Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

NATO intercepts military cargo ship bound for Eritrea – UN

May 11, 2011(ADDIS ABABA) – NATO Naval forces have reportedly captured a heavy weapon carrying cargo ship destined to Eritrea in the international waters of the Indian Ocean.

NATO forces in the Indian Ocean (NATO)
NATO forces in the Indian Ocean (NATO)
NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is a military alliance between the US and various European countries. It is currently engaged in the bombing of Libya.

A UN monitoring group report this week revealed that the cargo originally shipped from North Korea was carrying 15 tonnes of rockets, surface to air missiles and explosives worth $US15 million.

In December 2009, the UN Security Council imposed sanctions against Eritrea, which include an arms embargo, travel restrictions and a freeze on the assets of its political and military leaders for an alleged involvement in training and supplying weapons to Al-Qaida and links Somali Islamic rebels.

After the UN Security Council passed the resolution against the red sea nation, the Southern Red Sea and the Indian Ocean have increasingly been monitored by multi-national naval forces mainly from the US, France and Germany, to maintain security and international law in the waters.

The Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group have been accusing the Government of Eritrea being a regional destabilising factor by  its continued political, financial and allegedly military assistance to armed opposition groups in Somalia.

There are allegations that Eritrea has been importing arms from Eastern Europe and Asia.

Ethiopia has recently threatened to attack Eritrea to stop an alleged continued terrorist acts and the armies of both sides have remained on high alert then after.
Eritrea became independent from Ethiopia, making its larger neighbour landlocked, in 1993 following 30 years of struggle however the two neighbours fought a 1998-2000 war over their disputed border that killed over 70,000 people.




    NATO intercepts military cargo ship bound for Eritrea – UN
    15 tonnes of rockets, surface to air missiles and explosives worth $US15 million. Are you crazy man!!! you should feed wheat your people wheat, maize or millet not gun powder. I am sure the masses in Asmara need food today more than tomorrow. Please take this guy to Psychic Hospital anywhere or Zimbabwee.

  • Almek

    NATO intercepts military cargo ship bound for Eritrea – UN
    What a crazy and confussed Afeworiki?!

    The $15m heavy weapon were ment to destabilize East Africa. They were meant either to equip Alshabab or opposition gangs fighting Ethiopia.

    It would have been great if $15m be used to feed hungry Eritreans. Each Eritrean would have got $3 (Nakfa 100).

    Shame on you Afeworiki! He is still using his rusted jungle mind of the 90s.

  • Garang

    NATO intercepts military cargo ship bound for Eritrea – UN
    Let Southern Sudan Government be vigilant and watch out that some weapons do not sneak into the hands of armed groups in the South from Eritrea. This is a cry of an owl in the wilderness.

  • richard

    NATO intercepts military cargo ship bound for Eritrea – UN
    Ohhh come on … get a life

    This news was first invented by the self proclaimed, TPLF financed Eritrean opposition website called Awate, some 12 days ago. When it was challenged to produce the source (as it is the only website reporting and no one was following it for around 12 days) for the news, a certain Ethiopian from African Review copied that same news from Awate and posted it with out referencing any source again just to help Awate as the story has some truth.

    People were predicting right then that this same news will be copied by the anti-Eritrea , pro Ethiopia news portal called Sudan Tribune by a certain Ethiopian called Tesfa-Alem wedi Tigray from Mekele.

    So here it happens that Sudan Tribune copied the entire content from Awate with out mentionioning name of Tesfa-Alem wedi Tigray, and in fact to avoid been asked the source he put the name “UN” as the source in the title. But to this date, nothing has been reported from the UN or the monitoring group.

    It is part of the dis information campaign against Eritrea and as all the lies manufactured before, the truth will come out soon.

    Why is Sudan Tribune always been chosen by anti Eritrea quarters to disseminate anti Eritrea news???

    It has long been lost its credibility and non partiality. Who knows, Sudan Tribune, just like Awate, might be on TPLF’s payroll for its survival.

    If Eritrea buys weapons to defend itself from a certain sick and puppet junta called Meles Zenawi, what is gotten wrong to call for the outcry by some of Amharus and Agames????

    Eritrea spend its hard earned money to buy whatever it wants not aid money as we do not accept aid! We are proud of that!

    Eritrea is not like Ethiopia. We do not brag to build a mega dam ($4.78B) to generate electricity than for irrigation. As if the Ethiopian people needs electricity to re-charge itself like a mobile battery when he feels hungry.

    In fact, they have lost most of their marbles long time ago.

    Eritrea and its leaders will survive and the dogs from south will continue to bark.

    Just get life and Sudan Tribune, get the story straight and be fair and impartial before you are taken to the dust bins of history as an anti-Eritrea news portal.

    Long Live Eritrea and Down with her enemies, real or HTML.

  • richard

    NATO intercepts military cargo ship bound for Eritrea – UN

    South Sudan doesn’t need any external enemy as it is in a-self-destruction-mode by itself.

    Look at your country … do you know how many people have been killed in the past two weeks alone? They are more than 300. You are an enemy of yourself and for that you do not need any external enemy or weapon.

    You are completely brain washed and possibly Jealous from the existing very excellent relation between Eritrea and Sudan at large. For your information, Eritrea has also an excellent relation with South Sudan too and will go further after the independence.

    However, if South Sudan doesn’t behave well and wants to add salt on injuries between Eritrea and Ethiopia rest assured that South Sudan will pay dearly.

    So be smart and always alert for Ethiopia as it always wants to put discords between Eritrea and South Sudan. Eritrea was and is the trusted partner for South Sudanese. With out Eritrea’s help, your July 9, 2011 independence day might not happen at all. You can deny that but ask your leaders and they will tell all correct.

    True that we do not share borders so that trade and other links might not develop well just like what we have achieved with Khartoum. But that doesn’t put you in to Jealousy and anti Eritrea. Be smart man … it seems you are educated … or ???

    Therefore, Garanag and the likes, do not provoke and insult the Government of Eritrea following news that are entirely unfounded and news that works to create animosity among us. Its up to you to be played by Ethiopia or not.

    As we are respecting our neighbors just like our brothers, we are also a big and painful thorn in the ass for our enemies.

    The choice is yours!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • richard

    NATO intercepts military cargo ship bound for Eritrea – UN
    President Isaias Afewerki is crazy and insane person for his enemies but a blessed one for his people. If you see him with the prism of an Ethiopian and western eyes, he is a devil but if you see him with an Eritrean and pan Africanist eye, he is an angel.

    So if you all the agames are crying here on Sudan Tribune, I can understand your agony because he is that same person who kicked Hailesllasies, Megistu’s and Meles Chenawi’s ass time and again.

    He is the one who frustrated you from achieving your dreams of the super power of the horn of Africa militarily (of course, economically how dare you can think if you are the second most destitute nation next to Guinea).

    With his sharp and genuine leadership he made it possible the following for the people of Sudan and Eritrea and many more to come:


    We love him so dearly and we will die for him if necessary.

    Miskin Ethiopians. Instead of saying Akaki Zeraf for the two melenia, why don’t you feed yourself and become a beacon of Africa? Ethiopia is the shame of Africa. They announce a mega dam project and bragged it will be self financed, while by that same mouth making lots of noise and dust, they beg the world to feed and send emergency food for 4 million people of their population.

    Is this a leadership we need to brag about? Look at your inflation that skyroketted and reached 30%?

    Ethiopians are the least people to talk about development and friendship?

    A cow that spends a day with a donkey learnt how to frat!!!

    South Sudanese ….

    if you want to learn on how to be a master of Begarship, dishonesty, back stabbing, dependency, tribalism, and HIV/AIDS, you can learn it non other than from Ethiopia. But if you want to learn how to develop a nation from scratch, how to be self suficient, how to manage resources, how to keep your people united under one flag and how to defend yourself with out any other external help, then you come to Eritrea.

    Again the choice is yours …..

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    NATO intercepts military cargo ship bound for Eritrea – UN
    Global neo-colonialism, who the hell is NATO to police international waters? Eritrea is entitled to arm itself as long as NATO members are also allowed.

    You people who are quick to judge without analysis are ill informed, we live in an increasingly globalized planet, but with some people making all the decisions while others suffer the consequences, its far from a fair globalized world system.

    The security council of the UN is a monopoly of power and its decisions are based on the self interest of those powerful nations, hence they are quick to unleash destruction on Libya but did nothing for the people of Ivory Coast, leaving France to attempt at appearing fair on behalf of the unjust West.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    NATO intercepts military cargo ship bound for Eritrea – UN

    You comment with passion and loyalty to your country but please refrain from being dragged down and making unnecessary threats.

    I think your problem is far bigger than Ethiopia, the fact that you don’t accept aid is commendable, at the same time dangerous because the international aid agencies are the tools of imperialists which rely on your dependence and not independence, get it?

    We all hope that South Sudan follows the footsteps of Eritrea in regards to Internal security, Food security and political stability, although your leader needs to give others the chance to carry on the good work he has started.

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