Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Newly elected Bishop of Bor dioceses to be inaugurated

By John Actually

May 16, 2011 (BOR) – Following elections held in Juba on Saturday, Ruben Akur Ngong emerged as the elected Bishop of Bor dioceses with 88 votes, beating Nathanial Bol Nyok.

Former Bishop, Nathaniel Garang Anyieth at Leudiet Cadral in Bor, June 12, 2010 (photo by John Actually)
Former Bishop, Nathaniel Garang Anyieth at Leudiet Cadral in Bor, June 12, 2010 (photo by John Actually)
The new bishop, who returned to Bor on Monday, is said to be inaugurated next month before taking his office where he will serve for ten years.

The elections of Bor Dioceses Bishop were held jointly with Lui Dioceses, which Stephen Dokolo won.

A source said an opposition pastors in Bor were said to have been in the series of meeting with agendas not disclosed.

The Great Bor dioceses, which is made up of three sub-dioceses of Bor, Twice East and Duk faced a serious challenge in 2004-2005 when some church leaders defected from the Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS) under the leaderships of then Bishops, Philip Angony Chol, Daniel Dau Deng and John Machar Thon who criticized the SCS doctrines, proposing reformation.

Akur was nominated for the position in April 2011 in Bor in the presence of the chancellor of ECS who is also the legal expert in the office of the South Sudan president, Salva Kiir after the post was declared vacant, following the retirement of the former bishop, Nathanial Garang Anyieth in March.

The retirement of Bishop Nathaniel Garang Anynieth was announced in 2009 by the leadership of ESC. His diocese presented a request to keep him in office for a year to allow them to prepare for his departure.

Addressing the congregation in Bor, Canon John Kelei Chengkou said the Bor diocese is “involved in the Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement struggle, religiously to achieve freedom”.

Bishop Nathaniel was born in 1940, Werkok village, Makuach district, Bor County . He began school at Akol Ajak bush primary in 1954 before he went to Malek primary school in 1957. He was awarded a diploma in theology at Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College in 1974 before he was ordained as a full pastor in 1975.

Bishop Garang was consecrated the first Bishop of the Diocese of Bor in Dinka history in 1984 and became the Dean of the province in 2006, after which he became the acting Archbishop of the province of Sudan after the death of Joseph Marona.



  • Abionmur!

    Newly elected Bishop of Bor dioceses to be inaugurated
    Who could Rueben Akur Ngong be? I did not hear of him since the Bush era. Can anyone help please, is he from which clan?
    I congratulate him for his success and may God guide him.

    By the way Nathaniel Bol Nyok must have had some trespasses during his rule with Nathaniel Garang Anyieth which led to his failure.
    That was a great choice, congratulation Bor community.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Newly elected Bishop of Bor dioceses to be inaugurated

    Why should it matter which clan he is from in Bor community. He is a bishop, a man of God for the whole community.

    I hope that the clan of the failed Bishop Nathaniel Garang, who want him to be present as Bishop of Bor diocese during the raising for flag in July, will not cause troubles.

    Let us just congratulate the winner irrespective of his clan.

  • Abionmur!

    Newly elected Bishop of Bor dioceses to be inaugurated

    Thanks so much bro, this is the first time to see you making some sense.

    Congratulation and keep up!

  • Nhomlawda

    Newly elected Bishop of Bor dioceses to be inaugurated
    Election of Bishop Reuben Akur Ngong is a welcome development. His main task now is to guide the church to greater heights on spiritual and developmental issues.
    Nathaniel Garang Anyieth had guided Bor dioceses and sister dioceses in Rumbek, Cueibet, Wau, Aweil, Awerial, Mapordit, and many others in Bahr El Ghazal region were ECS had taken root today.
    Nathaniel Garang is a man of God and may God bless him in his retirement.
    The Dioceses of greater Bor and their sister dioceses in greater Bhar el Ghazal had contributed heavily to the liberation struggle spiritually, morally, and materially. The contribution of Dioceses of Bor Youth Mama in the Achua war (between Pageri and Nimule in EES) in 1994 is unforgettable especially for people who were involved in that war and the SPLA/M leadership.
    May God bless diocese of Bor and all her creations including the ROSS and GOSS.

    For those who do not know Reuben Akur Ngong, Akur is one of the longest serving archdeacons of the Diocese of Bor. He is a well educated, humble and spiritual man. He is originally from Atet Clan of Gok Section of Dinka Bor.
    May Almighty God give him wisdom and blessings in his new role as bishop of Bor Diocese after more than 40 years of dedicated service to the church in Greater Bor and Bhar El Ghazal region by Nathaniel Garang Anyieth.

  • Pandit

    Newly elected Bishop of Bor dioceses to be inaugurated
    correction Reuben Akur Ngong is from Anyidi, Paleek clan not from Atet clan

  • Nhomlawda

    Newly elected Bishop of Bor dioceses to be inaugurated
    Thank you Pandit, I last met him 17 years ago and I though He was from Atet. Thanks for correction.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Newly elected Bishop of Bor dioceses to be inaugurated
    Congratulation His Lordship. Bishop Reuben Akur and Rev.Stephen Dokolo for making Victory to the highest post ever in the Church.
    I would have voted for Lordship Rev Reuben Akur for his courageous and tedious jobs he did with pastoral leaders on Edition of ECS Liturgical hymn and being linguistic.
    Those Power ambitious pastors must reconcile and join the effort to keep the faith in ECS alive. Great Bor Diocese helps in promoting spiritual transformation across South Sudan States by having formed Elderly groups called YOUTH MAMA. Keep that spirit alive and Please do not involve in hatred and selfishness in faith but not allowing Faith Based Churches Like Universal Church –Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, Anglican, Orthodox Church and Many other who will helps in elevation of Spiritual and mental Torturing.
    Please co exist and Support Rev.Reuben to met the aspiration of the People and God. Do not incite Violent because of being Elected robs the Offertory.

    Victory Oyeee,
    Jesus Christ Oyee,
    Diocese Bor and Lui Oyeee.
    South Sudan Oyee
    “One Country on One Spirit”


  • dinkador1

    Newly elected Bishop of Bor dioceses to be inaugurated

  • Deng Ateny Lueth
    Deng Ateny Lueth

    Newly elected Bishop of Bor dioceses to be inaugurated
    congratulation your lordship, Bishop Reuben Akurdit Ngong Akurdit. it takes a Quiet and humble man of God to be the boat with Jesus chris. brothers and sisters let us keep our stillness in God, the shepard or God’s servant Akur Will guid our churches in spiritual blissing atemosphere. anyway, for your information dear brother WEN DE DAVID Kuol, the work of man of God ever since never in anyway has been tedious unless he or she has abandoned gospel and became political butcher.

  • Dut Monybor
    Dut Monybor

    Newly elected Bishop of Bor dioceses to be inaugurated
    Congratulation to you new lordship ,welcome to your office
    and am requesting you to be work like our retire Bishop
    and May God be with you.
    thank you

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