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Sudan Tribune

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UN Security Council delegation heads to Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

May 19, 2011(ADDIS ABABA) – A UN Security Council delegation will travel to countries in East Africa this week on a mission to consult on a range of regional issues and concerns.

Head of UN delegation travelling to Ethiopia, Gérard Araud (UN)
Head of UN delegation travelling to Ethiopia, Gérard Araud (UN)
“The UN Security Council delegation will arrive in Addis Ababa [Ethiopia] on Friday. It will on Saturday have discussions with African Union [AU] officials on the peace and security issues of the region.” Ambassador Dina Mufti, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson confirmed to Sudan Tribune today.

The UN delegation will meet Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and is expected to consult with him over the unsettled border row with Eritrea; a dispute that killed over 70,000 people in a 1998-2000 war.

Headed by Ambassador Gérard Araud, the 15-member body in its first stop in Addis Ababa will have broad consultation discussions with the AU’s Peace and Security Council on developments and ongoing efforts to ensure peace and stability in the volatile region.

According to a statement issued by the UN on 18 May, following the visit in Ethiopia, the council’s mission will be headed to Khartoum in north Sudan, Juba in South Sudan, Abyei in central Sudan, and to Kenya.

“The mission will then travel onward to Sudan, where they will congratulate the Comprehensive Peace Agreement [CPA] parties and the people of Sudan for a peaceful and successful referendum,” it said.

The CPA was signed by warring north and South Sudan in 2005. It ended more than two decades of civil war. A stipulation of the CPA was the right of the South Sudanese to vote in a referendum on independence. They voted in favour of secession in January 2011. In July the establishment of the Republic of South Sudan will be celebrated.

The last stop for the UN delegation is Nairobi, where they will meet senior Kenyan government officials to discuss concerns related to situations in Somalia, peacekeeping and reconciliation efforts.

The Council will be back in New York on 27 May to hold consultations ahead of preparations for South Sudan’s declaration of independence and plans for a UN presence in the country.



  • seyoum777

    UN Security Council delegation heads to Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya
    Conspiracy Theory 101

    1. Allow Africans relief assistance in the form of food, and medicine, which will not alleviate their chronic economic problems but address the temporary issues. As much as possible development aids which can bring about strategic transformation to the African Economy should not be given. Request for aids and loans for infrastructures like roads, and dams should be turned down.

    2. Impose the policies of lending institution on the sovereign governments of Africa with the intension of keeping the continent dependent for years to come.

    3. Develop policies and strategies and implement same to maintain brain drain from Africa. Inculcate in the mind of the Diaspora elite their continent is a hopeless case and will remain dark for years to come and going back is unadvisable. Entice the Diaspora to lead the Wester way of life by giving them whatever they need on credit basis repayable over a number of years such that they will not have excess money to invest in their mother land. Create a disagreement between the Diaspora intellectuals and those intellectuals who chose to stay in their mother land and contribute to the development efforts, such that the two groups will not have a common agenda of nation building.

    4. Influence the curriculum of academic institutions such that such institutions will not be able to produce visionary and innovative minds. Make sure some former colonizer language is used as a medium of instruction in the school, colleges and universities of Africa. So that under the guise of scholarship the best students of Africa will be taken and after giving them the necessary subtle brainwashing and training and are lured to stay in the West. (Pls note all developed nations teach their students in their national language. Imagine the challenges our students face in our schools and colleges today. Where I live, speaking some foreign language is a sign of being educated. Please note the extent to which we have been deceived. Almost all gradates from our universities and colleges nowadays copy from the internet for their graduation paper, for they have note been prepared for critical analysis and they don’t adequately know the language to express their thoughts).

    5. If some how a visionary leader emerges and sees through the machinations and decides to bring about a change, he will be heading towards a head on collusion with the interest of the neo-colonialist. Hence, wage a smear campaign against this leader or leaders through the main stream medias, like the BBC, CNN and VOA. Call him names like: dictator, tyrant….etc. Incite mass protest by organizing tugs and accuse the leader for shooting civilians. If the leader resists, then accuse him of genocide against humanity and take his case to ICC.

    6. Establish a foreign language service in the mainstream media like the BBC, DW and the VOA and propagate against any government that stands in the way of the interest of the West. Use these medias to defame visionary leaders of Africa and accuse them of human right abuse and violation of the free press.

    7. Protect and fund the private press and sometimes give the owners of these presses awards in the form of money and token gifts.

    8. Establish and fund organizations like the Human Right Watch, Amnesty International and the CPJ and accuse visionary leaders of Africa and obstruct their quest to free Africa from age old backwardness and poverty.

    9. Spread to the continent endemics like Ebola, Aids… etc in order to check the ever growing population of Africa. (Pls note. Don’t you ever wander why the endemic Aids which started in the United States ended up becoming the major health problem of Africans. Pls also recall, after the European colonizers occupied the Americas they exterminated the native Indians by distributing to them blankets infested with small pox and T.B.)

    10. Advocate multi party system in Africa. The intension here is not to promote democracy but to put in power a party that is subservient to the West. The puppet party shall be given political and money support. Allow personal gifts to party leader(s) and for the seemingly bright ones provide a scholarship in one of the prestigious universities of the West. Encourage the employment of dissidents in international organizations, preferable in humanitarian and main steam medias.

    11. Incite racial hatred by pitting one against the other. Keep the continent in perpetual conflict with itself. So that Africa will remain a store house of rich natural resources waiting to be explored by the neo-colonialist, a cheap labor source for their mechanized plantations and mineral fields. (Pls note. This is the 21st century they don’t have to chain Africans slaves and forcefully transport them. We pay our own hard earned money for the plane ticket that will take us to Western cities).

    Africa Wake up. Stop the infighting. Solve all you internal problem by dialogue and by your own traditional means. Don’t look to the West for arbitration lest you would fail in their snare. Africa needs more than ever the coming together of its sons and daughters irrespective of religion, and ethnicity, towards creating a continent that is free of poverty and equal opportunity for its citizens.

    This is my observation which I dare to put it in the form of conspiracy theory. Most of us are victims of the Western machination. I wish I am wrong.

    Seyoum Wubshet, Addis Ababa Ethiopia

  • richard

    UN Security Council delegation heads to Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya
    UN Security Council’s decision to travel to the AU headquarter to talk to officials and wants to deliver a WARNING in person to the khat-addict, mercenary, regional puppet minority leader of Ethiopia from Tigray that he can use his latest threat on Eritrea ONLY for his propaganda stint but by no means try to start WAR just to justify his empty, hot air macho threat.

    BECAUSE that will lead to an undesirable war that might engulf to the region and will get out of control.

    Do not throw a stone while you are in house made of Glass… and Do not Provoke Eritrea.

    They will convey the same message for Al Bashir warning him Not to Provoke Southerners and settel the issue of Abiye issue with care and understanding than with show of force.

    Threats of military muscles has never worked with Eritrea and South Sudan because they have shown their respective enemies that their determination and resolve to the cause are much stronger than military hardwares. They bit the enemy with his own weapons time and again.

    So threats won’t work …. come to negotiate PEACE.

  • kidist777

    UN Security Council delegation heads to Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya
    Like every Eritrean with a mouth..I used to think Agame was an insult,which is my origin. I was insulting my own mother/self & looked at things narrowly..may be not as narrowly as other Eritreans as I come from an excellent family…to make things short although it is not my place to prescribe MELES to Ethiopians,personally I admire his wisdom & far sightedness. I have always heard ..things like…”aytiimen tigraway wala iti hiyaway..lbi tigray twitway…translation “do not trust a Tigrean ..even the kind one…A Tigrean has a decceiptive heart..etc. what I have seen from the organization of Woyane ..Eprdf is the opposite..peace & patience. With neighbours & international community…..”THE WORST THING THAT MAKES US,ERITREANS MAD IS THE ETHIOPIAN GOVT.HAS REGARDED US AS A NON ISSUE, Even after breaking our trenches & running us off our land….has not made a big deal out of it. HE PUT AS IN OUR PLACE. Now ,any body can think/guess about my identity, I know I am Eritrean . Ethiopians are my relatives ,neighbours & friends. And this is my private opinion.

    It is true: We invaded, We were defeated, and We were chased out of Badme.

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