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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation

May 22 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese second vice-president Ali Osman Taha and foreign minister Ali Karti have cancelled appearances with the visiting delegation of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in a sign of tension between Khartoum and the international community.

US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice (center), Russian ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin (right) and French ambassador to the UN Gerard Araud (left) in Khartoum May 22, 2011 (UN)
US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice (center), Russian ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin (right) and French ambassador to the UN Gerard Araud (left) in Khartoum May 22, 2011 (UN)
The UNSC has already called off a planned stop in the contested area of Abyei on the North-South borders which witnessed fierce clashes and ended up with a military takeover by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) of the oil-rich region.

Sudanese officials attributed Karti’s absence to a sudden illness but did not provide a similar explanation to scrapping the meeting with vice-president Taha.

The United States ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice expressed regret over the cancellations saying that Sudan had forfeited a chance to exchange views with the UNSC on the Abyei crisis.

Speaking to reporters Rice said that the UNSC could use different tools to resolve the crisis in Abyei.

The UNSC today issued a statement calling on the Northern SAF to withdraw from Abyei after its military takeover yesterday.

“The members of the Security Council call upon the government of Sudan to halt its military operation and to withdraw immediately from Abyei town and its environs,” the French ambassador to the United Nations, Gerard Araud, told a joint news conference in Khartoum with his Russian and US counterparts.

The Council also denounced the attack by Southern forces on SAF units last Thursday which triggered the North’s retaliation.

“The members of the Security Council condemn the attack by Southern forces against a United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) convoy escorting Sudanese Armed Forces elements of Joint Integrated Units on May 19 in Abyei.”

“The attack was not only a serious breach of agreements between the parties, but also a criminal act against a United Nations mission and its personnel,” the statement said.

They also deplored the “unilateral” decision by president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir to dissolve the Abyei administrative council and called for its reinstatement “without delay”.

In New York, the UN Secretary general Ban Ki-Moon also said he “remains deeply concerned for the safety of the civilian population of the area, the vast majority of whom has been forcibly displaced due to the fighting,”

The Sudanese foreign ministry spokesperson Khalid Moussa slammed the USNC “quick” condemnation of SAF action while turning a blind eye to what he described as aggression by the Sudan people Liberation Army (SPLA) and UNMIS peacekeepers.

“We urged the council to provide support for the peace cause and denounce the SPLM’s aggressive manner,” Moussa said.

He also brushed aside UNSC criticism of Bashir’s decrees saying it is a sovereign decision and that the disbanded council “was part of the problem”. The spokesperson emphasized that there is nothing in the constitution that stipulates consultation with first vice-president Salva Kiir, who is also South Sudan president, before making that decision.

The UNSC is now expected to head towards South Sudan capital of Juba for talks with Kiir and other officials in the semi-autonomous region.



  • Land-of-Cush

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    This is hard situation on Salva Kiir and his Dinka Dominated SPLA. Who will recapture Abyei while Gatdet that has been use as a tool to protect Dinka from Arab has already defected from your tribal government. Peter Gatduel has run away because his SPLA have all decfected to Gatdet untill we got another element call Koang Choul as a zonal operater.

    Taban Deng capture Unity State 6000 youth trains them with in 7 days and army them. now they have all decfeted to Gatdet too. Now Taban don’t feel like he can see sun light in the morning because of fear.

    Money and leadership never match, unless if you can chose one of them.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    It is unfortunate that the cowardic emotions of the sons of Abyei has brought shame to South Sudan.

    Col. philip aguer had to apologize on their behalf for shooting at SAF soldiers which has now resulted to capture of Abyei by SAF.

    Now the world including UN security council has condemned the SPLA.

    Khartoum has refused to meet the UN security council saying they want to meet with Salva Kiiir first before they can meet with any body else.

    Will Kiir go to Khartoum to apologize on behalf of the sons of Abyei?

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation

    You really know website fighting that is why you always comment childish attitude. Do you think we have loose? Never, my dear we never loose anything at all but,you wait Abyei can not and never be in the north by aggressive approach of NCP govt. If you are waiting to see Abyei in North then after you die,forget about that and die now my friend . Abyei liberation is on process if we respond a bushman approach to NCP/SAF as they did then still we get it back,if we go constitutionally we still get it all right. What do you think mr Wanjokdit ?

    Abyei Soil,Juba.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    Philip Aguer yesterday apologized on behalf of the shooting mistake at SAF by sons of Abyei which has now resulted to SAF invading and capturing Abyei.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    Dear all,

    You need to be careful about what you talking about if you are caring about the South. Do not expose yourself to the enemy too much. When there is a war then you definitely need to be aware about the enemy.

    Please, stop your foolish comment just for amonth so that we can solve the problem of Abyei without any coward Southerners to praise the Arabs and the militia.

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    Land of kush or whatever you are called. Be a well grown up and have aspects of leadership in you. Don’t comment like childish on this public web targetting dinka tribes to the world and also called SPLA army as Dinka army. SPLA army is not belonging to Dinka only it is belonging to all Southern Sudanese tribes but since you were been terming it as Dinka army,it looked like you don’t know the background of the SPLM/ A when it was formed in 1983 by Southern sons. What is so-called CPA is brought by one tribe as you put it now. it is a participation of all Southerners whether you were been in Khartoum during war time then still we reconsider you as a Southerner. Salva Kiir with his government will lead us to where God of marginalized people has promised and you with the government you think is Good may seek for your own direction and don’t lie that Gatdet was the only officer who has been leading Southern army to any battle that is unfounded word. We brought CPA without help of Gatdet so what do you want to say Nyagateen weed.

  • Mapuor

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation

    My dear,history tells us alot.SPLA have never bowed down to Jallaba.But those of Gadet,Matif,Riek,Lam,Gordon Kong,Abdalla Chuol bowed down to Jallaba & were used as militias by the Khartoum from 1983 to 2005.The long war was exclusively fought by Dinkas,Nuba,Funj,Beja,Equatorians & those of Dar fur.Nuers were exclusively Arab militias.This history is the modern history of Sudan.Anybody who wants to know the trueth is to check the BBC archives.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation

    That is a false claim many Nuer fighters and civilians died during the struggle, don’t blame the entire tribe for the mistakes of a few Nuer generals, just like one shouldn’t claim that all Dinaks are corrupt as we know very well many are suffering in their villages. Equally don’t ignore the fact that many other tribe members have collaborated with the enemy, including Dinka.

    Mr Truthteller, Adam, Land of Cush and their likes are not who they claim to be, trust me on this. Ignore them or just read between the lines of their comments.

    Mohammed Ali ya baleed, although I am no fan of the UNSC but snubbing them wont help you stay in power, you guys better play by the unfair rules of world system or risk the consequences, we both know its not what your Arabized Khartoum elite wants.

    The UNSC condemns the attacks against the UN by Southern forces (could be Gadet’s men), no mention of the SPLA here, hope that clarifies things for bigots like Jalaby, Sam.Eto and ofcourse their baleed internet leader, Mohammed Ali.


    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    Dear my fellow southerners,
    please think wisely before you wrote your ugly words in this forum.

    love to south.s

  • Land-of-Cush

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation

    That is the very good idea that I never heard in this website; who want to join you to take battle against SAF in Abyei. Yes man jus take Salve Kiir with you and fought that war.

  • Chier Akueny
    Chier Akueny

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation



  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation

    The pathological Lair!

    Why do you bring my name , I haven’t seen this web untill now!

    “may be Gadt” Tou still want to continue lying!

    Now , you admit that you have been lying when you said it was ” crystal” clear that the SPLA would not initiate such a stupid move; now you agree with UNSC that had happened and it is condemned.

    You see how BLLED you are! not only that HIMAR!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    We should all keep calm.There is no winner in a war as long as people are dying from both sides.We donnot want any Sudanese to die. We both have limited resources and we should not waste them in killing ourselves.

    There is no need for the international community to intervene.Sava Kiir is still the vic-presiodent of Sudan. All the hands are still stretched widly to our brothers in the south. The relationship of 100 years is not going to come to an end in one day by an imaginary line drawn on the ground. The people along this line do not understand it and will never understand it and they will not abide by it.

    Let us the so called ” intellectuals” or “educated” not to make their life more misrable than we didLet us stop our greed! We have the cars, planes, roads,schools,univercities hospitas and almost everything , let us give only peace!

    I understand that the SPLA will not easily admit that what had happened was wrong and it was behind it’s back. Now the agreements are there let them implement them. The negotation table is there, ready and pricesless with no loss of blood.

    Let us stop the hate and war mongers from outside and listen to ourselves, at the end of the day , it is our people who are going to die and they are going to be the only benificaries of peace.

  • choldit

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    Dear all,

    The war that most of South Sudanese leaders were belind to see is on now.

    What going to happen to those UNCONFIRMED soliders and non-loyalist SPLA members who held from non-Dinka tribe?

    Now General Peter Gatdet Yaka that was used by Salva to defend Abiey is on the other side, who is going to confront him amongst Dinka Generals that feel in love with MONEY? General Mamour is not usable anymore as he knew the Dinka lies. General Chayot Manyang is not silly to defend Dinka for money as he never.

    Dr. Riek who is the man we use to correct our mistakes but push away when is a time for granting credits is on an important mission and possibly not interesting anymore in forgiving our childlish acts.

    Where the hope should come from? Obviously the Nuer are not interesting in defending us anymore in the way the used to do since colonial period.

    Couldn’t it be a wise idea not to gave those RPGs, PKMs, and other heavy weapons to our Dinka ribemen to go and attack Nuer civilian so that we loot 7,000 head of cattle last week?

    There are lot of questions than than answers for Dinka GOSS?

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    Land Of Cush,
    Watch out for your Comment and Action………………………………
    Please monitor your brain well; fool comments are like birds singing of sooth the Eagle. When commenting on Abyei War, Mind you that your sick brain is not yet mature on South Sudan affairs, you either go back to Uganda where you belong then imposing yourself on South Sudanese affairs.
    “”Honey bill Problem is honey Bill Problem”” you want President Kiir to be in frontline then what is it that we owed for in South Sudan?????
    It is extraordinary and ridiculous ideas to push Abyei Problem, If we are going to Win the War, let put aside all our differences and get united and achieve our Goal and rescue our people from Abyei land……United Nations Security Council delegation must push for the immediate SAF withdrawal within 24 Hours or face Military Action from SPLA, Men in action…… and Other option is Ocampo to issue Immediate Omer Bashir or being hunted and Kill with Drone Missile.
    Otherwise UNMIS contingents in Abyei are at risks of attack from SAF and must be very careful or withdraw and leave it upon Sudanese to settle it.
    Nubian where are you in this terrible crisis,?????? wake up and join uprising against Khartuom Criminal Affiliated Government, liberate yourselves and get freedom.
    SPLA Shall Win the Abyei War,
    SPLA Oyee
    South Sudan Oyeee,

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    DINKA’S where are you ?

    i call my family in Kotor Juba and ask them directly
    about what DINKA’S government is going to do about ABYEI

    and the response was they don’t care at all
    all they care about is there salaries not southern Sudanese life

    that is now lost in thousands if not millions

    ENJOYING Ugandans ladies ands others in Juba with out a single word about there brothers & sisters in ABYEI

    Arabs are killing them one by one

    nothing nothing at all about ABYEI my brother says

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    DINKA’S where are you ?

    i call my family in Kotor Juba and ask them directly
    about what DINKA’S government is going to do about ABYEI

    and the response was they don’t care at all
    all they care about is there salaries not southern Sudanese life

    that is now lost in thousands if not millions

    ENJOYING Ugandans ladies ands others in Juba with out a single word about there brothers & sisters in ABYEI

    Arabs are killing them one by one

    nothing nothing at all about ABYEI my brother says

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    Sorry for your direct insult to the Majority and great warriors. When did Dinka become Moneys mongers then Kator Residents and NOT a citizen of Junubwho let themselves be fuck by arabs and being Arabanist leaving all Women with Vaginal Scare and tears and men execepted Hemosexual mechanism.
    You with your foolish Father, born by mistake to represent humanbeing on earth whilst being bonny and empty, molested by Food in Juba.

    Leave Abyei to Dinka as it is for Dinka and resources too. Mind you that No KATOR and JUBA in absent of Dinka Boys to protect and defend you agressively.

    Stop sneding Meaningless words on Webs. Mature people are discussion crucial issues on Right place. Keep yourself out of Sudanese Affairs you foriegner.Juba once time falss under SPLA but we withdraw from our position as militarily tactics and strategies not weakness, the same to Abyei War, SPLA JIU withdraw as strategic plans not to lose many lives. NOW SAF IS BURNING THE CIVILIANS HOUSES AND LOOTING THEIRS PROPERTIES IN ABYEI which mounted to Serious Violation of War policy.

    Abyei Oyee,
    Dinka Ngok Oyee,
    South Sudan Oyee,
    SPLA Oyeee.



  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    Ya Truthteller, Mohamed Ali, Jallaby, Wise Fox, Ahmed Adam, Sam.Eto, Supporter of Naath Cause, Land of Cush and the likes,

    Remember that Khartoum is playing with fire. It has a track record of military aggression since May 2008. Khartoum still believes that Abyei will be part and parcel of the North with or without holding Abyei Referendum that Omer Al-Bashir insists on including voting rights of the so-called neglected nomadic Messeriya of Southern Kordofan since 1905.

    The only message that Khartoum needs to remember every time when it plans to provoke SPLA militarily is that SPLA is ready to defend its territory including Abyei at any cost and Abyei will never be Sudan’s Kashmir or part of North Sudan. Believe me or not. I would like to remind you not to be surprised when Abyei will become part and parcel of South Sudan. Can you imagine that Khartoum has started the process of facilitating the return of Abyei to where it rightfully belongs? The short-lived victory of occupying Abyei other than Halayib Triangle is senseless.

    Egypt has repeatedly warned Sudan that any military move would result in collapse of Khartoum government and gain of more land from Sudan. Likewise, when a full scale war starts with the South Sudan, it will fortunately end up in regime change in Khartoum to confirm whether the ICC-indicted war criminals are still there, hiding in the well-known bunkers located in both Khartoum and Khartoum North or not. Omer Hassan Al-bashir will not make it to the other one in Shendi. The first three indicted war criminals are likely to flee the country but will never hide.

    Deceiving Northern Sudanese and Arab world to solicit support on pretext that SPLA killed UN-escorted SAF in an ambush will never strike a chord. This miscalculated move to forcefully occupy Abyei by Khartoum-led government of NCP will not change public opinion on why Halayib Triangle was never recaptured by SAF from Egyptian occupation; Darfur peace process is steadily failing; Southern Sudan is getting its popular independence on July 9, 2011 in a broad daylight though Khartoum never expected it would happen; economic outlook of North Sudan is deteriorating; widespread corruption and irreversible widening rift between the leadership of NCP in dealing with heavy-weight Northern opposition parties. These facts are not likely to make any difference on the ground or in the leadership style of the dictator whether by occupying Abyei militarily, enforcing unpopular “Darfur Referendum” as a solution to the eight year-old conflict or wining elections in Southern Kordofan.

    If NCP or Khartoum wants peace with all its neighbors, it should start focusing on valuing future relationship between North and South Sudan and improving individual economic performance. Waging unnecessary war will only force them to flee the country unprepared and will never come back except to face domestic court charges of mismanaging the country and its valuable resources. Like what has recently happened to the family of the ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, properties worth millions of dollars will obviously be returned to the state. The good news is that NCP is heading in that direction.

    In addition, the leadership of NCP should remember what has happened in Tunisia and Egypt and particularly what is currently happening in Libya. NCP should not just watch the revolution fever on TV but admit and expect under any circumstances that it’s already heading to Khartoum before freedom bells, not competitive interpretation of Quran to govern Sudan, rings on every door of Northern residents. Northerners are grateful to CPA of 2005 to prepare the ground for realizing freedom of expression and individual liberty.

    I repeat again not to be surprised when Abyei will shortly become part and parcel of South Sudan. It will have to go back to its root (South Sudan) geographically, ethnically, linguistically and culturally. Khartoum needs to refocus its effort on political or even military solution to get back Halayib Triangle from the Egyptian military occupation but not Abyei that rightfully belongs to South Sudan before even CPA, ABC and PCA echoed the same conclusion. Hence, Khartoum should never dream that it’s easier to take Abyei than Halayib Triangle. This is the first warning to those who want to play with fire. Watch out folks for the unfolding events.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    Ya Truthteller, Mohamed Ali, Jallaby, Wise Fox, Ahmed Adam, Sam.Eto, Supporter of Naath Cause, Land of Cush and the likes,

    Remember that Khartoum is playing with fire. It has a track record of military aggression since May 2008. Khartoum still believes that Abyei will be part and parcel of the North with or without holding Abyei Referendum that Omer Al-Bashir insists on including voting rights of the so-called neglected nomadic Messeriya of Southern Kordofan since 1905.

    The only message that Khartoum needs to remember every time when it plans to provoke SPLA militarily is that SPLA is ready to defend its territory including Abyei at any cost and Abyei will never be Sudan’s Kashmir or part of North Sudan. Believe me or not. I would like to remind you not to be surprised when Abyei will become part and parcel of South Sudan. Can you imagine that Khartoum has started the process of facilitating the return of Abyei to where it rightfully belongs? The short-lived victory of occupying Abyei other than Halayib Triangle is senseless.

    Egypt has repeatedly warned Sudan that any military move would result in collapse of Khartoum government and gain of more land from Sudan. Likewise, when a full scale war starts with the South Sudan, it will fortunately end up in regime change in Khartoum to confirm whether the ICC-indicted war criminals are still there, hiding in the well-known bunkers located in both Khartoum and Khartoum North or not. Omer Hassan Al-bashir will not make it to the other one in Shendi. The first three indicted war criminals are likely to flee the country but will never hide.

    Deceiving Northern Sudanese and Arab world to solicit support on pretext that SPLA killed UN-escorted SAF in an ambush will never strike a chord. This miscalculated move to forcefully occupy Abyei by Khartoum-led government of NCP will not change public opinion on why Halayib Triangle was never recaptured by SAF from Egyptian occupation; Darfur peace process is steadily failing; Southern Sudan is getting its popular independence on July 9, 2011 in a broad daylight though Khartoum never expected it would happen; economic outlook of North Sudan is deteriorating; widespread corruption and irreversible widening rift between the leadership of NCP in dealing with heavy-weight Northern opposition parties. These facts are not likely to make any difference on the ground or in the leadership style of the dictator whether by occupying Abyei militarily, enforcing unpopular “Darfur Referendum” as a solution to the eight year-old conflict or wining elections in Southern Kordofan.

    If NCP or Khartoum wants peace with all its neighbors, it should start focusing on valuing future relationship between North and South Sudan and improving individual economic performance. Waging unnecessary war will only force them to flee the country unprepared and will never come back except to face domestic court charges of mismanaging the country and its valuable resources. Like what has recently happened to the family of the ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, properties worth millions of dollars will obviously be returned to the state. The good news is that NCP is heading in that direction.

    In addition, the leadership of NCP should remember what has happened in Tunisia and Egypt and particularly what is currently happening in Libya. NCP should not just watch the revolution fever on TV but admit and expect under any circumstances that it’s already heading to Khartoum before freedom bells, not competitive interpretation of Quran to govern Sudan, rings on every door of Northern residents. Northerners are grateful to CPA of 2005 to prepare the ground for realizing freedom of expression and individual liberty.

    I repeat again not to be surprised when Abyei will shortly become part and parcel of South Sudan. It will have to go back to its root (South Sudan) geographically, ethnically, linguistically and culturally. Khartoum needs to refocus its effort on political or even military solution to get back Halayib Triangle from the Egyptian military occupation but not Abyei that rightfully belongs to South Sudan before even CPA, ABC and PCA echoed the same conclusion. Hence, Khartoum should never dream that it’s easier to take Abyei than Halayib Triangle. This is the first warning to those who want to play with fire. Watch out folks for the unfolding events.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    @ LoJuba

    I know the enemy is laughing right now as the looting and burning of the villages continue. Please Southerners it is not good it is not bad what I wanna tell you is consider the important of Abyei and its people to South Sudan.

  • unityfirst1

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    Abyei hasn’t gone to the North forever,some of you should not get pissed off easily at Mr.Kiir and Dr.Riek because they haven’t stop the enemy,always remember that this current Government is much different than the old one,i mean spla is well equipped than the old one,so atleast some of you should think first who are these enemy in Abyei,are they the same Arabs that we used to fight with or do they have some new army that have fallen from sky?SPLA is known as one of the best Guerillas in Africa,imagine how many Sudanese presidents that had ran away because they were in so much fear because the spla back in the day had incredible war records.some of the Arabs were selling their home and abandoned the Towns and exiled to save heaven.please have some hope and patience toward your government.take the example of President Kiir,he hasn’t shave for a long time because he believed that we haven’t got our full rights.we will take it back just in hours.please make sure to get rid with the hatred among yourselves and let move forward and build the South.after all we’re all one NATION,one PEOPLE,and one GOVERNMENT.

    please tell your stinky ass mama that i shall be on my way soon,tell her to shave herself,i love it when it smooth.

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Sudanese officials snub meetings with UNSC delegation
    For those who are making fun of SPLA, just relax SPLA know what they are doing.For your information this is not the right time for SPLA to play tit for tat game with Northern Sudanese army. They are waiting for independent of Southern Sudan and the war you are intended will be continued.Enjoy the annexation of Abyei carefully otherwise what you are materialized will never happened.

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