Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

ICC indictee Haroun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection

May 15, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – North Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party’s (NCP) candidate, Ahmad Haroun, has been officially declared winner of gubernatorial elections in the country’s central state of South Kordofan, as the main opposition Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) asserted its non-recognition of the result.

South Kordofan's governor, Ahmed Haroun, speaks to the press after casting his vote during the election for governor and regional assembly for the Sudanese oil-producing northern state in Kadugli on May 2, 2011 (Getty Images)
South Kordofan’s governor, Ahmed Haroun, speaks to the press after casting his vote during the election for governor and regional assembly for the Sudanese oil-producing northern state in Kadugli on May 2, 2011 (Getty Images)
The largely peaceful conduct of legislative and gubernatorial elections in South Kordofan, which lies at the center of Sudan’s north-south axis, was subsequently dented by disagreements during vote-counting, leading to the withdrawal on Friday of the SPLM, which claimed that the vote was rigged in favour of the NCP and its candidate.

In a press conference in Khartoum on Sunday, the National Elections Commission (NEC) announced that Haroun, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on charges of war crimes allegedly committed in the country’s westernmost region of Darfur, defeated his closest challenger and SPLM’s candidate Abdul Aziz Al-Hilu by 6,500 votes.

The NEC, which administered the vote, also announced that the NCP had won 33 seats in the state’s legislative assembly whereas the SPLM won 21 seats.

According to the commission, the NCP won elections in 22 geographic constituencies whereas the SPLM won in 10 constituencies. NEC further said that the two rivals had evenly split women seats as well as eight seats determined by proportional representation.

Abdullah Ahmad Abdullah, NEC’s deputy chairman, said that the result was fair, expressing confidence that local and international observers would attest to the integrity of the process.

Meanwhile, the United Nation Mission in Sudan (UNMIS), which was established in 2005 to monitor the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between North and South Sudan, welcomed the completion of South Kordofan elections in a press release seen by Sudan Tribune.

UNMIS said that the vote was conducted in a peaceful manner and monitored by a large number of observers.

But the mission fell short of endorsing the result, saying that it did not observe the elections but had provided logistical and technical support. UNMIS went on to urge all parties “to continue to maintain peace following the announcement of the results today,” adding that complaints regarding the election process should be addressed through legal means or dialogue.

Ahmad Haroun convened a press conference following the announcement of the result at the NCP’s office in South kordofan’s town of Kadugli. Haroun said he was keen on the inclusion of all political parties in the government he intends to form.

“We hold out our hands in good faith to the SPLM to participate in the next government,” Haroun said.

But the SPLM quickly dismissed the offer, vowing to resist the “rigged” result. Qamar Dalman, the SPLM’s media secretary, said that the SPLM remain committed to its position on rejecting the outcome. He further said that the announcement of the “rigged” result had offended all ethnic groups in South Kordofan, adding that the people of South Kordofan would resist this outcome through peaceful means.

Dalman accused the NCP of playing on ethnic fault lines, calling on the Nuba individuals within the NCP to reconsider their positions because part of the struggle is moving on ethnic lines.

The heavily-militarised region of South Kordofan struggles the divide between Arab tribes and Nuba population. South Kordofan saw fierce battles during the protracted years of civil wars between north and south Sudan, which ended with the signing of the CPA in 2005.

The state is crucial to the NCP because of its oilfields and proximity to south Sudan, which voted in a referendum held in January to secede from the north and form an independent state whose official birth is 9 July this year.

South Kordofan is meant to hold a plebiscite dubbed “popular consultations” to decide whether the implementation of the CPA has lived up to the aspiration of the state’s citizens. That vote should take place before the CPA expires in July 2011.



  • Liberator

    ICC indictee Harun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection
    TO: SPLM(communist oppurtunists)

    if you hadn’t work to rigged the April elections last year here in the South Sudan, we all would be condemning the NCP rigging. but no, no one will be marching and shouting with you!

    Because you have rigged the last year elections and intimidate average voters and denied them the opportunity to choose their desired candidates.

    Now, you greed and misdeeds had to be paid heavily by the courageous and innocents Nubians.

  • Jalaby

    ICC indictee Haroun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection

    I think what brought Al-Hilo down is Abyei issue, if Al-Hilo made it clear to Misseriya that Abyei is north he would have won their votes and won the election but he followed his Master Mr. Kiir who himself is guided by Dinka Ngok who control the decision inside SPLM!

    SPLM said they won’t recognize this election and won’t participate in any government in S. Kordofan but this poor SPLM tactic is not workable and useless, they always threaten, refuse, reject and came back at the end of the day to NCP and work under their management and guidance and we have many examples on that since they signed CPA, we remember SPLM withdraw from the central government and said unless NCP resolve Abyei problem we won’t come back to the government and they came back without Abyei, they said we won’t run the census and they did, they said we won’t recognize its result and they did recognize it, they said they won’t run for the election in the north and they did, they said we will include Abyei in our new constitution and they changed their minds when NCP showed its teeth to them and made it clear that they won’t recognize their new state if that’s going to be the case!

    From what mentioned above and childish SPLM behavior, SPLM will recognize S. Kordofan election and will accept vice president position and will share the government with NCP by 50/50.

    Jalaby (Abo Jalabia)

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    ICC indictee Haroun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection
    No worry about the election said to have been rigged. That is the new style of dealing with the national election in Sudan and mostly known to the government of South Sudan. They were been using national army as tool for getting power instead for those candidates to use their own credabilities. Let that adopted son of unknown nubian go and sit with his children in abroad since he has losed the election or he can beg Mr. Salva to reinstated him back in the SPLA army.

  • Angelo Ajiech Manyuat
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    ICC indictee Harun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection

    SPLM have evdences, which prove that the NCP together with electoral commission have rigged the election in favor of their pathetic criminal Mr. Harun. In fact, SPLM have a right to reject the result and challege them through legal means instead of violence. As per your complain about the election of last year in the South, SPLM can never do such a thing.

  • Bush

    ICC indictee Haroun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection
    Let the people of South Kordofan not worry much because Abdel Wahid Al-Nur and Minni Arcua Minnawi will arrive soon in Khartoum in style and change the regime there.

    How on earth should vote for a criminal like that? I argue the Nubian to resolve to other means to address their issues. The world is behind you, even if it means that the South should go to war against the NCP in support of the Nubian I’ll agree.

  • Liberator

    ICC indictee Harun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    please do not make yourself as a joke in the whole world.

    even the independent observers including a well known Carter center founded by Former U.S president Jimmy Carter characterized last year election as sham.

    In the states of Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity State, Central Equatoria, Northern Bar-elghazel states respectively, all were rigged in favour of SPLM communists candidates by using its Militia wing paramilitary(the SPLA) intimidated the voters along with the independents candidates and other parties. so, to denied is to make oneself as laughing stock in the eye of the world.

  • unityfirst1

    ICC indictee Harun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection
    Attention Readers!
    The NCP Party has won the election in a slick way,but that doesn’t marked that they’re going to reign in that position forever.Ahmed Harun himself is facing a very tough situation,however he will soon serve the rest of his life in the Penitentiary.honestly Ahmed Harun’s reputation can never ever allow anyone to vote for him,even within his hometown,though time is coming when the judgement will be made against him so he can pay the full price of those innocent Fur civilians.his notoriety deed is being watch by the worldwide along with his boss.
    Enjoy your bad deed Mr.
    Unityfirst U.S.A

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    ICC indictee Haroun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection
    1. Abdul Aziz Al-Hilu cannot win because he is a SPLA/M liberators man.
    PLM did not mobilize all Sudanese to satisfy everyone need; and to bring black all Nubian Muslim inside the NIF regime into their side.

    2.The lack of full leadership in the south causes confusion to ordinary Sudanese people. The foolish separatist ideology is a bad sign that weakness SPLM ability to get their bring citizens all together to over thrown the NIF Regime in Khartoum.

    3.Basic people brain scan let people lost their dignity, Identity and all their Culture value. The formers African Slave by Arab that become Misseriya are now majority in South Kordufan than the Nubian, when non educated black people changed to some others culture; they would thing that they are those people of that Religion.

    4.Most of African Tribe of northern Sudan that have been over settled by Arab and converted to Islamic think, because they are Muslim,speaks Arabic; which become their natural disease now.

    5. According to the History of Christianity was so dangerous like Islamic now a day. But it was neutralized after years of struggling. Sudanese people are still getting fooled by old devil Christian and Islamic that send most of their grandfathers parents to Slaves across all over the world of misery

    Islamic now have brain scanner most of un educated African people and turn them to black Arab that are not accepted in Arab world. Some Nuba Muslim in the NIF did not vote for SPLM, that why Abdul Aziz fail.

    Most of African tribe of Nuba, Dinka, fur, Masalite, Zagawa, Funy are becoming Misseriya Arab. Being Muslim and Christian will never Change a black person than their own culture acception.

    Tone of liberators


  • Bush

    ICC indictee Haroun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection
    @Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Have you read my comment above?
    I hope you understand English well.

    Thank you for obeying.

  • Ito

    ICC indictee Harun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection
    Dear brothers and sisters from south sudan, Darfur and Nuba mountains,

    Greetings to all in the name of the marginalized people and in the name of our various liberation movements that have and still are fighting for freedom, justice and equality in this mighty country. Part of the objects of writing this short notice to all is that our comments on this website are being studied by our enemies to analyse their interests.

    The advise was posted by Dr. Francis Lologo on this Site but just to let those who have not read to beware. NCP and those who hates us are reading our comments on each of the headlines to see what we like and what we don’t. Thus, they will be able to gauge our weakness and our strength for their conspiracy. So be careful my brothers.

    May god bless all and thanks

  • monykuc, Southerner
    monykuc, Southerner

    ICC indictee Haroun declared winner of South Kordofan polls as SPLM asserts rejection
    It is absolutely horrible for a indicted criminal to win the election. what ashame for the National Congress Party? Always truth pervails without supervision. We know there is tiny dirty politics played in that election to make him won the election but my question is this:
    where was SPLM during counting of the votes?

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