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Sudan Tribune

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Egyptian delegation arrives in Sudan to discuss four freedoms agreement

May 21, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – An official Egyptian delegation arrived Saturday evening in Sudan to hold talks on the implementation of the Four Freedoms agreement signed between the two neighbors in 2004.

Sudan official news agency, SUNA, has reported that an Egyptian delegation assigned to follow up the agreement, which includes freedom of movement, ownership, work and residence between the two countries, arrived in Khartoum airport on Saturday evening.

The Egyptian delegation is led by foreign minister assistant for Sudan affairs, Mohamed Mursi, and the official in charge of Sudan dossier at the Egyptian government, Hatim Bashat.

Mursi told reporters at Khartoum airport that the delegation would hold talks with Sudanese officials on the implementation of the agreement.

Meanwhile, the Egyptian ambassador in Khartoum, Abdul Ghafar al-Deeb, pointed out that the visit aims to follow up on the recommendations of the joint higher Sudanese – Egyptian committee, which held meetings in Khartoum recently, on the implementation of the four freedoms agreement.

Some Sudanese commentators have previously voiced frustration at what they saw as inequitable implementation of the Four Freedoms agreement, pointing to the fact that Egyptian nationals are not required to obtain an entry visa to Sudan whereas Egypt only exempts Sudanese females from the entry visa requirement.


1 Comment

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Egyptian delegation arrives in Sudan to discuss four freedoms agreement
    What four freedoms1 Let them go out of Halyeb first before we offer them our land and water on a golden plate!Our land is precious and our water is more valuable , let us satisfy ourselves firs.

    This should go to a referundum and shoul not be implemented witout the conscent of all of the people of Sudan!

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