Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan

By John Actually

May 31, 2011 (BOR) – South Sudan’s army (SPLA) has denied the presence of its forces in South Kordofan and Blue Nile regions – which lie north of the 1956 colonial border – following an ultimatum by the Khartoum’s Sudan Army Forces (SAF) for the SPLA to withdraw its forces from the states.

SPLA marching in Celebaration of May 16 Commemoration in Bor. May 27, 2011 (ST)
SPLA marching in Celebaration of May 16 Commemoration in Bor. May 27, 2011 (ST)
Speaking to Sudan Tribune from Juba, SPLA spokesman, Col. Philip Aguer Panyang said the SPLA had no forces to withdraw from South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

In accordance with the security arrangement in the 2005 peace deal between North and South, Joint Integrated Units (JIUs) of 24,000 soldiers, 12,000 each from SAF and SPLA were deployed in various towns in South Sudan, Khartoum, Blue Nile and South Kordofan. The forces were to serve as the nucleus for a future national army should the people of South Sudan vote for the unity of the country in a plebiscite agreed as part of the peace deal.

Following January’s referendum in South Sudan and the declaration of its outcome in favor of independence, SAF components of the JIUs in South Sudan withdrew to the north of the 1956 borders.

Many people from the northern states of South Kordofan and Blue Nile took up arms with the SPLA in the two decade civil war against various Khartoum governments. Under a 2005 peace deal the two states were given special status but were unable to take part in South Sudan’s vote on independence earlier this year.

Instead of a referendum the two areas were granted popular consultations to assess whether the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) addressed their grievances and define their relationship with the Khartoum government.

However, the consultations have yet to take place as South Kordofan only completed the elections needed to establish the state parliament in early May, over a year after the rest of the country voted. In the election of April 2010 Blue Nile was the only northern state that returned an SPLM governor.

In South Kordofan the incumbent governor, Ahmed Haroun, beat the SPLM candidate in May’s controversial election, which was endorsed by international observers.

Colonel Aguer said the forces in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan and Blue Nile are part of the north and SPLA cannot withdraw them to South Sudan.

“There are no forces to be withdrawn from South Kordofan or Nuba, because the forces that are there in South Kordofan and Blue [Nile] are sons and daughters of Nuba and Blue Nile, so we have no right to withdraw them to South Sudan,” said Aguer.

“We have no forces to be withdrawn because they are not South Sudanese. These are Nubian and Blue people. They come from the North,” he continued.

SPLA military hardware moving behind the SPLA march in Freedom square in Bor, Jonglei state, South Sudan. May 27, 2011 (ST)
SPLA military hardware moving behind the SPLA march in Freedom square in Bor, Jonglei state, South Sudan. May 27, 2011 (ST)
The SAF’s demand that all SPLA soldiers move South of the 1956 border comes after the northern army occupied the contested town on Abyei on Saturday 21 May. Khartoum’s military spokesperson has said that the SAF will not leave the region until a comprehensive solution is found – in contravention of the CPA. The northern army say they took Abyei by force in response to an attack on a UN-accompanied SAF convoy near the area by southern armed groups.

Western countries along with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), while acknowledging that Southern forces provoked the attack, called on SAF to withdraw unconditionally. They also urged Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir to revoke his decision to dissolve the Abyei administration council last week.

Abyei’s own referendum to allow residents to choose between joining the North or South did not take place as the NCP and SPLM could not agree on who was allowed to vote.

Colonel Aguer repeated the line of South Sudan officials this week that the soon-to-be independent country will not go back to war with north over the issue of Abyei. He said the dispute over Abyei – which is currently part of South Kordofan state – should be resolved with the help of the international community.

“We are not going to war. We have left the case of Abyei to the international community. UN will see that issue. The violation of CPA and violations of Abyei protocol are in the hands of UN”, he said.

Between 20,000 and 40,000 civilians have fled Abyei since the SAF took control of the town. As well as air strikes and ground bombardments destroying houses, property was also looted. The presence of the SAF in Abyei is seen by some analysts as a way of forcing South Sudan into compromises in the ongoing negotiations regarding implementing the provisions of the CPA – such as demarcating the North-South border – and post-independence issues.

Aguer accused the SAF of blackmailing the world and denied that the South Sudan army was present in North Sudan. “Why should we bring northerners to South Sudan?”, he said.

The second Sudanese civil war broke out between the Khartoum government and Southern rebel leaders in 1983 but the SPLA were later joined by rebel armies in South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

Many people from the two regions joined the SPLA complaining of oppression, marginalization, human rights violations and racial and in some cases religious discrimination. The two regions also straddle Sudan’s largest known oilfields that were discovered in 1979.

Aguer said people of Blue Nile and South Kordofan have arms which they acquired during the civil war. As part of the CPA the SPLA was made the official army of South Sudan. He said it is up to the north whether to demobilize, reintegration or disarm those with arms in Blue Nile and South Kordofan.

“North [Sudan] is supposed to discuss what to do with the forces in Blue Nile and South Kordofan. It is [a] northern conflict and we are not part of it,” Aguer added.


Listen to SPLA spokesperson, Philip Aguer interviewed John Actually


  • liberator3

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    SPLA spokesman, Col. Philip Aguer Panyang

    Why are you so terrified and running scared even before a bullet is shot up in those two regions!

    You have betrayed these two regions again. What a bunch of opportunists and cowards. even if you don’t have troops there what your point.

    You were busy lying and insulting South Sudan troops who were part of North Sudan JIUs in Upper Nile. and when they started fighting Jallaba because they didn’t want the heavier weaponary to be taken back to North. You and Salva Kiir were admonshing them and siding with Jallaba. Now, Abyei is occupied by Jallaba and its a crunch time you are integrating those soldiers fast into the SPLA in order to fight your abadoned city. but not long ago you plotted against their boss Tanginya in which you are still detaining him illegally.

    What a coward bunches!!! Now, the whole world including the United States know how liars and cowards you really are!

    United States doesn’t like to help out cowards and you have to start hearing that if you haven’t already!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    There are SPLA in Kurmok,Kadugli and Kauda,all those areas are North Sudan,now you are denying presence of SPLA in the north,what type of human Phillip Aguer is?just remain one month for your lie to be proof,……

  • liberator3

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    SPLA spokesman, Col. Philip Aguer Panyangand SPLM(communists)

    You are now admitting the fact that those two regions should be part of the North even if force to by Jallaba. what a travesty.

    You are also admitting that Abyei is part of the North because the North knows Abyei is part of South Sudan Kurdofan.

    Now, you see how foolish you are. you been calling the rebels all kinda of name and even arrogantly saying that they do not have political agenda and do not know what they are fighting for. well, how comes your political genius is failing you if since, you are a political novice without military strength. You are neither military man nor a political novice, instead a confused looters of South Sudan resources!

    Abyei is now part of South Kordufan! i didn’t say it the SPLA spokeman said it! Khartoum will cease on this very soon folks. Mark my word!

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    Actualy, i would have agreed with you but you take it in different direction, and by the way, there are SPLA troops on those mention but they are not there to fight but belong there it is their homeland, so where do you when them to go?

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    Dear brothers,

    You learn politics before you open your mouth loud in the public without knowing the message behind the wall.

    This site is monitored by CIA and you guys need to be careful when exposing the issues about our security.

    Whether SPLA is in Blue Nile and Nuba, please its your non of your bussiness because you guys know nothing about what is really going on in the South Sudan.

    You have nothing to add Whether SPLA is in the South or somewhere in the North.

    Please, select your words at this critical time other you are feeding our obvious enemy. Thanks

  • SPLA

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    Liberator 3,

    Actually, Riek Machar sold Abyei to jalaba. The price! is for jalaba to help him to becomes president of South Sudan.

  • Akuma

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    dinka dominate spla

    Wash your feet before you jump into things. I know this forum is provided to carter for your concerns BUT be mindful about them.

  • Man who knows truth
    Man who knows truth

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    Indeed bro,
    they should brush their teeth as a matter of necessity in politics before disclosing their father’s house property.
    I know some sounds more like traitors otherwise,big man[the spokeman]knows what he is doing!!!!!!!!!!!!
    let them keep their mouths shut if they lack comment.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    I do not see the reason why SPLA spokeman Col. Philip Aguer burdant himslef with denials. SPLA is not limited to Southern Army. It is Sudan People Liberation Army just like Sudan Army forces. The message conveyed by SAF is that after the CPA, there is no SPLA in the Northern States. Fullstop. Whether it is a disarment policy or reintegration is not known. But the SAF and NCP does not want the existence of the SPLA/M in the North. They do not even want them to be reintegrated.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    Akuma please go back and read what i wrote, incase you didn’t read it the SPLA which are persent in north Sudan are citizen of that stat, and i hope you know the names SPLA dose not stand for south sudan, so posible there must be SPLA troop there, i hope you get me right, thanks

  • Akuma

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    @ Cibaidapiath Junub

    The denial by SPLA spokeman Philip Aguer P is not your concern brother or sister. This statement is the respond to SAF guest and we shouldn’t jump into it like that, coz these are political concerns as I think so. Please let’s be careful for further reveal of some words unnecessary. Thank you.

  • dakin

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    Coward dinka spla,
    Don’t cheat yourself, I would agree with you too if you had said there are dinka spla deployed in these two mentioned regions. You are again contradicting yourself like your uncle aguer.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan

    Those confused Generals and politicians of the SPLA/M syndicate are horrified and terrified as well by that humble defeat suffered by their SPLA militia in the hand of our SAF friends in Abyei.

    Philip Aguer of SPLA syndicate is a professional liar indeed. Philip is shamefully trying to deny what has already been comfirmed by Malik Agar himself when he said that the SPLA troops in his state are blong to there and thus they should’nt be asked to go to South Sudan,which make sense.

    Malik also disclosed that he received a letter from SAF asking him to disarm his troops which also makes sense, because as a matter of common sense, there is no need for SPLA present in both Southern Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states of North Sudan as its the SPLA/M that left them behind when it chose separation over the unity of Sudan and sooner rather than later the militia will form the World’s most backward, lawless and corrupt nation in Southern Sudan,

    So, logically speaking, SAF must make sure that any SPLA soldier in those two Northern states must either be disarmed or asked to go Southward to 1956 South-North borders before July the 9.

    SAF and the NCP have to know that SPLA/M present in North Sudan, after the independency of Southetn Sudan, will be like leaving of remnants or residues of cancer cells after remission, which always multiply and divide and repopulate or regrow and form the whole cancer again, those SPLA militia will be used by the SPLM syndictate to carry on to destablize North Sudan in order to fulfil the SPLM’s already failed elusive dream of the so-called New Sudan vision.

    So, SAF must make sure it destroy the militia before it aquires American weapons and become another Isreal in African soil. SAF must cut the head of the snake and not its tail, the head of SPLA militia is in those Northern states. the tail is in Southern Sudan which is already in deep shit with Peter Gatdeit that is cutting it bit by bit in daily bases and sooner it will be too short to cause any harm. Move your troops closer and disarm them or else let them go to southern Sudan, aslo, Arm Peter Gatdeit and Gorge Athur as enemy of your enemy is your friend!

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    @ Supporter of Naath Cause

    So You have just arrive with your comments. Abyei will never never be in the north as you preach to your masters [Arabs] to remain in Abyei no, you’re just gambling.

  • dakin

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    I love your name man. Contribute positively, Keep it local, keep it NAATH!
    UNITY of sudan, America, Israel- has nothing to do with NAATH.
    BUT two PEACEFUL countries of SOUTH and NORTH sudan with good relations FULL STOP!

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    George Bol,

    Thank you but remember that NISS agents are reading whatever we write but we need to let NISS and Northern Sudanese writers who write negative about South Sudan and still believe that South Sudan should be governed from Khartoum are damn wrong.

    I personally don’t believe in Omer Hassan Al-Bashir’s fake military superiority since Khartoum is cornered economically and politically by the result of last January referendum, criminally by ICC and partisan by hidden political fissure in its leadership. What do you folks think Bashir can do to make everything works his own ways any time? You can fool some people sometimes but not all the people all the time.

    Why does he (Bashir) think that he can do anything at his disposal now and go away with it? We should know pretty well that NCP only signed CPA theoretically but not to implement it practically on the ground because of its usual game of delay tactics intended to abrogate political accord as usual and deny freedom to periphery. Given the timeframe, we were supposed to finish implementation of CPA peacefully before the end of interim period, but Khartoum kept engaging us in useless formation of commissions, committees over and over without any tangible results or way forward.

    Bashir cannot say he will not recognize the independence of South Sudan if Abyei is not removed from the South Sudan’s constitution, North-South border is not demarcated, SPLA forces are not withdrawn from Blue Nile and South Kordofan, and all the other bullshits he says tomorrow. Failure to cooperate with the forces of peace, security and stability for the betterment of the two countries is only limiting his chance of military and political survival after July 9, 2011 and beyond. If those negative writers, southern traitors or NISS do not believe it, it’s their problem.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    George Bol,

    Thank you but remember that NISS agents are reading whatever we write but we need to let NISS and Northern Sudanese writers who write negative about South Sudan and still believe that South Sudan should be governed from Khartoum are damn wrong.

    I personally don’t believe in Omer Hassan Al-Bashir’s fake military superiority since Khartoum is cornered economically and politically by the result of last January referendum, criminally by ICC and partisan by hidden political fissure in its leadership. What do you folks think Bashir can do to make everything works his own ways any time? You can fool some people sometimes but not all the people all the time.

    Why does he (Bashir) think that he can do anything at his disposal now and go away with it? We should know pretty well that NCP only signed CPA theoretically but not to implement it practically on the ground because of its usual game of delay tactics intended to abrogate political accord as usual and deny freedom to periphery. Given the timeframe, we were supposed to finish implementation of CPA peacefully before the end of interim period, but Khartoum kept engaging us in useless formation of commissions, committees over and over without any tangible results or way forward.

    Bashir cannot say he will not recognize the independence of South Sudan if Abyei is not removed from the South Sudan’s constitution, North-South border is not demarcated, SPLA forces are not withdrawn from Blue Nile and South Kordofan, and all the other bullshits he says tomorrow. Failure to cooperate with the forces of peace, security and stability for the betterment of the two countries is only limiting his chance of military and political survival after July 9, 2011 and beyond. If those negative writers, southern traitors or NISS do not believe it, it’s their problem.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch.

  • Adam

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    Another evidence of betrayal and weakness to address crucial problems. How dare he make such an announcement. SPLA is in South Kordofan and Blue Nile. They are registered and getting all the support. Their salaries, weapons, military ranking command and all other known and unknown matters are directly and organically linked to the GoSS. No one will buy this none sense.

    Yes! SPLA in these areas are Northerners but they are under the command of the South. The GoSS should find them a solution. They were the backbone of SPLM/A. Yesterday, I suggested that they should be honored with the citizenship of the South because they deserve it and also to reduce their anger and feeling of negligence and marginalization made on them by the corrupted GoSS.

    I think the stupid SPLA leadership thinks that by making this announcement they will solve the problem and convince the world that they do not have relationship with SPLA in these areas, as they are lying that they are not sponsoring Darfur rebels. If SAF launches attack on SPLA in South Kordofan and Blue Nile they will be forced to surrender and run into the South. All the modern weapons will be taken by SAF. Then we will add a serious problem to our endless ones. I never exclude that they may run with their weapons and destabilize the whole region.

    Another important issue. If war started in the North, the first victims will be Southerners. The GoSS will face clear war and SAF will openly sponsor any person or group who would like to fight this corrupted Junta, starting with the SSLA.

    What a betrayal? No morals – No feelings – No conscious. No brains.

    Down with SPLA wherever it is.

    Adam Milawaki
    Juba, South Sudan

  • Abikach Ayuel
    Abikach Ayuel

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    Stupid aimless dogs are barking like mad men ! shame on u all for u don’t know what u r doing in this world !

    Do u think u please the world with your rogued comments on Sudan affairs ? I feel shame to be part of u and I wish I could change u for good people that will work for South Sudan and Sudan at large !

    Think guys do not act like mad beings who deserve to be diagnose of what they r GOING through !

    Shame shame shame on u all whether u comment well or badly u deserve nothing but shame !

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    Garang’s disciples,

    Your King was forced not only to divorce/abandone the alliance, but also forced to accepted the self-determination for South which he opposed since 1983.

    Your King called SPLA/M 1st National Convention at Chukudum in 1994 and the self-determination for South Sudan was the first agenda from that Convention.

    The movement changed from its former name SPLA/M as it was well known back then to SPLM/A. Mr. Marxist-Leninist put self-determination for South Sudan to be the first agenda/priority whenever there is a peace talks with Khartoum gov’t and he himself signed for it 22 years later.

    Mr. Marxist-Leninist gave up his “New Sudan,” vision, a vision he always refers as a “vision of no-return.” This raised too many unsettling questions from his allies especially the inner circle of NDA, Nuba Mnts and Blue Nile who were oblivious and betrayed at the same time by his self-observed “New Sudan,” vision until they realized that Mr. Marxist-Leninist shamelessly made a U-turn which left them in illusion.

    Therefore, Abyei which was sold to the North by Deng Majok in 1905 for his family benefits, cannot and will never keep South Sudan hostage. Let the Gangs of Deng Majok or likes fight their war alone.

  • AdierCien

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen

    In fact we don’t demand any single help from you, keep your mouth away from us Abyei issues is ours. Even you who speak like this are not prepare for the south Sudan I think and it does’t want you. You’re just preaching rubbish history. Please heed this speech Dr John Garang gave to the distinguish crowd in Nyaywo Stadium in Nairobi during the signing of 2005 comprehensive peace agreement Known as [CPA]; I and those who where with me in the bush have brought to you CPA in Golden Flate. Now it is your turns when time come to vote, you decide whether to be a 2nd class citizen in your own country. It ‘s absolutely your choice. Dr John Garang de Mabior was meaning separation in which we will be celebrating coming July 9th,2011. Before the history, he was playing politics in your eyes that’s why He came up with the Idea of New Sudan BUT his vision was to free southerners from slavery as you’re enjoying freedom of expression today.

    God forgive our enemies and bless South Sudan.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    My friend it sounds very ridiculous to compare SPLA militia with SAF. The SPLA lost its legitimacy when the militia gave up what it claims to be fighting for, the so-called New Sudan Vision and chose separaion of Al Jeunub al sudan over the unity! So, how could it be still called SPLA when it is going to be an army of ROSS after July the 9?

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    Brothers, some of U knows what are the implications of denying and not denying an for that matter both of U are correct in the sense that, What is going on is not known by the otherside of the world.

    Security of our New Nation is at our own threat.
    our little differences are surmounting our liberty,freedom what do U say to such people,bellys are driving Us,so all wants to have thesame like so and so, especially when he was not a such during our bush time and he is now doing this and having that, what about me the great fighter,

    those of so and so run out side the country or betray the Nation by going outisde now they are the so and so,let’s pray nothing happen to them at the moment and time will come when they will be our people and still within one cause.
    time will come when all of U who are now belaming the SPLA, will say,ho we are sorry we didn’t knew the plan it is not every thing that will be known by all of Us, otherwise no Government.
    that is how we need to be very careful with things brothers.

  • saban John
    saban John

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    those troops are from south sudan because they support wrong politics of splm. I am south sudanese but I support the politic of national congress party because they love all sudanese and wants to keep them together as brothers and sisters mean while splm on the other hand are playing politics of division.

    It is not a surprise because south sudanese are not intelligent because we are of african origin. I always let arab who are my friends to decide for me because I know the truth. I am black and therefore not intelligent like them

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    My friend

    Are you telling the whole wide world that late Garang de Mabour was insincere when he used to claim to be fighting the New Sudan and was Just pretending to be fighting to liberate the sidelined or merginalised people in Sudan such as Nuba, junubiin and Funji?

    Was John Garang just using them in order to help him to liberate southern Sudan? If that is cae then no wonder why he died so horribly and terribly by burning because he was just a ruthless killer who did not care about human lives and Southern Sudan will not be blessed but cursed becasuse of how Garang stupidly spilt the blood of those he used and got killed just for the sake of Junub Sudan, that will take another century in order for it to see peace given the horrific way it was gained.

    Point of correction please! Garang was a wise man, I do not believe Garng can call a peace that cost him at least 2 milion person that he brought in a golden plate, even plastic plate atill too expensive for CPA, the real suitable plate for that is the bloody plate!!

    It that iqs true SPLA/M, could be sued by the people whose kids were killed in the name of New Sudan!!!

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SPLA denies having troops in Sudan’s Blue Nile and S. Kordofan
    Abyei Soil

    they are your masters but my friends because we are fighting the same enemy the SPLA syndicate. You have been their slaves for a century and you will still continue to be their servant for the next centuries to come as long as Abyei remains as a northern state.

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