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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes state youth attend wedding for first time since customary law protests

By Manyang Mayom

May 23, 2011 (RUMBEK) – Youth from Lakes state on Monday attended a wedding in large numbers for the first time since January, ending a boycott in protest against the arrest and detention of young men for having sex before marriage and with girls under 16 years old in recent months.

Benjamin Lok Jiet Abol (centre right) and Elizabeth Durciek Marial Makuac (centre left) cut their wedding cake in Rumbek twon of Lakes state, South Sudan. (ST)
Benjamin Lok Jiet Abol (centre right) and Elizabeth Durciek Marial Makuac (centre left) cut their wedding cake in Rumbek twon of Lakes state, South Sudan. (ST)
Protests in the region forced the state’s head judge to resign last month over his decision to send over 60 young men to prison using customary law.

Over 50 cars witnessed the couple touring the roads of Rumbek with hundreds of people cheering after the moving cars to where the wedding ceremony was located in Akuong.

Benjamin Lok Jiet Abol. 26 years old, married Elizabeth Durciek Marial Makuac who is 19 years old.

The families of both have expressed their happiness praising their two beloved children for respecting their traditional cultures to conduct a traditional Dinka wedding.

Wedding attendees from the grooms family at the wedding. Rumbek, Lakes state, South Sudan (ST)
Wedding attendees from the grooms family at the wedding. Rumbek, Lakes state, South Sudan (ST)
The marriage ceremony was attended by Lakes state government officials including Lakes state minister of Legal Affairs and members of parliament as well as many young people.

Over 60 young men from Lakes state have been arrest since January for having sex with underage girls and impregnating girls before marriage. Youth across Lakes state and in the Diaspora have disputed the implementation and interpretation of the customary law which led to the sentencing. Youth across Lakes state have boycotted marriages of Lakes state girls since the arrests began.

Benjamin Lok Jiet Abol (centre right) and Elizabeth Durciek Marial Makuac (centre left) cut their wedding cake in Rumbek twon of Lakes state, South Sudan. (ST)
Benjamin Lok Jiet Abol (centre right) and Elizabeth Durciek Marial Makuac (centre left) cut their wedding cake in Rumbek twon of Lakes state, South Sudan. (ST)
Lok, said that he was very happy to be getting married. “I have found a nice girl of my dream. I love her forever and I will never change my mind whatsoever what condition in the futures could be”.

Lok said they will honeymoon in Mombasa before he returns back to school in at Kampala International University (KIU) in Uganda with his wife. Lok is a law student.

A dowry of 200 cows was paid for Elizabeth Durciek who attended Rumbek girls primary school.

Girls from the side of the bride attend the wedding in Lakes state, South Sudan. (ST)
Girls from the side of the bride attend the wedding in Lakes state, South Sudan. (ST)
Durciek said: “I have decided to get married to my beloved husband Lok. My husband has promise to return me back to school for further study. I am confident that I am going to be most loyal woman to him at all the times. I come from a large family and Lok also comes from a large family, and I hope that we will do our best of our ability to structure our families in responsible manner”.

Both husband and wife have lost their fathers. Lok’s father died in 2010 through illness, while Durciek’s father died during a confrontation between the northern Sudan Army forces (SAF) and the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) in early 2000, during the 22 year north-south conflict.

The conflict ended in 2005 with a peace deal giving the South the right to secede through a referendum. In January the south vote by over 98 percent to separate from the north and will become fully independent on July 9.



  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Lakes state youth attend wedding for first time since customary law protests
    But that is not a Dinka traditional wedding! It is a civilized kind of wedding copied from the Western world.

    Why are the girls looking angry in the picture in the last part of the article?

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Lakes state youth attend wedding for first time since customary law protests
    Manyang Mayom;
    Do you know why the youth attended the wedding in big numbers? Their goals is not to cheer but to go and destruct girls from the bride side. Lakes State became known of two things: 1) They have a very high affinity for sexual intercourse that aims at destroying pretty and under aged girls; 2)They have degree of illiteracy, laziness, smartness, barbaric attitudes that opposed the normal social human conducts; 3) They are known for sectional and inter-clans fights which they gain nothing; 4) and many others.

    Who will make a footstep of those couples who have similar family background where both couples are orphans.

    You are advertising the weding as good looking image and tomorrow you will post a very ugly social image like girls’ pregnanted.

    By the way, we are anxiously looking forward to see your immediate wedding organised in a decent manner. Local reporter must show a good example to his mates. Please, advise your colleges to be behave well. I come from Rumbek and a young man like you but i disagree with your attitudes as youth towards your own sisters. That social destruction you have made symbolised Lakes State with the People of Gomoria. God is punishing Lakes State because of youth attitudes. Please make a quick change.

  • Laat Ayie Jal
    Laat Ayie Jal

    Lakes state youth attend wedding for first time since customary law protests
    Hey there everyone!

    At first let me take this opportunity to congratulate the (2) orphans who strikes today’s day view. Durciek & Lok a zillions congratulations for passing the golden gate. Welcome to the family club bro!!

    To those who wish to criticize Mr. reporter, please drop that now and help the bride and groom celebrate their marriage with congratulatory msgs and best wishes, lets leave the controversial part to articles to come because there are 60 youth still behind doors in Rumbek for impregnating young girls.

    Lok & Durciek, Congratulation !! I’m glad I was part of your important day of your life.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Lakes state youth attend wedding for first time since customary law protests
    Mr. Laat Ayiei Jal;
    No one is criticing the couples. However, Reporter is bias and stood with youth on their wrong behaviors. If you remember many articles he posted against Lakes State Government is always full with humurs. I do not understand why but i believed, Engineer Chol promised him to organised a party in honor of the 2,500 $ as award he won from the British correspondences.

    It is said one rotten onion spoil all bulky fresh onions. What about all bulky onions got rotten? Do you think the few who made sucessful and respectiful marraiges are good. Those foolish majority are demaging honest and respectiful in Lakes State. They are making all girls as prostitutes and became tea-makers in every corners of the businessmen shops. Otherwise, i like the way Lok Jiet Abol, Son of Late Major General in the Department of Prison Service with his beloved wife Yar Ater Toric conduct their lawful customary marriage. I want all youth to copy the best example from him; though Lok has disappointed me when he snatched the young girl in Kampala. That indicates that his wife which he snatched is married on the 17th of May 2011 by a young man from Yirol East County. Therefore, Lok should remain with that challenge. He has to marry too.

  • Wadjube

    Lakes state youth attend wedding for first time since customary law protests
    “.. 1) They have a very high affinity for sexual intercourse that aims at destroying pretty and under aged girls; 2)They have degree of illiteracy, laziness, smartness, barbaric attitudes that opposed the normal social human conducts; 3) They are known for sectional and inter-clans fights which they gain nothing; 4) and many others…” are all typical Dinka Characteristics, no matter where they come from, Civilized or not. Stop pointing fingers at Lakes state only. With the Jenge Police now in control, cases of rape and underage sex are thrown out as this is part and parcel of their culture. What a Pity, what a pity…

  • Mading

    Lakes state youth attend wedding for first time since customary law protests
    Wadjube, something is talking within you. You actually have correct points but your conclusion is very poor. These are not characters of Dinka but rather the culture that comes from where I can not described. Everyone in the south except the murder or killing mentality.

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