to kill your own people, in the last time you will regret why you kill your own people, theyare now good people because they are playing cat and mice game between you and your people to kill your own people, please if you are talking of democracy, it is not democracy, it is granddad of democracy, let me tell you what the SPLA doing right now, is that after the independent than they will try to arm all rebels group from Eastern Sudan, Blue Nile, Darfurian rebels and Nuba Mountain, i hope this will be a big problem to the NCP regime, all those who fought for 21 years are more democratic than those in Khartoum since the time God created the heaven and earth, there was no democracy in their heart, take a look for what happen in the Arab countries, how will you talk of democracy while you holding powers for more than 40 years as a president of the country

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    Dispute over vote-counting delays results of South Kordofan polls
    dear, brothers we are together with U and will be always one your, issue is our issue and will be good neighbors for ever until our time come to be one but first step is important to have our own home and see from there who is lacking home amongst all of U one by one. God is great remember our words in the first cause, God will deliver U through Us in his power and name Amen!

  • Madina Kebir
    Madina Kebir

    Dispute over vote-counting delays results of South Kordofan polls
    The end of Omar al Bashir and his NCP is coming very soon.

    Dear Nubian people, you guys know very well the whole story and Sudan’s history from the beginning when Ibrahim Abbud from Nubia was overthow by Serr al Khatim Khalifah in 1964. After when they took power then, they change everything putting all none Arab to second class and third citizen in the Sudan. If we allow to fear on what they will do to us then, our next generation could even find themselves in 5 class citizens but you guys can see how long the Southern Sudanese people have tried since when they began dispute with North Sudan domination Arab on 3/29/1965 up to the finally 2005. We need to tell Arab domination face to face that, leave us alone and we can decide for ourselves what to do and not you.

    You have all rights to reject those Nubian that, works with Khartoum government just to keep you uneducated people and your region to stay underdevelopment while,in North Sudan, they have more development in particular the real North Sudan part not in Central Sudan region which is including South Kordofan State. The Southern Sudanese Civilians did not supports their own people which were working under Omar al Bashir, because they understood better the game those Khartoum government were playing and they vote in favor independent which is a good Idea. For example, when the SPLM Candidate Yasir Arman competiting with Omar al Bashir, Omar he did failed in Southern Sudan to get even 15% vote on Aprl election, but Yasir Arman got 90% votes in Southern Sudan although Yasir was been asked to withdraw from the election due to his life was in danger by the security of Khartoum government still the SPLM is the only system can change the ruler government in Sudan.

    The people of Blue Nile State have made a very good choice to elected Malik Aggar, the SPLM candidate to lead them and not NCP who their game was to divided none Arab so that, they will lead Black people in Sudan for ever, but the good news is that, Southern Sudanese people have open the door for all others Sudanese to make their minds and if anyone fail it to claim their rights in this short period then, it would mean that, your situation would never change but to face all kind of diffculties. The Nubian people also have the choices to choose any side between North Sudan government and Southern Sudan government and Khartoum government have no right to force people to go to North Sudan part because it will come to International level.

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