Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Students stone education office in Yirol West after teacher transfered to capital of Lakes state

By Manyang Mayom

May 26, 2011 (RUMBEK) – Students from Pankar senior secondary school of Yirol West County in Lakes state went on strike on Thursday morning against the county education office’s decision to transfer one of their teacher to the state capital Rumbek.

The students stoned the office of county education officer damaging the property. The office of the county commissioner also had stones thrown at it but was not damaged. A policeman sustained injuries when he approached county authority offices and ordered the angry students to stop throwing stones.

A student who preferred not to be named, in a phone call to Sudan Tribune said: “We are not happy with the transfer of our teacher. This teacher is a nice man who open gates for us to have a brilliant education. Our education standards have now improved since his coming to this county. We need him to stay with us so that we could continue to increase our educational capacity to better levels.”

Yirol West County commissioner Makur Kulang Liei confirmed that incident took place.

“Yes, the students were very annoyed after hearing the transfer of their teacher … the students did not first consult with me, they just started throwing stones at people on the streets and they stoned my office and the county education office and destroyed some books.”

Commissioner Kulang said that he “was very surprised when I saw students on the highway this morning. They did not fear me. They started stoning my office while I was inside the office and I did not escape from my office; instead I immediately came out of office and I started approaching them and they accepted to talk to me.”

Their demand is only that “they need their teacher to be restored back to teach in Pankar secondary school”. The students are claiming that the standard of education had improved through this teacher who has now been transferred to Rumbek.

“I have approached them peacefully to talk to me, without the use of violence to address this situation, because we do sympathize with students who were completely annoyed,” said the commissioner.

Kulang said ”the situation is back to normal and I am talking to state authorities in Rumbek over phone to address the transfer of this teacher. The students are seriously demanding the reinstatement of their teacher within shortest time.”

This is the first protest carried out by students since the new Lakes state governor took office in May 2010.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Students stone education office in Yirol West after teacher transfered to capital of Lakes state
    violance is stupid take a guns and go to fight Arab in Abyei or stop your stupidity, taking teach to another part of the country is not a crime,
    Taking Abyei by force is a crimes which need everone to stong a bulet to enemy not to officer office,
    shame on who ever took part on the crime,

  • Malual Dungdit
    Malual Dungdit

    Students stone education office in Yirol West after teacher transfered to capital of Lakes state
    This is what usually refers to as ‘conflict with violent’. Conflict means incompatibility or disagreement between one or two peopele or parties as being demonstrated by yirol West students and the Administrative Authority.

    The throwing of stones as a result of the conflict in Yirol may lead to an urgen resolution of the scence by the authorities.

    Brovo Yirol West students for your rights.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Students stone education office in Yirol West after teacher transfered to capital of Lakes state
    Report as usual from Lakes State reporter. Why disclosing the names of the teacher? Teacher transferred to Lakes State capital is based on the powers of the Governor. Maybe, the teacher does not cooperate with Engineer Chol Tong. With this hunger strike, the teacher might be a bite an easy to allocate portion of bags of maize to Chol and his deputy. A teacher must cooperate with Chol Tong otherwise, he shall be tranferred beyond Lakes State- Juba just like Gabriel Malieny Marek who was transferred to Juba for political grounds with a charge from the Governor Chol ” Not Cooperating with me (Chol)”. Chol should go there to take all the responsibilities and duties of that teacher.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Students stone education office in Yirol West after teacher transfered to capital of Lakes state
    Now I’m calling the entire South Sudanese to be alert and ready for North Sudan aggressiveness on our land than unfortunately fighting, stone, raid cattle, and stealing money from one another. it is time for us to forget all these minors issues and deal with these Northern as we did it for many years. Recalled this statement Money, cattle, and anything come and go but land does not come and go; so Abyei, blue Nile, and South Korof are our land which we will never recover if Arabs take them away from us today .

  • Homeboy

    Students stone education office in Yirol West after teacher transfered to capital of Lakes state
    That is a very stupid act depicted by the students of Pankar secondary school. They are at the school to be trained to become resposible citizens in future and should there fore avoid all acts of violence, besides administrative decisions of posting teachers are non of the students concerns.

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