Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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British Foreign Secretary statement on military attacks in Sudan

British Foreign Secretary

Foreign Secretary statement on military attacks in Sudan

May 22, 2011

Speaking earlier today the Foreign Secretary, William Hague, said:

“I condemn recent military actions in and around Abyei, including the attack on Abyei town by the Sudanese Armed Forces on 21 May and the attack on a joint Sudanese Armed Forces and UN convoy on 19 May. These incidents are clear violations of the CPA and cannot be justified.

I call on all sides to cease hostilities immediately. All unauthorised forces should be withdrawn from the entire area of Abyei in accordance with past agreements by the parties. I remind the parties of their responsibility to protect civilians.

I urge the parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement to respect their commitments under it, and to make use of the good offices of President Mbeki’s AU High-Level Implementation Panel to negotiate a peaceful and durable resolution of all outstanding issues, including the implementation of the Abyei Protocol which forms part of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.”

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