Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil

May 26, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – South Sudan has threatened to instigate legal proceedings against the north should the latter sell a single gallon of oil after the South declares independence on 9 July 2011.

North and South Sudan have been splitting proceeds of the country’s crude oil under a 50/50 sharing formula as per the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), which in 2005 ended more than two decades of north-south civil wars and paved the way for South Sudan independence in July this year.

North Sudan finance minister Ali Mahmud on Wednesday revealed that the Government of South Sudan had sent an official letter warning the north against selling any amount of oil after July.

“Now before me is a letter in which they [south Sudan government] said they would report us to court if we sold a single gallon [of oil]” Ali Mahmud said.

South Sudan, which produces nearly 70 percent of the country’s proven daily output of 500,000 oil barrels, will need to continue sharing oil revenues with the north after independence since the latter has the refineries and pipeline infrastructure necessary to transport the oil to export terminals.

The two sides have been negotiating a new power sharing deal under which the north is expected to get less than the 50 percent share.



  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil
    Of course I wish we would successfully cut off the hand of the North from our oil. But how will that happen while we shall continue to rent the northern pipeline to Port Sudan, refineries and export terminal?

    For the last six years GOSS has not built an alternative pipeline to Mombassa, no refinery to provide for local consumption and so forth.

    We will still have to negotiate with the North in selling the oil after July 9.

  • Chier Akueny
    Chier Akueny

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil
    I don’t expect South Sudan to be renting pipelines of Northern Sudan because they are the worst enemy to the top. However we have to request the government of South Sudan to cut off oil flow to the North pipelines and we start our own oil refineries in the South and take different pipelines to Kenya or Eriteria port of Masawa.

    Please we should try to be capable on our own so that we bring up our country quickly. Taking our oil to North will not help us surely. I wish to the energy minister of South Sudan so that I cut it off immediately on date 9th in the morning before even the celebration finishes.

    Who is going to be friends to North, the killers, inhumane country; otherwise we(South Sudan)need to be careful like ISRAELITES and try to build our own powers to defeat them, because we are still demanding more regions there.

    Kenya is better, they are people of Human right, and it will give us better accommodation rather than being depending on Khartoum any more. Khartoum is going to lose oil, Agriculture land, and other resources and it will be worse for them if SOUTHERN BLUE NILE opts to come to South Sudan this time because it is source of Agricultural Land.

    South sudan should be careful,
    Salva Kiir should be careful,
    Government of South Sudan ought to be careful,
    Citizens of South Sudan need to be careful,
    Minister of energy must be force to be careful, otherwise leave the job,
    Minister of finance needs to be careful,
    The most carefullness is needed in ministry for defense, and I hope we are going to win.

    South Sudanese should avoid panicking this time and they should work courageously for fully implementation of their own country’s affairs; otherwise I advice our Southern Sudanese brothers and sisters to unite and work for unity and try to oust out a leader who is not doing something of our will.


  • AAMA

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil
    I think that the south must find new ways to export the oil produced in its territory and open up new trade routes as this will benefit both parts of our country by reducing the potential causes of conflict. And since the southerners chose to separate, then I guess they should be properly separated. The interaction between the north and the south should be kept to the minimal to avoid any future friction or confilict. At the end of the day, the south distrusts the north and the north views the south as a problematic partner, at least this is the case for now and the near future.


  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil
    Lamija limaja

    I learned that you are an orphan. Your parents were killed by SPLA soldiers on enemy side during north-south conflict that’s why you condemned former bush men all the time
    Secondly you were brought up in refugee’s camp and not tough how to respect or glorify peoples. Better to go to complete your study in missionary school where orphans are trained how to obey and respect their masters .

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil
    Alfredo christian,

    I am not like you people supporting blindly. For a spade is not a big spoon as others use to qoute.

    My friend not all people in SPLM are bad, but they are so when they keep quite without pointing out mismangement of south Sudan resorces.

    South Sudan resources do not belong to SPLM but people of South Sudan including SPLM members. So if people like Tito Achil were caught with huge SDG and the former two minsters misappropriated south Sudan resources and your dull president Kirr keeps quite then it is not only a crime but a sin committed too. Me and you if we support such actions then God will not even be on our side because we know it and are keeping quite.

    Alfredo christian, I support what is good and condemn what is wrong. It is time to point out wrong but the good is already appreciated.

    So no need to talk on the good while the bad is increasing. Keep the good aside and fight the bad. That is my motto man. It is not issue of orphan or brought up in the camp. It is pointing out of evil doings.

    remain to praise, you will find yourself engulfed with crimes that will take years to fight. Better early than later.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil

    Do you know Omer Basheir has complete area built in Malaysia, Awd eljaz has buildings in Malaysia, what is this.Is this development of Sudan or corruption? Pretendence is not good.

    Put your house clean before talking about somebody’s house. Are you aware that one day Ali Osman Taha was seen in Israel? What are you talking about? Do you know that today your government is begging America and Europe even to the extent of a wife and husband relationship to waive Sudan’s debt?

    The development that happened in south was not done in the last 50 years and this is only within 6 years. You better take trip to south to see for yourself.

    South Sudanese are not like you, they know how to get their rights from their government not like you in the north unable to press your government for your rights.

    The strong pressure group (south Sudan) has already gone wait NCP will even take your wives and you will keep quite.

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil
    Big up Lamija

    Keep lecturing to this dumb mammals.

    One day they will see and hear, and only then shall the South be viable economically. This attitude of personalizing state resources should end in the Kraals.

    Lo Isu

  • Wadjube

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil
    What we should realise is that for the North and South to become economically viable states, they should have a symbiotic relationship, with each side gaining from the other. If the South doesnt give Khartoum a taste of the oil revenues (Pipeline rent etc), it will continue barking like a hungry dog giving us sleepless nights and we will all have no piece. As Jalaba clearly says we have to shut the wells if we do not want the North to sell the oil; yet again, they still control the oil wells. Ant talking of Kenya as the better option, our Jenge man, Chier above doesnt know that the “Devil you know is better than the one you do not know”. The SPLM and GoS governments just has to sit down and iron out sensitive issue regarding the wealth sharing. And as Garang always believed, we need the North in order to be a viable economically. This view is shared with some politicians, and in fact most of the SPLM politicians with property in the North have not sold them out. So let us not Polically musturbate!

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil
    Ya Falseteller and the likes,

    How can GOSS build an alternative pipe lines before Southern Sudan Referendum conducted and the result recognized and accepted? Do you think that it’s just a small simple project like shifting sides by your uncles who are supported by Khartoum to destabilize South Sudan and disrupt construction of pipe lines?

    Besides security threat, where will GOSS get the money for this expensive project when Khartoum in reality gives only 26% and misrepresented as 50 percent in the book? You should be proud that at least the face of Juba, Malakal and Wau has changed considerably despite continued threat posed by your defecting uncles here and there. The pipe lines will still be built if security and foundation of infrastructure of the south are guaranteed.

    For you Jalaby (Abu Jalabia) and the likes,

    Never even try to assume that Southern Sudan oil will continue to run until the last drop through North Sudan’s pipe line under this National Criminal Party. Put in mind South Sudan has never been fed by the North before or after CPA. It’s the North Sudan that will suffer much should Khartoum make any negative attempt to close borders or threaten Northern Sudanese traders. National Criminal Party still maintains the old, outdated mentality of old Sudan where they used to obtain Southern quarters and immediately dumps them in the Nile as punishment.

    Please read the below article to widen your knowledge and digest how Khartoum violates human rights, undertakes security project under the current political and economic climate.

    What Khartoum did is a gross violation of human rights. There is no guarantee for the safety of these members of the UFR. The participation of the Chadian President in the tripartite security summit last Monday was based on the agreement of handing over of the leading members of the UFR.

    Although Khartoum appears to be playing the leading role in organizing a security summit that will soon involve CAR to try to stabilize border security of the three countries, I don’t think it will work out without considering or involving the nascent neighbor, South Sudan. If Khartoum believes that it’s easy to put off indefinitely North-South border demarcation and its security arrangement meeting, what would make the border security of the tripartite states successful? The political structure of individual country is fundamentally different.

    It’s just a give-and-take security arrangement designed mainly by Khartoum to avert getting overthrown by the opposition parties in individual countries, coupled with the upcoming revolutionary fever plaguing Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

    On the other hand Khartoum wants to not only to export Islamization project to CAR and terrorist activity by offering Port Sudan to be used by CAR for export and import activity. Since South Sudan is not and will not probably be part of the border security arrangements because of separation and loss of over 70% of oil revenue, Khartoum wants not only to increase sources of revenue but to provide logistical support to strengthen LRA’s base in CAR to destabilize South Sudan and get, if possible, all members of Darfur rebel groups arrested in those countries and sent to stand trial. Omer Hassan Al-Bashir acts as a president and a judge at the same time who committed war crime but does not want to turn himself in to ICC.

    And if South Sudan picks up CAR for similar security arrangements in the future given the present and future political climate, how will Khartoum feel about it? This security arrangement will not succeed since political problems of different dimensions exist in individual country and can any time lead to urgently change dictatorial or criminal regime. The implementation of funding the proposed joint security operation on the four-month rotational basis is not likely.

    This will be an additional budget for defense although the governor of CBS keeps reminding the government and general public that the post-independent financial crisis is real.

    The expected output from the new alleged oil fields in the North and the revenue from gold export and agricultural products are not likely to make any difference either.
    In addition Khartoum should bear in mind that the resolution to Darfur conflict is still far from horizon so long as political rights of Darfur rebel movements are not recognized and implemented in any already signed agreements or the future ones.

    So, handing over members of UFR to Chadian government without guaranteeing their safety is a violation of human rights. The question is, will they not be considered outlaws by Ndjamena as Khartoum often alluded to Darfur rebel groups? What will be the fate of Darfur rebel members if they are arrested by Ndjamena, Tripoli or Bangui and handed over the same way Khartoum did?

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Yanga

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil
    Our oil is a matter of business – realising the most value from our assets and making the best possible returns on our investments. One should never take the matter of a business arrangement personally – for it is after just business.

    Whilst negotiating one must always bear in mind the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (or BATNA).

    In this case, our options are limited would you not agree.

    The only option I see available is to ‘turn off the taps’ until alternative pipelines and refineries are developed or until the GoS cracks under the pressure of reduced income and settles a deal that is (or appears to be) more agreeable to GoSS.

    I can see no advantage in pursuing this course of action as the lack of funding would make running a viable state near impossible. The inevitable consequence would be increased destabilisation of RoSS.

    Both the GoSS and the GoS are prone to brinkmanship, and threats of turning off the taps are just that – empty threats. Both sides must know this and so I am uncertain as to the benefit of making such statements.

    On the subject of legal proceedings, I must confess some ignorance.

    * To which court would the GoSS file their case?
    * What type of authority would that court have over the GoS?
    * How can they be sure the GoS would comply with the rulings of that court?
    * What would be the possible censures be for the GoS if it does not comply?

    Any answers to these questions would be very much appreciated.

  • Original

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil
    Southern Sudan can build pipe lines where ever they need to do for their future, Do north like or not; we have to declare our independent on date 9th July 2011, Southern Sudanese had already gain their momentum for these period( 5) is enough we cannot be threaten other country.

    it has remain a short period about( 41 )days for (Goss)to be recognize by international community as a new born Country with their enough wealth, who ever we could invite will be choice of the people of Southern Sudan ,People of Southern Sudan fought for liberty; justice and equality free willing Opportunity.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    South Sudan threatens to sue the north over oil
    @ Wadjube

    You’re funny and lack personality. What do you expect in return when you pointed at person an abuse. Tit for tat, isn’t it? If so, Then why don’t you tell yourself that I am a foolish human being that is why I comment in a childish manners. You’re still joking those you called jenge!

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