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Sudan Tribune

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WFP resumes food distribution in Lakes and Jonglei states

May 14, 2011 (JUBA) – The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has, after nearly a month of suspending its operations, officially resumed distribution of food rations to the population in Lakes and Jonglei states of South Sudan.

WFP staff (WFP)
WFP staff (WFP)
The organisation’s decision to halt normal operations in the two states followed an incident in which Santino Pigga Alex Wani, WFP’s senior programme assistant was killed by unknown assailants. The incident occurred in Duk county, located about 180km north of Jonglei state capital, Bor on 27 April 2011.

In Lakes state, the aid agency’s operations were suspended when a truck was reportedly seized by members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA). The same truck was later found empty and abandoned in a neighbouring state.

In a statement issued on Friday, WFP said it will renew food distribution in both states after it reportedly received assurances from local authorities of protection from any form of insecurity. An estimated 240,000 people will, as a result, receive food rations, courtesy of WFP.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from Sudan’s capital Khartoum, Amor Almagro, WFP’s public information officer said the organisation resumed its normal operations after a safety assurance was given by the joint security assessment team of the UN, working in collaboration with state authorities.

“It is true we resumed our normal operations of distributing food rations to the population in Lakes and Jonglei states. But this was after our joint assessment team had informed us that the security situation was back to normal,” Almagro said.

Leo Van der Velden, the head of WFP’s Southern Sudan office, lauded officials from Southern Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) and the Lakes state governor for their efforts towards addressing insecurity in the regions.

The aid agency, he said, is “very pleased with the positive response we received from the Southern Sudan Rehabilitation Commission and State Governor [of Lakes], who assured us that no commandeering will be allowed to take place in his state.”

WFP, the world’s leading humanitarian agency is reportedly providing food assistance to 1.5 million people in southern Sudan, assisting returnees to the south, and helping communities to recover from decades of instability and conflict.



  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    WFP resumes food distribution in Lakes and Jonglei states
    Hi WFP!

    You’re welcome back to Lakes and Jonglei States.

    I think you’ll run back again because there is no sure stability as rebels are still operating in South Sudan.

  • Dr.Lologo

    WFP resumes food distribution in Lakes and Jonglei states
    Dear readers and Sudanese nationalist

    Southern Sudanese, Nubians and Darfurians,

    My brothers and sisters, Southern Sudanese, Nubians and Darfurians, please from today you can just read the news in Sudan tribune but do not comments, because they using the comments to analyst their interests.

    My brothers and sisters, Southern Sudanese, Nubians and Darfurians, Sudan Tribune is intelligent for FRENCH government

    Sudan tribune is control by French intelligent services (DRM & DGSE), please and please read the news but do not comments.

    If you really nationalist for shake of you country please do not comments, you even learned from the way they deleting some other people comments because of the truth you guys are telling but they don’t want the truths out.

    DR. Francis Lologo

    Moscow – Russia

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