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Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudanese in Canada condemn rebellions, call for ceasefire

May 18, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudanese in Canada have written a letter appealing to the UN and AU with their opposition to any attempt by the southern government to use military options as remedies to the ongoing rebellions in the region, and instead call for an immediate truce.

In a strongly-worded letter signed by over 30 southerners, the group appeals to the southern people to give more support to South Sudan’s president, Salva Kiir in efforts to maintain peace and stability within the semi-autonomous region.

The south, after decades of civil war, is due to become independent after its population overwhelmingly voted for separation in the January self-determination referendum. The vote was a key part of Sudan’s 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed by the warring north and south in Naivasha, Kenya.

However, with less than two months to the long-awaited independence, the region continues to suffer from pockets of rebellions, which the southern government alleges are being backed by the Khartoum regime. The northern government has continuously denied the allegations.

Last year, Kiir offered an amnesty to all militias fighting against the south, a move which was meant to foster peace in the region, but in the aftermath of the referendum, various rebellions have sprung up causing massive havoc among the southern population.

“We, the undersigned condemn the spirit of rebellions,” the letter party reads, adding that, “These rebels leaders should put down their arms, accept amnesty and get acquainted with the democratic principles in dealing with elected government.”

Much as the group widely condemned what it described as the Khartoum government’s act to allegedly sabotage the independence celebrations earmarked for 9 July, they further appealed to the rebels in the south to lay down their arms and join fellow southerners.

“We the people of South Sudan, living in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, are deeply saddened by the repeated killing of civilians and undermining of the democratic principles by the rebels. This unconstructive spirit of rebellion could diminish resiliency of the people of the south to attain liberty; a desire which has been demonstrated through many years of struggle,” further says the group.

The over 30 signatories also appealed to the international community, specifically members of the UN Security Council (UNSC), African Union High Level Implementation Panel on Sudan and the US government to assist south Sudan in efforts to peacefully achieve its long-awaited independence.



  • Riak

    S. Sudanese in Canadacondemn rebellions, call for ceasefire
    They are wasting their time! It’s erroneous to call on the government to negotiate with the rebells while they are murdering our innocent masses on the large scale. They must first hint to the calls of amicable solution to the problems or else they deserves to annihilated if they continues……. Otherwise I appreciate their calls for the entire South Sudanese Citizens to start firmly behind the leadership of Comrade Mayardit now and well into the future.

  • Ariambek

    S. Sudanese in Canadacondemn rebellions, call for ceasefire
    Dear Bros in Canada,
    It is true to write a letter but acknowledge that the rebellion in S. South is for powder greedy. Nothing than an amnesty to all militias fighting against the south, (In SPLA, everybody want to be call general or CDR, in GOSS everybody want to be the president, minister, MPs and so many titles) After they failed to accept an amnesty and then SPLA would take action to protect civilians.


  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    S. Sudanese in Canadacondemn rebellions, call for ceasefire
    They sound like a bunch of reasonable people. Dialogue is far better than war, peaceful resistance must be the start.

    The true enemy in war, is war!

  • junub

    S. Sudanese in Canadacondemn rebellions, call for ceasefire

    Concerned South Sudanese in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Condemn the growing rebellion by seven militia groups against the government of South Sudan

    14 May 2011 To Gurtong: It’s with shock and disbelief that rebellion by militias has become a prevalent practice in most of the States in South Sudan after the referendum. This rebellion is an act of betrayal to millions of the South Sudan people who gave up their lives for the sake of independence. It is an unacceptable practice and must be reversed by these self-proclaimed rebel leaders.

    This time in history, the Khartoum government in the North is in several fronts attempting to sabotage preparation for official secession and the celebration of the independence of the South on July the 9th 2011. Hence, rebels in the South should put down their arms and join millions of the people of the South who are counting down days to celebrate the independence; which should be the beginning of a brighter future for every citizen in the ten States in the South Sudan including Abyei, Nuba Mountain and Southern Blue Nile.

    Rebellion against the government of the South always results in deaths of hundreds of civilians and innocent people. For example, in 2006 when Gabriel Tanginye’s forces stormed Malakal the head town of the Upper Nile State resulted in high civilians’ causalities. The same atrocities were repeated in 2009, in the same town by his rebels leaving hundreds dead and thousands displaced.

    Similar tragedies and suffering characterized by killings, looting and displacing of civilians were experienced when George Athor Deng, David Yau Yau and John Gatluak Gai of the Jonglei and Unity State respectively rebelled after the election in 2010. Unfortunately, civilians continue to die currently in Jonglei and Unity State.

    Peter Gadet Yak the newest rebel leader to break a way from the South Sudan army and the Upper Nile based rebel commander Johnson Oliny, are among the list of the rejecters of democratic set of rules to address discontent with elected government.

    When commander Yak Launched attacked on Mayom, a small town in Unity State, innocent people died. And when the South Sudan responded to his aggression, civilians were caught in the cross fire and were the victims.

    The same thing was the case when Oliny launched the fight against the South Sudan army in one of the most populated cities and villages in the Upper Nile State.

    The cost of human lives in all these rebellions is not in the interest of any person in the South.

    Abdel Bagi Ayie Akol a life-time Khartoum supporter recent call for rebellion against the government of the South if it continues would be another disaster to civilian population in the South, especially Northern Bhar-El Ghazel State from which he hails. South Sudanese must stop violence against their own people.

    We the people of South Sudan, living in Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada, are deeply saddened by the repeated killing of civilians and undermining of the democratic principles by the rebels. This unconstructive spirit of rebellion could diminish resiliency of the people of the South to attain liberty; a desire which has been demonstrated through many years of struggle. People of South Sudan since the beginning of the civil war between the North and south in 1800s, struggled together; seeking peaceful solutions whenever differences emerged and so, they attained freedom. It is an inspiration that the ordinary people of South Sudan voted by more 98% in favor of independence.

    The referendum was one of the most transparent and credible elections as attested by the international community. We therefore appeal to all rebel leaders in South Sudan to put down their arms and seek democratic means to voice out their grievances/concerns. If the South Sudan conducted one of the most credible referendum elections in the world, why can’t the same people use non-violent means to resolve their disagreements? We challenge the government to embrace peace and make civilian protection a priority!

    We the South Sudanese in Canada are opposed to any military solutions to any problem between political parties or communities in South, for our nation to move forward constructively. We must support the efforts of president, Salva Kiir and State governments. The President last year decreed an amnesty to all militias against the South, a move which was meant to foster peace in the region but, unfortunately all the rebels are abusing the offer. They continue launching wars on their own vulnerable civilians. All reasons claimed as causes of rebellions by all the seven rebel groups could not warrant killing of civilians. The rebels must give people of South Sudan a break from war. This time is for the people of the South to heal from the past and together build the nation for all, where tolerance, equality and respect of people’s lives and property are practised.

    We, the undersigned condemn the spirit of rebellions hence, the above mentioned rebel leaders should put down their arms, accept amnesty and get acquainted with the democratic principles in dealing with elected government.

    1. Christian Lado – Eastern Equatoria State
    2. Anthony Agwa – Eastern Equatoria State
    3. David Lado – Central Equatoria State
    4. Felix Lasu – Central Equatoria State
    5. Sagin Bali- Central Equatoria State
    6. Anoria Kaka – Central Equatoria State
    7. Arek Dau Manyang – Warrap State
    8. Simon Marial Madhieu – Warrap State
    9. Angelo Makur Alath – Lake State
    10. Biong Ngor Deng – Abyei
    11. Francise Kiir Akuin – Abyei
    12. Deng Dau Ngor – Abyei
    13. Joseph Atilio Garang Laual – N. Bhar Elghazel State
    14. Lino Machir Akong – N. Bhar Elghazel State
    15. Yel Guoat – N. Bar Elagazal State
    16. Marko Payo – Upper Nile

    17. Peter Amon – Upper Nile Sate

    18. Monybuny Kuol Chuol – Upper Nile State

    19. Matthew That – Upper Nile State

    20. Majal Yow Teng – Unity State

    21. Agou Kuur – Jonglei State

    22. David Mabior Atem – Jonglei State

    23. Machik Mark Atem Diu – Jonglei Sate

    24. Reuben Mayen Garang – Jonglei State

    25. Sation Riing Riing – Warrap State

    26. Akot Mawien Uguak – N. Bhar Elghazel State
    27. Kuach Mashack Makuei Madit – Lake State
    28. Michal Arok Yak Dout – Jonglei State
    29. Bol Achiec – N. Bhar Elghazel

  • Bom Ruach
    Bom Ruach

    S. Sudanese in Canadacondemn rebellions, call for ceasefire
    Dear South Sudanese in Winnipeg, Canada:

    Your petition is an excellent step towards peace & unity for all South Sudanese people. However, our people are intoxicated for power. Most of us are awaiting for the end route from Arab slavery on July 9, 2011, but some southerners require a special medical prescriptions that would stop them from dirty relations with Arab. They are well bribed & engineered to execute Arab’s plan to dismantle the established Government of South Sudan but doubted their success. Any citizen has a chance to be a president, governor, minister, commissioner, but we have to be patient and wait for end of the term (Democracy!). Let us all pray and thrive for the Unity, and peace to all South Sudanese to live in harmony in our New Country (The South Sudan Republic). Long Live the Government of South Sudan!!!

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    S. Sudanese in Canada condemn rebellions, call for ceasefire
    Dear readers,

    Every loyal citizen to the upcoming Republic of South Sudan will agree with our brothers and sisters in Canada about the need for peace and tranquility in the south. but, unfortunately all the rebels in south Sudan are greedy and power thirst to the extent that they have forgotten the reason they took arms against the north in 1983. their reasons for taking arms against GoSS are ilogical to this moment. We all should work hard to support peace in our upcoming country by renouncing every attempt to distabilize this young state. even the cattle rustling have to be address by putting human dignity above domestic animals.

  • syklops1

    S. Sudanese in Canadacondemn rebellions, call for ceasefire
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve

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