Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

May 28, 2011 (RUMBEK) – Unity state minister of Information and Communication Gideon Gatpan Thoar has rejected allegations the South Sudan army (SPLA) set fire to around 7,800 homes in Loath, Wanam and Bora bomas [districts] of Mayom County.

Thoar added that the allegations were baseless and a misinterpretation of reality on the ground by the County authorities.

On Wednesday 18 May Mayom Commissioner Charles Machieng Kuol told Sudan Tribune that 7,800 homes had been burnt down by the SPLA in fighting with militias in the area.

The SPLA’s Major. General Koang Chuol told Sudan Tribune last week that his forces had not burned homes. He said that damage to property was caused by cross-fire between the militias and the SPLA and had not happened intentionally.

Unity state officials deny homes were burned down by the SPLA but failed to specify of how many house burned down by the militias.

Reacting to the allegations on Saturday Thaor said, the SPLA forces in the state have been the vanguard and the protector of the people against barbaric attacks of militias in the area.

Thaor and many other southern officials accuse the Khartoum government of sponsoring militias, like those of Peter Gadet in order to destabilize oil-producing South Sudan ahead of its independence in July. Khartoum deny they back any of the seven rebel groups operating against the Government of South Sudan.

Thaor denied the SPLA had burned down whole villages in fighting last week with Gadet’s militia the South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA). He claimed that it was the militias groups that had committed atrocities against the people of Unity state, particularly the people of Mayom County.

The spokesperson claimed that the SPLA defeat of the militias had forced the rebels groups to take revenge against the civilian population of Mayom County, burning down homes, destroying properties and commit atrocities under the pretext of cross-fire.

The militia further targeted humanitarian organizations and robbed them therefore, blocking humanitarian assistant on the process, Thaor said.

Thoar accused the militias of planting land mines in Mayom and Guit counties.

He said, the government of Unity state assures its citizens that as the elected government of the people it will never condone any atrocities in the state whatever the circumstances.

He said the Unity state government calls upon all citizens to unite in the face of tremendous challenges that South Sudan independence will bring on July 9. The region voted to secede in a referendum in January as part of 2005 peace deal that ended decades of conflict.



  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Why it takes a long time for minister to deny that this sadly news since the news spread out.I think something was done very intensively by across-fire btn SPLA and Gatdet’s army.
    it is alway good to be frank than hidding the incident that had happened in the front of all South Sudan citizens

  • dengtaath

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    In the statement forwarded by sudantribune in the last two weeks, general Koang Chuol, he warned the area that those civilians who are not supporting the rebels should desert the area before SPLA attack the the Rebels in the area, he also stressed that any civilians who will remain in the area will be treated as rebels. Now if the administration in the area alleged SPLA as said burned down the civilian homes, and at the same time SPLA denying it while the general uttered his intention in the first place, what would people think about this? The reality is,
    SPLA had really burned the civilian homes as reported no doubt

  • dinkador1

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Dear BROTHERS,
    S P L A made very big mistake on our civilians,
    why to burned civilian home since the civilian is the government, now they might have run away to the rebels side for protection.That general koang chuol can not protect his people, one day things will change as southerns are having plane to change us dinkas with nuer.
    I agree,and apologies for what i wrote yesterday about Mr REIK and every body hate me.
    Thanks dingakdor 1

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    The handful of militia of peter Gatdet in Mayom county is not going to be pleasant among the residence in Mayom county.

    There is no need to support miliia and expect to be free from fire exchange. Give SPLA their way so that they can chase away those selfish militia and you will be in a good shape.

    Yes, houses might have been burned but because of fire exchange in their hiding areas. Thanks

  • onlysonmabi

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Why even to deny the citizens then salfs are rebels though they are burnt not even home because they have deal with those stupid Anyagaties people like Peter Gatdet ,others Nuer and Athor.

  • Homeboy

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Who is fooling who here? Is it the Information minister of Unity state based in Bentiu or the commissioner of Manchien based on the ground? How come these leaders of the oil rich State make uncoordinated and contradictory statements regarding the torching of over 8,000 homes in Loath Wanam and Bora bomas. The information minister should stop defending the atrocities committed by the SPLA under the pretext of cross fire. He should come out and offer apologies to the affected people.


    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Dear my fellow citizens,

    you have to understand what war/conflict mean.
    Houses are deserved to be burn down in any conflict situations. The work of the SPLA is to avoid civilians death,but they civilians] have to be more careful.
    If you keep crying about houses burnt down or civilians casualities then you dont know anything about the war.

  • khan junior
    khan junior

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Dear Mr.DENGtATH



  • Malual Dungdit
    Malual Dungdit

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Where is the State Legislative Assemly (SLA)Unity State, especially the members from Mayom County in this critical situation of destruction of lives and properties? The sons and daughters from Bentiu as whole, especially Mayom, who were elected to the State house should voice the wrongs committed to innocent people by our SPLA.

    Or is Mayom County represented by greedies, who only care for their stomaches, forgot the power/people who elected them to place of food.
    Why don’t you call the liar State Minister of Information who on his own behalf and on behalf of the State Government, denies that no destruction against the people of Mayom County.

    Yet it was admitted by the SPLA Division Four Gen. Koang Chuol that, the destruction or burning of homes was as result of crossing fire. Even the County Commmissioner Charles Machieng said that there was a need of food supplies in the area.

    However, the cause of all these fightings in Southern Sudan, especially the war in Unity State is intentionally planned by President Salva Kiir Mayardit. Gen.Salva Kiir keeps Taban Deng (orginally Arab but adopted)in power so that he can remain as one of the 2% suckers/beneficiaries.

  • dengtaath

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    George Bol, why the civilians homes were not burned by fire exchanges in kaldak, and other areas where George Thor was fighting SPLA? I don’t really understand your language at all, because the way you talk, you don’t really talk in favor of peace, you are another bais like SPLA spokes man mr. Malaak who is struggling with reports and history of SPLA creation. People like you who cannot speak out in favor of nation, what do you think will contribute to this country? Is it just developing a huge hatred amongst the Southerners? I have a feeling that you George Bol must be either government official or an SPLA officers, and yet you don’t have gut to feel sorry of the action perpetrated against civilians in Mayom by our own national defend forces. Am not supporting the rebels but the area was treated by the SPLA as the hide out for the rebels, that was the reason of burning the area by the SPLA. My brother, don’t think that you are so wise that no body cannot detect your trick language, I have understood you completely that you, with no different to major general SPLA spokes person Malaak. You are an evil just to remind you, refrain from that thinking if you are a government or army worker, the way thinking will derial the positive attitude in you that you could initially contribute to change the bad attitude our people and the government is practicing on the ground now. God bless

  • dengtaath

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Thanks Mr. Dinkador1,
    You are welcome bro, let all walk on the same road, so that will have one destination.
    God bless

  • liberator3

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Dear readers:

    Do not believe one iota of this report almost two weeks after the facts.

    Who is lying here either the Governor appointed Minister of Information or the Governor appointed Mayom County commissioner. Either way, still they all SPLM appointed officials.

    Rebels were the first to came out of the report even before, it was reported by this reporter last week, that it was SPLA in Mayom County and the fleeing SPLA soldiers from Abyei that did the burning of civilians homes.

    This lies are reminiscent of what happened in Kaldaka against Gen. Tanginya forces last month. When the SPLA spokesman(propagandist) Brigadier Alaak was quick to announced the killing of three Major Generals on Tanginye side(which was later disputed by the SPLA Brigadier General who was himself was wounded on the plot).

    Now, I can see why the SPLA officers and the Governor of Unity State are quick to come forward this time is because, it was reported by the NGO to U.S government and to the U.N the burning of civilian homes as gross violation of international laws and that the SPLA should be held accountable for these gross violations against civilians properties the report allegedly said.

  • marie

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    SPLA justify the burning of houses in Mayoum county because the villagers are hosting the rebels. Likewise SAF justify the burning of houses in Abyei because Abyei people are pro GOSS. Simple logic used by the army.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    there is no day that you will shut up until you finshed,
    Awan Chan is watching,God is great

  • dengtaath

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    I won’t argue much to you in that thinking, people they have a right to keep their leader or reject when they want it because they are the one elected that leader, forcing the people to accept the leader they don’t longer wanted is an invitation of civil unrest, and this is what Salva exactly done in the Unity state forcing the leadership of Taban Deng who was rejected almost by the whole state.

  • dengtaath

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Sorry, your names is MALUALDUNGDIT, my apology for malualmadut

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    It is so sad that most of you have been blind by nothing but just greedy of power which cause hime to fight his own people with no vision even if there is no leaders in south sudan or Sudan at whol, then the dog could be favor to be a leader then gatdet yak,

    what country can some one like gatdat lead reall?

    Can gatdat yak be a leader while there are alots of qualified nuer to be leader?

    gatdat yak is a man whose his pleasure is base on seeing people death,

    He love money,
    he love food
    He love death,
    He love power which he can even show to the people,
    I don’t think he can be a leader a monge Nuer educated people, no nuer will even caaled him a leader apart from those who called him distructors,
    His live is base on delusion,

  • dengtaath

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Yes, too simple to justify, that is how it is, the same way SAF destructing the Abyei community, SPLA in the South destructing his own community here in mayom

  • liberator3

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Dear readers:

    It’s very clear now that, the top Divisional commanders of 8 and 4 do not want to fight on behalf of the failed Government in Juba. More over they do not want to harm civilians in order to please their superiors in the SPLA GHQs at Bilpham.

    Generals Bol Koang and Gatduel Gatluak are the true warriors. they do not want the civilians to be punished for rebels insurgency against the corrupted GOSS.

    so, the slave heated General Hoth Mai and Kiir have decided to delegate the burning of civilians homes disguised as military operations against the civilians to their respective deputies i.e Major Gens. Bol Bol & Koang Chuol of divisions 8 and 4 respectively. But this two Gens. may soon face international court if they do not come to their senses and ceases these barbaric acts.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Onysomabi when it comes to anything to do with civilians, reckless talk should be avoided, if the allegation is true, then it should condemned. Remember, they are our people even if Gadet is from the area. They should be protected by their national armies no matter what and and only individuals carrying guns and fighting alongside Gadet could be targeted but not the innocent ones. Remember children and women were affected too.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    @ DengTaath

    You’re welcome brother and fill free to continue with further discussion. The forum is for all Sudanese I think so and it should benefit all of us through exchange of ideas which will aid development of South Sudan and Sudan as general.

    Black Boy From Abyei.

  • dengtaath

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Abyei soil,
    Brother/sister, we the tribes of South Sudan there is no way we can hate each other, no way at all, because the suffering that we experienced on the Earth no body went through it,but our politicians and even military personels are employing divisive languages that educate the tribal groups with hatred to each other.

    We Southern Sudanese will remain Southern Sudanese forever, why waste time on favoring own tribes then equalising the entire community of all Southern Sudanese? Few ugly mouths are buying problems from no where and yes they hunt it and bring it to the people. The problem of South is nearly over,therefore we can only turn our heads to Abyei Issue, however Kiir and his government created the rebellion and now the war is intensifying.More people in Unity state join the rebels because they don’t want the governor, why would you insist keeping the governor that is not longer popular to his state? Is an intentional from the president to ignite the fire, but he is the one to pay the price too, because if the unrest will prolong in South, he will feel the inch because the conflict in Abyei needs the Southerners to unite and should only fight the real enemy. Look in this forum there are big government officials who are arguing to peace lovers, they are hidding with different names defending the weaknesses created by the very government they are leading. Look how the wicked George Bol is commenting in his language, he is just under cover, he is arguing to any body who is criticising against both SPLA and government in Juba. South Sudan civilians have no problem at all but our government is our problem.

  • dengtaath

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Khan junior,
    Brother we know very well the root causes of all unrest in our country, but our government is treating its civillians as ilitrates and idiots who donot know what the hell is this government doing, we don’t have right to talk on our own rights, the government is doing what it likes. Terrible, this country will never prosper.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    @ Dengtaath

    South Sudan a country like Sweto in south Africa marginalised for the purpose of racism practiced by arabs islamist group among of all needs a greater commitment to developmental issues and who will do that? We are the one as the youth of this country we need to come up with common understanding as per today I think we are the ready govt. I got your point that our govt is not perfect to the situation we belong to but most importantly, govt has no direct body but only an Agent who is the head of the state. I hear sometime or see corruption among GOSS officials going on with the list infinity but at this time if we really want to liberate our people from strangers I mean then we shouldn’t take arms to guns ourselves you see the way Gen. Peter Gadet took is approximately wrong, there is no good reason as to why we still subjecting the nearly century old civil war survivors between north and south Sudan under another suffering. Let’s give time to them also to mature in minds, good things don’t come one day but with time everythings gonna change dramatically and systematically for sure corruption has no good definition as to who and which class of people are victim of corruption. If Im not mistaken former Egyptian president Hosny Mubarak has found guilty of corruption and Im sure he will face this allegations personally because he did it by himself, so I am calling upon youth let’s distance ourselves from unnecessary defections.
    I appreciate you Dengtaath.

    Black Boy From Abyei.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    It is Good that your SPLA syndicate has been defeated in Abyei by our SAF friends. After July the 9 our Federation States of Nuerlands will be declared and in Batiu and full stop.

  • dengtaath

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Abyei Soil,
    Thanks bro/sist, I appreciated your comment, of course no one favor the rebellion, no one is happy to see our people dying again as done to them by Arab,we died in millions (very pitty)and that is why we need our government to be so democratic. SPLA went to war with objectives in mind, democracy,justice, Freedom, equality and liberty,these are some of the values of our movement. However,although the above mentioned values are less reflected practically by SPLM led GOSS, we also blame those who are quick in mind to use force as the only way to solve problems, we know how much it takes to solve problems using force than in peaceful negotiations, people like George Athor, Yayau (Jonglei state), Abdul Begi (Warrap), Peter Gatdet (unity) are no appreciation to their rebellion, no matter what they believe are right, but our government needs to work hard in order to overcome the blamed issues by the rebels.
    Finally thanks for your comment and I did enjoy reading it, let work hard as young people to change our community to better future.

  • Akuma

    Unity State authorities deny that SPLA burnt 7,800 homes in Mayom
    Abyei Soil

    I really welcome your idea that we should try strongly to distance ourselves from joining rebels. I enjoy your point keep it up.

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