Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan and Eritrea agreed to remove entry visa requirements for citizens

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
May 12, 2011(ADDIS ABABA) – Sudan and Eritrea have agreed to abolish entry visas, opening their common borders for free movement of peoples and goods both ways, according to the state news agency ERINA.


President of Eritrea Isaias Afwerki (Guardian)
President of Eritrea Isaias Afwerki (Guardian)
Accordingly, the peoples of the two neighbouring countries will be able to pass to cross the common borders freely with ID cards, making entry visas no longer necessary for citizens of both countries.

The two countries have also agreed to facilitate goods and commodities traffic, without restrictions, organise inter-trade and remove all border crossing points that hinder the movement of citizens of the two countries.

The move comes after the Sudanese government delegation led by interior Minister, Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid held talks with President Isaias Afwerki on Tuesday in the Eritrean capital, Asmara.

Both parties conferred on ways of enhancing bilateral relations and evaluated the implementation of past agreements reached during the visit of President Omar Hassen Al-Bashir to Eritrea earlier this year.

Afwerki noted the stability of North Sudan and South Sudan means the stability of the entire region.

Hamid told journalists that the visit is aimed at further enhancing the existing relations of cooperation between the two countries and conveying the greetings of the Bashir to Afwerki.

The Eritrean regieme has been internationally condemned for human rights abuses. The UN Refugee Agency estimates that 3,000 Eritrean refugees enter Sudan and Ethiopia every month.



  • James Peter
    James Peter

    Sudan and Eritrea agreed to remove entry visa requirements for citizens
    Sudanese government want to muggling unauthorized weapons to Sudan from Eritera, not free movement in border. but Eriteran will be sorry for making too much relationship with Sudan Nation Criminal Party(SNCP). They will destory Eritera as they did in Sudan. They are devils in Africa.

  • James Peter
    James Peter

    Sudan and Eritrea agreed to remove entry visa requirements for citizens
    What the hell asis Afforiki doing with this devil Bashier.

  • talentboy2

    Sudan and Eritrea agreed to remove entry visa requirements for citizens
    terrorist nations agree to fight Ethiopian, south Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda.
    trust me if they attempt to attack or blow in this countries, the will be wipe of east African map.
    Eritrea use to christian nation and that why we help the to independence from Ethiopia and they jehad nation. i am so sorry to our innocent Eritrea who will suffer from this regime.

  • richard

    Sudan and Eritrea agreed to remove entry visa requirements for citizens
    @ James Peter,

    Listen Man…. just to make the whole article short for you…. I don’t think you understand the whole news very well … in fact the way you write tells your level of reading …. sorry for that but that what it tells.

    The news is not talking about Free Visas and trade between Isaias and Bashir …. it is saying free movement and trade between PEOPLE of Sudan and Eritrea.

    As long as it serves well for the people of the two nation, we don’t mind to deal even with the devil himself. Put aside your jealousy and strive to create a better relation with Bashir’s Sudan.

    You liked it or not, he is your immediate neighbor and nearly 60% of your business and more importantly your only source of income (oil transit) depends on his good will. You have no option right now … and until opportunities permits and got the potential, you stick dealing with North by any cost. That’s my brotherly advice…

    Pride is the beginning of FALL.

  • richard

    Sudan and Eritrea agreed to remove entry visa requirements for citizens

    I doubt your talent in typesetting let alone understanding the region.

    – I can see you are an Ethiopian (AGAME or ADGI for that matter) and any good news of Eritrea infuriate you to death. Chill out. It’s all about strategic neighborliness and it is PEOPLE based. It’s has never been about Isaias and Bashir. It’s about Eritrea and Sudan at large.

    – Bad enough, Ethiopia was using Eritrean ports of Assab and Massawa with out any TAX just like the one announced between Sudan and Eritrea. However, the minority junta only understands usefulness when he no longer have it. They are vomiting nearly $750 Million a year to Djibouti. They call for it …. not our problem.

    – After 9th July 2011 independence, South Sudan will strength its relation with Eritrea to the highest level. Good enough they have identified Eritrea’s potential in Internal Security, Stability, Self Sufficiency, Military strategy, Resource allocation and Management, Independent thinking, and most importantly UNITY. We helped them to achieve their independence and we are going to help them in all domains after independence.

    Check this out: ERITREA AND SOUTH SUDAN TO STRENGTHEN EXISTING RELATIONS FURTHER http://tesfanews.net/archives/2005

    So Mr. Talent Boy, just don’t waste your valuable time wishing the unthinkable. Eritrea as well as Sudan at large are peaceful people and if someone tries to take a free ride on them at the expense of their people, then he shall be dealt with appropriately.

    People are well aware these days that the minority junta in Ethiopia is trying to foment hate and mistrust among the people of South Sudan and Eritrea.

    The last time we heard, your prime minister acted as the speaker for the government of South Sudan by himself and try to plant his evil seed of mistrust by accusing Eritrea of creating problem to South Sudan. South Sudanese were shocked when a foreign leader works as a self proclaimed speaker for their government with out the knowledge and awareness of South Sudanese.

    It was his way of insulting the leadership of South Sudan. South Sudanese can talk for themselves and so far they are good at it.

    -Why he want to use the name of South Sudanese to his advantage for a problem that doesn’t exist at all.

    -Who gave him the morale authority to speak on behalf of them?

    -Why don’t he stay out of their affairs?

    -Why is he want to use South Sudanese for his problem with Eritrea?

    His agenda was clear. Before Southerners get their independence, he, by default, wants to show them that he is the statesman around and he can talk whatever he wants on behalf of a free nation. No Way Midget!!!!!!!!!!

    He is damn wrong and I believe, the May 6th Trip of South Sudanese delegation to Asmara cleared all this out. Now South Sudan authorities unequivocally put that minority leader in his place and re-assured the people of Eritrea and Southerners that there is no problem exist between them and even if it exist, they do not need the service of a Baby Killer, Khat-Addicted minority leader called Meles.

    In fact they are going to enhance their relation to the highest level immediately after independence.

    Check this out …


    So Mr. Agame/Adgi of Ethiopia …. just leave the people of South Sudan and Eritrea alone. They know their limits and they know what they are doing.

    What they don’t want is “external Interference” in their internal affairs.

    Correct me if I am wrong !!!!!!

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